Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 23 The Eight Parts of Tianlong (6)

In the inn, Qiao Feng opened the letter and read it carefully. The letter was written by Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin, to Wang Jiantong. It stated in detail that the battle at Yanmen Pass was caused by people from the Central Plains intercepting and killing the innocent Xiao Yuanshan family. This matter has been confirmed. It was a misunderstanding, but this misunderstanding resulted in the tragedy of seventeen masters from the Central Plains dying in battle and Xiao Yuanshan jumping off a cliff to die in love. He felt very regretful and hoped that Wang Jiantong could take more care of Qiao Feng, which would be regarded as compensation for him.

Yun Lan saw that Qiao Feng had finished reading the letter, took it over and burned it with the candle on the table. Qiao Feng sat at the table and shook his head helplessly, saying, "Brother Xian, why did you burn the letter? I I still want to use it as evidence.”

Yun Lan smiled and said, "What kind of evidence is this? It can only prove that you are a Khitan. It's better to destroy this kind of thing as soon as possible. As for the abbot, if he doesn't want to admit it, you can just show him the letter." Said it was counterfeit.”

Yun Lan knew that due to his character, he would take the letter to question Master Xuanci, but it was completely unnecessary. What would happen if Master Xuanci admitted it or not? Xiao Yuanshan already knew that he was the leader. Qiao Feng didn't need to bother investigating again.

Qiao Feng frowned and said, "Brother Xian, do you have any prejudice against the abbot? Monks don't lie, not to mention that Abbot Xuanci, as the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts world, will definitely not lie."

Yun Lan sneered, "What the hell is Taishan Beidou? He's just a scumbag. Do you know Ye Erniang among the four evil villains? The one who specializes in stealing children and strangles them to death when they've had enough fun!"

Qiao Feng said: "I know that the four evil men have always been elusive. I tried to get rid of them several times but was unable to do so. When you mention Ye Erniang, does it mean that she has something to do with Master Xuanci?"

Yun Lan said contemptuously: "That Xuanci is not a good person. He went to Ye Erniang's house to treat her father. Ye Erniang was very grateful to him. For some reason, she agreed with her body and returned it to him. She gave birth to a son! But his son was stolen, and Ye Erniang was disfigured. From then on, she was greatly stimulated and psychologically distorted, and she took pleasure in killing other people's children. "

Qiao Feng only felt that since Yun Lan appeared, all his perceptions had been subverted. The abbot of Shaolin Temple actually had a son with one of the Four Evil Men! But for so many years, Ye Erniang has been doing evil in the world, but the abbot has turned a blind eye to it!

Yun Lan looked at Qiao Feng's expression and said, "By the way, the person who took her child away was your father. He knew that Xuanci was the leader, and saw him doing such a scandal, so he stole his son away. He was thrown into the Shaolin Temple to become a young monk, so that the mother and son were separated, and the father and son met but did not know each other. "

Qiao Feng was speechless. He wanted to think about how long it would take to retaliate, but his mother died tragically. How could his father not avenge her? Even he himself was filled with indignation when he learned that those so-called martial arts heroes killed innocent people because of a misunderstanding.

Then he thought about how he had led the beggar gang to kill countless Khitans. Now that he was a Khitan, he was in subtle opposition to the people in the world. The world is so big, where is his place?

Yun Lan pursed her lips. Every time she saw Qiao Feng's miserable expression and was lost in her own thoughts, she would always find something to change the topic, but some things could not be avoided after all. Qiao Feng was a Khitan. It was a definite fact that he had to accept his identity in order to live a good life.

Yun Lan added hot tea to the two of them and said, "Brother, let's go to the Shaolin Temple to meet your father. The people who died recently in the world of "treating others in the same way as others" should have been caused by Murong Bo. , he wants to stir up trouble in the world again to see if there is any benefit to be gained. Your father is very likely to get involved. Let's explain the situation to him as soon as possible. Every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner. Don't implicate innocent people again. ”

Qiao Feng nodded cautiously and said: "Brother Xian is right, many people have died for this grudge, so we really shouldn't involve others." He said with a hard look in his eyes, "But before I leave, I We have to deal with Bai Shijing and Madam Ma to avenge Deputy Gang Leader Ma!"

Yun Lan chuckled lightly and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about this. When I released the mouse just now, I put medicine on the cupboard door. It's a volatile psychedelic powder that will expand the dark side of people's hearts and make them angry." People are excited, but it's not easy to notice it. Once the two of them get close to the cabinet door, they will definitely quarrel, and maybe they will die together without us doing anything."

Qiao Feng said with disapproval: "Brother, we should take them to the Beggar Clan meeting and interrogate them in three halls, and then let the elders discuss how to deal with them. How can you deal with them in private? Besides, you, a little girl, don't always It’s good to be exposed to poison, but the method is really disgraceful.”

