For some reason, Conan felt that he should speak up and tell this person, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, at least Xue Ge looked more reliable than those trembling naughty kids over there.

Conan: "There are twin brothers living in this home. The one standing over there now is the twin brother. He is thirty-three years old this year. His brother is sleeping upstairs now."

Xue Ge: "Hmm, continue."

Just after Officer Megure arrived, the twin brother opened the door. After a few words with the police, he went to the second floor alone and said he went to sleep. Later, while the police were searching, the younger brother also went home.

Compared to his elder brother's temper, the younger brother's person seems to be more peaceful, but it should be said that they are indeed twins. There is really no difference between the two of them. The only difference is a beard.

That's what happened after that. No matter where I searched the house, I couldn't find a body.

"Have you discovered anything?"

Conan asked.

"I found a lot of doubts, well, maybe it's enough to solve the case."

Xue Ge said.

It's a lot simpler than expected, but it is indeed quite interesting. The corners of Xue Ge's mouth rose again. However, these words surprised Conan. He found the truth so quickly. He obviously just said what happened just once. This Have people arrived at the truth? As if seeing Conan's surprise, Xue Ge patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"In fact, it is very simple to solve a case. You just need to put yourself in the murderer's position and think about how to kill the target. If you think about it this way, you will make unexpected discoveries."

"It seems to make sense."

Conan nodded, looking like he was willing to be taught.

Chapter 755: Dangerous brother control

"If you want to uncover the truth of the case, you must understand the case and get close to the murderer. Your method, Conan, is to chase the murderer and solve the case in one go, but my method is to simulate the case from the murderer's point of view."

"Also, this method"

"Of course, imagine yourself as the murderer, and then think, speculate, and imagine how to kill the victim."

Xue Ge said coldly, glancing at the bathroom as if looking at the corpse that disappeared there. Conan couldn't help but shudder. He felt that the young man in front of him was too abnormal.

As a detective, he was curious and couldn't help but ask.

"Xue Ge, who are you?"

He didn't look like an eight-year-old child at all. Xue Ge shook his head and said.

"Don't ask this question, don't imagine this question, don't think about this question, Conan, don't open Pandora's box."

"This, this"

Seeing the serious expression on Xue Ge's face, Conan couldn't help but swallowed. He thought to himself whether he had asked something he shouldn't have asked, and after thinking about it, he chose not to ask Xue Ge.

Snow Song: "Huh, trouble."

In fact, Xue Ge was just scaring the child. It would be a bit troublesome for Conan to desperately trace his true identity. He put on a scary expression and released some murderous intent, and it seemed to have a good effect.

"Rather than this, hurry up and find Officer Megure and the others. It's time to end this interesting reasoning game."

"You've really solved the case!"

"Nonsense, such a small incident can still stump this young master. It can be solved easily. Those losers haven't noticed it until now. Zhen Te Miao is a bunch of fools."


Conan felt like he was shameless and dumbfounded:, turned around and ran over and started calling people over, please don't say so much, okay? We are not stupid, although we don't understand what is going on.

But our famous high school detective cannot be a fool. Our smart brain has a frighteningly high IQ, but the sad thing is that in front of him is an all-powerful genius.

However, recent cases have always been taken advantage of by others, and he has failed to solve the case first several times. Conan said that he was very unwilling to do so. If this continues, his reputation as a detective will not be preserved.

Soon, police officers came over.

"As I said, there are no murders here, so you kids can stop messing around here, okay?"

"Believe us, someone really died in this bathroom!"

"Ayumi, don't be like this. What a detective needs is evidence. Asking others to believe like this is not what a detective should do."

Xue Ge said lightly, and Ayumi nodded after hearing this, and ran behind Xue Ge with a sniff.

"Officer Megure, I already know the location of the body and the criminal's method."


Although he honestly thought it was a kid's joke, the boy with white eyes and long hair made him feel very convinced, as if he should choose to believe whatever he said.

This is a matter of temperament. Although his body has shrunk to the age of eight, Xue Ge is still Bai Ge. As the White Dragon King, as a tyrant elf, his temperament as a root will not be reduced in any way.

In this instant, he became the focus of the scene.

"The prisoner is your twin brother!"


The whole audience looked at the snow-white haired boy in surprise. They obviously didn't even identify the body. How did this good-looking boy identify the murderer? "Little brother, don't talk nonsense. Uncle, I didn't kill anyone." ."

The younger brother said quickly.

"Haha, this incident is the most

The key point is the body. Where did the body that disappeared before our eyes go? Officer Memu searched the whole house but couldn't find it. I have to say you hid it really well."

"You! What are you talking about, you brat!"

As if being stimulated, the younger brother became nervous.

The corners of Xue Ge's mouth raised slightly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. The murderer's brother was stared at by those eyes, feeling that he was being stared at by a superior being.

"Your brother who is sleeping upstairs right now is the corpse!"

"Wha, what!"

It was as if a bomb had fallen into it, and everyone took a step back in cold sweat. Officer Mu Mu felt that he could no longer look down on the young man in front of him, so he said quickly.

"But, isn't the man who opened the door for us just now his brother? He is obviously still alive."

"That's just what this person pretended to be. They are twins. The only difference between them is that they have a beard and that they don't have a beard. The real body was placed on the second floor before you, Officer Memu, came here."

After that, the younger brother pretended to be the elder brother and claimed to be going to sleep on the second floor. In fact, he was trying to cover up the dead brother who was lying on the recliner on the second floor, making people mistakenly think that it was not a corpse but a sleeping person.

He himself escaped from the second floor window before the police searched the second floor. There happened to be a tree there that could be used as a ladder. As long as he took off his fake beard, he could re-enter the house as his younger brother. .

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