Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 10 A curtain of dreams (1)

A curtain of dreams (1)

When Yun Lan woke up, she felt that the bed under her was so soft and her head hurt. She opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling. She was stunned for a moment. Then she remembered that she must have been in another time and space, so she quickly sat up and looked around. Seeing that there was no one in the house, Yun Lan ran out of bed in fear, locked the door, and began to merge the memory of the original owner. Only then did I realize that I was actually dressed as a man, still the scumbag uncle Wang Zhanpeng in Yilian Youmeng, my God! What a tragedy!

The three words "Wang Zhanpeng" mean that there is a wife who is responsible, there is a mistress in trouble, there is a daughter and son-in-law who are in love and killing each other, there are also old grudges between the father-in-law and mother-in-law, plus the illegitimate daughter is living evidence of cheating, it is really big What a mess! Especially, this body is an uncle! She would really be maladjusted! For a moment, Yun Lan had the idea of ​​running away. Whether these people were happy or not was none of her business!

Shaking her head, Yun Lan suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart and told herself that when studying Taoism and cultivating one's mind, one should not be disturbed by the outside world, and should not be trapped in a cocoon because of gender. The master told me to take things as they come and experience everyone's life. This experience was arranged by the master, so dressing up as Wang Zhanpeng must also be of some experience.

She felt that her master was worried about her. Although she never knew why, she was willing to follow his arrangements if she could make him feel more at ease. Besides, she still has a long way to go. This is the second time and space. She may encounter even more incredible things in the future. Now she just changed her gender, it’s no big deal. Yun Lan kept mentally building herself up. Although she was still a little flustered and uneasy, she finally calmed down temporarily.

After thinking about this, Yun Lan felt her head hurt even more. She sat on the bed and hugged Yuan Shouyi, and ran the technique for a small week. Her body suddenly felt much refreshed. The world of film and television is not very good. As long as there are no plots related to cultivating immortals, time and space have little aura. In ancient times, the beautiful scenery was better. In modern time and space, it is impossible to continue practicing. Fortunately, now the space can take things and cultivate. It is still in the middle stage of Qi refining, so I can still rely on it.

Yun Lan went to the bathroom to wash up, and looked at the appearance of this body carefully in the mirror. He was very handsome, looking like he was in his thirties, and was well maintained. No wonder he had been thinking about finding a close friend all day long. Silently despising the original owner, Yun Lan went back to her room and picked out a set of home clothes to change into. Then she seriously and seriously reviewed her behavior just now. If there was danger around her when she woke up, but she was in a daze, then she could probably go directly to the next world. She must be careful to stay vigilant at all times in the future.

I closed my eyes and reviewed the memory of the original owner again. I felt that there was no problem, so I opened the door and went downstairs. There had just been a party last night, and Chu Lian hadn't confessed to Zi Ling yet. The two were still in the stage of liking each other. Lu Ping was focused on dancing and was preparing for the performance, so she didn't notice the difference between Chu Lian and her sister. The original owner met Shen Suixin on the street before, missed the days when they knew each other abroad, and was planning to relive the old dream with Shen Suixin. Yun Lan couldn't help but feel glad that she had come in at the right time. If she had come after Lu Ping's leg was broken, the situation would have been a mess. Especially Shen Suixin and her daughter, they are definitely a gangster and they must find a way to solve them.

Downstairs, Shunjuan had just returned from shopping for groceries. When she saw Wang Zhanpeng coming downstairs, she said casually: "Don't you have a headache? Why don't you rest more? The meal will not be ready until a while. By the way, go and see what Ziling is doing. , are you staring at her beaded curtain again? I really can't do anything about her. I would be thankful if she could worry less like Lu Ping. "

Zhan Peng adjusted his expression and said with a smile: "Okay Shunjuan, don't read anymore. I just took painkillers and I'm much better. Don't always complain about Ziling. If she hears it, she will think you don't like it." She, a little girl, always has a lot of ideas. This time she failed the exam, so let her be quiet in her room. "

"Hey, I'm just talking casually. They are all my daughters. There is no preference. If I really want to say it, I spend a lot of time caring about Ziling. Okay, Sister-in-law Li has taken two days off. I have to Hurry up and cook." Shunjuan rolled her eyes at him and entered the kitchen. After a while, the sound of chopping and washing vegetables could be heard.

Wang Zhanpeng took a sip of the coffee Shunjuan had brewed before, sat on the sofa and watched the TV series quietly, sighing comfortably. After staying in the Qing Dynasty for more than twenty years, he really missed modern life. After a while, Shunjuan prepared the meal and asked Axiu to call Ziling down for dinner. Ziling came downstairs in her pajamas and didn't even comb her hair. When Shunjuan saw her, she frowned and opened her mouth. He lectured: "Zi Ling, can't you dress more neatly? Look at your messy appearance? The older you get, the more unruly you become."

"Oh! Mom, this is at home, and we are not attending a banquet. Do you still want me to dress up sparklingly?" Zi Ling sat on a chair and interrupted Shunjuan's words. Her mother always had a lot of dissatisfaction with her. Satisfied, Luping is the pride of their family, and she is just a disappointment.

