Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 78 Forensic Pioneer 3 (11)

After arriving at Zhao Dalong's house, Zhong Xuexin asked about the murder case of the Zhong family thirty years ago, and wanted him to think about whether any suspicious people appeared that day. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dalong raised his head and smiled strangely at her while sitting in a wheelchair, and said slowly: "Do you know why I didn't move? It's because of the stove in the kitchen."

After Zhong Xuexin entered the kitchen, he followed behind and said with a strange smile: "This stove contains a corpse... It's my wife... That was the first bad woman I killed! Hahaha …”

Zhong Xuexin was startled and wanted to rush out, but she found that Zhao Dalong had blocked the kitchen door, holding a long knife in his hand and looking at her with a smile. She heard Zhao Dalong's voice, "The Zhong family you mentioned is the one I killed. Yes, who asked that damn woman to reprimand my son? My son just likes to play with snakes and won’t tolerate even the smallest things. Huh, he is a bad woman just like my wife! You are her daughter, so I guess. Not a good thing!”

Zhao Dalong suddenly looked Zhong Xuexin up and down carefully and said: "Ah! I remembered it! Aren't you the shameless forensic doctor who destroyed other people's families? Sure enough, you are a bad woman just like your mother! You found this place today, it's heaven Let me punish you so that you don’t destroy other people’s families again!”

After Zhao Dalong said that, he raised his knife and rushed toward Zhong Xuexin. Although he was sitting in a wheelchair, the space in the kitchen was small, and Zhong Xuexin was frightened again. Within a few moments, Zhong Xuexin was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife and fell to the ground. Zhao Dalong took out tape to cover her mouth, tied her hands, and then used a knife to make a big X on both sides of her face.

Zhongxue was heartbroken and confused, regretting her impulsive actions. At that moment, she even felt that this was her retribution for destroying other people's families! Before Zhao Dalong's knife fell again, Bu Guodong and Ling Qian'er arrived in time and arrested Zhao Dalong. Bu Guodong hugged Zhong Xuexin with trembling hands, blaming himself for not replying to the message in time.

In the hospital, after the doctor came out of the operating room, he looked at Zhong Boshi and Bu Guodong apologetically and said: "The patient's life is no longer in danger, but she was stabbed in the abdomen and damaged her uterus. She may not be able to have children in the future. The stab wound on her face If it is too deep, it will leave scars after healing. If you want her to have skin grafting surgery, arrange it as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the harder it will be to repair.”

After hearing this, Zhong Boshi's eyes darkened and he fainted. Doctors and nurses tried to rescue him again. Zhong Boshi was almost eighty years old. He had been worried about his granddaughter for a while. This time he was stimulated by his granddaughter's tragic situation. I'm afraid I'll have to stay in bed for a few months to recuperate.

Bu Guodong stayed by Zhong Xuexin's bed, holding her hand with unbearable pain. If he hadn't read the text messages in time, Zhong Xuexin wouldn't have gone to the village to investigate alone. It was all his fault. Even after the divorce, he was still paying attention to Yun. Lan's current situation has caused Zhong Xuexin to suffer so much, and he has to bear a lot of responsibility.

Bu Guodong returned to Bu's house and told Bu Shunxing that he wanted to marry Zhong Xuexin. Bu Shunxing also knew about Zhong Xuexin, so naturally he couldn't agree. What would he do with marrying a woman who was infertile and had a disfigured face? Moreover, this woman is always in danger. Last time, her son almost fell from the building. Fortunately, her son did not go this time, otherwise she would not know how much she would have suffered.

But this time Bu Guodong was extremely determined. Regardless of Bu Shunxing's strong opposition, he must marry Zhong Xuexin after she was discharged from the hospital. Bu Shunxing was so angry that he packed up his things and moved to his apprentice's Taida Hall. Now the Bu family All the old neighbors know that Zhong Xuexin is a disaster, and a disaster star!

After Zhong Xuexin woke up, she immediately decided to have a skin grafting operation. Although she was not pretty, no woman wanted to have scars on her face. Bu Guodong transferred her to a professional plastic surgery hospital, even the knife on her hand last time Repair the injuries together. This is already the most famous plastic surgeon in Hong Kong, but he only restored the wound on her hand. The wound on her face was too deep and could only repair 50%. There will still be faint traces after recovery.

Zhong Xuexin almost collapsed after learning the result. With such obvious scars on her face, the government would definitely not use her again. Her faith, her ideals, and her career were all lost overnight, but there was nothing she could do. , at this time, the resentment in her heart towards Zhao Dalong was almost overflowing, and she wanted to cut him to death with a thousand knives! Bu Guodong felt that she was so strange every time he saw her hateful eyes. This was not the optimistic and kind-hearted Mandy he knew. The current Zhong Xuexin was like a goddess of revenge.

However, before Zhong Xuexin could take any revenge, Zhao Dalong had already committed suicide in prison. This left Zhong Xuexin with nowhere to vent his resentment and felt depressed. She was unwilling to give in. She told everyone that Zhao Dalong's son must also be an accomplice and must have committed a crime. However, Ling Qian'er and the others had carefully searched Zhao Dalong's house and studied Zhao Dalong's records. There were no flaws or any evidence. The doubts are completely unable to prove that Zhao Guozhi, Zhao Dalong’s son, is suspected of committing a crime.

