Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 31 Jinjiang! Red Mansion(5)

Mrs. Wang was in solitary confinement for half a year. At first, she was noisy every day. She said she felt heartache, missed Baoyu, and was depressed and sick. Unfortunately, Jia Mu and Jia Zheng had no intention of letting her out. Mrs. Wang There was great hatred in my heart, and I became increasingly irritable. As a result, the secret medicine in her took effect within two months. From then on, she was weak and bedridden every day, and she would have constant headaches if she thought too much. Occasionally, I feel better and can move around in my yard, but if I walk too far, I will feel dizzy and weak.

Jia's mother spared her greetings and asked her to recuperate in her yard. Jia Zheng no longer set foot in her yard. Mrs. Wang has been planning all her life. How can she be willing to end up in such a situation? She is thinking about becoming an in-law with her sister. When Baochai, a merchant girl, comes in, why don't she obey her orders in everything? So I often corresponded with Aunt Xue. Jia's mother didn't care about this either. Anyway, they couldn't do it.

This time, after Xue Pan beat someone to death and settled the case with the prince, he came to the capital to avoid the limelight and see if Xue Baochai's marriage could be settled.

Aunt Xue took Xue Pan and Xue Baochai to Jia's Mansion. She first went to see Jia Mu, met the female family members of the mansion at Jia Mu's place, and then was taken to Mrs. Wang's residence. Xue Pan said hello to Mrs. Wang and went to the study to see Jia Zheng without mentioning it. Aunt Xue had not seen her sister for many years. She did not expect that when she saw her now, her sister was so weak that she had to lie down on the couch to rest before even saying a few words. He immediately held Mrs. Wang’s hand and started crying.

Xue Baochai knew that Aunt Xue intended to marry her to Jia Baoyu. She didn't say anything at first, but she was very satisfied with the marriage in her heart. Now that Jia's family has a good reputation and is a prominent family, if she marries Phoenix Egg Baoyu, maybe she will be the mistress of this house in the future.

Unexpectedly, when they met today, Mrs. Wang seemed to have no influence in Jia's house. Even Wang Xifeng, who had just been chatting with Jia's mother, did not accompany them to visit. This shows that there is no face between them. Although the Jia Mansion never placed Mrs. Wang under house arrest, what else could she do if she was so weak? Is it true that Baoyu is much loved in the letter? Baochai felt that the road ahead was uncertain for a moment, and she started crying along with Aunt Xue.

After a while, the few of them calmed down and began to talk slowly. When she saw her family, Mrs. Wang beat Jia Mu with a gun and a stick, and complained that Jia Zheng and Wang Xifeng were white-eyed wolves. She had done so many things for them, but now that she had lost power, they all hid. Stay far away.

Aunt Xue cursed a few words in anger, and Du Baochai frowned secretly, feeling that what Mrs. Wang said was untrue. Baochai was still just a 13-year-old girl. Although she was a bit precocious in the face of great changes in her family, she knew how to use some tricks, and she was smart, but she had too little experience, and Aunt Xue was not a shrewd one, so naturally she didn't teach her much. I have no choice but to slowly explore and analyze myself, and think more to restrain my words and deeds.

After chatting with Mrs. Wang all afternoon, Aunt Xue took Baochai to Lixiangyuan. This courtyard has a door on the street and can form a small house of its own. It is most suitable for guests to live in, but it is also clearly divided. In terms of host and guest, the furnishings inside are quite satisfactory, nothing fancy, but they don't feel considerate.

After the meal, Aunt Xue said to Baochai dissatisfied: "We have been here all day today and we haven't seen Baoyu's shadow. What does this mean?"

Xue Baochai frowned and said: "Mom, I always feel that the things in this mansion are very different from what my aunt said in her letter. Let's not talk about whether she can take charge of Baoyu's marriage. Let's just say that Sister Feng is the housekeeper in this mansion now. , judging from the respectful attitude towards her, I know that she must have a high status in the house! In my opinion, we should wait for a while and not rely too much on my aunt." For the sake of his own future, Xue Baochai did not care about being shy and went directly. Raised the question.

Aunt Xue waved her hands indifferently and said: "Sister Feng started taking care of the house as soon as she got married. Didn't she rely on your aunt to take care of her? Who knew she was a white-eyed wolf! When your aunt recovers from her illness, what will happen to her! What will happen to the old lady? I have always preferred the second room, and Baoyu is a man of great fortune. Don't worry, I can't be wrong. Your aunt can still lie to us! Okay, it's been a tiring day today. It's better for my son to rest early. Don't do it. It’s so bad.”

After saying that, he went back to his room. After washing, Xue Baochai lay on the bed. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Looking at the dim moonlight outside the window, he felt that he had no one to rely on. If he didn't bother to make more calculations, how would he live in the future? ? During the day, I saw several girls in the mansion, all of whom were outstanding, no worse than her. I heard that each of them had a nun who came out of the palace to educate them.

