Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 99 Plum Blossom Brand (5)

Xueru made up her mind to torture Bai Yinshuang, and spent one night with Nanny Qin to devise several methods that would not be easily noticed by others.

Early the next morning, when Bai Yinshuang came to serve Xueru in her room, she felt something was wrong. Sure enough, after a while, Xueru said she didn't like using the washbasin stand to wash her face, and wanted Bai Yinshuang to use it as the "washstand". Aunt Qin was "pointing" and "adjusting" the height and distance of the washbasin stand. Bai Yinshuang held the washbasin in both hands and knelt in front of Xueru. The washbasin would be raised above her head, held flat to her chest, stretched forward, and three points back. Coming and going, Bai Yinshuang finally adjusted the height and distance, and Xueru slowly reached out and touched the water.

"The water is so hot, do you want to burn me to death?" With his hand, the entire basin of water turned over Bai Yinshuang's head and face.

"Idiot!" Nanny Qin shouted sternly: "Hurry up and wipe the ground dry, and then go get another basin of water." Bai Yinshuang hurriedly fetched another basin of water.

"It's too cold!" Water poured down on his head again. Bai Yinshuang knew that her tragedy had begun. But she still has a naive idea. Fujin is Haozhen's mother. Now she is just too angry and angry. Revenge and torture are inevitable. If you just accept it, you might be able to touch her heart. Wasn't Fujin brought her into the palace because he was moved by her before?

If you want to be with Haozhen "forever", this is the price you have to pay! Thinking like this, Yinshuang endured all kinds of torture calmly. Washing water was spilled one basin after another for various reasons: "too hot", "too cold", "too little", "too much"...

Finally, the washing work was finally completed, and it was time to wait for breakfast again. Of course, Xueru would not let her go so easily. Bai Yinshuang held up the tray and acted as a table. After nearly an hour of hard work, her arms were sore and weak. Although she tried her best to endure it, the tray was still shaking violently. The dishes collided with each other, making a loud sound. Nanny Qin shouted angrily: "Hold still! Don't move!" But Bai Yinshuang really had no strength, so she overturned the entire tray.

After that, it was the turn to make tea, holding a freshly brewed, hot blue and white porcelain tea cup, which contained Xueru's favorite drink, West Lake Longjing. The tea cup was brought to Xueru. Xueru took a sip and then angrily threw the cup into the tray, "Idiot! The tea is too strong!"

The tea cup overturned, and the scalding hot tea splashed into Yinshuang's hand. Bai Yinshuang hurriedly withdrew her hand, and the cup broke.

"Slave, go make some more!" Bai Yinshuang was busy picking up the pieces, not caring about her burned hands. After hurriedly brewing the tea, Xueru thought it was too light, so she turned Bai Yinshuang's tea over again.

Then, Bai Yinshuang imitated the incense burner, sprinkled the sandalwood powder into the incense burner, and carefully lit it with fire. When the smoke rose, she held it in front of Xueru. Xueru pushed it angrily: "Who told you to use it?" Sandalwood? I hate sandalwood! Go for musk!”

This time, what was splashed on him was incense ash with sparks. Yinshuang's new pure white silk peony dress was already miserable. There was tea, water, ashes, and many small holes lit by sparks.

At night, when the prince was away, Xueru asked her to hold the lamp. Nanny Qin brought two candles and asked Bai Yinshuang to hold one candle in each hand. Xueru sat on the couch and slowly looked at the account book. The candle oil dripped on Bai Yinshuang's hand drop by drop, burning her hand and heart. He didn't dare to cry out in pain, he didn't dare to shrink his hands, he didn't even dare to take a breath. With so many tragic lessons, she already knew that there was no way Fujin could be moved by her.

Seeing Bai Yinshuang's disheveled and miserable appearance, Xueru was finally satisfied. She called Bai Yinshuang in front of her, stared at her closely and asked, "Are you looking for an opportunity to complain in front of Haozhen?"

"Slave... I don't dare!"

"Listen to me clearly!" Nanny Qin said from the side: "In this palace, although the prince and Lord Beile are the heads of the family, everything about the female family members in the backyard is decided by our Fujin. Don't talk about you. You're just a girl, even Pian Pianfu Jin doesn't dare to breathe in front of our Fujin! If Fujin gets angry, you won't have a good life, and the filial Lord Baylor will definitely be in great pain."

"This slave knows!" Bai Yinshuang lowered her head so that no one could see the expression on her face clearly, but her voice was submissive, which made Xueru very satisfied.

"You know, just think about it carefully!" Xueru said with sharp eyes, "As long as Haozhen is unhappy in the slightest, I will take care of it! Keeping you in the house is already your destiny! You Don’t be ignorant and make trouble!”

"My slave will never gossip!" Bai Yinshuang said sincerely: "My slave only serves Fujin wholeheartedly. If I do something bad, I deserve to be beaten and punished. I have nothing but shame!" Bai Yinshuang said! Shuang knew very well that she had signed a contract of betrayal in order to enter the government, and her life and death were in Xueru's hands. She had no right to resist. Now, she could only endure all this. However, while enduring it, she also unconsciously felt a trace of resentment in her heart.

