Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 190 New Police Story (1)

As soon as Yun Lan woke up, she felt a headache after a hangover and felt uncomfortable. She remained asleep and let go of her consciousness to explore her surroundings. This is a well-decorated room, more than 100 square meters in size. The furnishings don't seem to have any personality. I poked outside the door and saw the corridor and some waiters, which confirmed that this was a relatively high-end hotel and there was no danger. Yun Lan withdrew her consciousness and slowly opened her eyes. Perhaps the more dangerous thing was the naked man next to her!

Quickly tapping the man's sleeping point, Yun Lan sat up and saw the wine bottles on the ground and clothes scattered everywhere. She rubbed her forehead and stepped into the space. While taking a bath, she ran the exercises to fuse her memory, and the discomfort disappeared after a while. The original owner's name was Zhou Su. She was the youngest daughter of Asia Shipping Zhou Jianyun and Guan Zu's girlfriend. Yesterday, several people went to participate in extreme sports. After the party, they all stayed in the hotel.

Now the five of them don't have any extreme ideas. They are studying in the United States and they often get together to play. However, this party has become so popular that they have complained that the party is getting more and more boring. I think they will start to study a more exciting game, time travel. It's just right. Since you haven't committed a crime yet, don't commit any crime in the future.

She walked out of the bathroom and was about to grab the clothes in the cabinet when she suddenly thought that these people all had extremely high IQs, so she had better be careful not to expose any flaws. Turning around and leaving the space, she put on the white cotton pajamas prepared by the hotel, and used the bedside phone to call the waiter to bring two sets of clothes. Then she sat down and looked at the sleeping Guan Zu carefully.

He was very handsome, and he looked very harmless when sleeping. There was no hint of the depression or madness in his heart. I took a mirror and took a look at myself. I had better get rid of my unconventional hair as soon as possible. I really don’t feel comfortable with it.

The doorbell rang, Zhou Su tightened his clothes and went to open the door. The waiter held two boxes in his hands and smiled respectfully: "Ms. Zhou, these are the clothes you want."

Zhou Su opened the box and took a look. The size was just right and the quality and style were good. She nodded with satisfaction, picked up the coat on the floor, and took out two US dollars from Guan Zu's wallet as a tip. Putting Guan Zu's clothes on the table, he went into the bathroom to change his clothes. His hair was combed into a ponytail and he didn't put on any makeup. He looked fresh and refreshing, a bit like a student.

Zhou Su left a note saying that he had something to do recently and would not attend the gathering of several people. Then he put on his sunglasses and left the hotel. According to the memory of the original owner, she took a taxi back to her rented apartment. As soon as she entered the door, she saw her brother sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

Zhou Hang heard the door knock, glanced up at her, and asked with a cold face: "Why didn't you go home last night? Where did you go? You are so old, why are you not sensible at all?"

Zhou Su was a little surprised. He didn't expect to see the original owner's brother so soon. Zhou's father valued Zhou Hang and was busy with business, so he always ignored the original owner. Zhou's mother was busy shopping with her friends every day for beauty treatments, and only doted on her. Therefore, the original owner was very willful at home and had a very bad relationship with his brother. She really guessed What happened before Zhou Hang came?

When Zhou Hang saw her entering the house, he went to open the refrigerator and get a drink, ignoring himself, and anger gradually appeared on his face. He is the heir of the Zhou family, and has been accustomed to being sought after since he was a child, but this sister is the only one who always tries to disgrace him. He slapped the newspaper on the coffee table, frowned and shouted: "Zhou Su! I'm asking you something! Do you think no one can care about you after you come to the United States?"

Zhou Su took a sip of Coke slowly and sat across from him, "Hey, brother, you are so angry. Didn't you stay overnight? I haven't asked you why you showed up in my house. Who allowed you to With the key to my house?”

"Zhou Su, I haven't seen you for a year. Have you lost your manners?"

Seeing Zhou Hang narrowing his eyes and thinking he was majestic, Zhou Su rolled his eyes at him, "Okay! You can do whatever you want, but please don't interfere with my life. Since you want to live here, I will find another place in the next few days. Come on!" He said and walked out.

"That's enough!" Zhou Hang stood up suddenly, picked up his suit and went out. Before leaving, he said coldly, "Graduation is only one year away, so you can take care of yourself!"

Zhou Su leaned on the sofa and sorted out her family relationships. If she put some thought into it, it was possible for her to take over Asia Shipping. However, Zhou Hang had been the crown prince for so many years. Once he was pulled down, he would be in an extremely embarrassing situation. With his ability, Her temper might be broken and decadent, so she might as well start over again.

She had one year of free time left. She had to accumulate more capital so that she would not be dragged into marriage by her family. She could just trick those few into working as coolies so that she would not think about committing crimes anymore when she was busy.

A month later, Zhou Su received a text message from Max, telling her that she was having a party at the bar that night. Zhou Su thought for a while that he hadn't contacted her for so long, and if he didn't go, the relationship might become estranged, so he changed into a pair of trousers and drove a sports car to the appointed place.

"Hey, Asu! What have you been up to recently? I've called you several times and you haven't come out. If you keep doing this, Azuki will be taken away." Huo Bang saw Zhou Su gloating and making fun of her. Everyone was sitting next to them. A girl, Guan Zuzheng, was fistfighting with the girl next to him.

