"Oh, Tsunade..."

"It's you!"

Seeing Ye Feng appear out of thin air, Tsunade was also vigilant, and the whole person put up a posture and prepared for battle.

"Okay, don't put on that posture, if you really fight, I can strangle you with one hand."

"What are you doing here?"

"Do you still need to say this, of course it's a side stove!"

Ye Feng lifted a plastic bag, which was full of beef and various vegetables, and directly looked at Tsunade with a confused look.

"You are the woman I fancy, although for some reason, I don't want to send you into my world for the time being, but I won't snub you!"

"Your world?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry about those things, hurry up and pack up." In the past two days, you must not have eaten properly!

Ye Feng handed the plastic bag to Tsunade, and then the person sat on her bed and stretched, like a creature called "husband".

"You guy..."

Tsunade darkened, but did not dare to provoke Ye Feng.

The ninja who wanted to inform the camp, but they did not dare to send a signal because they were afraid of Ye Feng's force.

At this time, she also sighed, took out a kitchen knife from her pocket, and began to cut the meat.

Although she was very unhappy with Ye Feng, Ye Feng was really not wrong about one thing, she really hadn't eaten properly during this time.

Of course, not only her, during the war, supplies were in short supply, and all the ninjas who participated in the war were actually similar.

Many times, if the village's supplies were not delivered immediately, the ninjas had to feed themselves in the wild, or simply faced starvation.

"Where did you get all this stuff from? I don't remember that these ingredients could be collected in a place like the Land of Rain!

Tsunade asked, not to mention those vegetables, in a place where it rains all year round, there is no place to raise cattle, even chickens and ducks are difficult to see.

The meat that can be seen normally is basically some fish and shrimp and other river fresh.

"Didn't I just say my world? These things are naturally taken from my world!

"You're not from this world?"

Tsunade was a little surprised, although she was very surprised, she could basically determine that Ye Feng was not lying.

"It's true that I'm not from this world, and I can travel freely to other world planes. However, in order to enjoy life conveniently, I also created my own world when I traveled through the plane world. When the time comes, I'll send you in!

"Creating the world? Are you kidding?

"Nope! Creating a world may sound lofty, but it's not that hard. As long as you master the elements to build the world and have enough energy, it will be easy to create a world! Let's just tell you, Tsunade, your grandfather's original Hokage, the Senju Pillar can create a forest, my strength is at least 1,000 times his, and it is not difficult to create a world... Oh yes, if you want to poison it, don't hesitate it, but when we're done, I'll hang you up and beat you until I swell you there!" "

You bastard!"

Tsunade gritted her teeth in anger, but not to mention, she really had plans to take the drug.

It's just not poison, it's sweat medicine.

Ye Feng was very mysterious, and perhaps knew a lot of information that they didn't know.

If he can be captured alive and the information is out, it may be a big gain for Konoha.

Moreover, compared to poison, Meng Khan medicine is actually more hidden and not easy to detect.

It's just that Ye Feng has spoken out now, and Tsunade can't help but put away his careful thoughts at this time.

Soon, Tsunade was packing up the ingredients.

Ye Feng also took out the boiler and a bunch of seasonings out of thin air, this magical method made Tsunade quite surprised.

"You said that you are not from this world, so isn't the ability you use also ninjutsu?"

"Are you taking information from me?"

Ye Feng looked at her with interest, which made Tsunade's face change and said, "Didn't you say that you are 1,000 times stronger than my grandfather, if you are really so strong, are you afraid of intelligence exposure?"

"Not really, it's just that I don't really want to go your way!"


Tsunade looked angry and corrupted, and he couldn't wait to stab him directly with the kunai in his hand.

Staying with Ye Feng, she didn't know why, why she was so angry.

"Hahaha... Gotta go, don't tease you, anyway, this is what you will know sooner or later, and it doesn't hurt to tell you. I've been through several planes, and I'll know a lot of things. Vampire, breathing, magic, spells, and even a little alchemy. Of these, magic is what I do best. "


"Hmm! Don't worry, when you become my woman, I will give you this power! Speaking of which, there are legends of the Six Dao Immortals in your world, and it was he who spread Chakra to you. You say, if I spread the power of magic to your ninja world, then I can also be called an 'immortal' by you!"

"You're a bastard!"

Although he was quite surprised by Ye Feng's words, Tsunade still said angrily.

And as the bonfire rose, the two set up the boiler, and a moment later, the fat beef and fresh vegetables were also "croaking" in the pot, and the aroma echoed throughout the camp.

Tsunade looked at the food in the pot, and the person couldn't help but shine with his eyes, and his index finger moved.

In Konoha's words, she naturally would not have such a performance.

But when it comes to the battlefield, especially in a ghost place like the Land of Rain, where it rains almost all day, Tsunade has long been tired of eating dry food and soldiers' food pills.

Occasionally game, that is, some fish and shrimp, she almost vomited.

It's rare to encounter this meal today, although it was brought by some bastard, but Tsunade will not be polite.

At this time, she also picked up the spoon and put the meat and soup into her bowl.

"Don't worry, I won't grab it with you, wait until I get you some sauce, it will taste better!"

Ye Feng said while putting a bunch of things such as minced garlic, balsamic vinegar, paprika, and hot oil into a bowl and stirring, and then handed it to Tsunade.

His careful appearance and delicate face also made Tsunade a little more surprised and changed for a while, and his expression unconsciously became a little more rosy.

"I found that you are still weird. If we weren't in the battlefield, maybe we would have become good friends!

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just good for my people." Other people's words, hehe..." Ye

Feng smiled evilly, which made Tsunade a little surprised, but he didn't say anything more.

For her, today's meal can only be regarded as an accident, if it is not allowed by the conditions, even if she thinks Ye Feng is good, but out of identity and position, she will definitely find a way to take Ye Feng down!

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