Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Zongman: Becoming a God from Encounter in Dungeon Chapter 37

The details and colors of the equipment chosen by the five people are slightly different, but the rest are similar, and they seem to be adventurers from the same team. "Hephaestus will give them each a cloak!" "Okay!"

As a wise and mighty adventurer, how could he not even have a cloak, so arrange it immediately. "Master Lord God... how do you feel?"

The five girls standing in front of Lin Feng lined up, waiting for Lin Feng's inspection.

"How about it! Believe me, my vision is definitely right. It is not only practical but also beautiful. This is a must-have item for adventurers in Orario!" "How much."

"990,000, discounted." "Okay..."

Hearing this price, Lin Feng could only reluctantly call Ai Hayasaka to pay the price, and the family's money was basically on her. .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 85

Ai Hayasaka stared blankly at the empty wallet, staring at the front with blank eyes, as if she had lost her dream.

In the original world, she basically didn't worry about money. The money in her life was all allocated by the Sigong family. She didn't spend much on her salary, and her savings were about 40 million.

Today, with a purse full of Farley, it took less than half a day to go out, and the entire family's wealth has basically been spent.

"Xiao Ai, if you don't have money, you can still make money. If you are seriously injured in the dungeon because you don't have equipment, it will make me sad." "Hmm..."

"Hahaha, look at how much your gods love you, why don't you give him a loving hug?"

This Hephaestus was not afraid that things would make a big fuss, and patted Ai Hayasaka's shoulder, who was looking down and didn't know what to think, and said loudly with a smile.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Feng felt that several eyes were focused on him, and without thinking too much, it must be the girls of his family.

There is no one else in this shop, and most adventurers are making money in the dungeon, not to mention they are not standing outside but in the room on the inside. "Master Lord God..."

As soon as he heard Bushima Yazi's voice, Lin Feng just turned around, and was surprised to see her figure appearing in front of him, only a short distance of less than a few tens of centimeters.

In the next second, when Lin Feng was a little dazed and wondering what Kishima Kibako was doing here, her soft and warm body was pressed against her.

This is the feeling of being hugged.

(light armor: armguards, upper body breastplate, skirt armor and greaves)

It was this scene that directly shocked the surrounding people, including of course Hephaestus, the instigator.

She was also standing there a little awkwardly at this moment, but as the owner of the store, she certainly couldn't leave here at this moment.

Ai Hayasaka stared at Kishima Kishiko hugging Lin Feng with her eyes wide open, obviously you were the last to come, why did you suddenly run in front of everyone, did there happen to be a memory that everyone didn't know about?

But Ai Hayasaka immediately denied it in the next second. She took everyone to the dungeon maze every day, not to mention that she, Kato Megumi, and Lihua Luokanahu were in the same batch, and Sai Liu was the second time. Shimaoko is the last one!

According to common sense, there is almost no time for Bushima Yazi and Lin Feng to be alone together. Where does this sudden surge in favorability come from...

"No! I'll come too! Everyone come together!"

A few seconds had passed before Ai Hayasaka realized and rushed forward, of course not forgetting everyone in the family.

Sai Liu, who had wanted to rush up and hug Lin Feng a long time ago, took the lead, and with a slap, stepped on the right foot with his left foot, and hit his head directly on Lin Feng's side. "Sai Liu! Can you be careful! If this falls to the ground... ouch!"

Lin Feng hadn't finished speaking, and he didn't know if Hayasaka Ai was doing it on purpose or what was going on, just like Sai Liu, he came with a rocket head! It bumped into Lin Feng's other side. "Little love you! Did it on purpose!"

Lin Feng turned his head and looked viciously at Hayasaka Ai, and he saw that her blue eyes were smiling, and just when she was about to explode, a soft body was attached to her back. Who is this?

Xiao Hui, who was behind Lin Feng, crossed her hands around Lin Feng's body and hugged him tightly, her fair cheeks were lying on his back with a slight smile.

Now, the surrounding area has been completely surrounded, only Kanaihu, who is taking a slow step, is still standing outside the venue.

She looked to the left and looked again, but she didn't find her place, so she could only stand there blankly.

In the end, Ai Hayasaka saw her, vacated some seats, and beckoned for Kanai to come to her.

Seeing this scene of a harmonious big family, Hephaestos was stunned. She knew that it was rare to see such a harmonious family.

And this scene was still done by her, so she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Okay, alright! Junior Lin Feng, take your babies and go if you have anything to do! Don't make me enviable." A few minutes have passed, and there is no sign of letting go. When she is home.

The most important thing is that Hephaestus also has some envy, because she showed her right side covered by the blindfold, scaring her family members. . . . Ask for flowers.

I am afraid that if she is not a god, many adventurers in the family will stay away.

