Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 228 Black Cloud Pearl u0026 Crescent Moon (10)


When E Shuo saw Xinyue say this, he felt a little flattered. He smiled quickly and said: "Gege, it seems that I am out of touch. Well, I ask you to call me Xinyue. You don't want to call me adults, just call me Ah." Mou Qi."

Xinyue happily shouted "Amouchi", miraculously feeling that she was the Xinyue Gege who was loved by her relatives again!

Although Es Shuo was a first-rank minister and had a closer relationship with the emperor, he had a first-rank minister above him who led the bodyguards, and there were five other ministers at the same level, so he didn't have much real power. The son is still young, and I don’t know what will happen in the future. The daughter is favored, but without the Queen Mother’s favor, she will not be able to support the family for the time being. This time, he saw the opportunity to care for the orphan, and he felt that he gained the emperor’s trust even more. He didn’t expect that Princess would still be like this. He is easy to get along with. If you can build this relationship, it will be a great help to your family.

Aunt Fang and the palace maid Dongqing, who were given by Xiaozhuang, looked at each other and did not say anything to stop them. Before leaving the palace, Su Mo'er specifically told them not to worry too much about Xinyue's affairs, as long as they didn't cause any scandal and disgrace the royal family. They didn't understand what it meant at first, but now they saw the two of them. After getting along, I suddenly realized that Xinyue Gege and Xian Fei's fathers were both people who didn't understand the rules. I'm afraid the Queen Mother hoped that they would make some minor mistakes, so that she would have an excuse to punish them.

After Fei Yanggu finished practicing riding and shooting, his personal servant hurriedly ran forward and told him the news he had learned. Although Fei Yanggu had made up his mind to stay away from his sister and brother, he still had to keep an eye on him in his own house to know what he had learned. , as soon as he heard E Shuo's actions, he immediately guessed the wishful thinking of E Shuo, and felt helpless. His father was getting more and more confused, so what kind of help could a Ge Ge without backing or background be? Partially, my father felt that he had taken advantage of him.

Fei Yanggu cleaned up briefly and went to the study to try to persuade Es Shuo, "Ama, are you a little anxious to get close to them now? Gege and the prince are the masters after all. We are slaves who are ordered to care for orphans. As long as we respect them properly, We can satisfy the superiors at this time. When the filial piety period is over, the Queen Mother will definitely propose marriage to Gege. Then we can see how the superiors arrange the son and decide whether to get closer. My son thinks this is safer. "

Es Shuo was so happy that he couldn't listen to his son's words. Besides, Fei Yanggu was only thirteen years old and was still a child in his eyes. "Okay, Fei Yanggu, don't be so cautious. Although we are slaves, But your sister is already the master, and she specifically took over the responsibility of caring for the orphans, which shows that Xinyue and Keshan are still very important to the emperor. If we wait and see for a while, we will lose the opportunity. "

Seeing Fei Yanggu frowning and trying to persuade him, he sighed, "You, you are young and have a lot to think about. Why are you so timid? Your sister is now pregnant with the prince, and she may have great fortunes in the future. Yes! We should pave the way in advance and give your sister some help. Keshan will inherit the title in the future. It is possible for the emperor to be considerate and directly inherit the title. Then he will be the prince, and the new moon will be married. It won't be low. When our family raises two noble people, won't everything rise?" E Shuo stroked his beard and smiled slowly thinking about the future glory of his family.

Fei Yanggu looked at Es Shuo, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, knowing in his heart that it was useless to say anything. Sometimes he couldn't help but think that if his sister were a man, he might not have such an easy time in this family. Thinking of his mother who was in bed recovering from illness, he sighed and said nothing more.

With E Shuo's frequent visits and care, Xinyue gradually came out of the painful memories. In fact, she was just sentimental. As long as she was not given so much time to think, she would be just like other teenage girls. Youthful and lively.

Xiaozhuang smiled casually after hearing the news from Aunt Fang. She had dealt with this type of people several times, which gave her a deep understanding of their ability to cause trouble. She didn't need to do anything personally, as long as she was there When they make trouble, you can easily get rid of them by adding fuel to the flames.

She asked Eunuch Chang to send a message to Shunzhi, meaning that although Nu Dahai's matter was suppressed, in the end, his words and deeds were inappropriate and had a bad influence in the army. According to military regulations, he should be punished by the eighty-year-old general.

Shunzhi hated her most when giving advice on government affairs. She said the staff was eighty, but Shunzhi changed it to thirty. After conveying the order, he couldn't read the memorial any more, so he got up and called Xiao Lizi to Chengqian Palace. Now in the palace, only Wu Yunzhu can be regarded as his own. The Wu Yunzhu family is weak, has made too many enemies in the palace, and is disliked by the Queen Mother. She can only rely on him wholeheartedly. It can be said that life and death are all controlled by him. in hand.

He felt at ease getting along with Wu Yunzhu, and whenever he was in a bad mood, Wu Yunzhu could always say something he liked to hear to make him happy, unlike other people who were either timid, shy, or shy in front of him. Being rigid or ambitious is just boring. There was originally Concubine Tong and the Empress, but Concubine Tong had harmed Wu Yunzhu for her own child, which shows that she was a scorpion-hearted person. As for the Empress, after what happened to Wu Liangfu last time, he already had knots in his heart, and it was impossible to find her again. Hers.

"Fu Lin, do you still keep the buffalo painting I gave you? It was the best painting I ever painted. I couldn't find the feeling when I tried to paint it again."

