Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 27 The Red Mansion Passes Through Jia Mu (1)

Yun Lan did not open her eyes after waking up. She listened carefully to the sounds around her and found that there was no one in the room. After receiving the memory of the original owner, he learned that he had passed through the body of Jia Mu in Dream of Red Mansions. Daiyu had not yet entered the house at this moment. It was just when the plot had just begun, so there could not be any danger.

Yun Lan relaxed and lay quietly on the bed. She seemed to be still stuck in the explosion. This was her first abnormal death. It was so violent that Qiao Feng's words still rang in her ears. Unfortunately, she had to Broken appointment. I hope Qiao Feng can be reborn in a happy family in his next life and not have to work so hard.

Does she like Qiao Feng? The answer is yes, but it shouldn't be considered love. After all, she had been the Queen Mother and Wang Zhanpeng, and their memories of love were not very good. As an elder, she had carefully planned and arranged the marriages of Qing'er, Luping and Ziling, and she was used to taking care of them from all aspects. to look at love.

Qiao Feng is undoubtedly a great hero who is upright and values ​​love and justice! He will not fall into the love between his children and his children, nor will he be emotional. He only cares about his family, country and the world, which means that he will not be a person who always puts his family first. Such a person is really not A good partner to be entrusted to for life!

Fortunately, Yun Lan is not an ordinary woman. She doesn't expect love, and she doesn't need Qiao Feng to protect her. She can accompany Qiao Feng into battle at any time, and can even protect Qiao Feng occasionally. Therefore, she is willing to stay with him, watch him serve the country and the people, watch him give everything he has, until she goes to hell with him.

She can use her magic to take Qiao Feng away, she can use her secret medicine to force the emperor, and she can also disguise herself so that others cannot discover them, but that should not be Qiao Feng's life. Qiao Feng cannot live a life of anonymity. It should be remembered with great fanfare!

Yun Lan felt that she had had enough experience in the time and space of Tian Long Ba Bu, so she chose to die with Qiao Feng, fulfilling a legend in the world. But she regrets it now. Being bombed to death really hurts. She should not be so impulsive in the future. Watching others is the best way to go.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Lan calmed down her mood. After all, that life has passed. Even if she misses it, she shouldn't be immersed in it. It has to be said that the experience of several lives and the memories of several people have made Yun Lan's mentality much calmer.

She was not in a hurry to practice. There was no danger here, so she should wait until she was resting at night to avoid being caught by the maids.

She called out to the outside and saw Yuanyang leading two little girls in to help her wash up. Jia Mu smiled and said a few words to Yuanyang, then held her hand and went to the front hall. As soon as I sat down at the main table and took a sip of tea, Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang came in.

Yun Lan chatted with them for a while, and then said: "Min'er has gone. I felt very sorry for Daiyu. I was afraid that she would be uncultured in Yangzhou, so I wrote to her to live with her. I just received a reply from my son-in-law yesterday. I've agreed to it. I think Daiyu will be boarding the ship in the next two days. I'll just let you know, and I'll ask Feng to take care of the other arrangements."

Yun Lan paid attention to the movements of the two of them as she spoke. When Mrs. Wang heard that Daiyu was coming, she immediately tightened her hand on the handkerchief and then let it go. She turned the beads in her hand twice before returning to normal. Mrs.

Having just arrived on the first day, Yun Lan wanted to observe them again, so after saying a few words, she asked them to go back first. He turned around and asked people to move Baoyu's things to the Xinuan Pavilion, and asked Yuanyang to watch and rearrange the Bisha cabinet in person, choosing things suitable for his little daughter's home, and preparing them for Daiyu to live in.

In the evening, Sister Feng finished her business in the house and went to Jia Mu's place to say hello. Jia Mu told her in detail all the arrangements for Daiyu's entry into the house, and also told her to take more care of the servants in the house and not to harm the masters. Just talk about right and wrong with your mouth.

Not to mention how surprised Sister Feng was at the Lin family's cousin being favored, let's just say that when Mrs. Wang was having dinner in her room, she heard from Zhou Rui's family that Jia Mu asked Baoyu to make room for Lin Daiyu, and she threw the bowl on the spot. She was so angry that she couldn't do it back then. She suffered a lot at the hands of Jia Min, and now even her children can't compare to Jia Min's children. Both mother and daughter are disgusting things!

Jia Mu ignored their respective thoughts. Now she is the highest authority in the house. She has accumulated power for a long time, and no one dares to disobey her. In the evening, Jia Baoyu came back from school. Hearing that his aunt's cousin was coming to stay, he was very excited. He took Jia's mother's arm and begged: "Old ancestor, my grandson can sleep outside the Bisha cupboard. He can also sleep with his sister." As a companion, why bother to move out and disturb the purity of our ancestors? "

Jia Mu smiled and said, "Baoyu, don't be willful. Now that you are old, you should have a separate yard to live in like your second brother Lian. It will also be convenient for you to go to and from school. It's just that it's freezing here." I'm afraid that you won't be able to bear the change of yard, so I let you live in the Nuang Pavilion temporarily. When the weather gets warmer after the new year, you will definitely move to the outer yard. "

When Jia Baoyu heard this, he burst into tears. Although he was naive, he also knew that moving to the outer courtyard would mean that he would be under his father's nose. When the time comes, his ancestors will not be able to protect him all the time, and he doesn't know how many times he will be taught a lesson by his father. !

Jia Mu raised her eyebrows and ignored him. She just took the tea on the table and drank it. Except for the two big maids Yuanyang and Parrot, all the maids in the house gathered around Jia Baoyu to coax him. Jia Baoyu felt more and more aggrieved when he saw that Jia Mu did not care about him as much as before, so he took off the jade robe hanging around his neck. To throw to the ground.

