Han Jinghui remembered Ya Liying's instructions in her heart. When she heard the doctor's instructions, she just responded without saying anything extra. Ya Liying already had a certain understanding of the condition of her eyes. She opened her eyelids and took a closer look, and saw that her eyes were covered with a gray substance. After pressing several acupoints around the eyes, Han Jinghui said they all hurt a little.

Ya Liying took out a specially prepared anesthetic pill from the space and said: "Now that you take this pill, you will lose consciousness in half a minute. When you wake up in three hours, I think I have done it for you." Treatment is over.”

Han Jinghui wanted to ask her what the chances were that her eyes could be cured, but after hearing the confidence in her tone, she still didn't speak. Taking a deep breath, Han Jinghui nodded, opened his mouth and took the anesthetic pill.

Ya Liying carefully checked Han Jinghui's pulse after she fell into coma, then took out a batch of medicinal materials that had been prepared in advance, selected the types and quantities based on the inspection she had just given to Han Jinghui, and used the divine wood king tripod and flame magic step by step. Ten pills were refined.

It took a total of two hours. Ya Liying put everything into the space, fed Han Jinghui a pill, then put her palm against Han Jinghui's palm, used her spiritual power to dissolve the pill, and accelerated After absorbing it, he guided a tiny trace of spiritual power to swim through Han Jinghui's optic nerve, opening up the blockage.

After doing this, Ya Liying let out a sigh of relief. She finally cured Han Jinghui's eyes and settled a worry. After resting for a while, Ya Liying checked Han Jinghui's body again. Years of hard life had affected Han Jinghui's health, and it was inevitable that he had some old diseases.

Ya Liying took out a drop of spiritual spring water from the space and injected it into Han Jinghui's meridians. She used spiritual power to guide the spiritual spring water to nourish the meridians and cleanse the impurities in her body. After doing this, he canceled the hidden spells on his body, returned to normal, and waited for Han Jinghui to wake up.

After Han Jinghui woke up, she felt comfortable all over. Except for the slight stinging in her eyes, she felt much more relaxed. She tried to open her eyes, but found that there was a ring of gauze wrapped around her head blocking her eyes.

Ya Liying helped her sit up and said: "Mom, the doctor said that your eyes are fine. You just need to take medicine to consolidate during the recovery process. She left me a few pills and told me every day." Take one pill every three days and you’ll see it in a month!”

Han Jinghui raised her hand tremblingly and touched her eyes, and said with some excitement: "Ya Liying, you mean...my eyes can really recover? Are you lying to me? One month, one month left for me You can see it! Oh my god! I can’t believe it, the doctor has already performed the surgery on me?”

Ya Liying held her hand and smiled and said: "Maybe her treatment method is different from others. I didn't see how she did it, but there was no blood around, so it shouldn't have been an operation. I heard that China has inherited an ancient Your medical skills are accomplished with acupuncture. Maybe the doctor just gave you acupuncture!”

Han Jinghui calmed down and asked: "By the way, where is the doctor? Has she left already? I haven't thanked her properly yet. Do you want to invite her to my house for a meal?"

Ya Liying said: "Don't worry, Mom, I have already thanked you. The doctor's whereabouts are usually unpredictable. It was a coincidence that I invited her this time. She has other things to do and has already left. "

Han Jinghui nodded with some disappointment, suddenly frowned, held her stomach and asked in confusion: "Why does my stomach hurt so much?"

Ya Liying helped her up and walked to the bathroom and said, "Don't worry, Mom, the doctor has told you that she just gave you some detoxification drugs, so you may have stomach pain. As long as the toxins are eliminated, you will be fine."

After that, Ya Liying and Han Jinghui lived as usual, but Han Jinghui was always nervous because of her eyes. Ya Liying gave her a pill every three days. Gradually, although Han Jinghui's eyes were troubled, Although she was wearing gauze, she could still feel the light and darkness. She spent a month in fear. When Ya Liying untied the gauze for her, she held her hand tightly and slowly opened her eyes. From blur to clarity, she saw the beautiful daughter in front of her, Axi's loyal face, and the furniture in her home that she had touched countless times, and she burst into tears with excitement.

Ya Liying hugged her and comforted her for a while, then said: "Mom, please don't cry again, otherwise your eyes that were finally cured will be damaged again. Besides, our life is very good now, you should be happy." yes."

Han Jinghui took the towel handed by A Qian, wiped her face, took a deep breath, turned her head and looked at Ya Liying carefully, and said with a smile: "I know, Ya Liying worked so hard to help her mother treat her eyes." Okay, I won't cry anymore. I will protect my eyes well and see Ya Liying happy in the future!" After saying that, he reached out and touched Ya Liying's face and said, "My Ya Liying. So beautiful, like an angel.”

Ya Liying smiled and said: "In the eyes of all mothers, daughters are beautiful angels."

After curing Han Jinghui's eyes, Ya Liying began to plan to take revenge on the original owner's family again. She did not intend to tell Han Jinghui about this matter. Anyway, she had many methods, and she did not have to go into battle personally like the original owner. She only needed to be in the media It would be nice to play the role of a poor woman abandoned by her father when the identity of her and Han Jinghui is discovered, so that Han Jinghui doesn't have to be embarrassed.

