Kasugano Qiong: "Wait a minute! If Onii-chan stays in this state and grows up again, wouldn't I also have a chance? The age gap that was not a problem in the first place will become completely non-existent."

Bai Ge: "Yeah!!!"

The silver-white haired girl with twin ponytails seemed to have discovered a new world, and she began to think about it. If she looked like this, she and Bai Ge would not be "brothers and sisters."

It’s related.

If she is eight years old, she can even be a sister, and more importantly, a boy and girl of almost the same height and age can "restart" together.

It’s not a dream to become a couple when you grow up! Xiaoqiong: “Is this the hidden route to victory?”

Yoshino: "Really, really, Xiaoqiong!"

Bai Ge: "It seems that during the seven days when the antidote is made, it will be safer for me to live outside."

Asuna: "But what should we do with Hakuge at school?"

Seeing the worried expression on the furious healer, Bai Ge wanted to just ask for a week's leave. Anyway, he often took leave, but Irisviel and Haihara Ai suddenly thought of something.

There was some expectation, but in Bai Ge's eyes, it was a very dangerous look.

So the next day followed in the first grade classroom of Didan Elementary School.

Teacher Sumiko Kobayashi: "This is the new classmate who transferred here today, Snow Ge von Einzbern. Everyone should get along well."

Xue Ge Bai Ge: "I'll strangle you"

Conan: "Why does this guy look so familiar?"

Hui Yuan Ai: "Huh, huh huh"

Chapter 749, Conan’s Hard Life

"This is the new transfer student, classmate Xue Ge von Einzbern. Everyone should get along well."

On the podium, teacher Xiaolin Chengzi from the first grade class of Shendan Primary School is introducing transfer students. Although I don’t know why a transfer student Ke came only two months ago, and recently a Haiyuan came, and now another one has come.

"Wow, what a good-looking boy!"

"My hair is so long and beautiful!"

"Classmate Xue Ge, please sit here with me!"

Looking at the group of little kids with sparkling eyes under the podium who were looking at him curiously, Xue Ge maintained a polite smile on his face, but his heart was broken and he started to curse.

Let me go! Is this interesting? Why do we have to go to elementary school! We will graduate from high school in a while, okay! Going back to before liberation this night is a bit too much! By the way, Bai Ge and Hui The drug-addicted trio, who turned out to be in the same class as Conan, were now together.

Teacher Kobayashi Sumiko: "Then Yuge-san's seat will be"

Xue Ge: "Don't bother teacher, I'll just sit next to that girl."

Very consciously, he walked over and sat next to Haiyuan Ai. The brown-haired girl couldn't suppress the smile on her face at this time and tried not to laugh out loud. Bai Ge, uh, no, it was Xue Ge who gave her a white look.

Xue Ge: "It's not because you forgot to make the antidote that you became like this."

Huiyuan: "Haha, it's a good thing that I forgot to make the antidote, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to see you like this, right, Xue Ge?"

Snow Song: "Don't sleep tonight"

The name "Stay Up Late to Make the Antidote" was decided at a meeting yesterday. Bai Ge didn't know why it was just a smaller name. Everyone in the castle was so excited that they could discuss it for a long time, including Gilgamesh and Asuna. They all had very lively discussions.

But the name is pretty good, at least it sounds more like Conan than Edogawa Conan: "Um..., hello, Yuki-san."

Yuki: "Oh, hello, Edogawa-san."

Looking at the innocent face of Kudo Shinichi who was greeting him, Bai Ge also felt a little chilly. Brother, although you have become smaller, why don't you act so devotedly? What's so special about this? There is also a hint of the famous high school detective. I was originally thinking of waiting for Xiao Ai to find the antidote, and then I really wanted to give you a 1, but now it seems I’d better say no.

Then when the teacher announced the disbandment moment, Xue Ge was directly surrounded by a group of primary school students after class.

"Hello, classmate Xue Ge, where do you live?"

"Would you like me to take you for a walk around the school?"

"Do you want to go home together after school today?"

It's really enthusiastic enough. Although Bai Ge said thank you very much for welcoming me so much, we are physically and mentally exhausted from retaking the first grade of elementary school, so why don't you order.

Xue Ge: "Ahem, Xiao Ai has just agreed on the school, so I won't bother you."

Ayumi: "Hey! Do you know me, Xue Ge?"

Snow Song: "We are more than consciousness."

We still live in the same house, eat together, live together, and occasionally sleep together. Even though we are eight years old now, we already have a girlfriend. If we say this, it will definitely cause a huge commotion.

But looking at the little loli named Yoshida Ayumi in front of him, Bai Ge also felt a little emotional. Since Conan is here, it is normal for these teenagers to commit suicide in the same class.

If possible, he will show up

Now I want to transfer to another class! "Even if you throw me into elementary school, you can still throw me into Conan's class. Isn't this targeting me? Isn't this causing trouble for me!"

Xue Ge felt that a large group of death gods were approaching him.

This literally means it’s terrible! Originally, with Conan by his side, people would die wherever he went. This time, they actually come with three 3-year-old naughty kids who are trying to cause trouble. To be honest, Xue Ge is breaking out in a cold sweat. Now he’s dying there. It's normal for someone to fall. He wouldn't be surprised if there was a sudden scream. The danger of these guys gathering together is really too great! It's like a walking crime scene, is there..., wherever you go, people will die. !"What's wrong? Are you shaking?"

"Well, I feel very insecure now, Xiao Ai. I want to go home."

The only comfort is Huiyuan beside me.

Although this girl who has a mature heart, doesn't make trouble, is calm, smart and can be said to be very reliable, even though she has actually become like this, Haiyuan has 90% of the responsibility for coming to this place to retake elementary school.

But Xue Ge still couldn't help but want to lean next to her.

At the same time, the young man seeking death is also entangled with Bai Ge. The key is to drag him into the gang. To this, Xue Ge said that he only saw four 44 Death Gods waving to him, saying to join us. .

Ayumi: "Xue Ge, do you want to join us?"

Yuantai: "Hey, we are a young detective team! We have helped the police and adults solve many difficult incidents!"

Mitsuhiko: "Haihara-san and Conan are also part of us!"

You are helping the police and adults, causing various incidents, right! And I don’t care about you two, the former is definitely dragged into it by you! Conan: ""

Stop talking, I've long wanted to leave the group. It's not good to be with these naughty kids all day long. When I'm alone, we have an incident every two days. With this group of naughty kids, it's like walking two steps at a time. I'm so busy with events.

Ayumi: "By the way, Conan is not in good spirits."

Xue Ge: "Well why?"

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