Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 81 Blue Love of Life and Death (2)

Just then, the only two tables of customers paid their bills and left. The meal had already passed, and no one would come again for a while. Yin Zhengyu let go of his consciousness and saw that no one nearby would hear their conversation, so he stopped asking to change places and said directly: "Mrs. Cui, I am not a teacher at the school. I came here because I just learned from Renai Hospital "On October 4th, fourteen years ago, your daughter and my daughter were mistaken for each other in the nursery."

Cui's mother looked at him blankly, as if she didn't understand the meaning of his words. It took her a while to realize what she was saying, and shouted loudly: "Who are you! You are wrong when you say you are wrong? What evidence do you have?" Just come to my house and talk nonsense!”

Yin Zhengyu took out the certificate he specially asked the doctor to write from his coat pocket. It said that only Jin Chunlin and Lin Qinghua gave birth to baby girls at Renai Hospital that day. Jin Chunlin's daughter had type O blood, while Lin Qinghua's daughter had type B blood.

Yin Zhengyu said: "Because Eunxi was in a car accident yesterday, it was found that her blood type is type B. I suspect that our two families gave birth to the wrong children. Of course, in order to confirm more clearly, I hope to do a DNA test for the two children. Testing, everything will be clear by then.”

Cui's mother lowered her head, picked up her apron and wiped her hands. She paused suddenly, raised her head hurriedly and asked: "Car accident? Then... that en... Enxi... how is she now? Is it serious? ?ah?"

Yin Zhengyu said: "Mrs. Cui, don't be anxious. Enxi is fine. She will recover in two days. No one did this intentionally. The most innocent ones are two girls. They changed overnight. Losing your parents must be a big blow to them. I hope you can take some time and let's resolve this matter smoothly together, okay?"

Cui's mother slowly sat on the chair, held her head in her hands, thought for a while, and whispered: "Okay, let's go to the hospital for a check-up. Since you have already found me, I can't just live in a muddle like this." ”

After making an appointment with Cui's mother to go to the hospital for DNA testing on the weekend, Yin Zhengyu took out the 500,000 won he had prepared and handed it to her. Cui's mother immediately stared at him like a hedgehog and said, "Why did you give me money? what do you mean?"

Yin Zhengyu put the money on the table and pushed it forward, and said: "Don't worry too much, here is half a million won, which is not much money, it is equivalent to your income for more than a month. I don't mean anything else, just Due to the recent problems with your two daughters, the business of your restaurant will definitely be affected. These are the losses I will compensate you for. I hope you can cooperate with me during this time and pay more attention to your two children. After all, this is just It’s a personal request, so please don’t refuse.”

Although Cui's mother has a strong self-esteem, she is not a person who insists on saving face and suffering. As long as others don't hurt her with their words, she is usually very talkative. If something like this happens, you have to go to the hospital and spend time talking to the children and the other parents. There is no way to do business well. After hearing what Yin Zhengyu said, and seeing that there is really not much money, he simply accepted it. No more rejection.

On the way home, Yin Zhengyu called the hospital to make an appointment for the test, trying to get the results as quickly as possible. When I was watching TV before time travel, I always wondered why Professor Yin looked like a big shot. It turned out that the big shot was Professor Yin’s father. The middle school Enxi and the others attended was established by Mr. Yin, but now Mr. Yin has passed away. , those brilliance in the past just make many people be polite when they see him.

Yin Zhengyu actually has no interest in continuing to teach art, and he is really not used to living in Korea, especially the food and language. He will still have to find an opportunity to return to China in the future. It's just that all of this has to be done slowly. The most important thing now is to handle the family's affairs.

Back at Yin's house, Yin Zhengyu found that Yin Junxi's mood was not right. He was sure that Yin Junxi had left when he was talking to Mrs. Cui. What went wrong? When he looked up, he saw Jin Chunlin cooking in the kitchen with red eyes. Yin Zhengyu narrowed his eyes. Could it be that she told Yin Junxi?

When going to bed at night, Yin Zhengyu informed Jin Chunlin to prepare for going to the hospital for tests on the weekend. Jin Chunlin cried again after knowing that he had gone to see Cui's mother, and kept mumbling, "How could you do this to us Enxi? How could you Will it become like this? You are so cruel, I don’t want to see you..."

Yin Zhengyu couldn't bear to see her crying there, so he took a pillow and quilt and went to sleep in the study. Anyway, he didn't intend to be married to her. If he could tolerate her for a while and find a reason to divorce her, he would definitely want to divorce her. With them, Junxi and Enxi will take this time to observe and talk.

Yin Zhengyu still has to go to work. Fortunately, he is a senior professor and has very few students. He can only teach one or two classes occasionally according to the original owner's memory. He took the time to tally up the Yin family's property. When Mr. Yoon passed away, as the youngest son, he received several properties, shops and some savings. Including his salary over the years, the total value was about one billion won. It was more than 5 million yuan converted into RMB. This money was indeed considered wealthy in 1993. No wonder there was a stalemate between the brothers of the original owner over the property, and now everyone has lost contact.