After coming out of Hephaestus's shop, many shops on this floor have already opened. Although there are fewer adventurers during the day, they make money. If they don't open shops, they can't make money.

Almost all of these floors are selling weapons and equipment. If you want to buy item shops, you can continue to take the elevator to the upper floors, or you can go to the business district of Olari, where there are also many item shops, blacksmiths and the like.

The residence of the Hephaestus family is also near there. "Go! Let's go to the commercial street, downtown!"

After leaving the Tower of Babel, Lin Feng directly pointed to the downtown area of ​​Olalie with a big move.


"No! Lord God, we have no money. If we don't go to the dungeon to earn some money today... I'm afraid it will be a problem to eat."

Good guy! Went to Hephaestus' shop, and directly emptied the small treasury of Lin Feng's family, and the calculation was so accurate, it is worthy of being a senior big sister. "Then wait for me, I'll go change my outfit!"

Lin Feng noticed that Ai Hayasaka was on the verge of breaking out. If there is no money, how can a total of six people stutter.

Just came to the entrance of the dungeon maze today, Lin Feng said directly.

A few minutes later, Lin Feng, wearing a cloak and covering his face, appeared in front of Hayasaka Ai and the others.

If it weren't for the clothes under him, Ai Hayasaka would have thought it was some adventurer who wanted to strike up a conversation. "Today is only half a day, don't miscalculate the time." After arriving at the first floor of the dungeon, Lin Feng told Hayasaka Ai.

"I know, I know, I am the head of the family, the commander, how can I get the concept of time wrong." "Today we are going to quickly conquer the seventh floor, and yesterday we found the corridor entrance to the eighth floor."

After Hayasaka Ai quickly replied to Lin Feng, she turned her head and said to everyone behind her.

Although it is fast forward to the 7th floor, it is of course best not to fall down the monsters encountered on the way. In addition, the attack speed is fast and goes straight to the entrance of each floor to the lower floor, so the monsters encountered are relatively rare, and it only took half a short time. It took an hour to come to the 7th floor. Long.

Chapter 86 New Mainline

"It's good to change the weapon!"

"The novice weapon made by the guild is very suitable for novices to use in the first few floors, but the lower the level, the more difficult it is to attack, plus daily wear and tear." Ai Hayasaka threw a sword flower, and inserted the katana again Putting it into the scabbard, he couldn't stop praising the quickness and practicality of this knife. "The Hephaestus family created a fine product, and it wasn't forged by those newcomers who just joined."

Lin Feng couldn't help but glanced at Hayasaka Ai, who cared about the money bag when he first started going down the dungeon maze, now he knew that having good weapons and equipment could help him better attack and make money in the dungeon. "Hey! Here we go again! Let Xiaohui go first this time!"

Although they belonged to the guard, they only stood in line when they encountered powerful monsters. When encountering such monsters in daily life, one person can solve them. Why did "087" have to go up with multiple people?

If you go alone, you can also exercise your ability to respond to attacks surrounded by many people, and if they go up together, I am afraid that they will be perfectly eliminated in a second or two.

More than two minutes later, Megumi Kato returned from destroying the monster. "Let's go, the 8th floor is only a few steps away." "Attention, there are new monsters appearing, everyone should be vigilant."

After a few urgings, Ai Hayasaka led everyone to the entrance to the 8th floor that she found yesterday.

Lin Feng was always playing soy sauce along the way, and from time to time he would focus on the girls who were fighting, and Ai Hayasaka who was directing everyone to fight. "Mr. Feng, Xiao Ai, who commands the battle, looks very handsome!"

On the way to the lower floor, Kato Megumi came to Lin Feng's side and whispered at some point.

Lin Feng was seeing a lot of changes in the surrounding walls and atmosphere. He guessed that the 8th floor might be different from the 7th floor in terms of terrain, but he didn't know how much the monster's refresh rate would increase.

As he was thinking about something, he suddenly smelled a burst of fragrance, and Kato Megumi, who turned out to be a defender, came to his side. "handsome!"

"Hey, I also like Xiao Ai who commands the battle."

Lin Feng and the others quickly passed through the aisle and came to the 8th floor. At first glance, it seemed that this place was much more empty than the upper floors.

"Expand the combat formation!"

Although everyone's strength is very high, it's better to be nervous when you come to an unfamiliar floor where the environment changes for the first time.

After hearing the order from Hayasaka Ai, the five-member team moved quickly, and Kato Megumi was still the guard, walking with Lin Feng.

As the conductors, Ai Hayasaka and Kanaihu walked in the middle, and Saiyu and Kishima Kishiko were at the forefront as the vanguard.

Good guy, Lin Feng saw that everyone is so proficient, it seems that continuous fighting can make people grow up quickly.

