Weekend evening.

Bai Yu stood on the roadside waiting for Hiratsuka Shizuka's arrival.

While waiting, women passing by would look at him secretly with covetous eyes from time to time. Even some bold women would wink at him openly and boldly come up to him to ask for his contact information. There are several

"Being too charming is not always a good thing."

Bai Yu sighed, and quietly used the Great Invisibility Technique to hide his aura.

It stopped for a while.

That day, although Yukino questioned his cheating, in the end, Bai Yu dealt with it with the excuse of helping Hiratsuka Shizuka.

After all, Yukino herself was well aware of Hiratsuka Shizu's help to Yukino. Moreover, she also considered Bai Yu and Hiratsuka Shizu's status as a teacher and student, and perhaps did not feel that Hiratsuka Shizu was a threat, so she finally acquiesced in this matter.

However, Bai Yu did not pay any price at all.

The price was that after Hiratsuka Shizuka left, Bai Yu tried to find Yukinoshita and Yukino Shuangshu again, but was driven away by that woman mercilessly.

Before that, although Yukino He also refused, but in fact it was a half-promise and half-given attitude. Bai Yu could still achieve his goal, but after this incident, Bai Yu's plan of dual cultivation was helplessly ruined.

"Hey, am I losing or making a profit?"

Bai Yu muttered.

However, thinking of Hiratsuka"440" Jing's mission and the whereabouts of the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist, it is not unacceptable to be temporarily disliked by Yukino.

At this moment, Bai Yu sensed Hiratsuka Shizu's aura.

So, he quietly eliminated the great invisibility technique on Hiratsuka Shizu.

If he didn't stop, Hiratsuka Shizuka wouldn't be able to find Bai Yu.

A car stopped in front of Bai Yu.

Then, Hiratsuka Shizu walked out. The car door.

Looking at the carefully dressed Shizuka Hiratsuka in front of him,

Bai Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The elegant hairstyle was specially combed, the face was delicate and pretty, and the lips were covered with seductive bright red lipstick. The slim figure was wrapped in a Wearing a green and white dress, her proud tallness and slender waist were perfectly highlighted.

Under the gauze skirt, a pair of charming slender legs, with exquisite jade feet stepping on a pair of gorgeous high heels.

At this moment, Hiratsuka Shizuka , looks so beautiful, elegant and gentle. In Bai Yu's mind, all the advantages of a beautiful woman can be found in Hiratsuka Shizuka.

"Kid, why are you looking at me like this?"

Looking at Bai Yu with burning eyes, Hiratsuka Shizu's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she turned her face away in embarrassment. Not only was Bai Yu stunned by Hiratsuka Shizu's beauty, but

Hiratsuka Shizu actually didn't dare to look at Bai Yu at this moment..

Because Hiratsuka Shizuka is not the only one who is well-dressed, Bai Yu has also been specially dressed and put on a customized suit.

Bai Yu is already handsome, and with the temperament of an immortal cultivator, he is like the stars in the dark night, no matter what he looks like. She is the most eye-catching presence anywhere.

Now that she has been specially dressed up, her charm has greatly increased.

Even Shizuka Hiratsuka, an old woman, can't help but feel a little overwhelmed. His heart beat faster.

When he thought of Bai Yu pretending to be her boyfriend, Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't help but panic at the moment.

"After all, Jingjing is so beautiful today. Bai

Yu smiled slightly and said what was in his heart without hesitation,"Jingjing, how about we go get the marriage certificate tomorrow?""

"Brat, I'm your class teacher!"

Hearing what Bai Yu said, Hiratsuka Shizuka turned red in the face, trembled with fear, and said angrily.

Although she said so, her face became hot. She was ashamed to find that before Bai Yu said that When she said these words, she was really moved.

If she ignored that Bai Yu was her student,

Hiratsuka Shizuka had to admit that in every aspect, Bai Yu fit in with her very picky views on mate selection. He was simply a perfect partner.

But , and immediately, she hurriedly suppressed this ridiculous thought.

In any case, as a teacher, such thoughts are not what she should have.

"Hurry up and get in the car. My friend has called us several times, urging us to go there."

She got into the car in a panic.

Bai Yu smiled, didn't say anything, and naturally sat in the passenger seat.

"Jingjing, after I help you, you must remember to teach me the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist."

Sitting in the car, Bai Yu made his request calmly.

He had a hunch that it was very likely that Hiratsuka Shizuka would get the task of Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist, so he was looking forward to it at this moment.

"You middle-class brat, how long are you going to play the middle-class game? Hiratsuka

Shizuka said angrily. Bai Yu's handsome appearance just now made her a little shy. She didn't know how to get along with Bai Yu for a while.

But now that she saw Bai Yu's chuunibyou attack, she felt familiar again. I felt that this kid was just a middle-class kid after all.

In a moment, a lot of the tension in my heart disappeared.

"This is not a secondary game."Bai Yu said nonchalantly.

"Well, after I finish dealing with them, no matter how you want to learn, I promise you." Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't bother Bai Yu with his remarks about being a middle school student. After all, she also knew that a kid of this age is not so easy to convince, and said,"Teacher, I keep my word."

