After Zhaoyang left, Li Shimin frowned and rubbed his forehead, staring at Mi Zhe for a while. He got up a little irritably and walked to the window to meditate.

There seems to be something wrong with his mentality, but he can't explain this feeling. At the beginning of time travel, even if Xiao Yanzi and others made the palace a mess, he still liked to watch the fun and spend his time. To make calculations and understand the emotional changes of everyone, but now, he is not very willing to take action on Zhaoyang's affairs, or even on Li Chengqian and several princesses. He originally thought it was because he didn't like Zhaoyang's character, but looking back on the past, His mentality has indeed changed significantly.

Recalling the experience of frequently traveling through the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the first time he tried his best to turn things around and stop the Qing soldiers outside the customs. The last time he just became a figure in the world and stopped intervening in the court. This transformation happened unconsciously, even He didn't pay much attention to it, so why was he becoming more and more indifferent? Is it because of this that Master and the immortals never interfere in worldly affairs?

He felt that as his cultivation level improved, his view of everyone was slowly changing, which was somewhat similar to the emperor's view of ordinary people. Just like the troubles between Zhaoyang and the Jin family, they were just insignificant in his eyes. He has no interest in paying attention to small things at all. Perhaps because he has become more capable and can solve everything with just a flick of his fingers, he has begun to be unable to understand the worries and entanglements of people around him. This is not the purpose of his experience!

Taking a deep breath, Li Shimin compared the difference between this time and space and the original drama, and then sent secret guards to pay close attention to the protagonists and supporting characters of the original drama, recording everyone's words and deeds, and reporting them daily.

Impatience is the worst thing to avoid when your mood is improving. Now that he has seen his own shortcomings clearly, he naturally has to work hard to change. In the following days, he became more and more serious in teaching Li Chengqian, and often rewarded the five princesses to show his love.

Zhaoyang lived in seclusion since Heli and refused to get together with the princesses for various reasons. Originally, the fourth and fifth princesses wanted to seize the opportunity to laugh at her, but as the news of the eldest princess's pregnancy came out, everyone was diverted. He lost his attention and ignored Zhaoyang.

The eldest princess has been childless for many years, which is one of the reasons why she often loses her temper in the past. After the imperial doctor diagnosed her pregnancy, everyone was pleasantly surprised, especially the eldest prince consort Zhao Hong. If it weren't for the fact that the prince was about to ascend the throne, he would have many things to do. If he does, maybe he will simply ask for leave to take care of the eldest princess at home.

Li Shimin was so happy that he took the eldest princess's pulse without leaving a trace. Then at the New Year's family banquet, he poured a small cup of spiritual spring water into the teapot and gave each of his children a cup of royal tea to make them healthier. Spiritual spring water is not a panacea, but for ordinary people, it is equivalent to the results of three years of intensive care.

When he went to court for the first time after the New Year, Li Shimin asked Gao Fu to read the edict on the Zen throne, and he abdicated as the Supreme Emperor. Li Chengqian took over the throne, with the reign name Yonghui. With the concerted efforts of father and son and the assistance of important ministers, the throne was handed over smoothly. .

After Li Shimin sat in the palace for a year, Li Chengqian had straightened out everything in the court. There was no need to worry anymore. On this rare day, Li Chengqian took a rare break and went to the Emperor's residence to play chess with Li Shimin. Li Shimin looked at his increasingly majestic appearance in the imperial robe and said with a smile. : "Emperor, you have done well this year, and I can leave the palace with peace of mind."

Li Chengqian was shocked, and the chess piece in his hand fell on the chessboard, "Father, do you want to leave? My son... I have just ascended the throne for the first time, and I still need my father's guidance, my son..."

Li Shimin waved his hand and interrupted him, "Emperor, there is no need to be reluctant. I have long wanted to go out for a walk, and now is the time. For the concubines in the palace, if they have children, let them take care of them in their old age, and if you don't have children, you can Thank you for your support.”

"Yes, father, please rest assured."

