Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 177 Cleaning up Xiao Yuer (End) (1/2)

Many years later, Shengjing Palace——

Huang Taiji lay on the bed and coughed non-stop. Zhezhe poured him a glass of water, walked to the bed and helped him get up and said: "Your Majesty, you should take more care of yourself. It's freezing today. If you get sick again, Once you get cold, the disease will heal more slowly."

Huang Taiji drank the water from her hand and suddenly felt that his chest felt much smoother. He smiled, leaned on the bed and closed his eyes to rest, patted her hand and sighed: "Zhezhe, thank you for your hard work! I know my body can't last much longer."

"Your Majesty!" Zhezhe covered his mouth with a handkerchief, tears already streaming down his face, "Your Majesty, please don't say these depressing words. Please take good care of yourself and you will be fine! Nitai is not married yet and has not honored you properly. You …”

Huang Taiji shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face, "I also want to watch Nitai grow up, teach him to govern the country and lead the army, and see him have many children, but it's a pity," he turned to look at Zhezhe and warned him seriously. : "I am not sick, but I have been poisoned by chronic poison!"

Zhezhe opened his eyes wide, thought of something for a moment, and blurted out: "Dorgon?"

Huang Taiji nodded slightly, with a ruthless look in his eyes, "Now that Dorgon has a different heart, and Duduo fully supports him, after I leave, I'm afraid he will be harmful to your mother and son! I must try to get rid of him, Zhezhe, you must protect the palace for me!"

Zhezhe responded with tears in his eyes. Seeing that he was tired, he hurriedly helped him lie down to rest, "Your Majesty, don't think so much. Just rest for a while. My concubine is outside. If you need anything, just call me."

After Huang Taiji fell asleep, Zhezhe quietly left the inner room, his expression faded, and he sat on a chair, silently thinking about his future. Previously, Huang Taiji changed the name of the Jin Dynasty to Qing, abolished the rule of joint deliberation, and replaced him with power alone. At that time, Dorgon was the first to support Huang Taiji, so that Huang Taiji gradually used Dorgon in the next two years. Unexpectedly...

In the fight between Huang Taiji and Dorgon, Dorgon obviously had the upper hand. If Huang Taiji died, her Ni Tai would not be able to compete with Dorgon! This is not the Central Plains. It is not uncommon in the tribe for brothers to die. Dorgon had outstanding military exploits, and his contribution to the Qing Dynasty was second only to Huang Taiji. If he showed his intention to succeed to the throne, it would be obvious what awaited her and Nitai!

Motherly love defeated her feelings for Huang Taiji, and for the sake of her son Nitai, she could only be cruel again. Zhezhe clenched his fists tightly, and his nails pierced the palms of his hands, but she seemed oblivious and shed tears. When Saiqiya gave Xiao Yu'er two prescriptions for giving birth and protecting her baby, no one knew that Xiao Yu'er also gave her a bottle of poison in private, saying that the medicine was colorless and odorless, and those who ate it would become pregnant within a few breaths. Death, no one can find out.

At that time, she thought that Xiao Yu'er was afraid that she would be bullied in the back house, so she accepted the offer very happily, and when she couldn't bear it anymore, she secretly murdered a side Fujin. Later, when Xiao Yu'er was crowned a concubine, she was worried that Xiao Yu'er would tell Huang Taiji about the matter and expose her, but she did not expect that such a change would happen at the concubine ceremony.

A few days later, Huang Taiji used Abahai's death to lure Dorgon into the palace and insulted Abahai in his words. Dorgon had always deeply hated the murder of his father and mother. He had endured it for so many years, and when he was about to succeed, he couldn't bear the insult to his mother, so he immediately rode into the palace. When Dayu'er finds out, there's no point in worrying anymore.

That day, no one knew what Huang Taiji and Dorgon were talking about indoors. The eunuchs and maids outside the door didn't even hear the quarrel. When the sun set, there was still no sound inside. Huang Taiji's personal eunuch, Run Fu, then I boldly asked, but there was no movement for a long time. At this time, he was also a little panicked. He knew that his master wanted to deal with Prince Rui, but after so long, there should be a result whether he succeeded or not.

Thinking of his master's body, Runfu couldn't think more about it, opened the door and walked in quickly. The ground was full of messes. Huang Taiji and Dorgon both fell to the ground, with a faint look of death on their faces! Runfu was so frightened that he couldn't stand still. He rolled and crawled to Huang Taiji's side, and tremblingly reached towards the tip of Huang Taiji's nose. After waiting carefully for a while, he was still not breathing. He was so startled that he ducked back, just in time to knock over the vase on the shelf.

The slaves waiting outside the door heard the sound and ran in quickly. When they saw this scene, their faces turned pale. The master was fine at noon, but now he suddenly died. None of the slaves they were waiting on could escape and be buried with him!

Zhezhe sat neatly dressed in Qingning Palace waiting for the news, his face was stiff but his eyes were very firm. She put medicine on everything that was eaten and drank in Huang Taiji's house. She didn't know if Dorgon would use the things in the palace. If she missed this opportunity, she might never have another chance. Now, she only I bet on her luck.