Xueru snorted coldly: "Go freshen up and get clean. Haozhen will come over later. Don't let him see you like this and think I bullied you!"

"Yes!" Bai Yinshuang quickly bowed and left, hurriedly going to wash up.

In this way, Bai Yinshuang could only relax for a while when Haozhen paid his respects to Xueru. Once Haozhen was gone, Xueru and Nanny Qin would torture her in different ways, making her miserable. But she had no leverage to resist Fujin, so she had to swallow the pain alone. When she saw Haozhen, she put on a smile and looked as if nothing had happened.

Haoxiang discovered that Bai Yinshuang had a tendency to turn black, so he told Pianpian to stay in the room if nothing happened and stay away from Bai Yinshuang. He sped up his actions and partnered with Duolong to build a shop in a prosperous area of ​​the capital. He chose a loyal and clever servant as the shopkeeper to handle matters on their behalf.

Seeing his active planning, Duolong no longer asked him to go to those messy places. Instead, he often took him to attend gatherings of aristocratic families. Haoxiang relied on the memory of having once crossed the Queen Mother, so he dealt with these people very appropriately. Although men and women socialized differently, it was not strange to be polite to many people, it was just the same.

Haoxiang could feel that Duolong was very satisfied with his performance. He was a little surprised. Could this be Duolong testing him? But he is a playboy, what is the use of testing him? Although he was curious, he didn't feel any malice, so Haoxiang didn't follow Duolong to check anything.

On this day, Duolong invited Haoxiang to a restaurant for dinner. The conversation always went in circles, mostly about his views on the future, his views on the country, his views on the emperor, etc. Haoxiang noticed that Duolong made several cryptic remarks. I looked at the paintings on the wall and raised my eyebrows. Could it be that there were holes in the wall like what was shown on TV?

Pretending to be nonchalant, he answered Duolong's words while drinking and eating. He secretly let go of his consciousness, ignored the painting, and went straight through the wall to see what was going on next door. Sitting on the chair next to the wall was a man in rich attire. He was about forty years old and looked distinguished. He leaned casually on the table, half-closed his eyes, and played with a pair of health balls in his hands. The pattern on the balls was actually a coiled dragon!

He had been paying attention to the situation next door with his spiritual consciousness. When he expressed certain opinions, he could see the man nodding with satisfaction or shaking his head slightly, until an old servant called "Fifth Master" while changing the man's tea. , Haoxiang guessed that this was probably He Prince Hong Zhou. Although I don’t know what kind of tricks these two people are playing, it should be of great help to him to separate the family. Haoxiang kept chatting with Duolong with a calm expression. When answering questions, he was measured and acted like he was smart but inexperienced.

After chatting with Duolong all afternoon, he felt that there was nothing more to say, so he and the prince sent the old servant over to invite them to get together.

When they arrived in the next room, Prince He had already sat on the main seat by the window. Doron took him two steps forward and knocked him down, "My slave Satu Dolon, please give your regards to Prince He!"

Seeing this, Haoxiang had no choice but to look surprised, and quickly followed Daqian and said, "Slave Fucha Haoxiang pays his respects to Prince He!"

Prince He smiled and nodded, and ordered them to get up. He looked at Haoxiang and said slowly: "I heard Duolong said that your kid wants to separate the family?" It was obvious that the prince and Duolong were very familiar with each other, and Duolong didn't show any restraint in front of him.

Haoxiang bowed and said seriously: "Prince Huihe, the eldest brother of the servant has to be granted the title of consort. The princess will enter the palace soon. The servant and E Niang are vulgar people. They are afraid that they will not be polite enough and disturb the princess, so they want to separate." I'll go to another house..."

"Hmph!" Before he could finish speaking, He and the Prince snorted lightly, picked up the tea cup on the table and started drinking tea.

Duolong made a look at him and scolded him: "You dare to tell lies in front of Prince He! If you don't tell all your sufferings, Prince He will be generous and kind and will definitely make the decision for you!"

Prince He chuckled lightly, "Go! You little monkey, what does it have to do with you? According to what you say, if I don't make the decision for him, wouldn't it be merciful?"

Duolong smiled and flattered him a few times. Haoxiang saluted again, with a suitable expression of forbearance on his face, and said: "I dare not hide anything from you and the prince. The slave and E Niang have been bullied in the mansion for many years. In recent days, it has become more and more serious, even unreasonable. Only then did the slave give birth to a branch mansion." Another thought.”

Prince He nodded, held a folding fan in one hand and tapped it gently on the other hand, and said: "Tell me what you know about your business. You and Duolong's shop are doing well, so tell me about it." After saying that, he motioned to the boy next to him to show Duolong and Haoxiang their seats. Haoxiang glanced at Duolong and saw him nodding his head without any trace, so he thanked him and respectfully reported his strengths and business characteristics to Prince He.

Exclusively published by Jinjiang!

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