Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 33 Jinjiang! Red Mansion(7)

Lin Ruhai placed some confidants in various important and unimportant positions in the mansion to keep abreast of the situation in the mansion. This not only protected Daiyu's safety, but also allowed him to understand his newly married wife better. He would not be involved in the same thing. I stumbled a second time.

When the concubine is fighting for favor, it is not clear who is who and who is right. Everyone is just safeguarding their own interests. But this is the way this society is. A wife is a lover who will grow old together, and a concubine is just a temporary plaything. The two cannot be compared. If If Lin Ruhai had any grudge against Jia Min for what he did, then he absolutely hated the concubines who had harmed his wife and daughter.

He never forced them to become concubines. They chose this kind of life. In the end, they were dissatisfied with being subordinate to others and planned to become the mistress of the house. Lin Ruhai could not understand their thoughts, but this did not prevent him from deepening his understanding of the future. He has long passed the age of being greedy for new things, so he doesn't want those concubines. Now that he has married Su, he only hopes that Su will give him a legitimate son.

In a cave deep in the mountains, Fairy Jinghuan angrily smashed the vase at hand. The deadlock that had been carefully arranged for so long was actually broken! She was chased by the Dragon King of the East China Sea some time ago, and she just went out to avoid the limelight. Who knows that her luck has not increased at all in the past few years, but has decreased a lot!

Jing Huan called Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao in a cold voice, and cursed: "You two idiots! What did I tell you when I left? I asked you to take a good look at that broken stone, but you all did it What? Now the stone and the luck of many spiritual objects can’t be absorbed at all! I have worked hard to arrange it for more than ten years, and it’s all ruined!”

Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao looked at each other, a little confused. Master Mangmang raised his head carefully and glanced at Jinghuan, and said: "Hui Xianzi, we have been observing Jia Baoyu through Fengyue Baojian. He has nothing to do in the past few years." Achievements, and being surrounded by many women all the time, this... I really don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

"Idiot! The women around the stone are all mortals. What's the use! You two are nothing more than a failure. If I ask you to look at the broken stone, will you only look at the broken stone? The Lin family and Jia Everyone in the family didn’t follow the trajectory I arranged, and you turned a blind eye! If you can’t even do such a little thing, what’s the point of leaving you!” After that, Jing Huan waved his hand and photographed the two of them to the opposite mountain wall. When he was about to execute the two men, he remembered that he had no one available at the moment, so he put down his hand angrily.

Jing Huan sat down and straightened his skirt, and said: "Now you go to Lin's house and Jia's house immediately to see what happened. Twist all the things that are askew for me. If something goes wrong again, I will throw you into a cramp." In the pan!"

A monk hurriedly knelt down to answer, and ran out rolling and crawling.

Jing Huan sneered in the cave: "Hmph, monsters are just incomparable to spiritual beings. Even if they have developed spiritual intelligence, they are still stupid! When this is over, they will be the ones to watch!"

Jia's mother was waiting outside Wang Xifeng's delivery room. She was pregnant for ten months. It was finally time to give birth. The eldest grandson of Jia's family was born. Naturally, she had to take charge personally and chatted with Mrs. Xing. She had no idea about this big villain in time and space. She has been targeted.

Wang Xifeng took good care of herself during her pregnancy and gave birth to a fat baby weighing eight pounds in just two hours without much effort. Mother and baby were safe.

Mother Jia smiled and hugged the little person wrapped in red brocade cloth. The newborn child was bright red and had not yet opened its eyes. It only opened its small mouth and cried loudly. Jia Mu watched for a while and then asked the wet nurse to carry him down to breastfeed. Mrs. Xing stared at the child eagerly, eager to follow her. Mother Jia ordered her servants to take good care of Wang Xifeng, and sent people to inform all the masters in the house of the good news, and then returned to her room to rest.

At this time, Master Mang Mang and Master Miaomiao had already arrived at the Lin family. Lin Ruhai originally respected practitioners very much, so he invited them to sit down and served them good tea. As a result, the two of them said that he was destined to have no children, and if he forced himself to go against the will, the consequences would be disastrous. He also said that Lin Daiyu needed to return her tears to her benefactor in her previous life in order to be safe and healthy.

After hearing this, Lin Ruhai remembered these two people. They were the two scoundrels who asked Daiyu to become a monk when she was three years old! At that time, it was said that Daiyu would never see her husband for the rest of her life, but now she said that she would shed tears next to her husband? Lin Ruhai listened to their incoherent words, with twinkling eyes and no air of an outsider. He immediately interrupted their nonsense with an angry shout, called the housekeeper and the nurse to drive them out.

Although Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao were low in cultivation, they would not be hit by mortals. However, their hosts were obviously not welcoming and refused to listen to them. They had no choice but to run away and seek other solutions. Everyone in the mansion was a little surprised and confused when they saw the two people suddenly disappearing. They didn't know who these two people were.