Zhou Su Chong waved to them and picked a single sofa to sit down on. Liu Tian put down his wine glass and looked at her up and down, "Tsk tsk, Asu, you have become more elegant. Could it be that you have to relearn etiquette this month?" Everyone burst into laughter. Zhou Su was wearing a simple shirt and jeans, which was indeed different from the colorful dress she wore before, especially with only light makeup and her hair draped softly on her shoulders. At first glance, she thought she was a lady, but she was used to seeing her with a thick face. The people wearing makeup were very surprised.

Guan Zu leaned back and smiled at Zhou Su: "Tell me, where did you go to play? What's so fun that you didn't take us with you?"

Zhou Su shrugged, "Don't you think I didn't react quickly enough? I went to strengthen training. I set my own goals and found a few venues to practice at random. I won't hold you back next time we play in a team competition. Legs."

Several people laughed. Although Zhou Su was weaker than them, she was already strong compared to other women. After all, not everyone could keep up with their speed. Huoguo yelled, "What about strengthening training? I think you look weaker, right?"

"How about we have a competition somewhere? Let you see the results of my training. Don't say that I bully you then." Zhou Su's tone and expression were very similar to the original owner. Since he has to experience life through various identities, he naturally also You need to figure out the character of the original owner and understand something deeper.

This is also a new method she has found. If she does it as she pleases, with her current foundation-building Dzogchen cultivation, she will unconsciously feel like she is looking down when she gets along with others. After all, she has traveled through time many times. She has almost mastered all kinds of knowledge. Things that are important in the eyes of others are all trivial to her. She always looks at the people around her like a college student looking at a primary school student. And if you properly imitate the character of the original owner, you may be able to be more sincere when getting along with other people.

Guan Zu looked at her pride when she spoke, and became a little interested in her training results. "Okay, let's each compete with Asubi once to see if she is qualified. Let's go!"

Guan Zu took Zhou Su's hand and walked out first, followed by the three hot people, and the little girls were still shouting "Come back when you have time". Zhou Su glanced at the hand held by Guan Zu from the corner of her eyes. Although she didn't want to fall in love, a sudden change would arouse suspicion. Anyway, there were many excuses to make. As long as she didn't cross the bottom line and slowly weakened the relationship, they would break up naturally. alright.

In fact, the two of them didn't have a deep relationship at first. It was just that Guan Zu played well and the original owner admired him, and the original owner was also very good at playing with women. So the two came together. If you really think about it, it was the original owner who paid for it. There are more feelings.

When they arrived at the two-story villa they rented, Liu Tian was the first to jump into the boxing ring and pointed his finger at Zhou Su: "Come, let's see if your free fighting skills have improved!"

Zhou Su didn't waste any time and started fighting with him. The two exchanged more than twenty moves. Zhou Su pretended to be defeated and was knocked to the ground. Huo Bao leaned on the rope and whistled, "Not bad! I can hold on for so long against A Tian. It seems that this month has not been in vain!"

Max sat in front of the computer and turned the video of the two fighting into a game action. He smiled and said: "I am currently working on an exciting game. Please play for a while and get me more materials."

Guan Zu raised his eyebrows at the bar and winked at Hotfire, "Let's see how the shooting goes."

Zhou Su and Liu Tian each went back to their rooms to wash themselves briefly. They often played here. Each of them had a room and everything was complete. When he came out again, Huo Bao was already waiting at the shooting range. Zhou Su wiped his hair again, threw the big towel aside, walked over and asked: "How to compare? I have practiced this carefully, so don't ask too simple questions."

Huo Po looked at her in surprise, "Then let's move the target twice as fast as usual for two minutes and see who has the higher hit rate."

"Okay! No problem!" Zhou Su said while tying her hair back. The two of them each took one side and aimed at the target against the wall. After Guan Zu shouted "Start", Zhou Su used his spiritual consciousness to pay attention to the hot results, controlling himself to be a little behind him, but still better than before. To many extents.

The results came out. Huo Bao’s hit rate was 95% and Zhou Su’s hit rate was 87%. Huo Bao gave her a thumbs up sign. He had served in the U.S. Marine Corps and his marksmanship was naturally good, but Zhou Su was an amateur. Being able to practice to this level just based on hobbies is already very impressive.

Zhou Su put down the gun and said with a smile: "Okay, let's compete with other people another time. I'm exhausted. I'll order some late-night snacks."

Max typed on the keyboard for a while, then found a bunch of restaurant names and asked, "What to eat? The restaurant we usually call is closed. It's a good time for a change of taste."

"I don't care, but I have to hurry up. I'm really hungry." Zhou Suwai sat on the sofa and took a laptop to look for movies online.

Guan Zu sat down, put his arm on her shoulders, and laughed softly: "You have made great progress, what reward do you want?"

The author has something to say: Yunqi threw a landmine

Bloody Moon Liuli threw a mine

Thank you for your encouragement, okay o(* ̄3 ̄)o

Does anyone hate Chen Guorong? Those who are confident are a little arrogant...

The Lord tortured Azu’s father!

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