Yes, Emiya Shirou won the battle!!!He ended the Holy Grail War and successfully resisted Angelica, who had the power of Gilgashime.

Successfully bought time for Meiyou to leave this world full of despair!

At the same time, Emiya Shirou also lost, and even if he used all his sword, he couldn't resist Angelica's obedient sword...

However, as an older brother, he fulfilled his promise to save his sister.

Although Emiya Shirou chose to give up that world full of despair for the sake of his sister.

The world of the magical girl Illya

"So Miyu, did you come to our world like this?!".

Illya was stunned and looked at Miyu not far away, and her mood was very complicated at this time.

If the other party is Shirou's sister, it's from another world.

But in a sense, she's also Miyu's sister, or sister

Illya is a little irritable, so how can she be called Meiyou in the future?

Feeling Illya's gaze, Miyu, who could see what she was thinking at a glance, said helplessly: "Don't worry about this, I'm not Shirou's own sister."

"We are not related by blood".

"No, Miyu, you and Emiya Shirou are related" At this time, the magic ruby appeared and said around Miyu: "You in the video, at the beginning, you made a wish, and your original eye color was red."

"Compared to Illya, you're the sister of Emiya Shirou in the truest sense of the word!!".

"The kind that can't get married!!".

Pirate World

"Awesome !!


The Seven Islands of Water, Zoro watched the last scene, resisting with all his swords, and colliding with each other.

directly made him excited, is this the pinnacle of the world, which reminded him of the encounter with Hawkeye when he first went to sea.

"Frog at the bottom of the well! Let's see the wider world."

Yes, after watching the video, I am indeed a frog at the bottom of the well, and I have to become stronger.

Zoro remembered his childhood promise that one day, he would also be on the list and become the world's number one swordsman. Make yourself famous all over the world!!

The world of the moon

"Yes, he can do it to this extent, Emiya Shirou is very good!!".

Gil Kashimi looked at the fallen Emiya Shirou, and couldn't help but praise again and again: "The obedient sword is enough to override all swords, and Emiya Shirou's sentence of returning all the swords is very fond of this king!!".

"But this king prefers this sentence, "Sometimes one is above all."

Just like for him, Meiyou is the only one who lives above the world, and even if the world is destroyed, Meiyou is not allowed to become a victim. "

"Although for that world, he is an out-and-out villain!".

Gilgashime admires the spirit of such a person, who has a pure purpose, knows that it is evil, and still strides forward....

Meanwhile, the Alice Fell Mansion.

"yes... You won Shirou. Emiya Kiritsugu responded to what Emiya Shirou said when he finally fell.

gave up being a partner of justice, abandoned ideals, gave up the world, and finally left alone in the world full of despair ......

To be able to resist the Heroic Spirits with mortals to this extent is indeed ...... win

"Kiritsugu, look, it doesn't seem like the video is over yet..."Alice Phil said to Emiya Kiritsugu, who walked to the balcony and looked at the sky.

Originally, she was also worried about whether Emiya Shirou would die, and where did Miyu go, but the video that had just gone black began to play again.

[The picture gradually brightens from darkness to brightening, and I see Miyu waking up in the big hollow and looking around.]

Then, Miyu walked out of the hollow, and she saw a brightly lit city.

It's completely different from the original lifeless world.,At this moment, Meiyou knows that her brother's wish has come true.,This is no longer your own world.。

Aimlessly wandering on the street, the two rays of light in the sky, one red and one blue, collided fiercely, and then flashed.

Meiyou, who was confused, was almost hit by a car on the street, and her appearance at the moment attracted passers-by to watch.

At this moment, being alone in a strange world seems extremely small and helpless.

At this time, the clothes that others didn't want on the side of the road in Meiyou didn't pay so much attention after changing in, and her expression was still so confused and calm.

On the other side, the colliding magic ruby and sapphire appeared, and they looked at Rin Tosaka and Luvia Serinta and said at the same time, "We're going to take a vacation!!"


"Wait a minute!!


Rin Tosaka and Luvia Serinta reach out to stop the two who want to leave.

But the next moment, both of them fell from the sky at the same time, letting out a scream...

As soon as the picture turned, Meiyou, who walked out of the park, washed her face, and at this time, a voice sounded from the side, and Meiyou subconsciously hid it.

It turned out to be the magic sapphire who had just left, and at this moment, the magic sapphire said helplessly: "Lord Luvia is really a headache, we obviously have an important task to recover the card." "

Card ?!!

Miyu, who was hiding on the side, also walked out of the shadows, she looked at the magic sapphire and said in a somewhat hurried tone: "Please talk about that matter carefully!"

"Sapphire!! sapphire—".

On the other side, Luvia was calling loudly, and at the same time, her expression was worried, and she stretched out her hand and bit her thumb and said, "Really!!If this situation is known to the master, I don't know what will happen!!".

After looking back at the park, he learned about the cards from the magic sapphire.

At this moment, Meiyu stood on the tree and looked at the city in the distance, and said calmly in her heart: "My brother made a wish to be happy, and I received it, but I still have nothing."

"I lost everything, so ...... I want to start with something that everyone has."

Thinking like this, Miyu jumped down from the tree.

Luvia, who was looking for a sapphire, looked at Meiyou who walked out of the park, and couldn't help but freeze in place, and said with some doubts: "You are ?...".

Looking at Luvia, Miyu said in a very calm tone: "If you want to collect the card, I can help, but on the other hand, please provide me with a place to live, as well as food and clothes, please give me a place to stay."

The screen turns.

On a campus, Luvia and Miyu look at Illya, who is being chased around by Medusa!


Luvia reached an agreement with Meiyou, Meiyou was responsible for collecting the cards, and Luvia provided shelter.

Miyu walked towards Illya and Medusa, picked up a spear staircase card, and said inwardly, "Engseworth's card, I must clean up the aftermath!!"

"Gunner, limited expansion!".

The next moment, Miyu used the rank card and rushed towards Medusa with a red spear in his hand, saying, "Piercing the Spear of Death Thorn (GaeBolg) !!."

With a 'poof', Medusa instantly died and turned into a card floating in the air.

"The cavalry is recovered!!" Miyu reached for the card.

"Who's ?!...".

Illya was staring blankly at Miyu at the moment.

At this time, the voice of Emiya Shirou sounded again in the video.

"No problem, Miyu, you're sure to make friends right away. "

The voice fell, the top 10, and the oath under the snow ended.

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