Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 66 Shooting Condor + Divine Condor (15)

After receiving the news of Lu Zhanyuan's death, Yun Lan pouted. He was too weak. He thought that Yun Jingyu had sent people to lurk around him to collect evidence of his misdeeds. Who knew that Lu Zhanyuan would not do such high-end things at all? Gambling houses and a brothel completely destroyed him.

Huang Yaoshi has been watching the development of this matter and feels that Yun Lan's acting style is very satisfactory. He has regarded her as a confidant in his heart. People like him who are almost at the top of the world, together with Hong Qigong, Yi Deng, Ouyang Feng and the others are all lonely. For decades, one person has studied martial arts, and one person has tasted all kinds of joys and sorrows in the world. There is no one to talk to and no one to trust. He can only love martial arts more and more to relieve loneliness. . Nowadays, it is really a great blessing in life to have a confidant with similar interests.

Several people bid farewell to Lu Chengfeng, but Huang Yaoshi promised that he would send someone to deliver a message when he returned to the island. At that time, Lu Chengfeng and his son would return to Peach Blossom Island with him. I walked around for half a day, and when I passed by Zuixian Tower, I found that the Seven Jiangnan Monsters and Qiu Chuji were competing in a martial arts competition inside. I guess it was because without Yang Kang, their agreement was broken, and they had to compete in person.

Everyone was a martial artist, and since they were not far away from each other, the people inside naturally discovered them. At that time, Qiu Chuji had defeated the Seven Jiangnan Monsters and was very satisfied. The Seven Jiangnan Monsters looked ugly. Ke Zhen'e heard that someone was watching the battle, so he asked Zhu Cong next to him who he was. Zhu Cong said in a low voice: "Brother, this is Huang Yaoshi, a murderous demon who never blinks an eye. He has no idea what his plans are when he comes here."

Although he spoke in a low voice, everyone present except Qu Xuan, whose skills were still shallow, could hear him clearly, as if he was deliberately making Huang Yaoshi look bad. Huang Rong raised her eyebrows and cursed: "You dirty, dirty scholar, why are you calling my father a big devil?"

Zhu Cong was not as knowledgeable as the little girl, so he smiled slightly and turned his head.

Han Baoju had a bad temper. When he saw that a little girl dared to be rude to them, he was so angry that the beard on his lips curled up. He stepped forward and said sternly: "Fart! Huang Yaoshi is so evil, how can he not be a devil? If If he hadn't trained the Black Wind and the Twin Evils, how could so many heroes have died? "The Jiangnan Seven Monsters made Ke Zhenye blind because of the Black Wind and the Twin Evils, and also killed his brother Ke Bixie, the flying dragon, and they had a deep hatred for the two evil spirits. Like Hai, they also hated their master. They all thought that the martial arts used by the Black Wind Shuangsha to kill Ke Bixie was passed down by Huang Yaoshi. If there was no big devil like Huang Yaoshi in the world, the eldest brother would not have to endure it. Even though he was suffering from blindness, Ke Bixie would not die an unexpected death.

Huang Rong snorted coldly, cursed "ugly short fat man", rolled her eyes, clapped her hands and sang: "Short winter melon, roll the ball, kick once, slide three times; kick twice..."

Han Baoju was furious, strode forward, stretched out his hand and pushed towards her.

Huang Rong had snake blood to increase her martial arts skills, and she also refreshed her martial arts skills by teaching Qu Xuan. She could deal with Han Baoju with ease. Huang Yaoshi also wanted her to gain more combat experience, so he remained silent and just watched from the sidelines. Yun Lan and Qu Xuan naturally didn't get involved either.

Seeing that Han Baoju was at a disadvantage, the other six monsters jumped out to help. Qu Xuan's eyes widened and she shouted: "What a shameless group of people, bullying the younger with the greater and the younger with the greater! Looking at how wretched you all are, you are not a good person at all! Junior uncle, teach me a lesson." Let them know that our Peach Blossom Island is not easy to bully!”

When the Seven Jiangnan Monsters heard this, they didn't feel any shame at all. Han Xiaoying said solemnly: "Since we became sworn brothers, no matter what difficulties or powerful enemies, we have always fought together as seven of us. We are of low ability, and we are the devil in Peach Blossom Island. It seems that they are not worthy of a smile. However, my seven brothers and sisters still have a little reputation in Jiangnan. People who know us are willing to say: The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan are crazy, but they are not greedy for life and death. We dare not. You can’t bully others, but you can’t let others bully you.”

Han Xiaoying was still willing to speak some truth, but Han Baoju didn't care so much, he opened his mouth and cursed: "What are you talking about with her, a little devil? Everyone on Peach Blossom Island will be punished, one by one! Even if we risk our lives today, , and drag them all to hell with us.”

Although Huang Rong is smart, she refuses to concentrate on learning martial arts. She actually wants to learn everything her father is good at, including Yin Yang, Five Elements, and arithmetic. In addition, she is still young, so even though her father is the master of the generation, her martial arts has reached perfection. However, she only had a first glimpse into the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island. At this time, he could not fall behind in the battle with the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, relying on the increased skill of the snake blood and the soft hedgehog armor on his body. However, as time goes by, his internal strength will not be sustained, and he will inevitably lose.