He originally wanted to wait until the weekend, after the test results came out, to discuss how to deal with Enxi and Xin'ai, but who knew that the best mother and son could not stay calm for even a day, and would only cause more trouble for him!

On this day, Jin Chunlin found Mrs. Cui's residence alone. Looking at the dirty and messy environment around her, her frown never relaxed. After choosing her words, she raised her head and said sincerely to Cui's mother: "Mrs. Cui, I have raised Enxi for fourteen years. I love Enxi very much. In my heart, Enxi is my daughter. I hope we can continue like this." If you continue to live like this, it will be good for both children. From now on, Xin Ai will be left to you."

Cui's mother looked at her in surprise and said incredulously: "Is it good for both children? You have also seen the environment here. Don't you think Xin Ai is pitiful when she lives here?"

Jin Chunlin turned his head and said with a choked voice, "I leave Xin Ai to you. Please take good care of her."

Cui's mother continued: "My husband is a gambler and has poor health. He has never made any money to support the family. In order to make money to support the family, I have done all kinds of work and endured all kinds of hardships. In order to make a living, I have no time at all. Taking care of the child, I couldn’t buy her toys or dress her in beautiful clothes. Xin Ai had to work with me since she was a child and suffered a lot.”

Jin Chunlin covered her mouth with a handkerchief and cried: "Please, Xin Ai, I'll leave it to you!" After saying that, he picked up his bag and ran out. He saw a toy store on the road and remembered what Cui's mother had just said that she had never bought anything for Xin Ai. After passing the toys, she felt soft for a moment, bought two teddy bears, and asked the clerk to send one to Yin's house. She took the other to the school gate and gave it to Xin Ai.

Although Xin Ai was very surprised as to why Enxi's mother gave her a doll, it was the first gift she had received when she was so old, so naturally she would not refuse it. After returning home, she was happily playing with the big bear, Cui Suddenly, her mother came in. When she saw her like this, she yelled, "Where did this doll come from? Who gave it to you?"

Xin Ai was startled and whispered back: "It's Enxi's mother, the rich one from last time."

Cui's mother became angry all of a sudden, and while beating her, she scolded: "You want what others give you? Why are you so shameless! Ah? It's their business if they have money! Why do you want her things? You Do you want shame? Do you want shame?"

Cui's mother had worked hard for many years, but Xin Ai couldn't escape. She was beaten until her hair was scattered after just a few blows. Xin Ai yelled and cried: "Why are you hitting me? Why don't I want it if she gives it to me? You have never given me a gift since I was a child. Now someone just gives me a rag doll. What are you doing?" Hit me?"

Cui's mother was so angry that she spoke without hesitation and shouted: "Yes! I don't have money to buy you a gift. If you like her, go find her! Go find your biological parents and live your good life!"

Cui's mother knew something was wrong as soon as she said it, but unfortunately Xin Ai had already heard it. The quarrel in the room suddenly stopped. Xin Ai looked at her blankly and asked: "What? What did you just say? Who is me?" biological parents?”

Cui's mother has always had a strong self-esteem, and Xin Ai's expression with a hint of joy stimulated her, and she said without hesitation: "Yes! I am not your mother, those rich people are your biological parents, you don't want to Go find them if you have a hard time with me! Leave now!”

So, by some strange combination of circumstances, Xin Ai found out about her life experience in advance. When Yin Zhengyu came home from work in the evening, he saw Xin Ai standing at the door of Yin's house holding a big teddy bear, while Yin Junxi was talking to her excitedly, and Jin Chunlin was sitting on the steps beside him crying.

Yin Zhengyu frowned and sighed, feeling as if his head hurt again. He got out of the car and let go of his consciousness while walking, and heard Yin Junxi say to Cui Xinai: "I am not your brother! Don't call me brother! My only sister is Enxi, you go back to your Cui family immediately, Never come to our house again!”

Cui Xinai raised her head excitedly and shouted: "Why? I am the daughter of the Yin family, why don't you all like me? I was kicked out by my mother, and now you don't want me," as she spoke, her tone changed and she became angry. Said: "It's all because of Enxi, it's all because of her that you are like this, right? Why should she occupy my place!"

Yin Junxi never allowed others to say anything wrong about Enxi, so he raised his hand and slapped Cui Xin'ai. Jin Chunlin was startled and quickly stood up to pull Yin Junxi. Cui Xinai was holding the doll unprepared and fell to the ground. She raised her head stubbornly and shouted: "Brother, I am your biological sister. Why do you want to beat me for others?"

Because Yin Zhengyu was far away from them and it was inconvenient for him to reveal his cultivation, he could only watch helplessly as Xin Ai was slapped, and became angry in his heart. His tolerance for this mother and son was almost at its limit!

The author has something to say:! Rats love to eat cats! dropped a mine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Lei Xiangxi threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Yunqi threw a landmine


Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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