When her personal maid rushed into the room in panic and told him that the emperor had passed away and Prince Rui died suddenly, she breathed a sigh of relief, tears kept flowing out, and her body softened. Seeing her like this, in the eyes of the servants, they all thought she was sad about Huang Taiji's death. No one knew the complexity of joy and sorrow in her heart.

Huang Taiji left a posthumous edict during his lifetime, ordering his legitimate son Ni Tai to succeed him. Zhezhe controlled the palace like an iron barrel and secretly contacted Huang Taiji's close ministers. Since Dorgon and Huang Taiji died in the same room, these people naturally could not Even several neutral veterans accepted the olive branch offered by Nitai when they defected to Dorgon's camp. Most of Huang Taiji's other sons were willing to follow the imperial edict. Under such circumstances, even Duduo could not openly resist.

Half a month later, Ni Tai succeeded to the throne.

Dayu'er, dressed in mourning clothes, looked at Zhezhe expressionlessly, "Auntie, tell me, how did Dorgon die?"

Zhezhe's face showed a look of sadness, "Yu'er, the Taiyuan Hospital has carefully examined it and said that the late emperor and Shi Shi most likely died of anger. The Ai family knew that you and Shi Shi were deeply in love, and the late emperor suddenly arrived. "Bang, the Ai family is also very sad, but life will continue to go on, Yu'er, you still have children to take care of, don't be immersed in pain."

Dayu'er looked at her deeply, turned around and left the palace gate. Zhezhe wiped the tears from his face and thought of the indifference in Yu'er's eyes just now. He clenched his handkerchief and said to himself: "Yu'er, if you are smart, you shouldn't go against your aunt. Otherwise, we can only rely on our own abilities. …”

On the other side of the grassland, Namu Zhong heard the news of Huang Taiji's death, laughed up to the sky, and shouted to the sky: "Great Khan! Did you hear it? There is only one baby in Dajin now, and I, Namu Zhong, will definitely lead the army." My subordinates will avenge you!" Lin Danhan was seriously injured in a battle with Huang Taiji, and before he died, he was killed by Na Muzhong just as he expressed the intention of wanting Fujin to be buried with him.

Afterwards, Namuzhong falsely conveyed the last words of Lin Dan Khan and made his son Abu Nai become the new generation of Khan. He integrated his troops and continued to fight against Dajin. If he couldn't fight hard, he resorted to guerrilla warfare. Although the number of people gradually decreased, it also added to Huang Taiji's strength. After so many years of trouble, he has never been able to unify Mongolia. Na Muzhong has always had a hatred for Da Jin in her heart that cannot be eliminated. She believes that this is the revenge for killing her husband, and does not go into details. She just wants to lead her subordinates to fight Da Jin to the end.

Xiao Yu'er immediately informed Li Dingguo of their news. Now she is dressed in men's clothing, using the pseudonym Li Yun, and is Li Dingguo's military advisor.

"Military advisor, is this true? The Kingdom of Jin occupied Liaodong and proclaimed itself emperor, and has been harassing the border for many years. If Huang Taiji and Dorgon are killed, we can concentrate on dealing with the court." Although Li Dingguo asked whether it was true or false, his tone showed joy. . In the past two years, the military advisor has been advising him. He has extraordinary knowledge and proficiency in calculations. His occasional calculations are extremely accurate. He has long been convinced of this in his heart.

Li Yun took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Of course it is true. Now the imperial court is at the end of its strength and there is nothing to be afraid of." As she said that, she raised her head and looked at Li Dingguo and said seriously: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about the future?"

Li Dingguo smiled, turned his head and stared at her and asked, "What does the military advisor mean by this?"

Li Yun replied calmly: "Now there are four princes in Daxi, all of whom are the righteous sons of the Holy Lord. Sun Kewang is the first, which shows how much the Holy Lord values ​​him. In the future, when the Ming Dynasty is conquered, who will the Holy Lord appoint as the prince? Does the prince have any thoughts in his heart? Fixed number?"

Zhang Xianzhong proclaimed himself emperor in Chengdu and established the Daxi regime. He divided his only four adopted sons into four princes in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Among them, the eldest son, Sun Ke, was expected to be brave and resourceful and the most valued. However, this man regarded Li Dingguo as a thorn in his side and wanted to do it several times. Conspiracy to ensure his position as heir.

Li Dingguo frowned slightly, "My foster father has been as kind to me as a mountain, and I really can't do anything rebellious." After a pause, he continued: "As for the eldest brother, he has a deep prejudice against me. If one day he ascends the throne I am afraid that I will no longer have a foothold in the imperial throne!"

Li Dingguo has never been a foolish and loyal person. He has a clear mind and a good understanding of the overall situation. After hearing his words, Li Yun nodded with satisfaction and said: "To be disrespectful, I look at the face of the saint and it seems that his life span has been lost. Now the prince But you can secretly accumulate power, and if something unexpected happens, you can fight hard!"

Li Dingguo did not agree immediately, but thought carefully for three days before firmly stating that he would plan secretly. He joined the army at the age of ten, and his lifelong ideal was to unify the world and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. We must not give up the throne to Sun Kewang just because he is the eldest brother!