Faced with Zhong Xuexin's extreme accusations, Ling Qian'er felt helpless. Some of Zhong Xuexin's excited remarks had already meant questioning the ability of their crime team. This made the staff of the crime team very unhappy, even though they were once Friends, after so many things, the relationship has become estranged, but the brothers and sisters of the crime team are her life and death partners. It is clear at a glance which one is more important. From then on, Ling Qianer no longer visits Zhong Xuexin unless necessary. .

Zhong Boshi was ill in bed, and Zhong Xuexin had extreme thoughts. Bu Guodong had to take a long leave in order to take care of her. The top brass of the police station were very dissatisfied with the two of them. They had done so many things in the past six months, and now neither of them could do anything. jobs, all the government investment in them over the years has been in vain. After the senior leaders held a meeting to discuss, they directly gave Zhong Xuexin a letter of dismissal. Bu Guodong, on the other hand, was deprived of all promotion opportunities and was suspended without pay. If he could not work normally for more than three months, he would be fired altogether.

After Bu Guodong's careful care, Zhong Xuexin's mood finally stabilized, but in the end there was a shadow in his heart. He often had nightmares and his face became more and more haggard. Bu Guodong felt very uncomfortable seeing her like this. After carefully selecting the diamond ring, he proposed to her. Zhongxue has low self-esteem in her heart. Who can she be worthy of now? She only had Bu Guodong left, and Bu Guodong was responsible for her, so she simply agreed to the proposal. The two got married quickly after Zhong Boshi recovered. There were very few people watching the ceremony, only a few friends such as Zhong Boshi and Ling Qian'er, and not even Bu Shunxing attended.

Zhong Xuexin felt that this wedding was simply a stain on her life! Bu Shunxing's refusal to participate was tantamount to directly telling everyone that his father-in-law did not agree to her entry. Without his father-in-law's recognition, she, Mrs. Bu, seemed to be unjust and unjust. She followed Bu Guodong to the tumbling hall to invite Bu Shunxing back home, but Bu Shunxing never saw them every time. The old neighbors in the tumbling hall looked at her in the way they looked at her, making her feel like a dirty thing. I don’t want to go to a wrestling club anymore.

Bu Guodong thinks that Bu Shunxing is just having an old man's temper. If he coaxes him more and gives him a step down, he will naturally come back. But Zhong Xuexin obviously disliked going to the wrestling club, which made him mistakenly think that Zhong Xuexin didn't like his father and was unwilling to serve his father-in-law. He felt very uncomfortable. When he was with Yun Lan before, he had never been worried about this kind of "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship". Too sad.

Bu Shunxing liked Yun Lan very much, and Yun Lan was also very filial. Everything Bu Shunxing wore was bought by Yun Lan. Even his own clothes, shoes and socks were prepared by Yun Lan. He suddenly felt that he He had made a mistake before. He always thought that Yun Lan was very strong, career-minded and neglected his family. But now he realized that Yun Lan had taken good care of his family. It's a pity that he chose Zhong Xuexin, and now Zhong Xuexin has become like this again. He can no longer let down the second woman. As his father said, you can live a life no matter what. The most important thing is that the couple can tolerate each other.

Bu Guodong returned to work again, and Zhong Xuexin became a housewife. However, she always considered herself to be the best forensic doctor in Hong Kong. How could she be willing to just idle at home? Fortunately, she was only disfigured and did not lose her medical license, so she opened a private clinic and worked wearing a big mask every day. Because the charges were relatively low, there were still many people who didn't care about her past and were willing to come to the clinic for treatment. of.

Bu Guodong was a little worried about her. After all, being a doctor and a forensic doctor were completely different. But Zhong Xuexin was very confident that she could do her best in such a difficult task as a forensic doctor. A simple medical consultation would not trouble her at all. When Bu Guodong saw her insistence, he stopped trying to persuade her. He also knew how good Zhong Xuexin was in the past. He was more willing to believe that his wife had begun to cheer up and start over.

Wenwen would meet Bu Guodong twice a month. Because she didn't like Zhong Xuexin, Wenwen never spent the night at Bu's house. Most of the time, she would let Bu Guodong take her to the amusement park or go shopping in the mall to buy things. . Before Zhong Xuexin had an accident, she would still try to communicate with Wenwen and make Wenwen accept her. After the accident, she no longer paid attention to Wenwen. She was too bothered by her own affairs to have the mood to cultivate a relationship with her love rival's daughter. ? What's more, when she saw Wenwen, she seemed to see Yun Lan, and she couldn't suppress the disgust in her heart.

One time Wenwen accidentally saw Zhong Xuexin's eyes and shrank in fear. Bu Guodong no longer let Zhong Xuexin accompany them to play together. Every time he picked up Wenwen, he only took her out alone. He could understand Zhong Xuexin's feelings about being unable to have children, but after all, it was impossible to let her emotions affect Wenwen.

The author has something to say: Well, it’s still not finished. Is the next chapter expected to end? ? ? _(:3 ∠)_

After abusing the body, I also want to abuse the mind. There is really no end to all kinds of abuse...

The next story "Blue Life and Death Love" will torture Mrs. Yin and Yin Junxi. Eunxi hasn't decided what to do yet. She doesn't seem to have made any mistakes~ She is just naive and ignorant and a little crybaby╮(╯▽╰)╭

miaomiao threw a mine

Qingshui Ruozhu threw a mine

Thank you two girls for the mine~\\(≧▽≦)/~

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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