Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 73 Forensic Pioneer 3 (6)

There were some patients in the garden who couldn't sleep at night. When they heard the quarrel, they slowly gathered around to watch. Being pointed at by more than twenty people, Zhong Xuexin felt that she had never been so embarrassed in her life, so she turned around and ran back to the ward. Yun Lan heard people talking about forensic doctors, mistresses, etc., and knew that the effect was achieved. She was too lazy to talk nonsense to Bu Guodong, "Tomorrow I will ask someone to bring the divorce agreement. From now on, we will go back to the same way. If we don't I will be pissed off if I divorce you!" After saying this, Yun Lan turned around and left.

Bu Guodong's face was turning blue and purple. He just thought that Yun Lan had filed for divorce before and they could go through the formalities when she came back from New York, so he didn't care about his married status and confessed to Mandy. Thinking that Yun Lan must have known that he was injured and was hospitalized, so she rushed back to see him, but she overheard the conversation between him and Mandy. She must have been heartbroken to be so emotional, and she immediately blamed herself. The rational Bu Guo Where did the building go? Why do we always do wrong things and make everyone sad?

Where there are many people, there is a lot of gossip. Similarly, where there are many people, gossip spreads fastest. Among the sixteen forensic doctors in Hong Kong, only two were female. Chung Xuexin was quickly recognized, while Yun Lan took on two civilian cases every month and usually litigated cases for his first wife. She appeared on TV, and seven or eight patients who were watching that night knew her. So the next day, the news that the senior medical examiner ruined the good lawyer's marriage spread throughout the hospital.

Although no one recognized Bu Guodong at first, Zhong Xuexin and Yun Lan were also very famous figures. Such gossip that caused a sensation in the whole hospital was immediately learned and reported by various newspapers and magazines. As a result, it was immediately revealed that barrister Zhou Yifei's husband was Bu Guodong of the Forensic Department. By the time Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin were discharged from the hospital, the city was already in a storm.

The professions of these three people all symbolize justice. Yun Lan was the victim of this incident and won a lot of sympathy, and her reputation increased instead of decreasing. The immoral behavior of Zhong Xuexin and Bu Guodong was a slap in the face to the government. Many people doubted their professional ethics. After all, cheating and mistressing are the most shameful things. It happened that they had been hospitalized and asked for leave, so the leader directly extended their leave by half a month.

Yun Lan had already bought a spacious three-bedroom apartment in Central. After scolding Bu Guodong in the hospital that day, she went directly back to her home in Central. Her law firm is also nearby. The original owner was a little nervous to save money to buy a house in Central, but she had a lot of money in her space. Not only did she buy the house, but she also bought the law firm she rented, which she still uses as her own. Comfortable to wear.

The next day, Yun Lan asked her secretary Mary to bring the divorce agreement to Bu Guodong to sign, and she herself invited a few workers to go back to Bu's house to move her luggage with her. Wenwen cried again when she saw that Yun Lan was moving away. Yun Lan promised to pick her up and live with her on the weekends, which stopped her tears. Bu Shunxing stopped her at first, but Yun Lan told him what happened in the hospital last night, and then said: "Uncle Xing, although I have divorced Guodong, but for so many years, you have treated me like Just like my daughter, you can come to me for anything in the future, and I will help you if I can." Bu Shunxing sighed and sat on the sofa and stopped caring. It was his son who had done something wrong, and he had no shame in asking his daughter-in-law to stay.

After the divorce, Yun Lan resumed her life as a barrister. She was busy helping people with lawsuits every day and was overwhelmed with cases. The flower girl Zhu Qiaoer was found to be a mental patient and could not be sentenced. After recovering from her injuries, she was imprisoned in a mental hospital. Although Zhong Xuexin was worried that she would hurt others again, there was no other way.

When Zhong Boshi went to the hospital to see Zhong Xuexin, he also heard the gossip. After entering the ward angrily, he pointed at Zhong Xuexin and asked: "Mandy, tell me, are the rumors outside true? Are you really destroying other people's families?" "

Zhong Xuexin explained anxiously: "Grandpa, I didn't want to either. Guodong and I also found out that we already have feelings for each other after this incident. I really didn't mean to destroy other people's families."

When Zhong Boshi heard this, his vision went dark and he almost fainted. Zhong Xuexin quickly went down to the ground to support him and shouted: "Grandpa, how are you? Don't scare me!" Zhong Boshi threw her hand away and held her up with one hand. He sat on the table and covered his chest with his other hand. It took him a long time to recover. He turned to look at Zhong Xuexin and said, "What did grandpa teach you when you were a child? How could you become so bad? Destroy other people's families! They still have You have an eight-year-old daughter who has had no parents since she was a child. Don’t you know the pain? How can you bear to let that little girl’s family be broken up?”

