It was another three months.

As usual, Tanjuro got up early, pushed his charcoal cart, and hawked around the town.

It's just that when he passed by Ye Feng's mansion, people couldn't help but be stunned.

Ye Feng, who used to get up early for morning exercises and greet him, is no longer there.

Instead, the gate of the mansion was now locked by a heavy iron lock.

Here, the building is empty.


Tanjuro's sigh sounded at the gate, if he knew that Ye Feng and Yu Ji would leave, then he would definitely put down his work, buy some wine and food, bring his family, and have a meal with them.

After all, in the past half a year, their stove family can be regarded as being taken very much care by Ye Feng.

Now, Tanjuro can only silently wish in his heart, hoping that a good person like Ye Feng can be happy and healthy...

A few days later, the island country, Tokyo Prefecture, Chiyoda Ward.

This is the residence of the priest clan, and 13-year-old Isayashiki Yaoya came here at the behest of his father to ask for a kiss from the priest family.

Since thousands of years ago, the Isayashiki clan has produced such a ghost king as Misery, and the bloodline of their clan is like a curse, and all children are born weak and sick.

Many boys, in particular, die young.

In order not to cut off the bloodline, their clan followed the advice of the god lord and married the girls of the god family for generations.

However, although the lives of the offspring are extended in this way, they basically do not live to be 30 years old.

Therefore, in order to completely end the curse, eliminate the source of misery, and prevent human beings from being attacked by ghosts again, the Isayashiki family established a ghost killing team.

However, even though the Ghost Killing Team was established for nearly a thousand years, it still failed to eliminate Ghost Mai Tsuji without tragedy.

But even so, the Isayashiki family still did not give up, and they are still working hard for the cause of eliminating ghosts.

Today, Yaoya Shiki's father, the head of the contemporary Ghost Killing Team, is terminally ill and not far from death.

In order to ensure that their clan could continue, he could only let Yaoya come here as soon as possible to ask for a relative.

While 13 is indeed too early, there is nothing they can do.

Although the men of the family basically do not live to be 30 years old, there are also many men who die before the age of 25.

Yaoya's father couldn't afford to wait, and similarly, Yaoya himself couldn't drag it out for long.

After all, the later they marry and have children, the greater the risks for their people.

If the current head of the family dies and the offspring are too young to take responsibility, it will be troublesome.

This is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to their family and the development of the Ghost Killing Team.

Therefore, for their people, the sooner they marry and have children, the better.

At the very least, try to ensure that the current head of the family has enough time to educate his heirs so that the risk can be minimized.

Soon, under the arrangement of the priest family, the 17-year-old priest Tianyin also met Yaoya in the family courtyard.

For the matter of slaying ghosts, the clan of priests also supports it.

Therefore, their clan and the Isayashiki clan have made an agreement, but if the head of the Isayashiki clan reaches the stage where he can have sex, as long as the priest clan has a girl of the right age, he will marry.

It's just that for this kind of marriage between the belly and the belly, the priest Tianyin is not willing to accept it in his heart.

Especially when she learned that the Isayashiki family was short-lived, this resistance became extremely strong.

Because such a marriage is equivalent to sending these women of the clan of priests to be used as tools of production.

Moreover, it is 100% the life of a widow!

After all, the male members of the Isayashiki family did not live past the age of 30.

Even if Tianyin is 4 years older than Yaoya, after Yaoya's death, she will only be in her thirties at most, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a widow.

Such a family, such a marriage, such a fate, but any normal girl, I am afraid that she will not choose to accept it!

"Please don't be so sad, Miss Tianyin, this will make your beautiful face tarnished!"

The voice of Shiki Yaoya came, which also made Tianyin stunned.

Although she rarely walked around and rarely touched men other than clansmen, it was the first time she heard such a soft voice.

The fiancé designated to her by this family sounds like a breeze in August, which makes her feel light and comfortable.

"Thank you, Mr. Yaoya!"

Yaoya nodded, he was actually the first time he had seen a beautiful girl like Tianyin. The silver-white hair and delicate facial features are like the fairies of the birch tree, and there is an otherworldly feeling.

Unfortunately, he also knows the burden on him.

Even if he likes the priest Tianyin, his responsibility must be above liking and love.

"Miss Tianyin, I know my situation very well. If you don't like it, I'll refuse it!

"This..." Hearing

Yaoya say this, the Tianyin people couldn't help but widen their eyes and be stunned.

Although she is dissatisfied with the family's arrangement, Tianyin also has self-awareness, and this matter is not something she can resist.

However, if Yaoya himself had proposed it, the result would have been a different matter.

At the very least, she has a good chance of avoiding falling victim to such a marriage.

"It seems that I came at the right time, and I ran into such a good thing!"

"Who are you?"

Tianyin asked curiously, she had a good memory, although the clan of priests had great causes, but the clansmen and servants in the clan, she basically knew.

And the young man who appeared in front of her, she did not know.

In this regard, Ye Feng couldn't help but look at the priest Tianyin, his eyes full of appreciation.

This woman, who was supposed to be the wife of Yaoya Shiki, is indeed as beautiful as depicted in the original plot.

Even, in Ye Feng's opinion, even those Internet celebrity beauties in the modern world are far from her.

Although Yu Ji's words are also very good, they are also a little less meaningful.

As for Shiki Yaoya, Ye Feng was not interested at all.

"I originally wanted to come and see what was so special about the priest clan who married the Isayashiki clan. Unexpectedly, luck turned out to be so good, just in time to meet the blind date scene between the head of the future Isayashiki family and the girl of the priest family. Since you met, then, from now on, you belong to me!

Ye Feng spoke, and two silk belts immediately extended from his back, directly tying the priest Tianyin and pulling him into his arms.

"This is ... Let go of Miss Tianyin!

Yaoya saw this scene, although it was unbelievable, but he immediately opened his mouth to stop it.

In this regard, Ye Feng did not pay attention to it at all, and directly embraced Tianyin into his arms.

[System, I want to live in symbiosis with the priest Tianyin! ] 】

System: [Confirm the target: Divine official Tianyin, meet the requirements of system symbiosis, start symbiosis! ] The

sound of the system sounded in Ye Feng's mind, and in the next instant, several golden chains also drilled out of his body, binding Tianyin and pulling it into his body.

Everything was so sudden, before the priest Tianyin could even react, he had already merged with Ye Feng.

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