Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 94 Miss Mermaid (End)

When Yin Zhenxie was arrested, he was still in a fog and had no idea what he had committed. ?Yin's father and Yin's mother were in tears as they watched their son being handcuffed and taken away, but there was nothing they could do. Shen Xiuzhen stood aside and looked at them coldly, her eyes full of joy.

In the court, the prosecutor listed one piece of irrefutable evidence. Yin Zhenxie was completely dumbfounded listening to those old events. When he saw the USB flash drive placed on the prosecutor's desk, he stood up angrily and shouted: "That bitch ! She actually dared to do this to me!" The judge picked up the hammer and knocked on the table, frowning and said: "Quiet!" Then the two policemen forcefully pushed him to the chair.

The red USB flash drive, with Shen Xiuzhen's English name printed on it, was the birthday gift he gave to Shen Xiuzhen many years ago. He never thought that it would be his wife who was sleeping with him that caused him to capsize in the gutter! Yin Zhenxie stared at the USB flash drive with red eyes, then turned to look at the audience. Sure enough, only his parents were there, and that bitch Shen Xiuzhen didn't show up at all. He should have thought of it earlier. No wonder Shen Xiuzhen wasn't nervous or anxious at all when he was arrested.

The judge finally sentenced Yin Jinxie to three years in prison and ordered him to return 680 million won in embezzled funds, which was immediately executed.

Yin Zhenxie had been squandering for many years and had not saved much money. The Yin family's house was auctioned to repay the debt. Yin's father and Yin's mother had no place to live, so they had to return to their hometown. Shen Xiuzhen calmed down at this time and was suddenly confused. She impulsively handed over the evidence to the police, but forgot to divorce Yin Zhenxie in advance, and the marital property was not divided. As a result, after the court forcibly deducted the fine, she even lost her house and only had her clothes and jewelry left. Nothing else.

Yin Ruiying was treated coldly at Zhu Wang's house and ran to the small apartment rented by Shen Xiuzhen to make a fuss, "How could I be an illegitimate daughter? Why? Why did you want to be the third party? I always thought you and your father were We love each other, but you actually took him to court? Mom, you are so terrible! I have never understood you at all!”

Shen Xiuzhen listened to her daughter's accusation in stunned silence, and explained anxiously: "Rui Ying, listen to me, your father and I did fall in love at the beginning. We couldn't help it, and that's why we had you. You have to believe in mother, You are the product of our love, not an illegitimate daughter! Now your father is seduced by vixens outside and wants to divorce me. He also beats and scolds me. I am so angry that I... I really don’t know. So serious."

Yin Ruiying cried and said: "I won't listen! Stop lying to me. It's been written in the newspaper that my father's ex-wife regards you as a biological sister, but you robbed her husband and caused her son to become autistic. You are A third party who destroys other people’s families! Why should I go back to the Li family? My mother is a third party and my father has embezzled money from their newspaper. Now Brother Zhu Wang won’t even look at me!”

Shen Xiuzhen looked at her daughter sobbing and felt very confused, but she really had no choice. Now she was living a very sad life, so how could she help her daughter? I don’t even have the confidence to go to Li’s house.

Yin Ruiying vented her anger and ran away again. She was going to find Brother Zhu Wang and try to save their relationship again. After so many years together, she didn't believe that Brother Zhu Wang didn't like her at all.

Thinking of the Ya Liying whom I once hated, no wonder she would go against her mother. It turns out that she is also his father's daughter, his half-sister, and the object of Brother Zhu Wang's crush. When she heard Brother Zhu Wang calling Ya Liying's name in her sleep, Yin Ruiying just wanted to find an opportunity to teach her a lesson. Who knew that she was the sister to whom her parents owed money?

Yin Ruiying couldn't help but compare herself with Ya Liying, but found that there was nothing she could compare with Ya Liying. Ya Liying has all her studies, career, beauty, intelligence, and Brother Zhu Wang's heart, but what about herself? There are absolutely no merits that can be praised.

Yin Zhenxie was accustomed to living a pampered life, and he was very uncomfortable in prison. He always showed a condescending expression and looked down on other prisoners. As a result, he naturally had nothing good to eat. No matter what your previous status was in prison, as long as you enter, you must abide by the law of the jungle. After a bad life and harassment from the kid, Yin Zhenxie quickly became haggard, his whole body became timid, and his heart was filled with regret.

Shen Xiuzhen actually fell in love with a wealthy businessman because of the batch of nude photos she took some time ago. However, I heard that the wealthy businessman’s wife was a tigress. Within two days, she splashed red paint on her residence. I think her future life will be very beautiful. So colorful.

Ya Liying thought she had nothing to do with these people anymore and was enjoying a leisurely life. However, she met Bai Xiulin while discussing a new script. This woman is really haunting. After calling the police last time, the police quickly found out about her harassment of Ya Liying. However, because the circumstances were not serious, they only fined her 10 million won in mental compensation. .

After that, Bai Xiulin stopped. Ya Liying thought she had given up. After all, her divorce had nothing to do with her. It was Li Yuanji who was sorry for her, but she only focused on herself for revenge. Ya Liying raised her eyebrows, since you want to play, then I have to accompany you, right?

The Bai family also has some power, but compared with the Universe Group and Sun Daily, it is far behind. Ya Liying knew that Bai Xiulin would follow her when she went out, so when Li Zhuwang called her again to ask her out, she agreed to go out to meet him.

As expected, Bai Xiulin sent someone to keep an eye on her near her residence. She let go of her consciousness and found Bai Xiulin's traces just halfway through. Raising her lips and smiling, Ya Liying walked into the restaurant to have dinner with Li Zhuwang as if nothing had happened. Her words were naturally distant, but she always had a smile on her face. Bai Xiulin couldn't hear them talking, but when she saw her expression and thought that Ya Liying was usually indifferent to everyone, she decided in her heart that this man was the one she liked.

