Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 83 Blue Love of Life and Death (4)

Yin Zhengyu and Xin Ai settled down in the small two-bedroom house. Although this house is not as luxurious as Yin's house, it is also very exquisitely decorated. Yin Zhengyu took the time to take Xin Ai to buy a lot of clothes, dolls and other things that girls like. The refrigerator was filled with snacks, and Xin Ai was very happy. She said she felt like she was in heaven.

Yin Zhengyu knew that this child was at a loss when she suddenly encountered such a big change, so he thought he should have a good talk with her. On this day, Yin Zhengyu poured a glass of juice for Xin Ai after she finished her homework, sat opposite her and smiled: "Xin Ai, you will live with your father from now on. I will make it clear to Mrs. Cui. As for your Biological mother and brother, don’t blame them, they have such character, they can’t bear to live with Enxi for fourteen years, so they can only be ruthless to you.”

"Now that my father is divorced, there won't be many opportunities for us to meet them again in the future. Oh, by the way, I plan to go to mainland China for development. It is developing very fast and prosperous, and the education is also good. When you get there, you will definitely You will like it, so you don't have to face people who make you sad in this city. We will leave in half a month, so before we leave Korea, if you meet Junxi and others, just treat it as if you haven't seen it. Argue with them, okay?"

Xin Ai tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "After we leave, will we never see them again?"

Yin Zhengyu glanced at her in surprise, not knowing whether she was referring to her adoptive mother or her biological mother. He just said: "You are fourteen years old this year. When you finish college, you can choose where to work or where to travel. Then you can decide for yourself whether you want to come back to see them.”

Xin Ai nodded and said, "Okay dad, I'll go to China with you. Can I learn to paint when I get there?"

Yin Zhengyu smiled and touched her head and said: "Of course, although dad gave almost all the money to your mom, dad will earn it back soon. From now on, you can learn whatever you want, and you can paint if you like. If so, daddy will teach you how to get started when he has time."

Xin Ai laughed when she heard this and said, "Thank you, Dad!"

Yin Zhengyu also smiled and said: "Don't go to school these days. Review your homework at home. Dad will go to the school to help you withdraw from school. When we arrive in China, I will choose another school for you. Keep studying in a good school." Seeing Xin Ai nodded obediently, Yin Zhengyu got up and went back to his room.

The next day, Yin Zhengyu gave Xin Ai 200,000 won and a mobile phone, and said: "These are your pocket money for the past few days. Dad has to handle some resignation-related matters and have a good talk with Mrs. Cui. , you may not have much time. If you are bored at home, go shopping on the street and buy whatever you like. If it is something expensive, just wait until I come back and tell me and I will take you to buy it. Remember to put your money away and pay attention to safety. This phone is for you, it has my number stored in it, you can call me if you need anything."

Xin Ai carefully put away the money and mobile phone. She had never seen so much money and had never used a mobile phone before, for fear of accidentally breaking it. Before going out, Yin Zhengyu told her that the bicycle at the door was specially bought for her, then waved to her and left.

Yin Zhengyu first went to the school to go through the resignation procedures, and the dean talked with him for a long time. The dean was good friends with Mr. Yin and had always taken care of the original owner for so many years, so Yin Zhengyu also respected him and affirmatively expressed that he had no Whatever difficulties we encounter, it is purely because we are optimistic about China that we want to develop in the past. Seeing that he had decided to go, the dean sighed and wrote him a letter of recommendation himself.

When Yin Zhengyu left, he bowed solemnly to the old dean. This old man really cared about the original owner and was a very respectable elder.

I went to Xin Ai's school to go to the principal to go through the withdrawal procedures. Xin Ai's head teacher turned pale when she found out that Xin Ai was the biological daughter of the Yin family. After all, she had given Xin Ai a look when she saw that Xin Ai's family was poor, but she didn't know that Xin Ai was poor. Ai suddenly became the granddaughter of the founder of the school, which really made her a little nervous. It was not until Yin Zhengyu completed the formalities and left the school that she breathed a sigh of relief. Xin Ai would not come to school in the future, so he would not retaliate against her.

After Yin Zhengyu took care of all these things non-stop, only Mrs. Cui's side was left. When he got home in the evening, he saw that Xin Ai had only bought a pair of quacking doll ducks. He picked up the ducks and smiled and said, "Didn't you see anything you like while shopping today? Why did you only buy this?"

Xin Ai tugged at the corner of her clothes and whispered: "Actually, I don't like spending money that much. I saw this in Enxi's room. I liked it very much, so I bought it." She looked at it uneasily. He glanced.

Yin Zhengyu handed the little duck to her and said: "Don't worry, what dad gives you is your pocket money. You can buy whatever you like. Tomorrow dad is going to Mrs. Cui's place. Do you want to go with me?"

