Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 15 A curtain of dreams (6)

A curtain of dreams (6)

Shen Suixin was full of joy and caught up with her, but she didn't expect that Wang Zhanpeng would look unfamiliar with her. She suddenly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and his expression became stiff. She raised her hand to stroke her wind-blown hair, restored her elegant posture, and said with a chuckle: "Zhan Peng, have you been busy recently? Last time we met on the street, you said you wanted to check out my coffee. Hall. I was planning to wait for you to come and review my two new paintings, but you never came."

Wang Zhanpeng looked at Shen Suixin's affectionate look and got goosebumps all over his body. He kept a distance and said, "Ms. Shen, I just came back from traveling abroad with my wife. After returning to China, I was busy with official work. I really can't spare time." ." He glanced at his watch and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Miss Shen, I have a meeting to attend, so I have to take a step forward. We'll talk next time." After saying that, he didn't look at Shen Suixin's expression. He turned around and quickly entered the car.

I really can’t understand the aesthetics of the original owner. He’s kind and beautiful, but he’s obviously very artificial, okay? He looked up and saw that Shen Suixin was still standing there looking at him, and hurriedly drove towards home.

Shen Suixin watched Wang Zhanpeng walk away without any hesitation, and frowned slightly. She was very confused as to why Wang Zhanpeng was so alienated from her. He was obviously very interested in her when they met a month ago. Could it be that Li Shunjuan discovered her again? Already?

She is no longer young. When she met Wang Zhanpeng that day, she wanted to get more benefits from her past friendship. What's more, she also had a trump card in her hand, which was Liu Yushan, the daughter she gave birth to for Wang Zhanpeng. Even if Wang Zhanpeng doesn't like her anymore, she can still use the illegitimate daughter's matter to knock Li Shunjuan off. That woman is generous and cares about her family, so it's still very satisfying to give money.

Shen Suixin stood for a while longer. She couldn't figure it out and stopped thinking about it. She looked around and lost interest in continuing shopping, so she went back to her cafe to cultivate inspiration.

When Wang Zhanpeng drove back to Wang's house, Shunjuan was on the phone with Luping. The mother and daughter talked and laughed on the phone for an hour before hanging up. Wang Zhanpeng mentioned to Shunjuan about meeting Shen Suixin while eating.

Shunjuan glanced at him sideways and said, "I didn't ask about your whereabouts. What did you report to me?"

Wang Zhanpeng curled up his lips and said: "Originally, meeting someone on the road is nothing special. Isn't this special? If someone comes to you one day to report me, I will die unjustly. I might as well tell you first." , I don’t have any ideas.”

Shunjuan smiled: "Okay, I know you are very well behaved now, but you must tell me if you encounter this kind of thing in the future! If I hear any gossip, don't blame me for ruining your image in front of Luping and Ziling. ”

Seeing that Shunjuan really didn't care, Wang Zhanpeng also laughed. Now Shunjuan has returned to the elegant and noble lady in the memory of the original owner. I believe that when she attended the banquet, she attracted everyone's attention. This home is developing in a good direction, so life can be relaxed.

After playing with Ziling for two weeks, Luping received the admission notice from MIT. The whole family was very excited. Wang Zhanpeng and Shunjuan sent her to register together and rented her a small apartment near the school. The surrounding environment of the community was good and the public security was also very good. After Luping sent her parents away, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to her studies and lived a fulfilling life every day.

When she saw Tao Jianbo across from her small apartment, Luping felt her heart beat faster. Tao Jianbo said hello to Lu Ping calmly and said that he rented the apartment next to hers and that he could come to him if anything happened in the future. Luping finally saw the deep affection in Tao Jianbo's eyes. She was very touched by Tao Jianbo's dedication, but she had just let go of Chu Lian, and she really couldn't start another relationship right away.

After Tao Jianbo confessed, Luping said that she just wanted to focus on her studies for the time being. Tao Jianbo was not discouraged. He had been preparing for a long time to get closer to Lu Ping. He knew that Lu Ping had given up her first dream for her own company and that there would be few opportunities to dance in the future, so he planned to realize it for Lu Ping. His dream is to open a dance studio. Fortunately, he also loves dance and does not force himself at all.

He became a teacher of a well-known dancer in the United States. He will also study here in the past few years. He is a neighbor of Lu Ping and has many more opportunities to meet than before, so he still has a great chance of winning the beauty. of.

Lu Ping's chosen major is management and economics. Wang Zhanpeng has already talked with Lu Ping. After Lu Ping graduates, she will start at the middle level of Wang's company. After practicing for a few years and becoming proficient in business, she will take over Wang's company.

At that time, 40% of the shares held by Wang Zhanpeng will be transferred directly to her, while the 20% of the shares held by Shunjuan will need to be purchased by Luping. This part of the money is for Ziling, and several other properties at home. The treasures and treasures were also given to Zi Ling. In this way, Luping has the absolute right to speak of the Wang family, and Fei Yunfan will not be able to interfere in the Wang family's affairs through Ziling in the future.

