Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 57 Shooting Condor + Divine Condor (6)


Head Lin was Lin Chaoying's maid and was most familiar with her situation. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't think of Yun Lan. However, seeing that Yun Jingyu had no ill intentions, he just assumed that he had forgotten and didn't think much about it. After taking a look at the things Yun Jingyu brought, he saw that they were all for daily use, and there was nothing flashy or impractical. Knowing that he had put some thought into them, he asked Granny Sun to put them away.

Yun Jingyu turned around and saw Li Mochou looking a little awkward and reserved, and felt funny in his heart. When he was at the bottom of the mountain, Li Mochou was a bit like an otherworldly fairy, but when he reached the mountain, he immediately turned into a little girl who had made mistakes.

He smiled and said to Head Lin: "The boy happened to meet Miss Li of the noble sect at the foot of the mountain. She was being pestered by someone at the time. I think it was because she had never been down the mountain and didn't know much about worldly things. I have had nothing to do recently, but I will escort Miss Li to Jiaxing for business, and I will ensure her safety. Please rest assured, Master."

Headmaster Lin frowned without trace. Although she was very angry with her eldest apprentice for insisting on going down the mountain and expelled her from the school, she did not want her apprentice to be bullied. She had never taught Li Mochou in so many years. As for worldly matters, this time I went down the mountain to find that unreliable man again, so I would definitely suffer a lot of grievances.

After looking at Yun Jingyu, although I didn't know his identity, I could easily feel his kindness, and there was no other way at this time, so I nodded in agreement, with a cold face and no expression.

Li Mochou saw that the master did not mention her being expelled from the master, so she agreed to Yun Jingyu's proposal. She thought that the master still cared about her, so her expression softened a lot. She was also a little ashamed of having contradicted the master before, so she just stood aside and looked down. Head silent.

Master Lin didn't say anything. Yun Jingyu said a few words of concern and then left with fists in his hands. Li Mochou also knelt down and saluted his master. Head Lin turned around and took Granny Sun into the ancient tomb. Xiao Longnu was only a few years old and did not let her come out to meet outsiders. Grandma Sun looked back at Li Mochou worriedly, then sighed and closed the door of the ancient tomb.

After Yun Jingyu and Li Mochou rested in the inn for a night, they rode towards Jiaxing. Originally, Yun Jingyu wanted to buy a carriage to travel, but Li Mochou was worried about Lu Zhanyuan's safety and was so anxious that he had to ride a fast horse without stopping. On the way.

Yun Lan has been following them, watching Yun Jingyu teach Li Mochou little by little about the ways of the world, and also told Li Mochou many of the stories she once told. At first, Li Mochou thought it was very novel and touching. She was interested, but then she slowly became silent. What Lu Zhanyuan did was too much like the treacherous man in the story. She didn't want to believe it but couldn't help but doubt it.

The way Yun Lan looked at Li Mochou was actually somewhat similar to Xiao Longnu's temperament, but her expressions were richer and her personality was more lively. Now that she had just emerged from the ancient tomb, she had not been bullied by the world, and she had not turned into the vicious Chilian Fairy in the future. Yun Lan suddenly felt that it was good to have such a wife, otherwise the other girls in the world were nothing special. .

After making up her mind, Yun Lan changed her clothes and disguised herself as a bearded bandit. She also used puppetry to create several human-like puppets. She stopped in the middle of the road and shouted harshly: "Stop." ! Hand over all the valuables you have, and I will let you go. Hey? Leave this tender young lady to me, just to be the wife of our village master!"

Li Mochou was a bit impatient and rushed over immediately to take action. Unexpectedly, Yun Lan had already been prepared. When she came closer, he waved out a handful of Ruanjin Powder. Li Mochou had little experience in the world, so he caught her instantly. Yun Jingyu flew forward and hugged the limp Li Mochou, and swung his palm towards several "bandits".

Yun Lan controlled several puppets to block a few attacks, then pretended to be seriously injured and defeated, and fled. Yun Jingyu wanted to take care of Li Mochou, so he did not pursue him. Yun Lan was afraid of being exposed, so the Ruanjin Powder she used was an ordinary drug bought in the market. It was not difficult to solve. Yun Jingyu gave Li Mochou the antidote, and she regained her strength within a quarter of an hour.

Li Mochou was a little embarrassed. She didn't hit the enemy with a single move, but she was poisoned and leaned in Yun Jingyu's arms for so long. She was not so close to Lu Zhanyuan when she first committed to love. Yun Jingyu didn't pay so much attention. He was just saving people. He couldn't put Li Mochou on the ground.

Next, Yun Lan transformed into a cheating old man, a human trafficker, a hypocritical madam, etc., causing trouble for Li Mochou in different places and at different times. One of them took advantage of Yun Jingyu's absence and tricked Li Mochou into a brothel. Of course, Li Mochou was not injured at all and was finally rescued by Yun Jingyu.

The journey of half a month, because of all these messy things, took a month to arrive in Jiaxing. Yun Lan always pretended to be similar, and things happened naturally, so the two people who were plotted did not find anything wrong. In fact, in the original work, Li Mochou went to Jiaxing alone, and she did suffer a lot on the way and was deceived many times, but she escaped time and time again with her martial arts and perseverance.