Shunzhi lowered his head and glanced at Wu Yunzhu who was leaning in his arms. He smiled and pushed the hair on her cheek behind her ear, "Keep it and hang it in my study. If you can't draw anything, just draw slowly." The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your baby. The baby will be born in two months, and I can’t wait any longer.”

Wu Yunzhu closed her eyes to cover her panic, calmed down, and said with a smile: "The child always kicks me, maybe he can't wait to meet his emperor."

"Oh? Let me take a look." Surprise flashed in Shunzhi's eyes. He had been curious about Concubine Tong's belly in the past, but he was not that interested in it and forgot about it in the blink of an eye. He gently put his hand on Wu Yunzhu's belly. After a while, he felt a strong collision. He was suddenly surprised and said: "Wu Yunzhu, my son is greeting me!"

Wu Yunzhu looked at his happy look and thought that if the emperor could always be so kind to her, she would be happy even if she didn't become the queen, right? But this idea was just a flash in the pan. She was so favored now, but she still couldn't sleep well every night, for fear that one day the emperor would get tired of her and she would be suppressed. Even if she was the queen, didn't Meng Guqing just give up? Only by ascending to the position of Xiaozhuang can one be able to settle down once and for all, control the wind and rain, and live steadily in the harem.

Wu Yunzhu's actual pregnancy period was only one month away. She kept looking for opportunities to create the illusion of premature birth. Unfortunately, the four nuns sent by Xiaozhuang kept an eye on her every day. Aunt Cui from Shunzhi sent Mammy often followed her, and she couldn't find the slightest chance.

Xiaozhuang sent people to check on the four pregnant women from time to time, and ordered people to clean up the places where they might go to prevent any accidents. Wu Yunzhu spent a month anxiously like this, trying various methods, but finally entered the delivery room smoothly.

Shunzhi rushed to Chengqian Palace as soon as he learned about it. Hearing Wu Yunzhu's hoarse screams in the delivery room, he kicked over a stool and angrily asked the people around Wu Yunzhu, "How on earth did you serve Xian? Why did the concubine give birth prematurely? "

The palace maids looked at each other, no one dared to meet Shunzhi's anger, but Cui Cui bravely replied in a low voice: "When I return to the emperor, the servants have always been careful, and no accidents have happened, and neither has the virtuous concubine." Showing discomfort, it looks seems like the day has come..."

"How is that possible? Didn't you say there's still a month left?" Shunzhi had a strange intuition, but Aunt Cui was his confidant and would not lie to him. Is this premature birth really no surprise?

Wu Yunzhu bribed the imperial doctor to lie about the month early. Of course Xiaozhuang didn't expose her when she found out. Now looking at Shunzhi's irritable look, she just smiled and said: "Emperor, sit down and wait. Except for Aunt Cui, You all stand back."

Shunzhi frowned and sat aside. Apart from him and Xiaozhuang, the only ones left in the room were Granny Cui and Su Mo'er. He thought Xiaozhuang just didn't want him to harass people, so he didn't care. But then, Xiaozhuang He said bluntly: "Emperor, the Ai family has sent four nuns to take care of Concubine Xian. You can tell that Concubine Xian's complexion is rosy and her body is very healthy. She has taken care of Concubine Xian in the past few months."

Shunzhi looked at Xiaozhuang in confusion. Xiaozhuang turned the Buddhist beads in his hand, looked at him and said: "Emperor, you sent Aunt Cui to serve the Xian Concubine in case the Ai family would attack the Xian Concubine. Now there are many people waiting for you. They have all been dispersed, and Grandma Cui has checked carefully in the delivery room, and there is nothing wrong with it, but?" At the last sentence, she turned to look at Grandma Cui.

Aunt Cui was so frightened that her legs weakened and she knelt on the ground. Xiaozhuang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. The emperor sends you on errands. You should be careful. Now you go in and guard the concubine until the child is born safely. You are also in the palace." I am an old man, but I can still tell whether the mother is in good health, right?"

Shunzhi clenched his fists and asked with a cold face: "How is Concubine Xian's condition?"

Aunt Cui's body trembled and sweat broke out on her forehead. She knew that the Emperor and the Queen Mother were at odds, but she didn't expect that the Queen Mother would point it out to her face, "Back...back to the Emperor, this servant has been serving Concubine Xian, Concubine Xian. The concubine is in good health. Seeing that the weather is nice today, she even said she would go out to the yard to bask in the sun, but she started having labor pains before she even got up. The delivery room, the delivery room and the people and servants there also carefully checked and found nothing wrong. "

Shunzhi stared at her for a while. He sent her here because she knew some medicine and was good at taking care of pregnant women. Since she said so, Wu Yunzhu might be fine. He glanced at Xiaozhuang's smiling face and said, "In that case , you go in and guard Concubine Xian."

Grandma Cui didn't dare to delay, and quickly got up and entered the delivery room. Wu Yunzhu's face was slightly pale, but she could tell that she was very energetic. She stepped forward and took a closer look, and was relieved when she saw that everything was normal during the delivery.

At this time, the little eunuch calling outside the door shouted: "The noble concubine Yi Jing has arrived!"`P`JJWXC`P``P`JJWXC`P`

Yunqi threw a landmine

Xiyu threw a landmine across the river

Thanks for the encouragement, hmm! (*? ̄)( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ[kiss]

The second update today may also be late, don’t worry~~~

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