Turning his head suddenly, Conan gritted his teeth and realized that while he was trying to find the cat and rummaging through the trash can, Xue Ge and Haiyuan not far away were holding a glass of luxurious milk tea each, sitting on a wooden bench and watching him busy. go.

Not to mention the two people's temperament that seems to yawn out of boredom from time to time when they stand together. In a sense, they are really a perfect match, but who cares! Come over and dig through the trash can! Why do I have to arrive in one day? You can only eat instant noodles at night. You can buy whatever delicacies you want every day. Can you be a human being? "Xiao Ai, I've been to the cake shop over there, and the tiramisu is delicious."

"Really? Then I'll write it down too."

"By the way, let's go buy a few portions and take them back as a late-night snack."

There is no such thing as anti-spam, it won't exist in this life. We are the kind of people who want to enjoy all the pleasant things. Besides, Xue Ge doesn't want to be dirty when we go back.

The only time he gets dirty is when the enemy's blood splashes onto him.

"But it's not possible to continue searching like this. Are there no more clues besides photos?"

Conan said.

"Ah, yes!"

Chapter 753: Conan, you are at the crime scene again

"Hey Conan, how long will it take for you to find classmate Xiaopang's cat? My family is still waiting for Xiao Ai and I to go back for dinner."

"You two have obviously eaten all the way, okay! Just now it was milk tea, and now it's turned into oden!"

Conan, who had worked hard to dig through dozens of trash cans and was completely dirty, had his mouth twitching and stared angrily at the man who was eating Oden-style Snow Song and Haiyuan ten meters away from him.

Is there any humanity left in this? You are still not a member of my young detective team, but you are blatantly lazy here! By the way, since Xue Ge came, Haiyuan has also been led astray by you. In the past, this guy would have helped I'm helping to find something! Haihara Ai said that it was his previous mistake. Why can't he help? Isn't it nice to eat something or watch a movie? "Uuuuuuuu, I'm hungry."

Ayumi said pitifully.

"Oh, Ayumi, come here too, I'll give you my share."

Seeing the little Loli looking tired and hungry, Xue Ge said how could a good person like him leave it alone?

I immediately gave away my oden, since the stall was right next to me and I finished my meal before buying it.

Let alone a piece of oden, it is not a problem even if the owner brings the store to buy it.

"Thank you, classmate Xue Ge, it's delicious."

"As long as you like it."

Should I say it was subconscious? Xue Ge raised his hand and touched Ayumi's head. Then Genta and Mitsuhiko, who were working hard to dig through the trash can with Conan, also looked envious. The former was envious that Ayumi had food, and the latter The one who envied Xue Ge for touching his head said, "I want to eat too, please share some with me!"

Mitsuhiko: "Me too"

Xue Ge: "Buy it yourself."

This is an unequal world. Appearance and gender are the most obvious inequalities. Xue Ge said no, we never invite boys! You two want to eat and buy it yourself. In fact, this is his little revenge. You should be lying on the big bed at home and enjoying life. It’s because of you that we were dragged here to find a cat! Conan: "You and Haiyuan have been eating and playing all the time, okay! Where have you found a cat?" Oh! I've been digging through the trash cans, okay!"

Xue Ge: "Tsk, what does eating and playing mean? It should be called a date after school!"

Conan: ""

A certain instant noodle primary school student finally realized that he couldn't talk to this person. It would be better to say that every time he talked to him, he would be severely punished:, or eat a meal of dog food.

However, there is no way to continue like this, and finding cats has also reached a bottleneck.

"Are there no other clues?"

Conan couldn't help but ask.

"Ah, let me think about it, my cat's meow is very special."

The chubby classmate said.

“What’s so special?”

"Meow ow"

Suddenly, at this moment, a cat meowed from nowhere, and the little fat man who was thinking about how he should meow it to Conan suddenly nodded when he heard it.

"That's it, that's the sound! That's what it's called!"

"The direction of the sound is over there!"

It was really better to wait, and this suddenly appeared. Surprise or surprise, this exhausting journey to find the cat was finally over. Conan happily looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a cat sticking its head out of the window of a nearby house and meowing just now. Conan was a little moved when he saw this. Meowing, I finally found it! But next A second of "Ahhhhhh!!!"

"Blood, blood!"

"Could he be injured?"

The cat jumped out of someone else's house and was covered in blood. This scene was really scary. Xue Ge and Haiyuan, who were cooking oden, almost choked, so they hurried over.

"Get out of the way! Let me take a look!"

"Snow, classmate Xue Ge"

"Just leave it to him!"

Haiyuan pulled Ayumi and said, knowing the boy's true attitude, he understood that others had made trouble for Xue Ge even in the past. If the cat was really injured and bleeding so much, then only Xue Ge could save it.

But just when the dragon elf was about to perform the healing magic without saying a word, Xue Ge was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, this blood is not from this cat. It is not injured."

"Well, what exactly is this blood?"

After careful inspection, I found that the cat was not injured, but it was covered in blood.

Xue Ge frowned. Even if it is not so obvious, there is still a difference between human and animal blood. Every dragon has an extremely sensitive instinct for blood. As a dragon king, he can still clearly distinguish between human and animal blood. the difference.

"No, this is human blood. Then someone in the house where the cat ran out just now must have been seriously injured! Go and have a look quickly!"

Snow Song shouted.

"I, I know!"

The first one to react was Conan. Without saying a word, he climbed over the railing and ran to the window where the cat had just jumped down. Then Ayumi and the others 3 also ran over.

Xue Ge threw the cat to the little fat man. He didn't expect to find such a thing when asking for a cat. If his premonition was good, he would probably be dead by now.

"Xiao Ai, go call the police! Call the Mumu police officers to come over! The ambulance is probably no longer needed."

Just by looking at Conan's expression, you knew that there must be someone dead inside the window. Xue Ge sighed and slowly walked over. He glanced inside the window and found that there was a bathroom inside.

However, there was a man who collapsed in the bathtub, with fatal blood left on his body. There was no way he could be saved.

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