Shunjuan turned to Wang Zhanpeng and said: "Look at this child, she is the one you are used to, and she actually talks to her mother like this." Then she looked at Ziling: "Do you think I am willing to nag? If you are a little bit If you are more sensible, I won’t have to worry so much.”

"This is your mistake!" Zi Ling said gloomily.

"What's my mistake? What does this mean?"

"You gave birth to Lu Ping, so don't have any more children. Why did you want to be greedy and give birth to a disgusting person like me!"

Shunjuan was stunned when she heard this, her eyes widened, as if she had never known Zi Ling before, she gritted her teeth and said: "Zi Ling, you are really unbearable!" She placed her chopsticks heavily on the table. .

Zi Ling was stunned for a moment, raised her head and said softly: "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it."

Shunjuan sighed, touched Ziling's hair, and said somewhat helplessly: "Good boy, I know you feel uncomfortable if you can't get into college, but as long as you work hard, you will definitely get in next year. You are so You are definitely smarter than Lu Ping. I just don’t understand why you have to stare at the windows and curtains all day long. If you read more, you will definitely be fine. "

Seeing Ziling poking at the rice irritably, Wang Zhanpeng raised his eyebrows and said to Shunjuan: "Shunjuan, just teach Ziling slowly if she's not sensible. Don't talk about this at the dinner table. Come on, Ziling, have a taste." Your mother’s braised crucian carp is delicious.”

Although Shunjuan was dissatisfied, she did not refute Wang Zhanpeng's face, so she ate her meal silently. When Ziling finished eating and wanted to go upstairs, Wang Zhanpeng stopped her and said, "Ziling, since you don't like going to school. , then we won’t force you anymore, but from now on you will stay at home and don’t go anywhere until you figure out your future plans and then tell me.” Zi Ling didn’t understand why she was grounded. But she felt that something was different about her father today, which made her a little scared, and she didn't dare to complain, so she ran back to her room feeling aggrieved.

When Shunjuan saw Ziling running away, she immediately put the bowl down and asked Wang Zhanpeng with a frown: "What do you mean? What else can she do if she doesn't go to college? With her temperament, which institution would hire her?" You can’t even choose a good family to marry. You can’t rely on her for everything!”

Wang Zhanpeng put down his bowl and chopsticks, slowly wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief, and said: "Shunjuan, I hope you can lower your voice when you have something to say. After all, I am not your subordinate. We are husband and wife. Let’s discuss things. You see how you always yell at me and Zi Ling. Is there anything you can’t talk about? Please tell me directly if you are dissatisfied in the future, instead of making oblique complaints. "I remember you were very quiet when we first met. Why are you so grumpy now? Family harmony requires everyone to work together. I think we should all change ourselves."

Shunjuan immediately entered combat mode like a fighter: "Wang Zhanpeng, are you blaming me? I have worked hard for this family for more than ten years, and now you actually..."

"Shunjuan," Wang Zhanpeng interrupted her coldly, "I'm communicating with you, and I don't want to quarrel. I know there are many things I didn't do well, and I will correct them, but you should also correct yours. Temper, I just said a few words to you and you got into an argument. How can we get along like this? You have been controlling Zi Ling for so long, but Zi Ling is becoming more and more rebellious and tired of learning. It is obvious that your method is wrong. Yes, I have been too fond of her before. From today on, Zi Ling will be in charge of me. I will be very strict with her. Don't refute her, just watch quietly. Anyway, no matter what I do. No matter how much you discipline her, she won't get worse, right?" After saying that, she got up and went to the study.

Wang Zhanpeng did not intend to listen to Shunjuan's long speech. It is true that Shunjuan is a good woman, smart, independent and strong, but she cannot handle everything well. The tragedy of this marriage is not just because of The original owner is too scumbag, which has a lot to do with Shunjuan's toughness. Although there is a causal relationship between Shunjuan becoming like this and the original owner's cheating, marriage and life itself are complex subjects, and they will not be solved just because of a simple cause-and-effect relationship. Handled clearly. Now he has become Wang Zhanpeng, and this is where he will live in the future. He wants to quickly cut through the mess to restore harmony to his family and restore Shunjuan to the gentle and noble wife in his memory.

Shunjuan looked at Wang Zhanpeng's back and had a lot to say, but when she thought of what he just said, she became discouraged. She also felt very tired every day. She didn't know how much effort she had spent on this family, but only in Green Ping was rewarded, but as for her husband and little daughter, they were always separated by a layer of veil. In addition, her husband had a history of cheating on her, so she was really scared, fearing that she would not be able to catch them.

Pinching her brows, Shunjuan thought, let's see, if her husband is really willing to communicate with her and work hard with her for the family, then she won't be so strong anymore.

The author has something to say:

Enter the map of Yilianyoumeng and prepare to continue fighting monsters.

_(:з ∠)_

After posting yesterday, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to say Merry Christmas to everyone! Quickly add it today:

Happy carnival night everyone! ! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

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