Han Jinghui has a kind and weak temperament. In fact, it sounds like she is incompetent and cowardly. However, her personality has been so easy to change over the past few decades. As long as she gradually becomes stronger in the future, she will not always cry behind her back, like revenge. Let her do it.

After Yin Ruiying's shrew-calling incident finally subsided, a new round of controversial news broke out on the Internet. "Packaging indecent photos of Shen Xiuzhen when she was young" was reposted crazily on the Internet, and the number of downloads topped the list. When the police intervened, they often went online Almost everyone has a share.

There are thousands of high-definition nude photos of Shen Xiuzhen in the compressed package, which can be regarded as diverse. Although professionals have verified that the photos are synthetic and not real, there are no flaws in the photos that can be seen with the naked eye without software detection. , so the comments that everyone talked about drowned out the statements of professionals.

When the director heard the news, he was so angry that he threw up the table and directly asked to change the actors. Fortunately, because of the dispute between Shen Xiuzhen and Ya Liying about the script, they didn't shoot much in total, so the loss was not big. After the entertainment company held a meeting to discuss, they decided to hide Shen Xiuzhen. Two negative news came out within a month. This time it was the kind of pornographic photos that can be called a lifelong stain. Even if they are fake, they have caused great damage to Shen Xiuzhen's reputation. Big damage, and it looks like someone is going to deal with her. At this time, the company is still mainly waiting and watching.

After Yin Zhenxie saw the photo on the computer in the study room, he was so angry that he trembled all over. He rushed to the bedroom, grabbed Shen Xiuzhen's wrist and roared: "I thought you were pure and innocent, and I abandoned my wife and daughter for you. Who knew you were actually a shameless person?" Slut!”

Shen Xiuzhen frowned and pulled his hand, shouting: "It hurts! Let go quickly, it hurts me so much!" Then she realized what he said and shouted: "Yin Zhenxie, what are you talking about? You actually said I'm a slut? "What do you mean?"

Yin Zhenxie pulled her towards the study. Shen Xiuzhen was unprepared and almost fell down. The two of them stumbled into the study. Shen Xiuzhen was stunned when she saw the photos on the computer. She pointed at the computer with a trembling voice. Said: "What's going on? Why are there such photos?"

Shen Xiuzhen turned around anxiously and looked at Yin Zhenxie and said: "Honey, this is not me. I have never taken such a photo! You have to believe me. We have been together for almost twenty years. Don't you still believe me?" "

Yin Zhenxie shook off her hand and sat on a chair aside without saying anything. Seeing him like this, Shen Xiuzhen felt at a loss, but looking at the clear photo and not knowing how to explain it, she returned to the computer and browsed the Internet carefully. News, almost all the news about her had unflattering headlines. Her heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Finally she found the expert's statement. She quickly called Yin Zhenxie over to take a look. It said clearly that this was a relatively high-end synthesis technology. Not a real photo.

Yin Zhenxie calmed down slightly after seeing it, but once his suspicion arose, he couldn't get rid of it. He now recalled the loving look in Shen Xiuzhen's eyes when he looked at him. At that time, he clearly had a family. Shen Xiuzhen still accomplished good things with him in the wild and gave birth to Rui Ying. How could this be something a good girl would do? You must know that when he first pursued Han Jinghui, Han Jinghui would only let him hold hands before getting married, and rarely even hugged her. Thinking of this, Yin Zhenxie's eyes flashed. Is Rui Ying his daughter? Could it be that he became a cheap dad?

The next day, Shen Xiuzhen was rejoicing that an expert had confirmed that the photo was fake and that her husband had not misunderstood, when her beloved daughter gave her another head-on blow.

Yin Ruiying returned home and shouted angrily: "Mom, Mom! Where are you?"

Shen Xiuzhen walked out of the kitchen when she heard her daughter's cry. She wiped her hands with her apron and said, "Rui Ying? What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with calling mommy so loudly?"

Yin Ruiying asked angrily: "What's going on with the photos on the Internet? Mom, have you really taken that kind of photo? I can't believe it, mom, how could you do such a thing? When Mamalin told me today, I was really I feel so embarrassed!”

The author has something to say: By the way, if I write that Rui Ying is not Yin Zhenxie’s biological child, will anyone have any objections?

Korean dramas are so weird. Misunderstandings never seem to be explained. A misunderstanding can last for more than ten episodes before the truth can be found out through others...

There are also Thai dramas, which are just as bloody. American dramas are the most comfortable to watch. They are fast-paced and won’t make people anxious. Moreover, you can’t guess the plot behind them. It’s just that the seasons are so long. I would like to recommend a drama "24" to everyone. It is the only American drama I have watched to the end, about the secret agent.

Yunqi threw a landmine

Su Luoruo threw a grenade

Su Luoruo threw a landmine

luna threw a mine

Thank you everyone for your votes, I have another grenade, so happy~\\(≧▽≦)/~ La la la

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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