Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 113 Titanic (8) (1/2)

Jack has been wandering around, and of course he understands the consequences of offending the powerful. He just suddenly gained the favor of a noble lady named Ruth, and he was a little too excited. Looking back, he knew that he had gone too far. He could have taken advantage of the opportunity to escape on land. But now on the ship, if you are convicted, you will definitely be imprisoned, and you will have nowhere to run.

After figuring out the key, Jack immediately yelled, "We were just passing by there, what kind of car, I have no idea what you are talking about!" He shouted while winking at Ruth covertly.

Ruth was just a simple young lady. Although she was rebellious, she didn't understand these improvised tactics at all. She was stunned when she heard Jack deny seeing the car. How could the guard believe what he said? Coupled with Ruth's expression, he was even more certain that he was a gangster who was a habitual criminal. The leading guard looked at Jack, narrowed his eyes and said, "Why are you wearing such an expensive suit? Take it off and take a look!"

The two men who were escorting Jack quickly took off his suit, looked through it, and found the owner's name inside the suit. "These are Mr. Royson's clothes. They had reported them missing yesterday."

Looking at the guard's mocking eyes, Jack felt his mouth go dry. He didn't expect that this piece of clothing would prevent him from getting rid of the crime. He just took the clothes to find Ruth when he entered the first class cabin. He planned to return it after using it, but , but after the waiter's pursuit and the lingering relationship with Ruth, he forgot about it.

He turned to look at Ruth, but saw doubt and confusion in her eyes. He shouted hurriedly: "Ruth, you know I didn't steal it. I just borrowed it to get into the first class cabin. I plan to return it soon, Ruth! You know me, I am not like this!"

Having just acquired Ruth, he couldn't let her lose confidence in him, not to mention that he really had no bad intentions, it was just a temporary emergency, and he just forgot to return it in time. Jack kept shouting, but Ruth was inexperienced after all. She didn't know how to tell whether Jack was good or bad. The clothes Jack was wearing were indeed reported missing by others. She hesitated and remained silent, not knowing whether she should believe it or not. According to Jack's words, after all, the two of them had known each other for less than three days. She didn't even believe how well they knew each other.

When the guard saw that Ruth was no longer making any noise, he escorted Jack towards the guard room. Now that something happened in the third-class cabin, he could only temporarily lock the suspect in a free room in the guard room. Jack kept shouting back. At this time, he no longer thought about the crime. He was worried that Ruth would misunderstand him and give up on him. After all, Ruth's fiancé was so aloof, and he didn't look like what Ruth said. He was so bad that he had no self-confidence.

Seeing the tense atmosphere between mother and daughter, Molly picked up her coat and said, "I think you need an independent space, so I'll go back first. Goodbye, Mrs. Cabot. Goodbye, Ruth."

Rufu had a sullen face. Before she could teach Ruth a lesson, the staff knocked on the door and told them to put on their life jackets and go to the deck immediately. When Rouf was angry, he said angrily: "Where are you a waiter? Why are you so rude? I will definitely file a complaint against you!"

"Madam, Miss, please put on your life jacket and go to the deck as soon as possible. This is the captain's order!" The waiter said in a serious tone, turned around and went to the next room.

Rufu was so angry by his actions that Ruth remembered what she had heard before and quickly took her hand and said urgently: "Mom, don't worry about this anymore. The ship has hit an iceberg. Now we are in danger. Hurry up." Come on deck."

Ruf scoffed at her statement, but Ruth had seen ice falling on the deck, so much of it! For a moment, she remembered Karl's sarcasm about keeping her jewelry safe, and quickly ran back to the bedroom to put all her previous things in a sturdy bag and carry it on her back. Rouf also packed a small suitcase, and the two of them ran towards the deck.

More and more people were invited to the deck. Like Ruf, they did not believe that the Titanic would be in danger, but the waiter had a tough attitude and almost drove them out of the room. The other side of the deck was crowded with the group of people who came up from the third class cabin. The guards were guarding them attentively for fear of an accident.

Karl and Leger also came to the deck. When they saw Ruth, they had no reaction. They just said hello to Rouf and walked forward without any intention of stopping. Lifeboats had already begun to be put out at the front. At this time, many people did not have the consciousness to escape. He wanted to go to the front to see if he could help.