Zhong Xuexin had never seen her grandfather get so angry. She helped Zhong Boshi sit on the bed, squatted and held his hand and cried: "Grandpa, I really didn't mean it. I can't control emotional matters. Even I I don’t know when I fell in love with Guodong. Grandpa, please stop being angry with me. You are the only relative I have left. What should I do if you blame me?”

Zhong Boshi felt very sad when he saw his always strong granddaughter crying so sadly. Her granddaughter was also his only relative, but once the reputation of this third party was carried on his back, it would be a lifelong shackle. He sighed, He touched Zhong Xuexin's head and said: "Silly boy, life is not only about love. Now Pro Sir almost lost his life to save you. Of course you are grateful to him, but in the future, how will you behave with this stain on your body?" ? You will be miserable."

Zhong Xuexin shook his head vigorously, "Grandpa, I am not afraid of hardship. Guodong and I have known each other for so many years. We understand each other just like we understand ourselves. When I almost fell from the building yesterday, I watched Guodong and refused to let go. My hand, I'm really shocked, I don't want to miss him, grandpa."

Zhong Boshi frowned and sighed helplessly. His granddaughter's life was saved by Bu Guodong. Bu Guodong could be regarded as the benefactor of their family, but why did this happen? What does this make Bu Guodong's father think of his granddaughter? But he also saw that his granddaughter had made up her mind to be with Bu Guodong. Bu Shunxing had no choice but to make peace with him, an old man.

When Bu Guodong was discharged from the hospital and went home to recuperate, he looked at Bu Shunxing's unhappy face and felt helpless. He found an opportunity and said, "Dad, Eva and I have divorced. Since it is a fact, don't think about it anymore." . Mandy is my girlfriend now, I hope you can accept her, okay?”

Bu Shunxing tilted his head to one side, raised his hand as a blocking gesture, and said, "Don't mention her to me. This woman who destroys other people's families is not tolerated in our Bu family! Do you want her to do it to Wenwen?" A bad example? Make Wenwen think it’s right to destroy other people’s families?”

Bu Guodong said: "Dad, don't say that to Mandy again. She didn't want to destroy my family. It was me who didn't handle the family relationship well. I..."

Bu Shunxing interrupted him and said: "Stop! Stop! Stop! You don't have to tell me this. If you insist on being with her, I can't control you, but I won't like this woman to be my daughter-in-law." What kind of top student is this? All these years of studying have been in vain! Now, I don’t even dare to leave my house. It’s such a shame!”

Bu Guodong looked at his father's back as he returned to his room and covered his face in pain. He had messed up everything! If even her father is so resistant, wouldn't it be harder for Wenwen to accept it? However, thinking about the scene when Zhong Xuexin almost fell to his death that day, he felt scared and strengthened his determination. They were not young anymore and could not waste time anymore. They must cherish this relationship.

After a period of hard work, Bu Shunxing finally relented and agreed to date Bu Guodong and Zhong Xuexin, but he just didn't want his son to be sad, and he still didn't like her in his heart, so every time he saw her, he kept a straight face and said Zhong Xuexin sent him He never touched her clothes or refreshments. Although Zhong Xuexin felt aggrieved, she also knew that the results were already very good and it was hard to say anything else.

After the fake sale of the two of them was over, and they returned to work, they realized that the matter was far from over. Colleagues who had a good relationship with them in the past looked away when they saw them, and no longer came up to say hello as before, nor did they say hello anymore. Talk and laugh with them. Occasionally, I would look back and see them whispering. The two of them can only be grateful that their positions are not low and they have an independent office. As long as they close the door in the office every day, they can no longer hear those gossips.

When Ling Qian'er went home at night, she thought about it and finally persuaded Zhong Xuexin: "Mandy, have you really decided to be with Pro Sir? He and Eva have just divorced. It's not good for you to get together so soon, okay? ”

Zhong Xuexin said: "Don't you even agree? ada, I hope you can support me. Now that things are like this, even if we separate now, nothing will change, right? Besides, Guodong and I really want to be together. You Don’t try to persuade me anymore, don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Ling Qian'er raised her eyebrows and stopped talking. Although they were friends, these personal matters were always left to their own devices. Since Zhong Xuexin had said so, it would be too troublesome for her to persuade her. Anyway, it was already done. She has done her duty as a friend, and there is nothing she can do if the other party doesn't listen. Browsing the web with her iPad, she suddenly saw a legal column written by Yun Lan, which analyzed old major cases. She clicked on it and read it for a while. She found that Yun Lan was really professional. She analyzed these cases thoroughly and talked about them. It provides some tips on how to deal with gangsters and is very suitable for the public to read.

He raised his head and was about to tell Zhong Xuexin when he suddenly remembered the awkward relationship between them. Maybe Zhong Xuexin didn't want to know about Yun Lan, so he got up and took his iPad back to the room to watch it slowly.

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Thank you for the mines, okay~~~( @^_^ @)~

Want praise, want praise~~~

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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