Since Yin Zhenxie began to suspect Shen Xiuzhen, he hired a private detective to investigate her past affairs. He waited in a state of anxiety for a week before finally getting the information he wanted.

Looking at the thick document bag on the table, Yin Zhenxie took a sip of coffee and slowly took out the documents and looked through them carefully. He specially found a coffee shop and asked for a private room, telling the waiter not to disturb him, just so that he could concentrate on reading his wife's life information. When he saw that Shen Xiuzhen had had an abortion before she met him, Yin Zhenxie clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red, and he wanted to go home and strangle her to death.

Shen Xiuzhen once had an affair with her entertainment company agent and her college senior, but they were just playing with her and had no intention of marrying her. Later, Shen Xiuzhen met Yin Zhenxie, and he knew everything that happened after that. Yin Zhenxie drank the cold coffee in one gulp and finally suppressed the anger in his heart. No wonder Shen Xiuzhen has not been pregnant again for so many years. It turns out that she has been injured a long time ago. Shen Xiuzhen must also be aware of her physical condition, so she decided to give birth to Ruiying before his divorce, otherwise she might have another abortion. I will never be able to have children in this life.

Yin Zhenxie returned home with a gloomy face, looking at Shen Xiuzhen's gentle and virtuous face, he felt ironic. What had he been obsessed with? Do you actually think that Shen Xiuzhen is a rare and good woman? Humph, there will be plenty of time in the future, and he will definitely torture this woman who deceived him as a fool!

Shen Xiuzhen was very confused when she saw her husband staring at her and then passed her to the study. She wanted to ask what happened, but thinking of her husband's sharp eyes when he just looked at her, she still didn't speak and replied uneasily. the bedroom.

Ya Liying sat on the swivel chair in the study room, listening with interest to the report of the kid in front of her.

"Master, Yin Zhenxie hired a private detective to investigate Shen Xiuzhen and found out that she had an abortion once and had an affair with two men. Master, Yin Zhenxie has now begun to be cold to Shen Xiuzhen. He is thinking of ways to make Shen Xiuzhen's life miserable. ." The kid excitedly talked about the information he had just snooped out, his blurry body flickering in and out due to emotion.

Ya Liying raised her lips and chuckled, and said: "Okay, Xiaofeng, your information is very useful, continue to monitor them, and tell me if you have any new information."

Xiaofeng responded, and disappeared in a flash. This is a puppet made by Ya Liying's drawing talisman. It is of a relatively high level, has emotions, and can talk and laugh. It is much easier to use than the puppet she made in the Red Mansion. She can also generate a lot of eyeliners in this way. Since Yin Zhenxie wanted to make Shen Xiuzhen suffer, then she would push him from behind. There are emotional liars in every country.

Ya Liying found Ya Hui, an emotional liar with a very professional ethics. This woman is very lifelike when acting, and she can act with ease. She can act like she is pitiful, full of love, or pretending to be strong. When Ya Liying met her, she disguised herself as a man and told her that she wanted to take revenge on Shen Xiuzhen, so she asked her to seduce Yin Zhenxie, and it would be better if they turned against each other and were cast aside by people.

Yahui has been in this business for several years, and she deeply remembers not to worry about unnecessary things or have unnecessary questions. As long as she is given enough money for each case and the requirements are clearly stated, she will not ask a single word more. And Ya Liying gave her a very generous reward this time, which allowed her to stop doing things for three years. Naturally, she was willing to work hard to accomplish this. After discussing the desired effect with Ya Liying, Yahui proposed that she would have three days to prepare, and after three days she would start approaching Yin Zhenxie.

Ya Liying paid her half of the deposit in advance and went back to wait for development.

Ya Liying thought of this method because she wanted to treat others with their own medicine. Shen Xiuzhen destroyed other people's families, so let her also experience the feeling of others destroying their families. As for Yin Zhenxie, don’t worry. The more stupid things he has done, the more sensational they will be when they are exposed in the future. The person he loves most in his life is himself. What must cause him the most pain is losing his status and becoming a poor man again. Ordinary people.

After the incident of Shen Xiuzhen's indecent photos, Zhu Wang's mother no longer wanted Yin Ruiying as her daughter-in-law. She seemed fine before, but since the engagement, their family has been one scandal after another. If this continues, Sun Daily's image will also be damaged. Grandma Zhu Wang also believed that marrying Yin Ruiying would bring disaster. The elderly would inevitably have some superstitious ideas. She had already considered the series of events after the engagement to be an ominous omen. She would definitely not agree to let Yin Ruiying in.

Li Zhuwang was naturally happy to see his mother and grandma's decision come to fruition. Originally, he was worried about how to convince them, but now they have decided to cancel the marriage. After he got to know Ya Liying, he realized that he was just taking care of his sister and had no love at all for Yin Ruiying. In addition, Yin Ruiying often asked him to do all kinds of romantic things as his girlfriend. He didn't like it at all and felt very restricted. Now that he knew the engagement would be cancelled, he was really relieved.

