Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Zongman: Becoming a God from Encounter in Dungeon Chapter 91

A voice that sounded youthful and beautiful but somewhat cold came from behind the group of adventurers.

When Lin Feng heard this voice, he felt very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

In addition to the time he spent in the world of Kishima Yako, he hadn't wandered the streets of this world for more than a month. "Lovely...Miss Elf, hiccup~"

"After we get rid of this obstructive boy, we will have fun with you."

These adventurers also heard what the girl behind them said, including of course the adventurer who was about to make a move.

That is, when he heard this, he stopped and looked back with an evil smile. "What a bunch of perverts..."

The elf lady seemed to be sighing, shook her head helplessly, and put the things in her hand on the ground next to the wall. "Then I won't be polite!"

As soon as the words fell, a green figure flashed past behind these adventurers.

It was at this time that Lin Feng noticed that the elf girl stopped by the adventurer was not Liu?

You are so lucky!

Randomly flirting with an elf girl turned out to be hidden LV4 adventurers, and they were still the top LV4. If Lyu's main god, Astria, wasn't in Orari, I'm afraid they would have already been upgraded to LV5.

These few adventurers who claimed to be LV2 dared to stop Liu. Isn't this the old birthday star who hanged himself to seek death?

And before Lin Feng came here, they must have stopped Liu for some time.

Lyu originally didn't want to make a move, but he should feel a little annoyed by them.

I'm afraid it won't explode at this moment. After today's lesson, these drunks don't know if they will get drunk and flirt with girls. "Lyu?!"

"So it's you! I thought it was..."

Lin Feng stepped forward and came to Liu's side, and shouted kindly. "Then who do you think it is!"

He was interrupted by Lyu before he finished speaking, judging from what she said, it seemed that he was a little bit jealous?

Could it be that he thought he wanted a hero to save the beauty?

"Of course...Of course I will help you when you see injustice! Although I am a god, I am not one of those evil gods!"

Lin Feng patted his chest and said that he didn't have any bad thoughts, and he came here only to help the weak and weak who were bullied by these people. "Hey!!"

"You, you are taking our people away, so you don't ask questions?!"

Hearing this, even though he was unable to speak steadily but roared angrily, Lin Feng and Liu's eyes were almost at the same time.

Sure enough, he saw an adventurer (bhei) who was passed by Liu just now, who seemed to be the one who wanted to fight Lin Feng at the beginning.

Lin Feng was stunned when he saw this adventurer. There were five adventurers on the opposite side. When you broke through, you can knock down anyone. Why is this the one who wants to touch him.

Lin Feng, who seemed to have an idea suddenly appeared in his heart, quickly turned his attention to Liu who was wearing a plump hostess tavern clerk's attire.

Lyu seemed to suddenly feel the sight behind her, and her face blushed slightly, but as Xi'er's good friend, she quickly patted her cheek and broke away from it. "I've been stopped by you for several minutes, but you still won't let me go!"

Lyu was also very angry in her heart. These adventurers were clearly teasing her. If they had followed their previous temper, they would have greeted her directly, and it would be impossible to confront them here. "Damn it!!" "Go!"

These drunken adventurers seemed to have regained consciousness because of their friends crying in pain after being knocked down by Lyu.

That's why she was so angry and wanted to arrest this female elf who didn't know what to do.

They didn't pay attention to the man next to him.

They were a little lucid after being anesthetized by alcohol, but they still had some problems with their perception. Of course, it was normal for them not to feel a faint pressure on the gods. "Lord Lin Feng, let me come!"

After talking, Liu stretched out his hand, stopped Lin Feng who wanted to go forward and said.

She knew that the gods in the lower realm basically sealed their divine power, and gods with real fighting skills were still very rare.

Ares of the Kingdom of Lachia, after sealing his divine power, still has some combat power.

Of course, the combat power of the moon god Artemis after sealing his divine power is considered outstanding among all the gods in the lower realm.

She had seen Lin Feng fighting in the dungeon, but. … But now it was on the ground, and it was still broad daylight.

If it is suddenly seen by some adventurers or gods who know Lin Feng, it may cause irreparable mistakes after reporting to the guild.

That's why Liu didn't want Lin Feng to get involved.

She knew that Lin Feng's starting point was good, so she was very happy.

If something happened to Lin Feng because of such a small matter, it would make her fall into great self-blame. "Okay!" "Be careful!"

Lyu, who was posing handsomely facing the remaining four scum adventurers, waved his hands casually when he heard what Lin Feng said behind him.

These few LV2 adventurers are simply side dishes.

To say that they are enemies with one move is somewhat flattering them.

Lyu didn't carry a weapon on him, so he could only remove a long pole about 1.5 meters from the sundries piled up in this alleyway.

She hadn't fought for a week, so she just took this opportunity to check to see if her hands were rusty. .

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

Chapter 211 Sister Elf Let Us Go!



"Let us go! Sister Elf!!" "Take it lightly!"

The four adventurers standing on the ground are much worse than the adventurers lying on the ground at the beginning~.

Every time there was a 'snap', one of them would involuntarily yell, it was the sound of being hit by the thin wooden stick in Lyu's hand.

These adventurers, who were brazenly trying to defeat Lyu just a minute ago, spoke well.

But now it seems to be the other way around.

While being reprimanded, they were beaten with thin wooden sticks like leather whips.

Of course, I also have the idea of ​​wanting to escape in my heart, and it's not that I haven't implemented it.