Xue Baochai bit her lower lip, feeling a little unwilling and a little helpless. Even if she had ambitions, it didn't matter. She was just a merchant, and her mother and brother were not shrewd and worry-free. Entering the palace was definitely not a good choice. The current plan is to win the favor of the old lady while staying in Jia's house, which can help me more. He sighed helplessly and slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

During the next few days of getting along, Jia Mu observed Xue Baochai carefully. When she was watching TV dramas in modern times, she always felt resentful about the fact that Xue Baochai was caught eavesdropping on the maid's conversation, but used Lin Daiyu as a shield. She felt that this was a worker. Scheming person. However, when she really faced her, Jia Mu felt that she was just a child working hard for her future.

Think about girls who are 12 or 13 years old. It is normal for girls to gather together every day, laugh and curse. Outsiders analyze them in terms of good and bad, but who knows what their relationship is like? Don’t best friends sometimes bump into each other when they get along? Compared with the things that Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng and others committed in the original work, these things are really nothing compared to the things they committed. An ant is like an elephant!

Jia's mother traveled through several lives and was mostly an elder. She was more tolerant of these little girls' little tricks. As long as they were not malicious, she was willing to spend some effort to teach them. After all, she was also a queen mother. , the trained girls will naturally be good at it. Jia's mother asked Baochai to take classes with several girls to learn music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and songs. She also asked Nanny Xu, who was next to her, to teach Baochai the rules and teach her some things about managing the family and the back house when she had free time.

Aunt Xue trusted Mrs. Wang and was always suspicious of Jia Mu's arrangements, fearing that Xue Baochai would suffer a hidden loss. However, Baochai was thoughtful and lived in Jia Mansion for a period of time, which was enough for her to understand that Mrs. Wang was just a transparent person now. There is no difference between marrying Baoyu and marrying the son of another fifth-rank official, and Jia Mu will not plot against her for this.

Therefore, she was grateful and studied everything with great concentration. These smart girls had known each other for a long time, and their relationship was like that of real sisters. After they got married in the future, they would help each other, and the childhood friendship was not in vain.

Xue Pan's life in Jia Mansion was boring, and it was not interesting to study at home, so he found an excuse to go out and rent a small house to live in, made a lot of bad friends, and just lived and drank, without caring about the family business.

Having such a brother will definitely drag down Baochai's reputation, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Xue Pan's character has been set, he bullies men and women, does evil, and has no scruples. No matter how much Baochai hates iron, he still treats his brother If you have feelings, you won't deal with him casually.

Jia Mu reached out to help Baochai and showed her a seventh-rank official who was a Jinshi. His family background was a little poor and he didn't have much backing. However, Baochai had a generous dowry and good character, which was quite worthy. Aunt Xue was a little dissatisfied, but she had no connections of her own, and no one answered her if she tried to talk to the outside world. Mrs. Wang couldn't help her, so she finally agreed.

They were engaged to be engaged first, and planned to wait until Baochai turned fifteen before getting married. For the purpose of the engagement between the two families, Aunt Xue chose a good location and bought a five-in house, decorated it extensively, and then moved in with Baochai and Xue Pan. Jia's mother gave her a congratulatory gift and then put down her hand. The future would depend on the Xue family. She would not find trouble for herself in the fight between kindness and hatred.

Due to Jia Mu's obstruction, Baoyu, like Jia Lian and Jia Huan, rarely saw several sisters. Over time, he gradually got used to it. In addition, the few maids assigned to him were all bought from failed families. The young lady who came back had read books and learned calligraphy in the past, and she had a little temperament like a charming lady. She was Jia Baoyu's favorite type, and she felt comfortable and happy with her red sleeves adding fragrance every day.

Baoyu has been urged to study by Jia Zheng in recent years and has achieved good results. Jia's mother hired two extremely strict gentlemen to teach him. He did not grow up in a pile of makeup and powder, and his temperament became much more normal. Although he still liked to lament the spring and autumn, and sympathized with women, he no longer said anything about "the country's thieves and the beetles". "You feel refreshed when you see your daughter." Jia's mother did not expect him to have any achievements in the future, and it was not suitable for him to be an official or a businessman. He just wanted to be a wealthy and idle man honestly and not bring trouble to the family.

On this day, Jia Mu received a letter from Lin Ruhai. The letter said that the emperor had allowed Lin Ruhai to return to the capital to report on his duties, and he was likely to stay in the capital this time. In the past three years, because Jia Mu sent some health pills from time to time along with Daiyu's letters, Lin Ruhai's body and bones were getting better day by day, and now she looked like anyone else. It's just that I haven't found the right person to continue the relationship, so I didn't take Daiyu back.

When I go to Beijing this time, I will have more choices for the person who wants to renew my marriage, and Jia Mu will help me inquire about the relationship, so I hope I can find someone who suits my needs. Daiyu grew up in the Jia family, and was raised by the nuns in the palace, so she had a good reputation. The bride's entrance has no influence at all. As long as she is sensible, she will understand that she has raised Daiyu for two years, and if she chooses a good family for Daiyu, it will also be her son's help in the future. Only in this way can the family and everything be prosperous.

When Daiyu learned about her father's coming to Beijing, she cried in Jia Mu's arms. Since being taught by her grandma, Daiyu has gradually changed her habit of crying, become stronger, and is very happy in housekeeping and management. Just thinking about my father whom I haven't seen for a long time still makes me feel sad.

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