But, how could canceling an engagement be as simple as they thought? Half a month later, Li Zhuwang apologetically told Yin Ruiying that he wanted to terminate the engagement. Yin Ruiying was very excited, grabbing his sign and talking incoherently, and kept asking why. Li Zhuwang looked at her face full of tears and felt a little soft in his heart, but he still sighed and said: "Rui Ying, after getting along with each other for this period of time, you should also know that we are not suitable for each other. We have conflicts every day and like opinions. The differences make it impossible for me to go on with you. If we are together, we will only suffer from each other. "

Yin Ruiying shook her head and cried: "I don't listen! I don't want to hear what you say! If you don't like sending flowers, I won't let you send flowers in the future. If you don't like me, tell me and I will change it. .Brother Zhu Wang, I don’t want to break up with you, don’t break the engagement, I don’t want it!”

Li Zhuwang sighed, knowing that she couldn't listen to anything now. Thinking that everyone should calm down first before talking, he pushed her hand away and turned away.

The next day, Li Zhuwang received a call from Shen Xiuzhen before he got up. After listening for a long time, he said blankly: "Auntie, you mean Rui Ying has been admitted to the hospital?"

Shen Xiuzhen cried: "Yes, our Rui Ying has been acting strange since she came back yesterday. She is acting stupidly and keeps saying not to break off the engagement. The doctor said she is overstimulated and does not want to face the reality. Zhu Wang , Auntie, please come and see Rui Ying, she keeps talking about 'Brother Zhu Wang'!"

Li Zhuwang said he would go over immediately. After hanging up the phone, he leaned on the bedside and looked at the ceiling, his face full of helplessness. Rui Ying is always so emotional. She doesn't care about anything when she encounters it. She only lives in her own world and doesn't care what others think. Sighing, Li Zhuwang got up to wash and dress. No matter whether Rui Ying was really stimulated or fake, he couldn't just sit idly by at this moment.

Pushing open the ward door, only Yin Ruiying was sleeping on the hospital bed. Yin Zhenxie and Shen Xiuzhen didn't know where they went. Li Zhuwang walked gently to the bed and put the cake box in his hand on the table. He really didn't like sending flowers, so he could only buy a cake that Rui Ying liked as a visiting gift.

Yin Ruiying frowned, her face still stained with tears, and she seemed to be sleeping very uneasily. Li Zhuwang felt a pity in his heart when he saw her looking so weak. No matter how many things happened before, this girl really liked him. Now that it had happened to him, he felt very sorry. However, at the same time, he felt a little secretly happy in his heart. Being loved so wholeheartedly by a beautiful girl greatly satisfied his vanity.

Ya Liying drew two more talismans, made a puppet to watch the development of the matter, and then let go and lived her own life. The house previously rented by the original owner was a bit small. She found a high-end community with good security and bought a small villa. Including Anxi, only three people lived in the house. If it was too big, it would be empty. The property in this community attaches great importance to protecting the privacy of the residents. The door guards are very strict. No visitors are allowed to enter without the permission of the residents.

Yin Zhenxie already knew their original residence from Zhao Yingchun, but he was delayed by Yin Ruiying's hospitalization in the past few days, so he didn't come to see them. With such a soft-tempered Han Jinghui, she would probably just cry if she saw Yin Zhenxie. When the time comes, she might be persuaded by Yin Zhenxie to return to the United States. It's better to let Han Jinghui live her own life quietly. She can handle Yin Zhenxie's affairs alone.

Moved to a new home, the environment is very good. Although Han Jinghui blamed Ya Liying for spending money indiscriminately, she could still tell that she was happy in her heart. Through her own efforts, her daughter had made the family better and better. She felt so proud that she could not suppress the upturned corners of her mouth. There is a small garden outside the villa. Ya Liying placed tables, chairs and sun umbrellas in it. When Han Jinghui was bored, she would plant flowers in the garden and bask in the sun, and her life was very comfortable. Ya Liying hasn't heard her cry for a long time, so that's good.

Ya Liying went to the entertainment company to discuss her newly written script with the director. The director is Director Shin, a famous Korean director. If he liked the script this time, it already indicates that the film will be a big hit. . After meeting and chatting for a while, Director Shen felt very fond of the talented Ya Liying. Nowadays, many young people don’t like to work down-to-earth and think about hidden rules all day long, which makes them always unable to see Good script.

Ya Liying is not only talented, but also very humble. There is no trace of impetuousness in her. Director Shen is also willing to support such young people who have developed well. The two discussed the parts of the script that needed to be revised and had lunch together before Ya Liying said goodbye and left.

When she walked to the parking lot and was about to pick up the car, she saw a beautiful middle-aged woman walking towards her from the corner of her eye. Ya Liying raised her head and took a look. She turned out to be Li Yuanji's mother.

The author has something to say: I wrote the section "Miss Mermaid", but the click rate plummeted. It's so sad.

Please write more comments to encourage the author, please comfort me~~~

Readership: Lan Gui’s back garden (59722091)

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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