Xin Ai lowered his head and said nothing. Yin Zhengyu sighed and said, "If you don't know how to face it, don't go. No one will hit you again in the future, I promise."

Yin Zhengyu cooked a Chinese meal for Xin Ai, hoping that she could adapt to it in advance, but this time he was overly worried. Xin Ai's life in Cui's house was not good before, and she only ate kimchi or leftover dishes from guests every day. It's really not delicious, so no matter what Yin Zhengyu gives her now, as long as it's a hot, normal meal, she will eat it very delicious.

Yin Zhengyu spent money to find a few people to follow Cui Yingxiong and beat him whenever he saw him doing bad things. After two days, Cui Yingxiong became a lot more honest. Although he was a gangster, he was just a little guy. Afraid of offending people. After knowing that someone was repairing him, he stayed at home obediently and did not go out.

Another day later, Yin Zhengyu drove to Cui's house. When Cui's mother saw him, she looked behind him and looked a little disappointed when she didn't see anyone else. However, she regained her expression in an instant and closed the store. , poured a glass of water for Yin Zhengyu, sat opposite him and waited for him to speak.

Yin Zhengyu said straight to the point: "I have divorced my wife. I hope that Xin Ai can live with me in the future. Please rest assured that I will take good care of her. When she grows up, I will let her come back to see you. ”

Cui's mother frowned and her eyes turned red, but she nodded and agreed. She said, "I usually don't have time to take care of her because I have to look after the store. Fortunately, Xin Ai has been very sensible since she was a child and will help me with housework and academic performance." That’s fine, she can get a better education by following you in the future, Xin Ai, she’ll leave it to you.”

Yin Zhengyu nodded at her, and when she asked about Enxi, he said: "Eunxi is at my ex-wife's place now. Enxi has a weak temperament. She kept crying after returning from the hospital that day, but she is also a kind child. I think She will come to see you in two days. You have also met my ex-wife. She is very reluctant to let go of Enxi, so I thought, should you two mothers raise her together? "

Cui's mother asked doubtfully: "How to raise them together?"

Yin Zhengyu smiled and said: "That is to say, let her live with you for a while, and then go back to live with my ex-wife for a while. I think this will be easier for Enxi to accept. Of course, you still have to discuss the final decision with them. That's all right, you can consider my proposal first. In addition, I plan to take Xin Ai to a foreign country in the next few years. She has a strong temper. If I stay here again, there may be conflicts between Junxi and Eunxi. It was a hard time for everyone, and I will let her come back after she finishes college abroad and becomes more stable."

Cui's mother was stunned for a while, then sighed and said, "It's okay, at this time, we can stay calm and calm when we are separated. If we can't see each other, there won't be so many things."

Yin Zhengyu said: "Xin Ai still cares about you, but she has an awkward temper and is embarrassed to express it." He glanced at the surrounding environment and then said: "I know you won't ask for any more money, but I I still want to express my gratitude. I heard from Xin Ai that your son Cui Yingxiong is not studying or looking for a job. "

Cui's mother suddenly became wary when he heard him mention her son, and said loudly: "So what? Are you trying to teach me a lesson because I don't know how to teach my son?"

Yin Zhengyu waved his hand and said: "You see you are anxious again. What I want to say is that I have a quota for soldiers here, and the regulations are very strict. If the hero can go there to serve as a soldier, you will definitely see him again in two years. , He is already an excellent soldier. He happens to be in good shape. It would be a pity to miss this opportunity. This way, your burden will be much lighter and you can use these two years to save some money."

Cui's mother took a sip of water sheepishly and said that this was a big deal and she had to think about it carefully. The main purpose of Yin Zhengyu coming to Cui's house was to discuss the matter of Xin Ai. Everything else was incidental. Now that it was settled, he didn't stay any longer. When he went home, he bought a plane ticket for a week later and planned to go to China as soon as possible. go.

After showing Xin Ai the ticket, the two began to pack the things they wanted to take away. In the past few days, Xin Ai also bought some odds and ends, plus the clothes Yin Zhengyu bought for her, etc., and packed two As for the suitcase, Yin Zhengyu had much less stuff. Since he could buy more when he arrived in China, he didn't have anything he wanted to take with him, so he only packed a handbag.

Three days later, Cui's mother called and said, "Professor Yin, I've thought about it for a long time. You're right. We can't let the hero continue to be idle like this. I decided to send him to be a soldier. I'm sorry to bother you!"

The author has something to say: In the past two days, I suddenly became obsessed with Cartoon Hay Day, and I almost delayed my coding_(:3」∠)_

But I will definitely persevere [make a fist!

! Rats love to eat cats! dropped a mine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Lei Xiangxi threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

Yunqi threw a landmine

Yunqi threw a landmine

Rayla's cat threw a mine

Thank you all for the mines, dear ╭(╯3╰)╮

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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