At this time, Konoha office building.

"How's it going, has the news gotten out?"

Sarutobi looked at several of his subordinates and asked.

The leader of the dark squad, "Yellow Ape", nodded and said, "It's already spread, Naruto-sama." There is absolutely no way to find out after this news, even if that one traces it, it will definitely not be able to find us! "

Very good!"

Ape Fei raised the corners of his mouth, although Ye Feng's powerful power could only see and could not move, which made him very sorry.

But there are some forces, the mere presence of which is enough to exert a powerful deterrent.

Sarutobi has been a Hokage for more than twenty years, and naturally knows how to maximize benefits!

Konoha's geographical location is really not good, so, for Ye Feng's "mushroom egg", he must use his brain.

"Naruto-sama, Mito-sama is here!"

A Naka Shinobu suddenly opened the door and entered, his face full of eagerness.

When Ape Fei heard him say this, his face couldn't help but change, and then he sighed.

"I know, you guys go to your business, I'll personally greet you!"


A group of ninjas responded and then dissipated without a trace.

By the time Sarutobi walked out of the office building gate, Mito was already standing outside, squinting at him.

"Mito-sama, why are you here?"

"It's nothing, just heard some rumors, come and take a look!"

"This..." "

Monkey, Ye Feng's matter, I have already asked Tuan Zang!"

"What, Tuan Zang!"

Hearing Mito's words, Sarutobi was also stunned, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

With his understanding of Danzo, he was afraid that he didn't say anything good in the face of Mito.

"After all, it is about Tsunade's happiness, and I ask some questions, and it is only natural for me to ask!"

"So, Mito-sama should already know Ye Feng's situation, why are you..."

Sarutobi was puzzled, but Mito smiled: "The important thing is not the past, but the future!" Monkey, aren't you doing this very well? The power that cannot be mastered, just direct him in a direction that is beneficial to us and to the village!

"What about Tsunade, Mito-sama, you're not worried..."

"What's the use of worrying, but those two children seem to be getting along well, aren't they?" Moreover, I'm afraid that even Tsunade's child didn't find out herself, and for Ye Feng, she was a little happy with it!


At least, that's youth I haven't experienced!"

As soon as Mito's words came out, Sarutobi was also stunned, not knowing what to say...

I have to say that the dark part of Konoha is still very powerful.

The information they secretly disseminated soon appeared on the desks of the major ninja villages.

Land of the Wind, Sand Hidden Village.

At this time, the three generations of Wind Shadow looked at the intelligence sent by the spy, and the whole person was also dumbfounded, and then full of distress.

"Damn, why Konoha?"

"Three generations of adults, has something happened?"

Hai Laozang opened his mouth and asked, since his sister was killed by Ye Feng, he, who was a younger brother, also took over the heavy responsibility of his sister Chiyo and helped the three generations of Wind Shadow deal with political affairs.

"See for yourself, Elder Hai Laozang!"

The third generation of Wind Shadow handed the information to Hai Laozang, and when he saw the content of the intelligence, anger and hatred instantly made Hai Laozang burst out and gritted his teeth.

"Abominable Ye Feng, not to mention killing his sister, he actually joined Konoha and became engaged to Tsunade!"

"Elder Hai Laozang, I can understand your hatred, but... I'm sorry, we can't move 'Demon King' Ye Feng. For the future of Shayin Village, I hope you can be patient and restrained! The

three generations of Wind Shadow said with despair, as a first-hand experiencer, even if he failed to let Ye Feng go all out, he knew Ye Feng's terribleness.

In the eyes of the three generations of wind shadows, Ye Feng's strength is probably not much worse than that of the "Ninja God" Thousand Hand Pillar and the "Ninja Asura Shura" Uchiha Spot.

In this regard, Hai Laozang also sighed helplessly.

"Three generations of adults, Ye Feng joined Konoha, in the future, we want to develop outward, I'm afraid we can't fight Konoha's idea anymore!"

"You're right, Elder Hai-Laozang. Although it is a little unsatisfactory, for the future of the village, we can only give up Konoha and move our minds towards other ninja villages! The

three generations of wind shadows said, and they couldn't help but think of the harvest of their own troops in the Land of Rain.

Although it is not as rich as expected, it is indeed profitable.

Moreover, the difficulty of moving other ninja villages is undoubtedly a little easier than moving Konoha.

In this way, the idea of three generations of wind shadows immediately opened....

Tsuchinoku, Iwahide Village.

"Troublesome guy, actually ran to Konoha!"

Onoki looked at the intelligence and pinched his eyebrows with some headache.

Huang Tu, who already knew the information in advance, also frowned and said, "Old man, that Ye Feng may indeed be very powerful, but we don't necessarily need to be so afraid of him?" Your old dust escape, but the blood succession elimination beyond the blood succession limit, as long as it hits, I believe that even that Ye Feng will have to be destroyed!" Seeing

his son say this, Onoki's face became a little better.

For their Yanyin Village's blood succession elimination, Dust, Onoki is indeed very confident.

"It's true that you said that, but Loess, Ye Feng's guy is definitely not simple. Have you forgotten that some time ago, when it was in the Land of Rain, not long after that guy killed Hanzo, he ran to Sand Hidden Village to make a big fuss, and even Chiyo's old guy was folded in his hands. Do you think that with normal rushing, he can run from the Land of Rain to the Sand Hidden Village of the Land of Wind so quickly?


the few pieces of information we have so far, nine out of ten times that Ye Feng has the ability to time and space. My dust is powerful, but I have to be able to hit him!


"Okay, Loess, Ye Feng's affairs are settled. Moreover, even if Konoha did not have Ye Feng, it was not so easy to deal with. Although it's not easy to find Konoha again, we are not without other paths! Have you forgotten, our harvest in the Land of Rain? Hearing

Onoki's words, Loess also reacted.

As the first Great Shinobi Village to withdraw from the battlefield of the Land of Rain, the harvest of Iwain Village was naturally the greatest.

Whether it was Yuyin Village or the villages and towns when they retreated along the way, they did not let go of anything that could be looted by them.

This wave is down, although it is not to say that the waist is rich, but it is indeed more family and makes a small wave.

And with the experience of the Land of Rain, it is much easier to move other small countries and small ninja villages.

At that time, there will be no problem in hitting the autumn breeze a few more times, not to mention the rich and flowing oil, but running to the well-off ...

However, Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village, after getting the information, did not have much feelings.

Yunyin Village itself is a ninja village that advocates force, and although Ye Feng's performance is very outstanding, they are more willing to believe that their Thunder Shadow martial arts are the best in the world.

Especially the current third-generation Thunder Shadow, that is a real man who can carry Yaoi hard and fight with Yaoi hand-to-hand.

Even Sandai himself is very confident, he believes that he has an iron head and a hard brain, and he is not afraid of fighting at all.

As for Mist, as a ninja village in the country of water independent of the continent, it actually does not want to easily intervene in the war.

The three generations of water shadows have also made a calculation, they only need to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, at that time, which big ninja village is crippled, they can take the opportunity to fight the autumn wind, which is much better than personally ending up!

Therefore, the other four major ninja villages fought to the death, but the misty side was happy to see it.

Ye Feng's intervention led to a hasty end to the second war in the Ninja Realm, which made Wuyin a little unhappy.

It's just that the third generation of water shadows will not touch the mold of Konoha, he has to look at the situation again!

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