Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 129 There are tears in the sky (End)

After confirming that they were not in danger, Yun Lan did not come forward in person. She anonymously notified the police department. Soon, Zhan Yunxiang and Li Man were successfully rescued. They were checked at the hospital and found that except for a few scratches, they were No other injuries were suffered.

"Mom, I proposed to Manman yesterday, and she has already agreed." Zhan Yunxiang got up the next day and told Yun Lan about what happened after being kidnapped yesterday at the dining table. There was a bit of awkwardness on his face, but you could still tell that he was happy.

Yun Lan smiled and said: "You! How can anyone propose such an unromantic proposal, so Manman doesn't dislike you. Manman returned from studying abroad. I think you should buy a ring and go to a Western restaurant to formally propose to her. By the way, there’s also music and roses.”

Zhan Yunxiang was stunned for a moment, "Would she like this? Can't we just prepare to get married? Manman has already promised me."

"Promising you doesn't mean that there are no regrets. Which girl doesn't like to have good memories? Listen to me, you go buy a ring after dinner. Mom, go and discuss with your in-laws. You have to choose a good day and hurry up. Prepare things for the wedding." After Yun Lan finished speaking, she got up and went back to her room, planning to visit Li Man's house and set the wedding date as soon as possible. It is better for the man to take the initiative in this matter.

After the wedding was almost ready, Zhan Yunxiang wrote a letter to Zhan Zuwang, telling him that he was getting married. But over Zhan Zuwang's side, Zhan Yunfei didn't care about the house, and only struggled with Xiao Yufeng and Ji Tianhong every day. As a result, Zhan Zuwang was still busy with family business at an early age and had no time to pay attention to Zhan Yunxiang's affairs. He threw the letter aside without replying to it.

Zhan Yunxiang doesn't care about this anymore. Now that he has his mother and Li Man, he no longer needs his father's love.

This wedding was a grand one. The woman was the granddaughter of a powerful person in HSBC, and the man was a newly rising upstart in the Shanghai business world. Both the political and business circles were willing to give some face.

At the evening banquet, all the guests came with their families. The women were all dressed up, and they were laughing and chatting loudly. All the seats were filled, and people were drinking and drinking. It was very lively. Yun Lan also took this opportunity to get to know more official wives, learn about the current situation from their few words, and tell Yun Xiang and his wife some reference.

Three years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Zhan Yunxiang and Li Man managed their family business in a flourishing manner, and the shop grew bigger and bigger. However, with the reports of some war situations, both of them had their thoughts wandering and wanted to do something for the country.

Knowing that they were worried about her, Yun Lan found an opportunity to say to them: "Mom, I know that you two are filial, but the safety around here is very tight, and Manman's grandfather can also take care of it, so you won't be in danger so easily. What do you think?" Just do whatever you want and don’t worry about it at home.”

Zhan Yunxiang said with some shame: "Mom, a Whampoa Military Academy has been established in Guangzhou. I originally wanted to try it, but it was not suitable for Manman and I at our age and our family situation, so we thought, If we can provide some military supplies for the frontline war, we can do our part.”

Li Man continued: "It's just that this kind of thing requires traveling around. Maybe we will go to other places often. If exposed... it may lead to death. It's really difficult for us to decide."

Yun Lan patted her hand and said with a smile: "In the era of war, everyone hopes to do something, so just go ahead and do it with confidence. Don't let yourself have any regrets. Mom will take care of your safety."

After the young couple began to participate in the underground revolution, they became even busier, and Yun Lan had a lot of time for herself. She began to find time to go further afield to assist the Revolutionary Party in the fight against Japan. She also threw the thermal weapon research maps collected in space into the Revolutionary Party's laboratory. Although this move made the scientists and leaders panic for a while, but with Such a good thing is still very helpful to the growth of the country's strength. If her whereabouts cannot be found, it will be nothing.

From the Zheng family in Tongcheng, Boss Zheng looked at the two sisters in front of him, sneered and said, "You said before that you didn't want to seek revenge from the Zhan family again. What? In just a few months, you and the Zhan family have fallen out?"

Xiao Yufeng whispered: "Boss Zheng, when we were in trouble, you gave us jobs so that we could survive. This kindness will never be forgotten by our Xiao family. 'Zhan Nancheng, Zheng Beicheng', this saying is popular After so many years, I think I can help Boss Zheng become Tongcheng’s ‘Zheng Quancheng’!”

Boss Zheng raised his eyebrows, his face softened, and he said with a smile: "Okay! Now the old Zhan family is in trouble, and the younger ones know how to throw money around. The time is ripe. Since you want revenge, let's cooperate, and I will too." It will save you some effort. It will be of great benefit to you later.”

The Xiao sisters looked at each other, and their old grudges with the Zhan family were like hidden flames that burned immediately once ignited.