【Ding, the host has received permission from Master Hiratsuka Shizuka and is qualified to learn the Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist!】

【Mission content: Spend one hour in the water with Shizuka Hiratsuka, comprehending the avenue of water.】

【Expected reward: Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist (Qi Refining to Foundation Building Chapter)]

It is indeed the case!

Bai Yu's eyes flashed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His hunch was not wrong. Sure enough, Hiratsuka Shizuka could obtain the task of Black Emperor Water Emperor Fist.

However, in the water, one can understand the great path of water.

This mission made him feel a little outrageous

"System, can’t you speak human language?"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes.

According to the system's always sick style, he immediately knew what the real content of this mission was.

It was to stay in the water with Hiratsuka Shizuka for an hour.

"So, are you going to the pool?"

There was a look of amusement in Bai Yu's eyes. It seemed like a good task to go to the swimming pool with Hiratsuka Shizuka and admire Hiratsuka Shizuka's swimsuit.

However, this task had to be dealt with after what happened tonight.

In a high-end hotel.

Three A very beautiful mature woman is sitting at a dining table.

The guests around her can't help but look at the guests at this table.[]

These guests were not all because the three female guests were too beautiful and couldn’t help but peek at them;——

"Woo woo woo——"

Among the three women, a mature beauty wearing glasses kept pulling out toilet paper, wiping her tears, and said through gritted teeth:

"Jingjing, this heartless guy, actually betrayed me. We agreed that we would be single forever, but in the end, she secretly found a super handsome boyfriend from a social elite. Jingjing said that guy was not only handsome, but also good at music, art, finance, foreign languages. Wait, you know everything, it must be a lie, right? How can there be such a perfect boyfriend in the world, Yangno, isn’t your sister studying at Sobu High School? You also know Jingjing’s situation, tell me, she She is lying to me, right? She must be lying to me!"

Looking at this beautiful woman who was crying and was so jealous that she was beyond recognition. On the side, a beauty with gorgeous appearance and perfect temperament could not help but feel hot on her face at this moment. 0..

Mainly because of the looks from the guests around her, she was a little too embarrassed.

Although Yukinoshita Harano is also a shameless woman, she can't stand such a sad senior being embarrassed here.

Yes, this beauty is Yukinoshita Harano.

She was not originally at tonight's party.

It just happened that I had just finished a business event, but I was surprised to see two acquaintances, so they immediately joined in the fun.

When I heard an acquaintance say that Jing Kai had found a boyfriend.

Yang Nailezi's attributes were immediately activated.

Why didn't she know when Jing Keai had a boyfriend?

Yang Nai is keenly aware that Jing Kei must be lying and deceiving the poor senior.

But she didn't expose it directly. Instead, she had a playful attitude and prepared to see how Huijing Keai planned to end it.

I just didn't expect that this senior would be so sad that he almost collapsed in public.

It's really pitiful to hate a married woman, Yangno couldn't help but sigh.

"Yamanaka-senpai and Hiratsuka-senpai are such upright people that they would not deceive us."

At this time, a beauty with meticulous temperament next to her looked at the married girl with conviction and said.

This is a young beauty with a beautiful appearance and a perfect figure.

She has a beautiful hair Her beautiful hair, delicate fair face, and tight-fitting suit and hip-hugging skirt perfectly set off her work-like figure. Translucent black stockings, wrapped in a pair of slender and perfect long legs.

Except for her too serious temperament Apart from that, she is simply a perfect and impeccable beauty.

Even Yangno, who is also very perfect, looks slightly inferior in appearance and figure in front of this serious woman.

"Mafuyu-chan is right, Sawa-chan, how could Shizuoka lie?"

Yangno looked at the crying Yamanaka Sawako with a smile. She had no intention of exposing the truth, but deliberately made her angry. All she wanted to see now was a river of blood.

Yangno hadn't seen such fun for a long time.

She can't wait to see what kind of expression Shizuka will show when she sees her later.

Moreover, even if she is at this level, Hiratsuka Shizuka can shamelessly pretend that she didn't see it.

What about this innocent junior,

Yang ? Nomi looked at Kirisu Mafuyu with a playful smile in her eyes:"Mafuyu-chan, are you really going to be transferred to Sobu High as a teacher next week?"

Tōsu Mafuyu nodded, with expectant eyes flashing in his beautiful eyes, and said shyly:

"Well, I have long received a notice from my superiors that I will be transferred to Sobu High School. I have never told Hiratsuka-senpai about this, just to give Hiratsuka-senpai a surprise."

"With an excellent senior like Hiratsuka-senpai by my side, I will definitely be able to learn a lot of things, and only by knowing them can I become an excellent teacher."

Seeing the longing look on Kirisu Mafuyu's face,

Yangno suppressed her blush.

No, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

She couldn't wait to see them now. When Jing Kei heard the news, she would What kind of expression is that?

That scene of Mars hitting the Earth.

It will be extremely interesting!

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