Lin Ruhai went back to the study and drank a cup of tea, still feeling angry. Thinking that those two people seemed to have some moral integrity, she felt a little worried. Suddenly he remembered the health elixir that his mother-in-law gave him and the jade flower dew that he gave to Daiyu. Maybe his mother-in-law knew some real experts. The old man had more experience and knew more about strange people and strange things. Then he wrote a letter, describing in detail what happened to the monk and his companions, and ordered his servant to send it to Jia's house.

Mother Jia frowned when she read Lin Ruhai's letter. She had almost forgotten about Jinghuan and the others since they hadn't appeared in the past few years. Now that she saw what was said in the letter, these two people acted without any rules and seemed to be incompatible with each other. Not a shrewd person. Jia Mu turned around and put the letters away, and sat at the desk to write and draw.

Jia Mu narrowed her eyes and sneered, afraid that if you don't come, you will have to pay a price if you come! How can I have the nerve to let you go if you don't leave anything behind? This time I can get an heirloom for the Jia family as a gift to the eldest grandson. After taking another look at the plan she had written, Jia Mu ordered her confidant maids to place several pieces of top-quality jade that had been prepared in advance at designated locations in the house, forming a restraint formation to prevent the two people from entering.

Then Jia Mu cut out several human-shaped pieces of paper from yellow paper, drew talismans on them with cinnabar, and then cast a puppet spell, and the pieces of paper turned into puppet servants invisible to mortals. The task given by Jia Mu to the puppet is to hide around Jia's house and respond to the monitored situation at any time.

After everything was ready, and after waiting for two days, the monks came. They first found Jia Baoyu, and said inexplicably: "Idiot, you should have experienced all the suffering, heartbreak and grief in the world, but today you have been killed by the two of me. It's fate that I met you. Since you have great wisdom, we will turn you into a monk and follow us to practice."

Jia Baoyu looked at them curiously. One was a scabby monk, and the other was a lame Taoist priest. They were very slovenly dressed, and they came to him and said these incomprehensible words. Could this be the kidnapper that his ancestors talked about? But he is twelve years old now, can they abduct such an old man? Then he cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for your kindness. But I still have a high court to serve me and a family to take care of me. How can I become a monk with you? If it is true as you two said, then the suffering is what I should bear. God How can I escape with such an arrangement?”

"Well, in that case, I will give you some pointers, which can be regarded as your blessing." Seeing Jia Baoyu nod, Master Mangmang continued: "You are only greedy for the flowers and plants of the world, but you have forgotten the alliance between wood and stone, gold and jade How can you bear to betray two women who are so infatuated with you? You must not plant such evil obstacles!"

Jia Baoyu listened with interest at first, but when he heard that they mentioned that Namu and Jin were actually cousin Lin and cousin Xue, his face suddenly dropped and he angrily scolded them: "Where did these scoundrels come from? Don't ruin the reputation of my girls!" My sisters and I rarely see each other, and there is no such thing as politeness! This is nonsense!"

Jia Baoyu was the reincarnation of a fairy boy, so he naturally had an indescribable coercion, but he didn't show it at ordinary times. At this moment, he was angry in his heart and cursed the two of them, unconsciously bringing out some of it. The two of them had been arrested by the police before The illusory punishment was already injured, but now he was frightened by Jia Baoyu's coercion. He was in so much pain that he hurriedly ran away.

Naturally, what happened in this room was quickly known to Jia Mu. Jia Mu smiled and was very satisfied with Jia Baoyu. After years of guidance from her and the guidance of her strict master, Jia Baoyu deeply remembered that the reputation of a woman in the house is greater than that of the heaven. , there must be no damage at all. Under Jia Zheng's strict education, Jia Baoyu stopped playing with her sisters for a long time, and rarely even mentioned it. She only played with her personal maids on weekdays.

Now everyone's character has changed, and what they do can no longer be inferred based on the initial impression. This is very good.

Jia's mother got the report from the puppet and knew that the monk had entered Jia's house again, so she sent everyone out and ordered no one to come in and disturb them. She sat firmly on the upper seat and drank tea leisurely. Within a quarter of an hour, the two people showed up. Jia Mu's practice was different from theirs, and her cultivation level was higher than the two of them. Naturally, they couldn't see it. What's wrong with Jia Mu? It's just that we just found out that the changes in Feng Shui were made by Jia Mu, so we came over to see who it was.

Jia Mu looked at them coldly and said, "What monks are you talking about?" The scabby monk was clearly a toad that had become sperm, and the lame Taoist was just a stinky centipede with several broken legs! He has cultivated his spiritual wisdom without concentrating on practice, but he got mixed up with the vigilant fantasy and pretended to be an immortal. Is it really that easy to take a shortcut?

Jia Mu sneered and said, "It's really hard work for you two to come all the way to help our juniors solve their problems! I just don't know..." Jia Mu narrowed her eyes and looked at the two of them, "What are you two willing to pay?" At the cost of saving us mortals?”

Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao felt something bad at the same time, and wanted to escape, but found that there were some unknown formations set up around them, and they couldn't get out!

I love you all, and I’m asking for comments~~~~(@^_^@)~

Exclusively published by Jinjiang! Please do not republish or adapt. ---Author: Lan Gui

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