Li Zhuwang was sitting opposite Ya Liying. He felt that Ya Liying was very polite, polite, and distant at the same time. The relationship between them will never go back to the past, and the tacit understanding of talking happily will never be found again. After knowing that Ya Liying was Yin Zhenxie's daughter, Li Zhuwang figured everything out.

No wonder Ya Liying said that she hated third parties the most in her life. It turned out that her family was destroyed by Shen Xiuzhen, a third party, so she and her mother lived so hard and suffered so much. As soon as it was reported that he was Yin Ruiying's fiancé, Ya Liying immediately distanced herself from him, presumably because she did not want to have anything to do with the Yin family.

Li Zhuwang thought he understood the truth, and he was a little angry at Yin Ruiying. If she hadn't caused so many things, Ya Liying might not have known his identity so quickly. They would have had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of each other. Maybe Ya Li Ying will fall in love with him. Now Yin Ruiying had a big quarrel with him and ran away. Her mother said that she must divorce this time. He immediately made an appointment with Ya Liying, hoping that she would give him a chance to pursue her. But looking at Ya Liying's appearance, he really has no chance.

"Zhu Wangjun, it's a pleasure to have dinner with you, but I have an appointment with Director Shen, and it's almost time, so I'll leave first." Ya Liying nodded politely to Li Zhuwang, picked up her purse and walked to the parking lot.

After Ya Liying left, Bai Xiulin adjusted her clothes and sat opposite Li Zhuwang, where Ya Liying was sitting just now. She stared straight at Li Zhuwang and mocked: "That young lady just now, do you like her very much?"

Seeing Li Zhuwang's puzzled frown, he added: "I got divorced two months ago. The reason was that my husband couldn't forget the young lady just now. Hmm, I think they may have been disconnected forever? Haha."

Regarding Ya Liying's matter, Li Zhuwang naturally became interested and started chatting back and forth with Bai Xiulin. Yin Ruiying received the news that Li Zhuwang was dining with another woman in a high-end restaurant. She rushed over and walked in. She saw Li Zhuwang smiling at the woman opposite. She couldn't help but get angry and rushed up to pick up a plate from the table. The food fell on the woman's head.

Bai Xiulin was happy that she had ruined Ya Liying's image when she was suddenly doused with vegetable soup, with a few vegetable leaves hanging from her hair. She screamed and got up in a panic to rush to the bathroom. But Yin Ruiying was so angry, how could she be allowed to run away? Pulling her hair was two loud slaps. When Li Zhuwang came to his senses and stepped forward to start a fight, a lock of Bai Xiulin's hair had been pulled out, and she looked extremely miserable.

Ya Liying sat in the car, observing the situation in the restaurant with her spiritual consciousness, and couldn't help but burst out laughing. Seeing the three of them in a mess, she felt extremely relieved. She withdrew her consciousness and started the car. She had really made an appointment with Director Shen to send the revised script, but it would be too late to read it any further.

Yin Ruiying was a somewhat paranoid person. No matter how Li Zhuwang explained the things she believed in, she could not eliminate her hatred for Bai Xiulin. He often went to trouble her and would take action whenever they disagreed. Faced with her unorganized personality, Bai Xiulin was unable to use any kind of conspiracy. She was really tortured and had no mood to pay attention to Ya Liying anymore.

The matter between the three people became serious. The head of the Bai family believed that Bai Xiulin had done many embarrassing things in recent times. Since she loved to quarrel with Li Zhuwang, they simply married her, which was considered a business marriage. Although Zhu Wang's mother was not satisfied with Bai Xiulin's marriage, the previous affairs in Yin Ruiying's family had affected the interests of the newspaper, so this marriage with the Bai family was also a good choice.

As a result, Li Zhuwang and Yin Ruiying divorced. Because Yin Ruiying was infertile and jealous, no one spoke for her. At this time, Shen Xiuzhen no longer knew where she had gone, and no one cared whether she would go insane. Frustrated, she left the city sadly. .

The person Bai Xiulin married for the second time still loved Ya Liying in her heart. She felt that Ya Liying was like her nightmare. Unfortunately, she could no longer vent her anger because she could not find Ya Liying at all. where. Her family did not agree with her divorce again, so she could only quarrel with Li Zhuwang and live a life of looking at each other and hating each other.

Ya Liying felt that the plot had collapsed and everyone had their own ending. She would not be thrown into such a bloody time and space next time, so she took Han Jinghui to Jiangnan, China. The climate there is pleasant, which is very suitable for Han Jinghui to take care of her in her old age. Although this woman has failed all her life, she cannot deny that her love for her daughter is sincere, so Ya Liying is also willing to take good care of her so that she can have a happy old age.

This time when she was about to pass away, Ya Liying felt a little lonely, because the original owner only had one relative, Han Jinghui, so after Han Jinghui passed away, she was left alone. Thinking back to the time when she had traveled through the Queen Mother and Jia Mu, she was full of descendants. , the room was full of people when she passed away, but now she can only look at the ceiling alone, quietly waiting for the passing of life.

Before her consciousness finally disappeared, Yun Lan thought that in the next life, if she was still alone, she would at least adopt a child to give her death.

The author has something to say: Thank you Yunqi for the mine! mua~~~

Finally finished, oh yeah!

ps: Yin Zhenxie was fined 680 million won, which is equivalent to approximately 3.84 million RMB; Baek Soo Lin was fined 10 million Korean won, which is approximately equivalent to 56,000 RMB.

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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