Li Shimin was too lazy to deal with the officials anymore. After making his decision, he only told Li Chengqian about leaving the palace. Three days later, he took Gao Fu and ten guards and quietly drove out of the capital in a mediocre-looking carriage. When everyone discovered that the Supreme Emperor had already After not showing up for a long time, Li Shimin had disappeared.

Although everyone in the capital could not find out the news about Li Shimin, their news was continuously transmitted to Li Shimin through the secret guards.

The eldest princess gave birth to a child successfully, and the mother and child were safe. The second princess was diagnosed as pregnant, and her relationship with the Second Prince Consort had eased a lot. Zhaoyang, on the other hand, had fallen silent since the divorce, and she no longer had the people who once protected her from the wind and rain. Father, she matured quickly. As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. Especially after Li Chengqian ascended the throne, in addition to being kinder to the eldest princess, he treated the other four princesses equally, which made her truly understand own identity and status in the royal family.

The queen personally selected a child from an aristocratic family for Zhaoyang who was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. This time Zhaoyang did not object again. She saw how the several royal sisters got along with the prince-in-law. The princess had a high status, and the prince-in-law did not She didn't dare to take a concubine or go against the princess. She believed that the person chosen by the queen knew how to deal with the world and would not treat the princess like Jin Dolu. Maybe she will never get the kind of mutual love and love that she dreams of in her lifetime, but at least they can respect each other and support each other until they grow old.

Both Concubine Wei Gui and Concubine Sun Gui left the palace to live with their sons in their old age. However, Concubine Wei Gui's son Li Shen gained more trust and respect from Li Chengqian, while Concubine Sun Gui's son only got a sinecure. The two women had been fighting for their whole lives, but Concubine Wei Gui was the winner in the end. One step ahead.

Knowing that everyone in the palace was living a good life, Li Shimin was completely relieved and began to travel around. Whenever he found a corrupt official, he would send someone to pass the news to Li Chengqian, which could not only punish the villains but also provide information to the palace. Reporting that you are safe can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

On this day, when he arrived in a small town in the south, Li Shimin slowly walked into a gold shop after dinner. Gao Fu said behind him: "Master, this gold shop is said to have been newly opened last year, but it has novel styles and high-quality workmanship. In just one year, it has become the largest gold shop in the town, but it may be difficult to choose a gold lock that suits the young master. "

Li Shimin looked at the surrounding furnishings casually, nodded and said: "Idle time is also idle. If there is something suitable, that's fine. If not, just wait until the next big city to choose. This place is far away from the capital. Maybe I can wait for my gold." The lock is delivered and Yonghe’s son is one year old.”

The shopkeeper who was keeping accounts behind the counter raised his head and smiled politely at them: "What kind of gold jewelry does this customer want? The designs in our store are all the latest ones in Beijing. If the customer needs it, we can also make it according to the pattern."

Li Shimin was a little surprised when he saw his appearance, but it didn't show on his face. He smiled slightly and said, "I want to buy a gold lock for my grandson to celebrate his first birthday."

The shopkeeper saw that his clothes were luxurious, and after thinking for a moment, he took the key and opened the cabinet next to him, and took out a plate of gold jewelry, including a gold lock.

Li Shimin and Gao Fu stepped forward to take a look. Gao Fu let out a light sigh. Not only were the gold ornaments on the plate abundant, but each piece of workmanship was exquisite and meticulous. Even in the capital, it would be difficult to find anything comparable to it. It could be seen that , this plate must be the best product in the store.

Li Shimin smiled and nodded, "It's exactly what I wanted. I didn't expect to see such a fine product in this small town. Could you please help the shopkeeper wrap it up for me? I want this gold lock."

"Okay, guest, please sit over there for a moment, and I'll wrap it up for you right away."

Li Shimin was sitting on the chair next to him when he saw a young woman walking into the store holding a little baby. She smiled gently at the shopkeeper and said, "Duoshou, I'll take care of it. This is lunch, you eat it while it's hot."

The shopkeeper handed her the gift box in his hand, looked at the little baby and asked with a smile: "Why did you bring him too? Where is mother?"