Hayasaka Ai and the others who had just arrived here for only a few minutes suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings. There must be no monsters in the sky.

It’s no wonder that the height of the floor will change from here. It turns out that this is where the monster in the sky first appeared.

Generally speaking, Hayasaka Ai and the others are still very lacking in air combat. There are almost no long-range attack methods, and they are basically close-range combat attack methods.

Ai Hayasaka immediately thought of changing the team's fighting style, which requires diversification, and of course the number of people should be increased appropriately.

But the water from afar could not quench their thirst. At this moment, the monster in the sky they encountered had already appeared in front of them.

However, when Ai Hayasaka was worrying about how she should give orders to attack these flying monsters, a round heat wave roared from behind.

Looking in the direction of the fireball, he saw a fireball gathering in front of Lin Feng.

magic? !

Isn't this the big fireball magic that Lin Feng asked them to choose that day? I didn't expect it to have such power.

Indeed, it lived up to its name, the fireball with a diameter of nearly 20 centimeters directly hit the monster in the air.

Under the light of the fire, the dim light was also illuminated, and the true body of the monster was revealed.

There are about seven or eight moths with purple wings flying in the air, spitting towards them from time to time... It should not be saliva, it seems to be a ball of silk thread. "Avoid!!! Everyone, dodge the attack!" "It's poisonous!"

Because of the increase in strength, Ai Hayasaka saw the purple thread when the thread-like object flew over, and immediately thought of poison, and quickly warned her companions loudly.

Hearing Ai Hayasaka's warning, Kishima Yako and the others began to evade the attack in the sky.

These objects fell on the ground, as expected by Ai Hayasaka, they were poisonous and had a slight corrosion effect...

If the attack is on their bodies, although they are protected by equipment, because it is light armor, there are still many gaps.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng stretched out his other hand, and two big fireballs gathered in front of him, firing continuously into the air amidst the howling sound.

A few minutes later, several magic stones fell from the sky one after another.

"Congratulations, master, for unlocking a new achievement and getting a chance to draw a prize." Lin Feng also received a message from the small system.

There are only so many new monsters in this dungeon, and the more difficult it is to fight later, there is no other way to get them?

"The master has it. You only need to upgrade the master's believers to get the corresponding number of lucky draws, and you can get three lucky draw opportunities if you complete the initial wish." Calling believers a chance."

After the small system released the new task, it quickly became silent and didn't know what to do. "thanks."

Ai Hayasaka came to Lin Feng and thanked her generously.

If Lin Feng hadn't followed up today, I'm afraid that when encountering such monsters flying in the air, he would have to find a way to lure them down before they could be dealt with.

Otherwise, we can only continue to explore against the attack in the sky.

A single attack is easy to dodge, but what if it accumulates to 4.8.

Of course, there are other ways to attack them. That is to use the current strong physical fitness to run on nearby walls or stone pillars, and then jump up after reaching a certain distance. There is also a certain chance to kill them, but it is more laborious. .

It is far less convenient to use remote attack means.

Using magic in this world is not an easy task, divided into innate magic and acquired magic.

Innate magic is a fixed attribute that involves racial blood and personal aptitude. Magical races can only acquire it through their own potential and practice.

Acquired magic is related to having interest and identification with things after passing through the grace of God.

In general, learning magic is not an easy task no matter how you do it. .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 87 New Call

"Thank you, those flying in the air can't threaten you, the worst is to go back to the ground to learn their attack methods."

Lin Feng waved his hand, you were all summoned by him, if he didn't take care of you, who in this world would care about you? "Ok!"

With the support of Lin Feng, the long-range firepower turret, the exploration speed of the 8th floor was very fast, and several other adventurer teams were also found.

Because they don't trust each other, they are far away from each other.

This is also impossible, who let those "rat" adventurers like to make troubles, so that most adventurers in the dungeon are afraid of encountering adventurers who are not from the same family or do not know their own family.

It took just over an hour for the entire 8th floor to find the entrance to the 9th floor. "Continue to explore!"

Ai Hayasaka stood at the entrance, thought for a while, and continued to give instructions.

Her operation was well thought out, there is still a lot of time left, and with Lin Feng's help, there shouldn't be any problems on the ninth floor.

Now that Ai Hayasaka has issued an order to continue the strategy, Megumi Kato and others naturally responded one by one.

Coming to the 9th floor, the terrain here is no different from the one above, almost exactly the same.

On this layer, I encountered a new monster, a giant bullfrog with a huge body and yellow skin. It jumped up and landed on the ground, and the nearby land was vibrated by it.

Enemies with huge bodies like this and who can't walk are relatively easy to fight. The main thing you need to pay attention to is its sudden tongue and jump.

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