Although the two of them haven't developed any feelings yet, Yun Jingyu has always taken care of Li Mochou responsibly. He has never been with a girl for so long, so he naturally doesn't know that his behavior can be considered careful and considerate. Li Mochou still had Lu Zhanyuan in her heart, but after experiencing so many things along the way, she began to look at Lu Zhanyuan's matter rationally, and she was also very grateful to Yun Jingyu.

In the original work, Li Mochou was expelled from the school by her master, had nowhere to rely on, and suffered a lot of hardships along the way. Only the support of Lu Zhanyuan's love in her heart could she convince herself that everything was worth it. Unexpectedly, she found Lu Zhanyuan, but... She was heartbroken by him, and was ridiculed by the martial arts people present. From then on, revenge blinded her mind, and she embarked on a path of no return.

But now Li Mochou's master has clearly shown that he still cares about her. Even if he doesn't recognize her as his disciple, she is no longer a pitiful person that no one cares about. Although Yun Lan caused some suffering for her, with Yun Jingyu watching, she was not wronged. Instead, after learning about the dangers of the world, she became suspicious of Lu Zhanyuan.

She was like a piece of white paper that quickly became colored under Yun Lan's intervention and Yun Jingyu's teaching.

In Jiaxing City, everyone knows about Lu Zhanyuan's marriage, and anyone who inquires can find out the location of Lu's house. Yun Lan was also counting time when he caused trouble for them. The day Yun Jingyu and Li Mochou arrived in Jiaxing was the day Lu Zhanyuan got married.

Yun Jingyu stopped the furious Li Mochou and first asked her to freshen up in the inn, then changed into beautiful clothes, which completely highlighted her beauty and temperament. Yun Jingyu raised his eyebrows as he looked at Li Mochou who was dressed up. He believed that no matter who the bride was today, she would be outshined by Li Mochou.

When they arrived at Lu Zhai, Li Mochou suppressed her anger and ordered herself to calm down. According to what Yun Jingyu taught her, when Lu Zhanyuan and He Yuanjun paid homage to heaven and earth, she said, "Lu Lang, you are so happy today, why didn't you tell me, your fiancée?" ?”

When everyone heard the cold and pleasant voice, they followed the sound and were stunned when they saw Li Mochou who looked like a fairy. Thinking of the meaning behind her words, did Lu Zhanyuan actually have another fiancée?

When Lu Zhanyuan heard Li Mochou's voice, he turned around stiffly as if struck by lightning. Unexpectedly, the woman he saw was several times more beautiful than when she was on the mountain, and he forgot to speak for a moment. He Yuanjun turned her head just in time to see a flash of surprise in his eyes, and felt chilled in her heart. Is this the husband she wants to entrust to her for life? Where is a good man?

Li Mochou secretly took a deep breath, walked a few steps forward, with tears in her eyes, and said: "Lu Lang, when you left a few months ago, you said that you would tell your parents about our marriage, so that I can wait with peace of mind. You came to marry me, but there was no news after you left. I was worried that something had happened to you, and I came to find you against my teacher's orders, but you are here to marry someone else. How can you deserve me?"

Lu Zhanyuan came back to his senses and saw that Li Mochou was aggrieved, and felt pity in his heart. But by marrying He Yuanjun, he could have a relationship with Master Yideng. How could Li Mochou in the mountains be compared? If it is a concubine, it is feasible, but it cannot be brought up on the big day.

Before Lu Zhanyuan could speak, his father knew from his expression that it was indeed true. He took a step forward and said with a frown: "This girl, since ancient times, marriage has been based on the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. I have never heard my son mention the girl. I haven’t asked a matchmaker to give the girl a betrothal gift. Regardless of whether the girl’s words are true or not, the marriage will not be successful. "

Li Mochou looked at him in surprise, "You said this marriage doesn't count?" She turned to stare at Lu Zhanyuan in disbelief and asked, "I grew up in the mountains and don't know about wedding customs. Don't you, Lu Lang, don't either?" Do you understand? Since the exchange of love tokens doesn't count, why do you want to trick me into waiting for you to marry me? If I weren't worried about you and came down the mountain to look for her, wouldn't I have to wait in the mountains forever? "

The guests present started talking in low voices. Many of them came to the wedding because they valued Master Yideng's reputation. They wanted to see if they had a chance to get married to the bride's family. They didn't expect that the groom would reveal that he had a private life-long marriage. The fiancée is coming. Although it is said that marriage must be done by a matchmaker, but people in the world are not that particular about it, so a private life-long decision cannot be taken as nothing! This Lu family is so unkind!

Lu Zhanyuan said with an ugly face: "Miss Li, Ah Yuan and I are in love. Today is our big day. I would like to ask the girl to sit down first. If there are any misunderstandings, how about we discuss them after the wedding is over?"

Li Mochou had listened to Yun Jingyu's advice and had been keeping her temper down. Now she saw Lu Zhanyuan talking about him and not even apologizing in person, and the last trace of friendship in her heart disappeared. Then he said in a cold voice: "I don't want to attend any wedding. If you just return the embroidered handkerchief I gave you, I will never be friends with you again!"

14430091 threw a landmine. Thank you~Mom~~

When I got home, I had already changed my name to Yun Jingyu.

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