"Boss Wang and Yue Niang from Lincheng went to the teahouse to discuss the order. I was worried about leaving the child at home, so I brought her with me."

The shopkeeper hugged the child and teased him for a while but did not go to the inner room to eat. After the woman wrapped the gift box, he stepped forward and handed the gift box to Gao Fu's hand. He said with a smile: "If the guest needs any gold jewelry in the future, , you can come to the store to choose, and we will customize the most suitable jewelry for you according to your needs.”

Li Shimin smiled and nodded. Seeing Gao Fu pay the check, he turned and walked towards the inn. It was an accident that he met the Jin family. He didn't expect that Ding Laixi's mother and son would settle down in the south after their family was separated. If nothing else happened, I'm afraid the people in the capital would The Jin family will never be able to find them, which is fine. Without the people holding them back, their gold shop will surely shine one day.

Back at the inn, Li Shimin asked while pouring tea: "Gao Fu, how are the people in the Jin family?"

Gao Fu bowed his head and replied: "Back to the master, according to the news from Beijing, after Jin Duolu and the third lady reconciled, they took Lvqiao into the Jin Mansion. However, Mrs. Jin and Jin Duofu were both married. Lu Qiao refused to accept Lu Qiao, and several people often quarreled. Later, when Lu Qiao saw that she could not become the second wife of Jin, she hooked up with a richer boss and set up a game of fairy dance with the boss, allowing Jin Duolu to use the golden mountain given by the emperor. He resold it to the boss, and then took away the cash and valuable items in Jin's mansion and disappeared without a trace. Jin Duolu was greatly hit, and he drank to drown his sorrows all day long.

Without Jinshan, Jin Duofu could only buy gold from elsewhere. However, he was eager for quick success and had an inaccurate vision, so he bought a large number of defective products. His regular customers were extremely disappointed with him. The gold appraiser was gradually declining in the capital. Last month, It closed down, and now only one-tenth of the Jin family's wealth is left, which is different from the past. "

Li Shimin listened to him like a story, turned around, forgot about it, and continued to visit famous mountains and rivers. He saw many things among the people, including fights between officials and trivial matters among civilians. From time to time, he could trigger some insights, and he quickly felt the barrier of Nascent Soul, just waiting for a suitable opportunity. , he can break through in retreat and upgrade his cultivation level to another level.

He thought of the inner demons that he had to face every time he was promoted. The last time he saw some inexplicable but familiar clips, he had already had doubts. Combined with the master's hesitation every time he mentioned his inner demons and his determination to let him travel through time and experience. , he speculated that those fragments were his memories!

In other words, that was probably his real past life!

Being innocent and infatuated and being hurt by a scumbag? Even if he was really that naive, after experiencing dozens of time travels, he firmly believed that he would never stumble emotionally again! After thinking about this, he no longer has to worry about the inner demons he will face next. As long as he strengthens his heart and gets rid of the scumbag in the illusion, he can break through the inner demons and successfully advance!

A few years later, Li Shimin felt that his end was coming, and planned to return to the palace to see his children again. On his way back, he passed by Bingzhou and happened to meet two major local families getting married. It was a lively affair.

Li Shimin's carriage stopped at the roadside. He rolled up the curtains and watched the bride in red makeup with the passers-by. A gust of wind blew up the curtain of the wedding sedan, and the bride covered with a red hijab flashed past everyone's eyes. However, Li Shimin clearly saw the dragon and phoenix shadows on the bride's head slowly dissipating, and he heard the people not far away talking in low voices.

"The wedding between the youngest daughter of the Wu family and the eldest son of the Cheng family is really sensational! As expected of a big family!"

"That's right! The bride and groom are both famously talented people. I heard people say that these two are childhood sweethearts. They are talented and beautiful..."

Li Shimin looked at the wedding sedan moving away and silently recited a blessing.

The author has something to say: You will definitely not expect the character who travels through the next story, haha! (I always like to find people who surprise everyone to travel through o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)

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