Intrigues and frame-ups, Xiao Yufeng held Zhan Yunfei's heart tightly and stirred up troubles in the exhibition garden. In the end, father and son separated. Zhan Yunfei believed that Zhan Zuwang had done many illegal things, so he left home and joined Yufeng. Boss Zheng. Boss Zheng took advantage of the chaos to attack Zhanjia's industry and won a great victory!

Zhan Zuwang was hit hard and couldn't afford to fall ill. Unfortunately, Wei Mengxian was already in poor health and had to manage the household chores, even having to drink an extra bowl of medicine. His son refused to go home, and Ji Tianhong looked sad with his big belly. Thinking of Zhan Zuwang's hostility and the breakup between father and son, Wei Mengxian felt congested and her body became weaker.

In the end, Zhanjia disappeared, and the people of Tongcheng only knew that Boss Zheng was the largest businessman in Tongcheng. Xiao Yufeng did not marry Zhan Yunfei. After the Zhan family collapsed, she took the money given to her by Boss Zheng and left Tongcheng with several members of the Xiao family overnight without knowing where they were going. After these things, the two sisters learned a lot of tricks from Boss Zheng. Maybe their family can live a good life, maybe Father Xiao will continue to lead them to death, who knows?

After Xiao Yufeng disappeared, Zhan Yunfei found Boss Zheng and made a fuss, yelling at him to release Yufeng. Of course Boss Zheng was not polite to him and threw him directly into the security hall in the name of making trouble.

Under the dim light in the prison, Zhan Yunfei was stripped down to his white undershirt and pants. His face was beaten with bruises and bruises, and his white undershirt was stained everywhere. He was in an extremely miserable state.

He leaned on the iron railing and kept shouting: "Hey! Hey! Who is outside? Someone is here! I am the eldest son of the Zhan family! Let me out quickly!"

Some of the dirty prisoners were wearing his shirt, some were wearing his trousers, some were wearing his mandarin jacket, and even his watch was dangling on one prisoner's chest. Hearing his cry, a tall and strong man stepped forward and punched him, "Shut up! If you keep disturbing me while sleeping, you won't be able to scream for the rest of your life!"

Zhan Yunfei was so frightened that he huddled in the corner and did not dare to make a sound. After a while, when the security hall was cleaning up the prisoners, they found that he had not committed any serious crimes, so they let him go. Ji Tianhong got together and the family of three lived a happy life, but since these two people knew nothing, it was hard to say what life would be like.

After the puppets reported the situation of everyone in the Zhan family, Yun Lan put them away. The war gradually began, and she was no longer in the mood to care about the plot. Zhan Yunxiang and Li Man joined the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce and secretly transported countless weapons and medicines to the front line. Their identities were concealed very well and they were never exposed.

Yun Lan also used her spare time to carry out various sabotages against the invading troops, cooperating with the pace of the Revolutionary Party, hoping to make the war of resistance go smoother. In this life, her identity is not as convenient as in Qingshen, and she can't do as much, but in the end, the provision of weapons is still of some use. At least, Shanghai has not fallen.

On this day, it was rare that both Zhan Yunxiang and Li Man went home early and had dinner with Yun Lan. Yun Lan looked at them and advised: "You two are not young anymore. Now that Shanghai is safe, you should have a child as soon as possible." Well, when the baby is born, Mom will take care of it, and you can continue to do what you like."

When it came to having children, Li Man was somewhat shy, but Yunxiang thought seriously for a while, nodded and said: "The situation outside is indeed much better now, and it is a good time to have children, but I will have to work hard again in the future. "

Yun Lan smiled and said, "It's not hard work. Let's see how tired a child can be. Besides, I have a servant to help me. You work hard. You should take good care of your body and go home to drink soup to replenish your body."

"Yeah, we will."

A year later, Li Man gave birth to a chubby son. Children are the most interesting, and the family has a lot of joy. Yun Lan focused on raising her grandson, leaving all outside matters to Yun Xiang, and lived a fulfilling life every day.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order not to be liquidated as capitalist elements, their family followed the general trend and immigrated abroad. They still kept their house in Shanghai and planned to come back to retire after the past few years and the country was stable.

Yun Lan has been very leisurely in her life. Although she has traveled a lot, she is still very relaxed compared to before. Most of her energy is spent on teaching her grandchildren and guarding the home front for her son and daughter-in-law, so that they can have nothing to worry about. to charge into battle. The revenge against those in the Zhan family was more out of a mother's love for her son. With Pinhui's memory, she really couldn't keep herself out of the matter.

Fortunately, she arrived early and stopped Yun Xiang in time without letting his hands get contaminated with life. As for the excellent character of the Zhan family, they would get into chaos on their own without her doing anything.

When she was dying, Yun Lan thought that she had been a parent many times and was a little tired. She hoped she wouldn't have a son when she woke up next time.

"The Palace Fighting System of the Red Mansion"?novelid=2048156

Thank you Fei for throwing the mine, okay~~╭(╯3╰)╮

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