But none of them succeeded. The elf girl who looked cute and handsome in front of her was super fast.

Before they turned around, the elf came behind them.

Before turning his head, he came to their side.

This elusive speed frightened them so much that they could only stand still and dare not run around.

Of course, there is one point, as long as the escape is stopped.

Then he will definitely be beaten severely by Lai Shangji, which is unspeakably miserable.

Now their hearts are full of remorse, why did they come to this alleyway, why didn't they take the main road outside, why did they stop when they met this elf girl? !

A series of questions kept popping up in my mind.

This elf girl is just too violent! I kept whipping... I always felt that some strange attribute would be awakened later.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Feng felt nothing.

It's good to beat up scum adventurers like this more, it happens to be able to wake up their drunkenness. "Woke up?"

Lin Feng walked up to the adventurer who had been lying on the ground, squatted down and asked softly.

The adventurer's face twitched slightly, as if he was trying to suppress himself to pretend to be unconscious, but the twitching nerves already showed the fact that you were already awake. "Stop pretending! Stand up quickly when you wake up!"

Lin Feng didn't want to waste any time with them here, so he just kicked him when he stood up. "Aww!!!"

After the adventurer lying on the ground flew three meters away in an instant, he continued to roll twice on the ground.

He was woken up, lying on the ground coughing and spitting dirty water.

Lyu, who was whipping the other people with a wooden stick, was also startled by Lin Feng's actions.

When did the gods have such great power.

One kick was able to kick the LV2 adventurer several meters away, and almost made him lose the ability to resist at once.

"Please let us go!!!"

"We were just drunk, and our wallets were stolen, so we were finally released from the tavern!"

The other four adventurers couldn't control that much. The moment Lyu stopped, the four immediately knelt down and apologized and kowtowed.

It seems that Lyu didn't spend the past few minutes in vain, but directly woke them up. "Get out!"

"The next time I see you guys doing something like this, I won't just let you go!" Lin Feng pretended to stretch out his right hand in front of Lyu, and said with a look of consideration for them. "thanks, thanks!!"

"We will definitely not dare next time!!"

Of course, what these adventurers thought in their hearts was completely different from what they said.

Their companion lying on the ground was kicked several meters away by the demon, and he still hasn't recovered.

And the four of them only suffered some flesh and blood pain, and the strength of each blow was almost just right, making them feel a piercing pain, but this pain will gradually disappear in about ten seconds.

There was no way to see anything on the body, only some traces of being beaten with wooden sticks.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, these adventurers quickly got up from the ground, carried their companions with all their strength and quickly disappeared into this alleyway. "Lord Lin Feng...perverted..."

In fact, Liu was ready to let them go, just when he was about to take a step forward, Lin Feng suddenly stretched out his hand in front of her.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, she might have stuck to his hand directly.

In an instant, the fair and calm face was stained with a blush, suppressing the shame and shame in his heart, and finally suppressed the blushing cheeks again.

After the adventurers fled far away, they cursed with a cold face. "Hug, sorry!!!" "It's my fault!"

Lin Feng also felt that there was something wrong with the movement of reaching out, so he quickly withdrew his selfless hand. seemed to reach out to stop him just now, didn't you reach out to each other this time? Mutual exchange? "What is Lord Lin Feng doing here today?". . . . . . Ask for flowers. .

"I remember that the resident that I won is under construction. Don't you want to check it?" Liu usually pays attention to all kinds of information about Lin Feng and Lin Feng's family.

She didn't do this for herself, ahem, but for her friend Xier (really).

For example, the incident that happened near the middle level of the dungeon in the past two days, she learned about it from the adventurer guests who came to the Fengrao Mistress's Tavern that night.

The girls of Lin Feng's family rescued another twenty or thirty adventurers in the dungeon.

Without them, those adventurers might not be able to come back.

Lin Feng himself didn't know about this, because he didn't chat with anyone much these two days, and the girls at home probably thought it was just a little effort, so they didn't say anything.

"I'll go there later."

"I've been to Feng Rao's hostess before, and I came here when they said you were here." Lin Feng truthfully told Liu the purpose of coming here. "What, what?"

"Master Lin Feng is looking for me... what's the matter?"

Lin Feng's words almost broke this cold-faced elf's atrium (atrium) directly!

What do you mean I came to look for her, and I learned that she was here through other shop assistants!

Shouldn't it be Xier? !

Afterwards, Lin Feng didn't speak, instead, he walked to the side wall and picked up the things that Liu put there in the first place. "Lord Lin Feng, let me do it!"

Lyu didn't want to make any more misunderstandings or other things.

If Xier misunderstood something, it would be hard to explain.

Every time I see Xi'er being so attentive to Lin Feng, besides liking him, what else can I think?

That's why Lyu would warn herself inwardly every time Lin Feng made her blush.

What Liu fell in love with first... I can't compete with my friends.

"It's okay, it's okay, there are so many things, let's share them!"

"You Miya store manager is really too, do you let you come alone with so many things?" Lin Feng complained a little bit about Miya store manager.

Although Lyu is a LV4 adventurer, don't forget that most people don't know her true identity, they just think that this elf is quite powerful.

With so many things, it is better for two people to work together. Long.

Chapter 212 Meeting Hestia and Artemis on the Road

"Not at all!"

"Auntie Miya is very kind to us!"

Lyu didn't want to hear bad things about Aunt Mia. She usually looked tall and tall, and she was prone to use violence to solve problems.

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