
A sonic boom interrupted, and Jack and the general looked up at the sky and saw that the sky was scratched one after another, and hundreds of fighters penetrated the sky and earth, forming a neat group of fighters, flying forward.

At the same time, reinforcements rushing to this line of defense from all sides also arrived, and the roar of wings and jets also resounded in the sky above the base, and gunships and jet fighters swept over the sky above the base.

Formed a battle queue and flew straight out of the base.

And inside the coastal bases, a large number of soldiers like a major enemy quickly assembled, armored tanks, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns and other heavy firepower were waiting for the battle....



Under the sky, the air flow surged, the clouds covered the sky, the rolling clouds were scattered by the rapid black shadow, and the engine roar of the fighter group rushed through the sky, and the air explosion was thousands of meters away.

"The fleet has arrived at the designated location! Request indication"

"Very good, endless fire bombarded all weapons on the Nasaiyan."

"Hit him hard!"

"The white general in the Air Force command stood in the center of the command room, watching the plane come in real time," the Saiyan whereabouts showed above.

The Saiyans had no hidden meaning at all, flying straight towards the American plate at ten times the speed of sound.

But even with such a blatant act, the command could not come up with any countermeasures, and the sending of fighters was only to delay Vegeta's time.

At such an absolute speed, the so-called plan is funny.

No weapon can catch up with him, not even if you want to predict, the other party only slightly changes the direction of a centimeter, and the weapon cannot blow him up.

Report to the commander, the other party is still 100,000 meters away from the fighter group.

Report sir... Someone told Vegeta's location all the time.

Because the speed is too fast, just one second, the other party may appear 10,000 meters away.

"Falcon finds target!"

100,000 meters in a flash at the extreme speed of both sides.

The fighter formation was high in the sky, and the black pilot saw that a blurry black shadow on the edge of the sky had carried an overwhelming piercing sonic boom, dragging a wave of shock through the sky.

His gaze had just caught it, and he hadn't finished speaking. Kung Fu Vegeta, who did not blink an eye, appeared next to the fleet from the far edge of the sky at an unimaginable speed.

The pilot broke out in a cold sweat, and Vegeta's figure could not be detected under the electronic capture of the plane.

Vegeta's body was like a hurricane washing the sky for thousands of meters, the extreme speed, strong body, and explosive flame perfectly showed the power of higher creatures.

"Vegeta simply passed by, and did not glance at the fighter plane, but for the fleet, destruction suddenly came."



The black pilot heard the warning from the onboard megaphone, and boomed as he waited for him to react! The next second it was like a meteorite streaking through the hurricane air currents it carried.

Like paper, the plane was cut to pieces by the strong air current, and many pilots saw nothing and felt nothing before being torn to pieces by the roaring air current.

Vegeta is just a shock air flow caused by high-speed movement, like a tsunami sweeping the sky, and the fighter thousands of meters away is only affected by the aftermath.

It is like a flat boat in a stormy wave, swaying and spinning wildly, falling down like a headless fly.

In a breath, the most advanced fighter group on the planet, built for billions of dollars, was declared a failure, and they did not even see the shadow of the enemy

Vegeta, who flies at high speed, slowly lowers the altitude of the flight, and his detector can not only show the enemy's combat effectiveness but also read the information of civilization.

If you want to destroy a planet, you naturally start with the strongest. Eagles, dragons, brute bears, that's his order of destruction.



The vast Pacific Ocean, to the east, near the North American ocean, at this time several heavenly waters spread in it, and the immeasurable rivers rushed in it.

Vegeta's figure slammed into anything that stood in its way like a high-speed comet, and the high-intensity velocity pressure cut a crack hundreds of meters deep in the sea.

The Sahara Desert is 8,000 kilometers from the United States, and no other vehicle on Earth can fly this far, and the fastest fighter can not match the speed of Vegeta.

Vegeta, who flew furiously, slowly slowed down his speed, and flying under the atmosphere at ten times the speed of sound was a burden for him, if not for the panacea ability of gas.

Terrifying, he has already been thrown away by gravity.

The thought turned, and the next moment, Vegeta had already flown tens of miles, and his vision showed a slow continent hundreds of miles away, and the endless rocks below supported the land above. In the dark night, the continent is like a giant beast lying on the surface of the sea to rest.

"Report that the other party has slowed down, are we going to attack?"

At the coastal military base, the signal soldier in the command room reported the latest situation to the general with a headset.

"Attack, shoot all the missiles over!"


The general saw Vegeta slowing down on the satellite and knew that this was an opportunity to immediately order an attack, and the members of the command room instantly transmitted information to various departments.

Howling ——!

Less than two seconds after the generalization fell, hundreds of missiles dragged long tails of smoke towards the ocean, and dozens of combat helicopter gunships rolled up their propellers and flew to the battlefield with orders


The flying Vegeta stopped in mid-air and saw the missile with a smoke tail in front of him, his eyes full of disdain: with a wave of his hand, the strong air flow rolled up hundreds of tons of seawater to push forward to form a terrifying wave.

"Boom, without a breath of fist wind, all the missiles were detonated in the air, and the explosion was not as explosive as flames under high pressure.

"This! How can it be? "

There was a dead silence in the command room, and the soldiers were all in cold sweat when they saw this scene, and the technicians were soft one by one, although they knew that it could not be useful, but the other party's easy posture still made them despair.

The soldiers protecting here also had a dim look when they saw this scene, they were all crawling out of the corpse mountain and the sea of blood, not afraid of death, only afraid of this kind of doomsday before, but helpless.

A wisp of deep despair rose in the hearts of almost all of them, and quickly swelled, pinching their hearts to death.

"They can barely breathe!

"Sir, a communicator took off his headset and turned to look at the general with a pale face: according to the satellite, the base would be destroyed by a powerful tornado in three minutes.

Tsunami ——!

Where did the tornado come from? The general is also a little confused that the Nevada year is affected by cold air, how can there be a tornado?

The correspondent brought up the picture to explain: The other party just slapped a palm of the wind that almost instigated the sea area for tens of miles, and now the wind and waves are constantly hovering and growing.

In the picture: the wind condenses layers of ocean waves are swept up by the raging hurricane, and countless fish and shrimp rush to the sky with the strong wind.

This apocalyptic vision. Like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Instantly, crying rang out in the command room.

Vegeta sneered in the sky, he had 100 ways to destroy the other party, he used the most torturous method, the hurricane in front of him was integrated by air waves, like a cosmic storm, tearing towards the military base at a very fast speed.

And Vegeta's figure flashed with a light. In the command room, the soldiers and officers were shocked to see that Vegeta's figure turned into a blurry black dot, carrying an explosion of anger like a wave of anger.


Like a heavenly sword, it instantly cut through hundreds of kilometers of air, leaving a trace on the sky and ocean that could not be healed for a long time.

In tens of seconds, across a distance of hundreds of kilometers, it appeared above the city of Las Vegas, and the powerful air storm killed many people.

"The population here is the largest in the vicinity!"

Vegeta sneered: the qi wave condensed in his right hand, and the terrifying light instantly woke the entire city from the night.

In the terrified eyes of countless people!

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