The Qing Dynasty had been greatly reduced in power by the Ming army and Namu Zhong's repeated raids. It was in urgent need of recuperation and could no longer worry about the dispute in the Central Plains. Three years later, Zhang Xianzhong died of illness. Li Dingguo was well prepared, and with his military will, he successfully ascended the throne and changed his reign to Yonghua.

On the day he ascended the throne, auspiciousness descended from the sky in Chengdu. The civil and military ministers all saw a looming golden dragon emerging from the sky, hovering above Li Dingguo's head! After the shock, everyone knelt down and shouted "Long live". The saying that Li Dingguo was the real dragon emperor quickly spread throughout the Central Plains.

In recent years, the power of Li Zicheng, Zheng Chenggong and others has been secretly undermined by Li Yun, and they are no longer comparable to Li Dingguo. Not long after, Li Dingguo held the jade seal that had been handed down from generation to generation, and was convinced that he was the destined emperor. From then on, his power became stronger and stronger.

Five more years later, Li Dingguo invaded the capital and declared the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Zhu Cixiang, seeing that the situation was over, wanted to commit suicide for his country, but was rescued by Li Dingguo. "Although the Ming Dynasty has been destroyed, the world is still there and the people are still there. Are you willing to help me manage this country together?"

After some hard persuasion by Li Dingguo, Zhu Cixiang finally put down his sword, was named the righteous king by Li Dingguo, and moved out of the palace with his wife and children. Li Dingguo did not give him real power, but he could still express his views on the country in the court. The demise of the Ming Dynasty was something he had long expected and would not be surprised. If he could use this method to serve his people again, He was willing to do his part.

Li Dingguo had his own plans this time. No matter how corrupt the Ming Dynasty was, there were still people who were loyal to it. Now that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had surrendered, others would no longer come out to cause chaos under the banner of restoring the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, he wanted to recruit and surrender the Ming Dynasty. The general is also very beneficial.

When Wu Sangui saw that the country had changed hands, he was afraid that he would not be reused, so he wanted to introduce Qing soldiers and let them fight with each other, waiting for an opportunity to establish himself as king. Unexpectedly, after he developed a rebellious heart, the talisman on his body took effect, and he fell into a coma. , never woke up again.

The world has just been settled, and although there are many things to deal with, Li Yun no longer needs to dictate. The counselors of emperors in the past dynasties all retired when they succeeded, and Li Yun was no exception. She resumed women's clothing, resumed her name as Yunlan, and went abroad with the merchant ship.

Abroad, she obtained technical information that was ahead of the Central Plains such as firearms and steam engines, and asked painters to draw many foreign creatures. Later, when she returned to China, she handed all these to Li Dingguo. Li Dingguo knew the importance of information, especially after reading so many "Records of Foreign Survival", he had higher requirements for himself and his pursuit was broader.

With advanced firearms and cannons, Li Dingguo quickly eliminated the remaining civilian forces such as Li Zicheng. After Zheng Chenggong surrendered, Li Dingguo knew how to make good use of people and specially ordered him to fight at sea. Just like in history, Zheng Chenggong regained Taiwan. His subordinates persuaded him to take advantage of the opportunity and proclaim himself king. However, he was hesitant and his family stayed in the capital. It sounded like they were enjoying the blessings, but in fact they were hostages. He finally sighed. Ichiban gave up the idea of ​​independence.

After the Central Plains settled down, in order to test the strength of the new dynasty, the Japanese State sent thousands of people disguised as pirates to the coastal areas of the Central Plains to burn, kill and loot. Li Dingguo needed to kill chickens to scare monkeys and establish his prestige. How could he let this opportunity pass? Zheng Chenggong was immediately ordered to lead the navy into battle. The Japanese did not expect that the Central Plains would take the matter so seriously. They were not well prepared and were beaten.

Li Dingguo did not allow it to be a vassal state like the Tang Dynasty. Instead, he selected the ministers of civil and military affairs to lead a group of Han people to move there, taking full charge of it while assimilating them without leaving a trace.

When Yun Lan learned the news, she was playing chess with Zhu Cihong in Prince Yi's Mansion. She was very proficient in disguise and illusion, and her identity changed again and again without anyone seeing through it. After all, she had seen Zhu Cixiang since she was a child. Even though the Ming Dynasty was destroyed, she didn't want him to end badly. Therefore, after the big incident was over, I found opportunities to chat and play chess with him often, so as to untie the knot in his heart and give him advice on how to avoid being suspected by Li Dingguo.

Running around and scheming in this life was very tiring, but seeing the Central Plains becoming increasingly prosperous under Li Dingguo's governance, Yun Lan felt that she had no regrets in this life.

The author has something to say: Su Luoruo threw a landmine

estella threw a mine

Thank you guys\\( ̄︶ ̄*hugs~

It’s even later today, but I’m very fat ^_^

Next, let’s write about Shui Yunjian. Who will wear it and torture whom (⊙_⊙)? (Mei Ruohong, Du Qianqian, and Wang Zixuan are not good)


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