Although Ruth had always wanted to escape from Karl, every time she saw Karl ignoring her, she felt very uncomfortable. She turned her face and looked away. Her choice would not be wrong! A free identity, a passionate life, and sweet love are all she pursues.

Sea water kept pouring into the bottom cabin. In the cockpit, Andrew carried a large roll of midship blueprints into the captain's cabin. Smith and the first mate all gathered around.

"Captain, in five minutes, the water has grown to twelve feet above the backbone of the ship." Andrew pointed to the drawing. "The three bottom cabins and the No. 6 boiler room have been flooded. If it hadn't been for an unexpected accident that caused the people at the bottom to advance Leave, I'm afraid something bad has happened there now."

The location of each cabin is marked on the drawing, making it clear at a glance.

"That's right." The second officer nodded. He had just inspected the situation below with the engineer. The entrance to the bottom cabin was locked. If there were no instruments to detect it, they would not know the current situation at all.

"When?" Esme, the ship dealer, asked. He had been standing behind and listening to Andrew's introduction. He did not understand the seriousness of the water intrusion situation, but he believed that since it was an "unsinkable boat", there was no big problem in getting some water in. As long as it was as soon as possible, it would still be Can reach the destination.

"Five cabins are flooded now," Captain Smith's expression changed as soon as Andrew finished speaking. He obviously knew what this meant.

Andrew's expression was very serious at this time, which was very rare for him. Under the light, you can see the beads of sweat on his forehead. On such a cold day, it would be impossible to sweat like this unless he was too nervous.

Esme guessed from the expressions of Smith and the engineer that the situation was extremely unoptimistic, and he finally stopped interrupting.

"This mail ship can withstand the flooding of four cabins. Now it has exceeded the standard. The stern of the ship is sinking, and the water will overflow the layered plate, flow from one cabin to another, and keep flooding... There is no way to stop it." Andrew said softly. .

Smith listened impassively and said nothing.

Esme was pacing back and forth, looking very uneasy.

Smith suddenly raised his head: "Water pump?..."

"The water pumps are helping a little bit, but there's not much time. No matter what we do now, we can't stop the Titanic from sinking."

Andrew came to the final conclusion, even though everyone had already thought of it. But hearing these words from the only authoritative person on the ship was equivalent to God's final judgment on the future of the ship.

Esme was anxious, he couldn't believe that such a collision had shattered a myth. In his opinion, all this is just people trying to scare themselves.

"But the ship won't sink!" Although Esme's words were loud, she seemed to have no confidence.

Andrew took a deep breath and said heavily: "If it's made of iron, it will definitely sink! It will sink. That's absolutely true."

Smith looked at Esme, his eyes became sharp and sarcastic: "You will definitely get headlines now!"

With three hours to go, there were 2,200 people on board and not enough lifeboats. Everyone here is heartbroken and has no ambition to live, except for the selfish Esme.

Karl pushed open the door of the cockpit and said to Smith with a cold face: "Captain, I think you should take a look at the situation on the lifeboat. But the lifeboat carrying 65 people started to be lowered with only 12 people on it. This It’s irresponsible for life.”

Smith also knew that now was not the time to sigh, so he sighed, picked up his hat and put it on, and they dispersed to deal with what they could. Smith and Andrew came to the lifeboat, and the crew saluted him. Smith frowned and asked, "Why did you put it down before it was full?"

"Report to the captain, I'm afraid there are too many people and the lifeboat cannot bear the weight." Obviously, the crew member was not aware of the urgency of the matter.

The veins on Andrew's forehead jumped, "Nonsense! I've tested it, the lifeboat can hold seventy people! Pull it up quickly and let them fill it!"

Seeing Smith's gloomy expression, the crew saluted again and called the women and children to board the ship as soon as possible. Smith turned to look at Carl. The young man had inadvertently reminded him that he had slowed down last time. Thinking that Carl was also in the shipping business, he asked, "Mr. Hockley, do you have any other suggestions?" At this moment, his mind was racing. He was in such chaos that he needed someone to calm him down.

Karl looked around and said seriously: "I think the people in the first class need the captain to personally broadcast before they believe that the ship is really going to sink. Otherwise, they will not cooperate well." Smith looked at the distance. The lady, who was arguing with the crew after carrying her pet onto the lifeboat, sighed, nodded to Karl, and walked towards the broadcast room.