You can't blame Wang Zhanpeng for thinking too much. This kind of bloody plot is too common. Fei Yunfan is a businessman himself. If Ziling owns Wang's shares, it will be difficult for Yunfan to have any ideas in the future. With this distribution, Zi Ling did not suffer. She did not know how to run a business. Even if she was given shares, she would just wait for the dividends. Now the property given to her at one time was enough. Wang Zhanpeng also took a few things from the space that were not very good. The exaggerated ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, and with Zi Ling's temperament, these are definitely more popular with her than the shares.

Zi Ling has been learning guitar from Fei Yunfan, and was extremely surprised when she learned Lu Ping's chosen major. She looked at Fei Yunfan and said, "I always thought that dancing was Lu Ping's life. Even newspapers and magazines called Lu Ping... The elf on the stage, she is like a luminous body on the stage, everyone will be attracted by her, I used to envy her so much, but Yunfan, I don’t understand, why is such an otherworldly Green Ping like this? What about studying management and economics? Doesn’t she want to be a dancer?”

Fei Yunfan really had no idea about the Wang family at this time. He looked at Zi Ling's doubtful eyes, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and objectively explained to Zi Ling why Lu Ping did this: "Zi Ling, look , A company as big as the Wang family must have an heir, and you only like music and writing, and have no talent or interest in this area at all. So Luping, as the eldest sister, takes over the Wang family and becomes a successor. This is a responsibility. She has indeed shouldered this responsibility, so dancing can only become her hobby.”

Zi Ling was startled when she heard this. She didn't think about it at all. Just like when she made a fuss about not going to college, she always believed that interest was the most important, but it seemed that everyone around her chose not interest in the end. It's responsibility. She lowered her head and murmured: "Shouldn't you stick to what you like? If you do something you don't like for the sake of responsibility, wouldn't it be painful? How can you live such a life?"

She remembered what her father had said to her when he persuaded her, "Everyone spends their youth wantonly in the first ten years of their lives. At that time, who can do whatever they want? But people can't go on like this all their lives. When they grow up, Once you are married, you have your own responsibilities. In daily life, you have to be responsible for your own diet and daily life. When you work, you have to be responsible for doing your job well. When you get married, you have to be responsible for taking care of your partner. When you have a child, you have to be the child's support. Letting children continue to squander their youth is like a virtuous circle that continues to promote social development. "

Fei Yunfan saw that Zi Ling was a little depressed and quickly said: "Zi Ling, you don't have to think too much. Lu Ping is not a person who will force herself. Maybe in addition to dancing, she is also interested in doing business. After all, dancing is It’s impossible for her to dance for a lifetime as a young girl. It’s good to be like this now. She usually manages the company and has fun when she wants to dance. As far as I know, Tao Jianbo went after her and became Luping’s neighbor. "

Zi Ling smiled as expected: "Tao Jianbo is really infatuated! You are right, Yunfan, Luping was always happy when she played here before. Maybe she is not so averse to doing business. I will call Luping soon to ask. Her father said that the family should be honest with each other and not guess, just say what you have to say. "

Fei Yunfan watched Zi Ling mature little by little under his guidance, and no longer got into trouble when things happened. He felt very accomplished. Seeing that Zi Ling looked worried just now, she was now smiling cheerfully. , couldn't help but tease her a few words, which made Ziling angry and chased him. The servants in the garden smiled at each other when they saw this, and they all felt that good things for the master were not far away.

That day, Wang Zhanpeng and Shunjuan came out of Li's house and saw Chu Lian on the way home. In the small woods that often appeared in the original novel, Chu Lian was holding a crying girl, but then turned to another A girl was saying something anxiously, and all three of them looked a little embarrassed. The girl leaning on Chu Lian's arms still had slap marks on her face.

Wang Zhanpeng touched his chin. After he entrusted the sisters, he did not pay attention to Chu Lian anymore. Now it seems that something interesting happened. He should find a detective agency to investigate. Without involving him, he still I really like watching the characters in the plot.

The two of them didn't look at Chu Lian's entanglement anymore. When they got home, they were just glad that their daughters were abroad and no longer had to be harassed by Chu Lian. The relationship between Wang Zhanpeng and Shunjuan is now a bit like roommates. They live together, have a lot of money, and servants do the housework. They only need to enjoy life, so every day is relaxed without any conflicts.

Although Shunjuan felt that there was still a sense of distance between Wang Zhanpeng and her, this was much better than before. She thought that if she could continue to live like this, her whole life would be enough.

Unexpectedly, only two days later, her good mood was gone.

Regarding the CP issue, everyone has their own preferences. I thought about it and decided to follow the original plan. Occasionally there will be CPs if I encounter good ones in the process, such as Huang Yaoshi, a certain prince, etc., and they will develop naturally. It will be deliberately arranged, and not every story will have it. Just like the first two stories have no CP. As for the final moment, take a look at it after writing it, and the logical result will be the most comfortable result. Maybe the master will come out to make soy sauce by then?

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