Huang Rong struck forward with the palm of her Luoying Divine Sword. When she saw the blind old man opposite, she couldn't help but paused and moved in the wrong direction. During this period, Yun Lan also taught her many things when she had time. She knew that the old, weak, sick and disabled were all people who needed special treatment, so she hesitated for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Ke Zhen E's iron staff pressed down on her shoulder fiercely, and he cursed: "Heinous little bitch, ghost girl! You bitch on Peach Blossom Island!" Huang Rong was never willing to take any small losses, and listened to him He cursed indiscriminately, and with anger rising from his heart, he shouted: "Do you have the guts to curse me again?"

Huang Yaoshi frowned. Qiu Chuji saw this and jumped out to confront Huang Yaoshi. Although Qiu Chuji was no match for Huang Yaoshi, Huang Yaoshi didn't want to kill anyone, so it was impossible to kill him in just a few moves. So I couldn't take care of Huang Rong for the moment. Qu Xuan was wandering around at the side and wanted to step forward to help. Yun Lan said: "Sometimes stimulation can stimulate people's potential. Now Rong'er still has the strength to deal with them. When she is tired after a while, I will take over from her. Don’t worry, as long as I’m watching, those monsters can’t hurt her!”

The Seven Freaks of Jiangnan are all butchers who grew up in the market. What’s the point of hurting others by speaking out? Ke Zhen'e hated Huang Yao master and his daughter very much. Hearing Huang Rong's challenge, he immediately yelled out all kinds of vicious words. Huang Rong has lived in isolation on Peach Blossom Island since she was a child. She has never heard these foul words. Even though she was extremely smart, every time Ke Zhen E cursed, she would be startled before she could understand the meaning behind his words. Later, the more I listened, the more speechless I became, and the more I listened, the more puzzled I became. Huang Rong spat and said, "Thank you for being the eldest brother, and you are not afraid of dirty words."

Ke Zhen'e scolded: "I speak clean words to clean people, and bad words to stinky bitches! The dirtier you are, the dirtier my words will become." The other people all echoed loudly. Huang Rong was so furious that she used Peach Blossom Island's unique orchid acupoint brushing hand, whirlwind leaf-sweeping kick, and other extraordinary skills to fight back the two of them. However, after fighting for a long time, her physical and internal strength were too much, and her movements slowed down a beat. .

Yun Lan flew into the battle circle and sent Huang Rong out. Qu Xuan had been waiting nearby, and when Huang Rong came out, she quickly helped her sit aside to rest. Compared with Yun Lan's martial arts skills, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters are far behind. Back then, it only took her two quarters of an hour to kill the Black Wind Shuangsha, but now it took no effort to deal with these second-rate ones.

Ke Zhen'e and the others were still shouting that being with the big devil and his daughter must not be a good thing, but Yun Lan had already thrown them all away, and each of them tapped their dumb points. Turning around, he saw that Huang Yaoshi had just stopped, and Qiu Chuji collapsed on the ground with a face full of anger, gasping for air.

At this time, a little Taoist priest ran over from a distance, hurriedly helped Qiu Chuji and gave him healing medicine. Yun Lan listened to their conversation and found out that this person was Yin Zhiping! That shameless thing would have been forgotten by her if she hadn't encountered it this time. Yun Lan narrowed her eyes and glanced at Yin Zhiping, thinking that she would give him some medicine soon and let him be Wanyan Honglie's companion. Since he is a Taoist priest, he should be pure and devoid of desires, right?

Qiu Chuji shouted at Huang Yaoshi: "Today, I, Changchun, am not as good as others. I have to kill or behead you as you please. But remember, the laws of nature are cyclical and retribution is not good. Sooner or later, you, the big devil, will receive retribution!" "

Hearing this, Yaoshi Huang sneered and said, "What a joke, what kind of person am I, Yaoshi Huang? How can I be as knowledgeable as you ignorant rats! The stupid people in the world say that I do all kinds of evil, and all bad things are blamed on me. It's really ridiculous!"

Huang Rongjie said: "You gangsters keep saying that my father is a wicked person, but I want to ask you what evil things my father has done? Was it murder and arson, or was it robbery of people's money?"

Qiu Chuji snorted coldly and said, "Everyone in the world knows that Huang Laoxie is ruthless, killing countless people, and his torture methods are extremely cruel. If this is not a villain, what is he?"

Huang Rong sneered, "Who was killed? Who was tortured? Is there any evidence that my father killed innocent people indiscriminately? Those deaf-mute people who stayed on the island after being taught a lesson by my father were all from the old world. You are a bully, my father helped you eradicate the disaster, but you are ungrateful, but you are still going around to frame my father. In my opinion, this is obviously because you are jealous of my father. "

Huang Yaoshi said: "Okay Ronger, what do you say to these stupid people? We live a life of ease, what can they do to me even if they are dissatisfied in every way? Let's go."

Yun Lan raised her eyebrows. In fact, I had never heard that Huang Yaoshi had done any serious bad things that were not allowed by nature. I guess his bad reputation was due to his bad temper. Arrogant and arrogant, he never bothers to explain even a single word to others' unjust accusations. Who would miss such a good candidate for the top tank? As long as it is revealed after killing someone that Huang Laoxie was insane and killed innocent people indiscriminately, the matter will be over. After all, no one can confront Huang Yaoshi, they can only keep their hatred in their hearts.

This is really not a likable character. He is too capable of attracting hatred. I don’t know what the environment is that caused it. But fortunately, he spends most of his time living in seclusion on Peach Blossom Island. It doesn’t matter if he is arrogant or withdrawn.

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