
Just after coming to this world, there are endless pursuits and attacks. Even now that Bai Ge has solved the society, there are still, or even formed, many other groups targeting the elves.

That cannot be eliminated, unless Bai Ge directly threatens the head of state to stop them from harming the elves, but this will not solve the problem.

The only way is to protect them, contact them, open the hearts of the elves, and let them live in this world as humans.

"There's only one person who can do this, and that's me."

"Indeed, you are the only one in this world who can save us elves, Bai Ge."

Baige is the same elf, and he is the only male elf born with the help of Mio. At least he has better communication skills with elves than ordinary people.

"I got power from the elves, which can protect you and the people around you, so I also want to save them. This can be regarded as my obligation to accept these powers. It can be said to be self-satisfaction."

Bai Ge smiled as if he was laughing at himself.

This is just his own wishful thinking, wanting to save, protect, etc. It is just a kind of arrogance and hypocrisy, because while protecting the elves, he also picked up the sword to hurt others.

Therefore, he does not think that his actions are great and worthy of admiration. He is just a greedy dragon who is loyal to his heart.

However, Mio was a little moved.

"If you call saving the elves yourself

If you are satisfied and call this behavior arrogance, then there is no more noble arrogance in the world."

At least he has always been there: The self beside Bai Ge, who was also saved by him, knows the "arrogance" of the young man

Yes and to what extent it saved itself.

His "arrogance"

and "selfish"

, allowing myself who can only destroy this world to be reborn, giving myself a meaningless life, and even giving myself happiness.

"Yes, this is just your self-satisfaction, but everyone has been saved by such a white song. There is no more noble willfulness in the world than this."

Mio buried her head in the boy's arms and said with gratitude and emotion. Her face was blushing as if she was shy but also proud.

But there is no doubt that in the past, she was just an original elf, but now Mio has become a real girl.

Bai Ge also blushed and scratched his head.

"I'm a little embarrassed to be praised like this."

"Because, what I said is the truth."

"Well, well, there is actually another reason."

Mio looked up in confusion. In her opinion, there was no more "self-satisfaction" than just now.

She needed even more reasons, but the moment she saw Bai Ge's expression.

The elf girl showed an expression of understanding, and Bai Ge's eyes became extremely bright and hot, as if she was speaking with longing and excitement.

"Because it's fun!"

Every encounter with an elf is the beginning of a wonderful story for him. Although the process is somewhat troublesome and dangerous, those encounters are so wonderful.

This is exactly the "interesting" Bai Ge pursues

! Is there anything wrong with searching for an encounter in the epicenter of space? Bai Ge said that there was absolutely no mistake.

He is a tyrant who pursues excitement and pleasure. What he craves is new encounters and beautiful stories. Nothing makes him happier than encounters with those mysterious and powerful elf girls! Bai Ge: "So Ah, one elf or two elf, it doesn't matter how many come! I warmly welcome them to this world."

Mio smiled slightly: "Bai Ge, you are too greedy."

Of course, he is a monster who is more greedy and lusty than anyone else, but it is precisely because of this that he is so dazzling and will never follow ordinary people and move forward on the path he chooses.

At the same time, as if feeling Bai Ge's determination, the phone rang, and extraordinary news came from Wuhe Qin.

Kotori: "Bai Ge, come here quickly. The elf "Sister" you rescued from there just woke up!"

Bai Ge: "Nani! Wait, I'll come now!"

No, a new encounter begins unexpectedly.

Chapter 777: The weird one among the elves

"Kotori, is it true that... the elf has woken up!"

"Ah, yes, my consciousness finally recovered."

Bai Ge flew directly onto the air battleship of "Fraxinas", and the commander Loli girl with red twin tails had already appeared in front of him, obviously waiting for him.

Bai Ge couldn't wait to ask about the situation, and there was also a little expectation in his heart.

Kotori: "It should be said that she deserves to be an elf. If she were an ordinary person, her original physical condition would be considered mild even if she turned into a vegetative state. But she slowly recovered on her own and our treatment had no effect. .”

"After all, he is an elf, so it is not easy to die."

Bai Ge shrugged and said calmly.

After all, elves are powerful beings who stand at the top of the world's combat power. They occasionally appear and appear, and buildings with a radius of thousands of meters and hundreds of meters are forcibly demolished.

The spiritual power of elves can also be said to be a kind of omnipotent energy. As long as it is not completely dead, it is not easy even if you want to die. No matter how serious the injury is, you can fully recover.

Speaking of this, Bai Ge remembered what Mio had said to herself. There was a time before she met Bai Ge that she wanted to understand her meaningless life, but because she was too powerful, she could not die no matter how hard she tried to commit suicide. .

Then Mio listed several examples of his own suicide, and Bai Ge broke into cold sweat after listening to it. Then, this... the initial elf lady found a close friend in the castle, a certain immortal who only knew how to eat pizza and order pizza all day long. The hair witch said that she also wanted to die.

"But this has made her sleep for two or three volumes. If she doesn't wake up, I will probably forget about her."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Kotori rolled her eyes.

Bai Ge waved his hand. At first, he thought it was really annoying, so he simply killed the opponent's lair, and then accidentally discovered the only elf captured.

That is the newly awakened Honjou Niya, identified as "Nun"! To be honest, Baige doesn't know much about her, because the original Date A Live series has not yet released the plot of the fourth season, and the name was something she heard before time travel. of.

The only impression Erya has on Baige is that he is the most useless among all the elves! Not to mention elves of Mio, Baige, and Wanyuri, even the Seven Sins and Shitono can do it She was so weak that she was beaten down. Otherwise, there were so many elves, but she was caught.

Bai Ge: "Then I was tortured severely: If other elves can't defeat Ailian, at least they can run away."

But in a sense, "Shuhonjo Nia" can also be said to be the most terrifying elf! Because although her own fighting ability is very weak, she might not be able to defeat even a demonic origami.

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