Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 210 Talking about Love and Cases (6)

In the following days, Xu Xiaoli lived a busy and fulfilling life between the law firm and the Xu family. In terms of professional knowledge, she was no worse than Chen Yuqi, but each of them had their own unique characteristics. experience and insights, so she really learned a lot in the law firm.

Soon she obtained a bachelor's degree in law from a prestigious school and some professional certificates, became a barrister, and became a trainee lawyer. The police academy already had law courses, and her grades were also very high. Self-study to obtain the barrister qualification was not considered It was so surprising that when her relatives and friends found out, they just sighed that she worked hard and had great talent.

Xu Fei felt very proud when he saw her various certificates. He sighed with Liang Xiu'e: "If I had known that Sharp Girl was so talented in the law, I should have let her become a lawyer earlier. Maybe she would be a well-known lawyer now!" "

Xu Guoliang continued with a shaky expression on his face: "Yes, you want me to say that Sharp Girl was in the wrong profession before. Didn't you see that she was not promoted after being a police officer for so many years?"

Xu Guoan smiled and kicked him, "Do you want to make Sir Fei angry again? Go to the kitchen and see if the fish is ready to be steamed!"

Xu Xiaoli looked at them with a smile, hugged Xu Jiaxi and told him about the best clients she met in the law firm. Compared with the low pressure when the sharp girl fell in love, the Xu family now is really full of laughter.

Chen Yuqi was very satisfied with her performance and achievements during this period, and officially accepted her as his apprentice. He even set up a banquet to introduce her to friends in the legal field.

Those present that day were all senior lawyers. Originally they were just here to support Chen Yuqi, but after talking to Xu Xiaoli, I realized that she was not like a newcomer at all. With a solid foundation and careful thinking, she would definitely become a lawyer in time. A new star in the world, many people really want to promote him.

Trainee lawyers cannot take on cases to defend themselves in court alone, and can only assist in court as the barrister's deputy. Of course, the cases that Chen Yuqi will take are not simple ones. Xu Xiaoli does an excellent job in preparation every time, making Chen Yuqi relaxed. Young Master, he is also much more sincere towards her as his apprentice.

For a whole year, Xu Xiaoli did not see the Jing family again. When Chen Yuqi went to court, she would often meet her former colleagues from the crime team. We all kept in touch and would call her up during private gatherings. After her trainee lawyer period expired, she successfully obtained her barrister license.

Chen Yuqi looked at Xu Xiaoli's happy expression in amusement, shook his head and said: "Tina, are you so happy? With your ability, you are sure to get the barrister's license. People who don't know think you won the Mark Six Lottery!"

Xu Xiaoli smiled sheepishly and said, "Master, please stop making fun of me. I just feel happy that I can stand in court in person and defend the client in the future." In fact, she encountered many difficult cases when she was a police officer in her previous life. Due to her identity, she always had to work hard to prevent lawyers from taking advantage of legal loopholes, so she always missed the feeling of arguing in court when wearing EVA.

After playing the role of a sharp girl for a long time, she seems to have relaxed a lot. Her personality is quite cheerful and lively, and she has the energy of a young girl.

Chen Yuqi smiled and handed her the folder at hand and said: "Now that you have the license, work hard. These are the two cases I screened for you. They are the criminal cases you are best at. Although it is a bit difficult, I believe in you. If you are competent, remember, you must be steady at the beginning of the lawsuit and don’t rush it.”

Xu Xiaoli took the folder and said with a confident smile: "Don't worry, Master, I won't let you down!"

Xu Xiaoli returned to her office and opened the documents. One was a love murder case. The client Ling Feng was innocent, but there was no alibi. The other was a self-defense homicide case. The client Feng Jiaman was killed with a fruit knife in a panic. the other party.

After looking through the basic information, she first called the family of Feng Jiaman, who was about to be prosecuted, and took over the case. After making an appointment with Feng's mother, she went to the police station to meet Feng Jiaman. Feng Jiaman was haggard and scared. When she saw them, her eyes were filled with anticipation.

Xu Xiaoli asked about the key points in several cases. After she felt that there were no problems, she said with a smile: "Ms. Feng, although I am a new lawyer, I have assisted Chen Dazhuang in many cases before. Please trust me, I will try my best to help you. Exonerated."

Feng Jiaman didn't want to cry when she heard her words. She clenched her hands and asked in disbelief: "Is what you said true? Can I really get away with it?"

Seeing her excitement, Feng's mother quickly stepped forward and hugged her and said: "We have gone to several lawyers before, and they all asked Manman to plead guilty! But Manman is a victim. Is it just because that beast's family has money? Can you get away with it? Xu Dazhuang, you must help us, my daughter is only 20 years old, it will be all over if she goes to jail!"

Feng's mother also started crying as she spoke. Xu Xiaoli could understand their mood, took out a pack of tissues from her bag and handed it over, looked into her eyes seriously and said: "Miss Feng, don't worry, as long as you are innocent, I will never let you be charged with murder! You must stay calm and be strong, believe me.”

Seeing her firm and confident look, Feng Jiaman nodded and slowly calmed down.

