Although Mio was still very wary in the end and sat very close to Tobiichi Origami, if Origami dared to make any move... the danger level was only level five, and Origami without a display device would be immediately killed. Leave it.

"Ahem, Mio, how is... Qiong's body recovering? Did you take the medicine I prepared for her on time?"

"Well, the child's body is slowly recovering, probably so that he can be with Bai Bai as soon as possible.

Go to school...but it seems like you are still suffering,"

"Ahaha, I'll buy a very sweet cake as a reward when I go back."

Bai Ge laughed a few times, but he would not admit that it was actually what he wanted to eat. Cake and black tea have always been Bai Ge's favorite combination.

I haven't eaten for a while recently and I'm hungry.


Mio tilted her head, she couldn't understand what it was.

"By the way, Mio didn't eat it either. It's a very delicious thing. Do you want to go together after school today?"

Bai Ge said, he is happy

I also hope my girls will like the things I like, but Mio is also a girl, so I believe she won’t hate cakes.

Just as he was thinking this, the girls who had been listening to their conversation with their ears pricked up since just now couldn't help but want to join the conversation.

"Can you let me join in on the cake thing?"


Her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia tapped Bai Ge's shoulder from behind, with an expectant and eager expression as if she wanted to join them.

Bai Ge smiled and touched Euphemia's head. Her Royal Highness did not want to eat cake... although it might be

That's part of the reason, but more of it is the longing for "where to go with friends after school."

After all, she was born as a princess, and she had to be restricted by many things that she needed, so she longed for such ordinary things. In the heart of Euphemia Li Britannia, the person who could fulfill her wish was There is only Bai Ge.

Fortunately, Bai Ge did not disappoint her.

"Then let's go together. I know a very good cake shop."

"Well! Thank you Bai Ge!"

"Haha, thank you for nothing~ Yuffie and I are friends."

Her Royal Highness seemed to be moved by him simply. Well, in fact, even in normal times, Bai Ge was the only one who could sit down and talk to her naturally.

Everyone else was more or less concerned about Euphemia's identity.

"Then, I'll call the driver now and tell him he won't pick me up today."

The princess excitedly took out her mobile phone, Huawei P30 foldable model, the latest model this year... although Euphemia would only use it to make calls.

By the way, Bai Ge is also a little curious about Yuffie’s sister, Cornelia Li Brie.

What kind of attitude did Tania have towards her? During the parents' meeting, although Cornelia did not come in person because of the impact, her knight Gilbert did come.

That person had been sizing up Bai Ge for a long time... It's not hard to imagine that Cornelia wanted to know Bai Ge's information.

"By the way, Sister Cornelia said that she would like to meet Bai Ge if there is a chance." Euphemia said.

"Hmm, I just think it's about time. Let's discuss a time while eating cake."

Touching his chin, Bai Ge said.

At the same time, the boys around heard their comments

The corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch as they spoke. Although they had already gained insights from the last parent-teacher meeting, someone still made them lament over and over again, "Why are the gaps between people so big?"

School hasn't even ended yet, but this guy has already made an appointment with two super beautiful girls for an after-school date, one of whom is Her Royal Highness! The flower of the high mountains in their eyes, the person who would be ecstatic for a long time even if he was hit on by a word.

In front of Bai Ge, she is just a simple girl.

"Sometimes I really want him to teach me a few tricks."

"Hey, if I had

He is half, no, one-third good-looking. Even if I am a scumbag, I will still have girls chasing after him. "

"I agree, but you don't have... not even one tenth!"

Everyone sighed bitterly, and then turned their grief into appetite and poured spoons into their lunch boxes.

Asking for flowers, asking for tickets, and asking for rewards.


Chapter 84, Male Protagonist: "My hands are itchy" (please give me flowers)

The afternoon class hadn't started yet, and when Kirisu Mafuyu saw the note that Baige casually threw on her desk, she felt bad.

[I'm going out to play for three or four periods. I'll be back before school. ]

That genius problem child skipped class again. Kirisu Mafuyu's mouth twitched wildly. If possible, she wanted to put a chain on Baige, but it was obviously unrealistic.

And in fact, the principal also acquiesced to someone's behavior, saying that "geniuses need a free environment", but in fact she knew that it was not enough to give this "super genius" the lenient privileges given by the school.

Especially when Bai Ge actually let Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizhu achieve such results in the last midterm exam... It is said that the principal is considering giving Bai Ge a few more students to help him improve the admission rate.

For example, there are beautiful quintuplets who have low grades like Furuhashi and Ogata, but whose family is very wealthy, and the principal's own daughter...

The school didn't care at all about giving Bai Ge some special privileges. When the time came, he would just say that he would go back to study on his own.

Although Mr. Kirisu expressed obvious dissatisfaction with this.

"I'm angry. I'm going to teach this guy a lesson when I come back!" Mei

Rei's female teacher said so.


Bai Ge and Mio had already run to the sea outside Sakura City.

It's not that the two of them wanted to go on a beach date, but someone felt itchy.

Bai Ge: "Ahhhh~ I really want to fight~"

Mio: "If Shiro wants to, just do it."

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