Seeing this, Jia's mother rushed to throw the cup in front of Jia Baoyu, and shouted with a sullen face: "Evil! I think I have spoiled you rotten by my view of a woman. You are so old that you cry if something doesn't go your way." , I regard my father as a poisonous snake and beast! If you continue like this, I will not be able to see the ancestors of the Jia family even if I die!"

All the maids in the room were kneeling on the ground and remained silent. What Jia Mu said was extremely serious. She was simply accusing Jia Baoyu of being unfilial! But in fact, Jia Baoyu never really thought about his elders, so he was not wronged. Fortunately, several people in the room were close confidants of Jia Mu and were well aware of Jia Mu's methods. They would never dare to spread these words to the outside world.

After saying that, Jia Mu turned to Yuanyang and said, "Go and tell Feng Yatou to clean up a yard for Baoyu overnight, and let him move there tomorrow. He will be looked after by his wife. Nothing will happen to my old lady." We can’t tolerate his bad habits anymore!”

Jia Baoyu was stunned by what Jia Mu said. He didn't understand why his grandmother, who had always doted on him, was so angry today. It wasn't until he was led by the maid to the Nuan Pavilion to rest that he finally woke up and thought about tomorrow. He was about to move out and live alone in his own yard. He could no longer play with his sisters. Jia Baoyu nestled in the quilt and cried quietly.

After sending Jia Baoyu and the maids away, Jia Mu sat inside the bed curtain and took a sip of diluted spiritual spring water, then began to meditate. With the experience of previous lives, she was already very familiar with sorting out the body and integrating the soul. It only took half an hour. After running for a short week, I suddenly felt that my old body felt much more comfortable.

There is plenty of spiritual energy in this time and space, but this body is already old and may not be easy to cultivate. She doesn't force it, the space between left and right has been opened up a lot now, enough for her to protect herself.

When Jia Zheng came to pay his respects the next day, Jia's mother said sadly: "Zheng'er, I thought about it all night yesterday. I have spoiled Baoyu too much in the past few years, and I am afraid I will destroy him. Now Baoyu has just turned seven. , it’s not too late. The purpose of letting Baoyu move to the outer courtyard is to make him independent. In the future, I will only leave Baoyu to your discipline. You must be more careful and you will not let him be as willful as before. But you. Don’t just beat and scold him, you have to let him understand the truth.”

When Jia Zheng heard that his mother had not had a good rest all night because of the evil obstacle, he quickly stood up and said with shame: "My son is unfilial. I will definitely teach the evil obstacle strictly in the future and not let my mother worry about it anymore."

Jia's mother could see that Jia Zheng was really filial to her, and he didn't have any bad intentions. He was just pedantic, did not know how to adapt, and was not transparent about worldly relationships. He was not promoted to the fifth rank for many years because he was already an official.

After Jia Zheng left, Mrs. Wang made another sour speech, many of which mentioned Yuanchun, the daughter of the empress in the palace. Jia Mu ignored her at all. When she saw that she talked too much, she directly said that she was tired and needed to rest, and asked her to go back.

Now that Yuanchun has not yet been named a concubine, she is just a female historian serving the Queen. Mrs. Wang wants to dominate the palace, and she is not sure how she will behave in the future. Yesterday's handling of Jia Baoyu's matter inevitably made Mrs. Wang turn her anger on Daiyu. It seemed that it would be better to deal with her early.

Jia Mu looked through the medicines in her space. It was not easy to leave no traces. In the end, I felt that the secret medicine given to Xiao Yanzi was the most suitable. It slowly made the person weak, and even the imperial doctor could not detect it.

Although it would be a relief to expose Mrs. Wang and then divorce her, the big family really didn't do this. It was so embarrassing. Besides, Mrs. Wang did a lot of illegal things in order to make money, but judging from Jia Mu’s memory, this was really not a big deal in the upper class circles. Which big family has not bullied the weak intentionally or unintentionally? Which big family's mistress would be a white lotus with clean hands? It's just a matter of who can hold it and who can't. No one would divorce someone just for this.

It’s just that this illegal thing is actually harmful to people! Now that she is dressed as Jia's mother, she has many ways to protect the Jia family. Naturally, she will no longer let people in the family bully innocent people, so rectifying the Jia family has to be put on the agenda. The first one to bear the brunt is Lai big.

Grandma Lai's house has a building and a very neat and spacious garden. Where does the money come from? Everyone tacitly understood that from the memory of the original owner, she had great trust in Aunt Lai. Aunt Lai had been serving her for decades. The original owner had been supported by Aunt Lai through the most difficult days. The position of the mistress of Wenjia Mansion is also inseparable from Aunt Lai's efforts among the servants.

Therefore, the original owner didn't care about the greed of Mammy Lai and her son. After all, it was just a drop in the bucket to her, and it was just a benefit to her confidants. And now Jia Mu doesn't care. This kind of thing is normal everywhere. Which leader can't provide benefits to his subordinates? What she can't tolerate is people who get welfare but don't do things well!

The author has something to say: This article is entirely for the purpose of torturing the people I hate in various time and space, making friends with the people I like, and by the way gaining insights into the seven emotions and six desires. When I initially decided to become an immortal, I actually just wanted to give the heroine a space, a mentor to support her, and a reason to do whatever she wanted in the film and television industry. I always think that those who inexplicably traveled through space should not live with peace of mind. After all, who knows whether the pie that suddenly appears will disappear suddenly without paying a price? Therefore, after the heroine traveled through time, all the treasures that defied the heavens were sealed in the room in space, and her cultivation was still in the Qi refining period, without much involvement in cultivation. Girls, please don’t be too entangled in how to practice cultivation. This is really not an orthodox cultivation article~~~Just have fun reading it, haha

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