Yun Lan pouted and said: "Brother, what did you say about me? I'm all here to help you! How to deal with it is not to deal with it. It's good that the bad guy gets the lesson he deserves. No matter what the method is, it doesn't matter whether it's honorable or not. Eat. You see how good your reputation is in the world, but once your life experience is exposed, everyone will treat you as an enemy. The work of maintaining your reputation is too tiring, so it is better to do whatever you want and protect yourself from suffering. "

Qiao Feng didn't know how to refute Yun Lan's words. This was different from the education he had received since childhood. Shouldn't a person be aboveboard? How can you drug people silently, and make them die without even knowing who killed them? Isn't this an assassination?

But when he thought about his current situation, he didn't know whether the principles taught to him by his master were correct. Although it was not easy to change his ideas after thirty years, he still accepted Yun Lan's acting style. Anyway, Yun Lan did not take the initiative to He hurt innocent people, and nothing would happen if he followed him, so he let go and discussed the route to Shaolin Temple with Yun Lan.

Along the way, Yun Lan followed Qiao Feng to handle several affairs of the Beggar Clan. Yun Lan felt that being a gang leader was really not a job for human beings, it was too troublesome! So he said to Qiao Feng: "Brother, it has been confirmed that you are a Khitan. Although we have dealt with the letter, it is inevitable that one day someone will come up with some evidence to expose this matter. Then one of your gang leaders will I’m afraid I can’t keep my position and will be attacked by the gang, so why don’t you give up your position in advance?”

Qiao Feng sighed. He also knew that he could no longer continue to be the leader of the gang, but how much effort had he put into it after being a member of the Beggar Gang for many years? Where does it say that if you give up, you can give up! But the identity of the Khitan people is like a bomb buried around him, which may explode at any time. Instead of being in a dilemma then, it is better to make plans in advance.

Then he said: "My dear brother, I am very worried. It's just that the Beggar Clan's conference will be held at the Apricot Grove at the end of the month. At the moment, the Beggar Clan doesn't have anyone with outstanding ability. If I give up my position rashly, I'm afraid there will be trouble. You'd better wait for me to handle this matter." , and then train a successor to pass on him.”

Yun Lan quickly said: "Brother, don't train any successors. There is no one who is particularly outstanding in so many years. How can you train them? You should choose a few elders who are loyal to the Beggar Clan and will fight against them." Pass the dog stick to them and let them supervise and balance each other, and they will naturally choose good people to take over the Beggar Clan.”

Qiao Feng tied him to a tree and walked towards the river while saying, "How can this be done? There are so many people in the Beggar Clan. If the leader is not strong enough, how can he protect all the brothers?"

Yun Lan said helplessly: "Brother, I know you sincerely think about the Beggar Clan, but because of this, you should quickly sever ties with the Beggar Clan. Now that Murong Bo is stirring up disputes in the world, your father will probably do the same." I don’t know if you want to take revenge or not. If it comes out, if you continue to be the gang leader, will others suspect that the Beggar Gang has defected to the Liao Kingdom? "

Qiao Feng's expression changed. He stopped washing his face and frowned. Yun Lan squatted aside and continued to persuade: "Brother, the beggar gang might bite you back in order to avoid suspicion! Although I said It's a bit exaggerated, but if you don't worry about the Beggar Clan, we can help them secretly, right? So there's no need for you to be so entangled."

Qiao Feng was still hesitant and said he had to think about it. Yun Lan also knew that the change of leader of the Beggar Clan was a big deal. All the sects in the world would pay attention to it. There were many things to consider, and there was nothing he could do if he was impatient. After all, Qiao Feng was an upright man and could not do anything irresponsible. He turned around to collect dry firewood and prepare for barbecue.

After driving for several days, they finally arrived at Shaoshi Mountain. Qiao Feng first took Yun Lan to visit his adoptive parents. Qiao Sanhuai and his wife were very happy to see their son who had not returned home for a long time. They knew that Yun Lan was Qiao Feng's sworn brother. She is also very enthusiastic. The two lived at the foot of the mountain for two days. Qiao Feng found out that he was indeed not their biological son, and the last hope that he might be from Song Dynasty was dashed. Fortunately, I was mentally prepared in advance, so I wasn’t that sad.

When they arrived at the Shaolin Temple, after Yun Lan changed her appearance for Qiao Feng, the two of them sneaked into the Sutra Pavilion at night and waited. When the sky became slightly brighter and no one was seen, Yun Lan discovered that the sweeping monk was in the backyard of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, so she asked Qiao Feng to go back first. Qiao Feng was not sure about leaving Yun Lan alone in the Shaolin Temple, but Yun Lan insisted. He had no choice but to go back to his residence and wait anxiously.

Yun Lan avoided people and took a set of clothes from the space to change into. She went to the backyard and deliberately made some special noises to attract the sweeper to chase her. After hearing the sound, the sweeping monk noticed an aura similar to that in the Wuliang Jade Cave, and hurriedly chased after him until he reached a cave in the back mountain before he saw Yun Lan with her back to him.

Today is my first day joining V. I hope you can continue to support me. With your encouragement, I have the motivation to write better stories! Also, I wish you all success in grabbing air tickets and train tickets~~~

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