Feng's mother wanted to talk to Feng Jiaman for a while, so Xu Xiaoli left by herself. In the corridor of the police station, she happened to meet Lu Tianheng and laughed loudly: "Hey? It's Sharp Girl! Sharp Girl, why are you here? here?"

Lu Tianheng glanced at the briefcase she was carrying and asked, "Did you take the case?"

Xu Xiaoli smiled and said: "Yes, I came to meet my client. I just finished talking and was about to leave. How are you guys doing recently? Are you busy?"

PC curled his lips and complained: "I wasn't busy originally, but the Wendy who took over your job is pregnant and took leave, so her work has to be divided among us."

"Of course I can't follow you to catch thieves when I'm pregnant. You're a sharp talker, so be careful if people misunderstand you." Looking at their looks, Xu Xiaoli knew they were off work, so she walked out with them.

"What's the misunderstanding? I usually talk about her a lot. If a timid person encounters a thief, he will just say 'don't move'. When he sees the thief charging towards him, he will scream and run away without even firing the gun in his hand!" Her biggest hobby is eating, and she usually eats the most after buying afternoon tea!" PC felt bitter when he mentioned this unqualified colleague.

Lu Tianheng patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Forget it, not all policewomen are as brave as Sharp Girl. Aren't you rushing to pick up your wife? Why don't you leave quickly?"

PC raised his hand and glanced at his watch, slapped his forehead and shouted: "Oh! I was busy chatting. If I go late, I will be criticized by that yellow-faced woman. If you don't say anything, I will get out of the way first, bye!"

Lu Tianheng turned around and asked Xu Xiaoli with a smile, "It's been a long time since we last met. Why don't we have dinner together?"

"Okay, losir, if you don't take the treat, you won't get it for free!"

Lu Tianheng opened the car door for her and smiled: "Being a lawyer has made you sharp-tongued! Speaking of which, I have never seen you dressed so formally. Your temperament is completely different. I almost didn't recognize you when I met you just now."

Xu Xiaoli smiled and said: "Lawyers, aren't they all like this? If a police officer also wears a suit, how can he catch thieves?"

"That's true. How about it? You have become a barrister so quickly and can go to court in person. Are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous," Xu Xiaoli shook her head, "I have been accompanying my master to court before, and I have also practiced it myself, so there is no problem at all."

"You are so confident! It seems that you made the right decision to change your career. After becoming a barrister, you have exuded extraordinary charm. You will definitely be able to charm thousands of boys when you stand out!"

"Haha, Losir, you should leave these sweet words to your girlfriends, they are of no use to me!"

"Sharp girl, what you said really hurts my heart. Has my charm declined?"

"No! I've seen you do too many bad things!"

Although they were friends in the past, they always had the status of superior and subordinate, and they did not have much contact in private. Now that Xu Xiaoli has changed her career to become a lawyer, she and he have become good friends, and they no longer have any inhibitions about joking with each other.

The next day, Xu Xiaoli looked through some similar old cases and found that as long as it was a case involving sex, regardless of winning or losing, the victim would be under tremendous pressure. Especially in court, the other party's lawyer would often ask some sharp questions in order to achieve the goal. The purpose of stimulating the victim to lose control. Xu Xiaoli investigated the details of the case before and after running, looking for possible witnesses and physical evidence, striving to prove the truth of Feng Jiaman's self-defense with the most intuitive facts, hoping to protect the victim to the greatest extent.

Liang Xiu'e complained about being so busy when she first became a lawyer. When she came home early for a rare occasion, she couldn't help complaining: "I also said that being a lawyer is better than being a policeman, but it turns out that it is more tiring than being a policeman! You See, you haven’t slept well for several days? Girls need to take good care of themselves. How can they take care of themselves if they can’t even drink soup every day?”

Xu Fei also nodded in agreement and said: "Sharp girl, work is important, but don't work too hard. Look, you are so thin that you have only a handful of bones left. The food outside is not healthy. Come back more often and ask your mother to supplement it for you." ”

Xu Xiaoli took off her coat and put it on the sofa, and said with a smile: "How can it be so serious? It's just the past few days. Sir Fei, didn't you often stay up late when you were handling cases?"

Sister Chang pulled Xu Jiaxi over and waved her hand, "What's the difference? We women have to take good care of our bodies. I didn't pay attention when I was young, and now I always have low back pain. You, you must take good care of yourself while you are young!"

The status of lawyers in Hong Kong has always been very high, and Xu Xiaoli is also Chen Yuqi's apprentice, so she is very proud to speak out. Sister Chang became much closer to her and secretly hoped that she could support her family.

Xu Xiaoli leaned on Liang Xiu'e's shoulder and said in surrender: "I'm afraid of you. I will try my best to go home to eat in the future. Mom, what delicious food did you cook today? I'm so hungry."

Liang Xiu'e patted her hand, stood up and walked to the refrigerator, "The food will take a while to cook before you can eat it. I bought some pastries in the afternoon. You should eat two to satisfy your stomach."

"Okay! Thank you, mom! I'll go change clothes first."

The author has something to say: Wei'an Little Bear threw a mine

Yunqi threw a landmine

Bloody Moon Liuli threw a mine

Thank you dears (* ̄)( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ[kiss]

There will be no more updates on the Red Mansion article today, girls don’t have to wait [please face


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