Bai Ge: "Huh, if this is the case, there's nothing we can do about it, so stay up all night! Uh, no, stay up all night!"

"As the saying goes, staying up late is harmful to your health, so I suggest you just stay up all night!"

After that, when he was really sleepy, Bai Ge went to sleep at about four o'clock. Halfway through the game, he just got the pentakill game and gave up. He just left it there and hung up.

It wasn't until he woke up at noon that Bai Ge discovered that he had been jointly reported by his teammates and liked by his enemies.

1 p.m. 1 "Haha, it's so refreshing to sleep until I wake up naturally!"

"Master, now he looks like Semiramis"


Bai Ge smiled slightly, leaned back on the sofa, holding black tea, and raised his hand to touch the head of the blue-haired maid who was waiting beside him.

The Semiramis that Rem was talking about was the heroic spirit who lived in the Einzbern Castle and poisoned the Empress. She was a peerless beauty who exuded a decadent atmosphere! She had a huge heart! Although the dragon elf is not a peerless beauty, she is The women's clothing is also absolute, and the temperament of this product is also quite decadent, and the whole person exudes an aura of laziness.

"This is not good, so although it is very late now, I still recommend that you go to the school for a walk."

Rem said.

"Ah ha, I don't want it."

Bai Ge is decisive

Shake your head and refuse, what kind of school should you go to? School is a place for learning, but do we need it? This genius has both IQ and EQ off the charts.

In addition, I have the "嗫典帙" in my hand. This thing is even better than Baidu. If you want to know something, just go and investigate it. It's faster than asking the teacher! So for the dragon elves, the school is completely It's meaningless. He didn't go there to study, he went there to experience life! "I have that free time, wouldn't it be nice to continue being lazy at home? When I go to school, I just lie on the table and sleep, or admire It’s just the beautiful scenery outside the window.”


For a moment, Rem really didn't know what to say, after all, that was exactly what Bai Ge said.

He picked up two biscuits from the table and threw them into his mouth. Bai Ge smashed them twice and stood up from the sofa. He stretched out and made crackling sounds all over his body.

"Well, even though just continuing to stay at home and living a life of eating, drinking and sleeping is intoxicating, we are not otaku NEETs."


"Anyway, let's go out for a walk first. I hope I can encounter something interesting."

Maybe there will be a wonderful encounter or something, Bai Ge is looking forward to it as expected, but he still has to wait for him to find the car keys and drive out.

I heard the voice of the girl next to me.

Rem: "I'm very sorry, the Ferrari has been repaired today."

Bai Ge: "Hey!"

Rem: "When Mrs. Ellie went racing two days ago, her engine accidentally overheated and broke."

That violently modified Ferrari.

In the end, it was destroyed to the point of repair in the hands of the Einzbern mother and son. In fact, the supercar that Bai Ge was equipped with "Monster Engine" is not easy to survive today.

After all, the Hummer pursues extreme speed and does not consider safety at all. To put it metaphorically, it is like giving a strong horse a lot of stimulants.

Although the speed has increased, it is not surprising to die suddenly at any time.

Bai Ge: "Forget it, then I'll just walk. It's a journey without a destination anyway. It doesn't matter where we go. We'll be where we go."

In life, everyone needs a trip that can be taken away at any time! Go to the end of the world and come back when you are tired! "I wish you a happy journey."

The long blue hair is the maid's blessing and cheers for the dragon spirit's journey.

Chapter 814, Bar

In a certain bar.

Dim lights, the aroma of wine, and elegant light music also decorate the atmosphere, and in such an environment.

A young man with long snow-white hair was drinking quietly.

The ladies' eyes have been focused on this young man from the beginning, and the conversation surrounding the young man is also quietly going on.

"Hey, waiter, who is that white-haired boy in front of the bar?"

"Miss, I'm sorry. This young master is here for the first time today. We don't know anything about him."

"Oh, he's so handsome."

The long-haired young lady looked in the direction of Bai Ge and continued to drink a glass of wine from the goblet. Her face showed a faint crimson color. She didn't know whether it was because the alcohol content was too high or because of her girlish feelings.

Similar conversations were going on quietly around them.

The white-haired boy attracted too much attention. He was obviously just drinking quietly here, but without saying a word, he became the protagonist of this space.

Because his appearance and temperament are so eye-catching, he is like an elegant and noble prince who sneaked out of his castle today and came to this bar for adventure.

Countless young ladies said: “I wonder if I can go up and get a phone number or something.”

At this time, the manager of this bar couldn't help but think that if the boy came to their bar every three to five times, his sales would definitely increase dramatically. If nothing else, these nymphomaniac women in front of him would definitely come here to report! A guy who... doesn't say a word, but makes countless young ladies bow to him with his temperament and looks, is naturally Bai Ge.

Bai Ge: "This is a bar. It seems like I'm really thinking about it. Not bad."

Although Bai Ge was familiar with most of the interesting places in this city, this was his first time visiting a place like this bar.

When I happened to be passing by today, he suddenly became interested and walked in.

Looking around curiously, Bai Ge nodded with satisfaction. With the dim lights and ambiguous atmosphere, it was indeed a good place to drink and seek encounters.

Bai Ge: "How should I put it? I have a feeling that the adult feel would be very suitable for Medea, Medusa, and Sister Yu's version of the Seven Sins."

This guy is now thinking about whether he should build a bar in Einzbern Castle when he goes home tonight, add a dance floor, and hire a beautiful girl to be a bartender or something.

Thinking of this, Bai Ge's lips curled up slightly. It was just his whim, but he was indeed the kind of guy...who could accomplish his whim easily.

However, if I am a little dissatisfied, Bai Ge said: "The wine here is a bit unpalatable. The taste is not mellow, and the wine aroma is not delicious enough. It is not as good as the bottle I drank with egg fried rice last night."

This is natural. The bottle of red wine he drank last night was worth millions. This bar is

All the wines were not as expensive as his sip! It seemed to be a brand exclusive to the royal family. Bai Ge couldn’t remember how he got it in the first place. It seemed like it was given to him by Euphemia! Her Royal Highness, a princess who was enamored with Bai Ge, gave her a few bottles of extremely precious wine. Her Majesty, the Emperor of Britannia, cried to death. What does it mean to be a great girl and not to be spared? This is it! And Euphemia Ya also said with a smile that if Bai Ge liked it, he could ask her for it at any time. The dragon spirit said that this was embarrassing. The two immediately joined forces and emptied the emperor's wine cellar.

That's right, one-third of Einzbern's underground wine cellar is the collection of the Emperor of Britannia! The wine that Emperor Xialu Lu was reluctant to drink was all taken over by Bai Ge. Now he demands this wine The small bar is as good as an emperor's wine cellar. I have to say that it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

Bai Ge: "Well, if that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it."

Suddenly at this moment.

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