The crowd fell silent when they heard the captain's voice on the radio, but when the captain said that the Titanic was about to sink, the crowd exploded again. The first-class passengers jogged toward the lifeboats. The third-class passengers pushed the guards anxiously. The speed has improved a lot, and no one is asking for advice anymore.

Ruth looked at the chaotic crowd and suddenly thought of Jack. Regardless of whether Jack had lied to her or not, she couldn't just leave on her own. She anxiously grabbed a guard and asked him where Mr. Dawson, who had just been arrested, was.

The guard pointed her in the direction of the guard room. She turned back and hugged Rouf, asking Rouf to get on the lifeboat first without waiting for her, and then quickly ran to the guard room. Rouf called her loudly from behind, and the crew took her by the arm and put her on the lifeboat. She had to hold her small suitcase tightly and sit down in fear.

Without Carl and Leger to stumble, Ruth easily found the key to the handcuffs on the wall of the guardhouse and rescued Jack. The two quickly returned to the deck and waited in line to get on the lifeboat, but they heard that there were not enough lifeboats and only women and children could get on the ship. Ruth is extremely conflicted. She loves Jack, but she has not experienced the love destroyed by Carl. It is obviously not as unforgettable as in the original play.

In the end, feelings took over. Ruth grabbed Jack's hand and cried, "you jump, i jump! I can't be separated from you!"

At this time, Karl stood on a chair with a loudspeaker and cast the wind spell to make the sound of the loudspeaker spread farther and clearer. At the same time, he also added a touch of spiritual power to calm everyone's emotions, "Everyone, pay attention! Now! We are escaping in the sea, we are fighting death, I have contacted six ships, they will arrive in three hours, no matter men or women, as long as everyone persists for these three hours, we will be saved!"

Everyone immediately fell silent and listened carefully. Many men even had tears in their eyes. They thought they had been given up and were certain to die, but now they learned that there was still hope of life. Although three hours was a long time, they could survive as long as they got through it!

Karl's voice kept coming from the loudspeaker: "Now please calm down, don't crowd, let the elderly, women and children get on the lifeboat first. I guarantee on the honor of the Hockley family that there will be a rescue ship in three hours." We! Those who have not boarded the lifeboat should pay attention to the things around them. Ask the waiters in the cabin to take out warm clothes, ask the waiters in the restaurant to take out all the spirits, ask the guards to take out all the whistle intercoms, and ask the carpenters to take out all the removable Boards, distribute everything that can be used to everyone, don't despair, don't go crazy, as long as we work together and help each other, we will be able to wait for the rescue safely. Remember to wear life jackets and stay away from dangerous buildings. When diving, avoid whirlpools..."

In a moment of chaos and despair, there is someone who stands up and gives you great hope and teaches you how to save your life. It is like being saved in the dark. Carl made a guarantee on the reputation of the Hockley family. No one would doubt it, because Carl had no intention of getting on the lifeboat. He always stood behind, and because the Hockley family was on land. If Carl broke his promise, he would be condemned by public opinion. It's the entire Hockley family.

So people believed him, and the bewildered waiters and crew unconsciously followed Karl's instructions and started to act. The restless crowd gradually calmed down because of the spiritual power in Karl's voice. Everyone cooperated to take the things distributed to themselves and make way for the elderly, women and children.

Several guards guarded Carl's chair with Leger to protect him from accidents. Knowing that he would be saved, everyone no longer despaired, and Smith did not stop Carl's increasingly sensational speech. At this time, cohesion is needed. If one more person survives, his sins will be alleviated.

The author has something to say: There is still one chapter left and it should be over. By the way, when you have time, try to subscribe on your computer. If you subscribe to jj on your mobile phone, you will get a lot of points...~(^_^)~

When watching Titans, did you pay attention to the scene where Rose saves Jack? Ruth took an ax and slashed through the handcuffs...poof! She had her eyes closed at the time, and it was a miracle she didn't chop off Jack's hand! 【Looking at the sky in wonder

And why didn’t the captain organize people to escape reasonably? He seemed to be desperate and waiting for death at that time, and didn’t care about anything else... If their professional crew could talk about their experience, even if a few people listened, more people would be able to escape. Be alive. Alas, this is such a sad story...╮(╯_╰)╭

Please collect this column! Wenwen please comment! ---Lan Gui

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