When Ape Fei appeared in front of Ye Feng, only Ye Feng was left in the room.

For Ye Feng's request, Tsunade naturally complied with it as soon as possible, and ran directly to the ninja school to learn about the students' information.

As for whether to abduct Uchiha Mikoto, it depends on the situation.

But at this moment, only Ye Feng and Ape Fei were left in the room, which was also convenient for this old little conversation.

"Run this trip again so soon, why, regret it?"

Ye Feng's face showed mockery, and Ape Fei also looked bitter, and said: "Yes, regret, my intestines are blue when I regret!" If I knew you could do something so big, I wouldn't let you run this trip even if I involved Konoha in the war!" "

Huh... Even if you don't invite me, it's actually useless. As early as when you published rumors and announced that I was engaged to Tsunade, you had already planted today's bitter fruit! Monkeys, without my permission, dare to PUA me, but they will have to pay a price! Speaking

of this, the mockery on Ye Feng's face was even worse.

He just wanted to tell Ape Fei that this monkey was not so good to use.

In this regard, in addition to bitterness, Ape Fei's face was also a little more distressed.

Of course, even if he could do it all over again, he would still do it.

In fact, until now, Ye Feng had also obliterated the matter of the Land of Earth and Yanyin Village, which made Ape Fei regret it.

At other times, Ape Fei still wanted to get along peacefully with Ye Feng.

Even if this gets along, it's more just use.

No way, Ye Feng does have that value.

It's just that at the moment, what Ye Feng has done is too big, and it has touched the nerves and bottom line of all the superiors.

But on the other hand, a monster like Ye Feng made everyone feel fearful.

Therefore, it was certain that even if those in power wanted to dispose of Ye Feng, they would not dare to start because of fear.

But in the affairs of the Land of Earth and Iwain Village, someone must come out and be responsible!

That's right, as the culprit who invited Ye Feng to intervene in the war, he became this back-pot man.

Moreover, this pot still does not even dare to carry Tuan Zang, it is a super black cauldron that the ape flying sun chop can't shake off no matter what.

At that moment, the ape flying man also sighed and said: "Things have already happened, and it doesn't make any sense to say this now." The matter of the Land of Earth and Iwain Village, the daimyo and the high-ranking officials of various countries, I am afraid that they will not let me go. So, I'm going to resign. As for the position of the fourth generation Hokage... I will try my best to put Tsunade in charge!

As soon as Ape Fei's words came out, Ye Feng was stunned, but he quickly noticed the trap, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"You old boy, you are really a monkey essence, the abacus is jingling!"

"What are you talking about, I'm doing things according to your intentions, am I still wrong?"

Ape Fei spoke, although he realized that Ye Feng might have seen through his thoughts, he still chose to pretend to be a fool.

At least, he arranged it this way, and it was indeed performed according to Ye Feng's script.

It is this character aspect that he is ready to fight a turnaround battle.

"You kid pretended to be confused for me, do you have to let me pick out the words? I tell you, old monkey, don't look at Lao Tzu I am young, but also almost 500 years old. You kid plays with me, you kid is not qualified enough!

"This... How could it be, I'm telling the truth, as far as the affairs of the Land of Earth and Iwain Village are concerned, someone must stand up and be responsible! As the leader of Konoha, I, the third generation of Hokage, must be inevitable, and there is no problem with resigning. And if I go down this time, then someone must come out to pick the big beam and serve as the fourth generation Hokage, what kind of heart eye is this!

Ape Fei was shocked in his heart, if Ye Feng hadn't said it himself, he probably never dreamed that a handsome guy like Ye Feng was actually 500 years old, which was enough for his ancestors.

If he didn't say this, Ape Fei was afraid that he would always think of him as a young man like 18 or 19 years old.

"Fuck you N's shit! You have all publicized that Tsunade and I are engaged, if Tsunade takes the position of the fourth generation Hokage at this time, then what will Konoha think and what will the entire ninja world think? At that time, the world will only think that you, the monkey, were coerced by me to make so many things. At that time, you will take it out yourself, and Tsunade and I will become black pots!" "

This... I didn't think that much!

Sarutobi said, this kind of thing cannot be admitted in any way.

It's just that the matter between this Earth Country and Yanyin Village is really too big.

After all, this is a major event that kills hundreds of millions of people at one time, and a careless person will be nailed to the pillar of shame in human history.

At this time, turning yourself into a victim is undoubtedly the best choice.

At that time, even if it is really a bad smell for ten thousand years, what happened here, Ape Fei will definitely not be the "protagonist"!

"Okay, you don't give me those sloppy eyes! Although I don't particularly care about the reputation of those bullshit, I can't just carry the black pot. Listen, monkey, I'm not Tuanzo. If you dare to move those crooked minds again, I don't mind turning you into a dead monkey!" "


Being warned by Ye Feng, Ape Fei was also a little embarrassed.

However, Ye Feng's words gave him a lot of ideas.

Tsunade's side can't be counted on for the time being, and if the big snake pill is the case, Ape Fei is also reluctant.

After all, this fourth-generation Hokage is completely here to carry the pot for him.

The big snake pill is his beloved apprentice, and it is not a last resort, and Ape Fei does not want to make a master and apprentice turn against him.

As for Zi Laiye, with his kind of personality, Ape Fei didn't consider him at all.

It's Tuan Zang, this is indeed a good back-pot man.

Sarutobi also knew very well how deep Danzo's obsession with the position of the Hokage really was.

If he uses the fourth-generation Hokage as a condition to let Danzo come forward, this matter is still very promising.

As for the follow-up things, Ape Fei can't manage so much anymore, let's wipe his ass clean first!

This Fire Nation daimyo came here for the first time, except for his jealousy of Ye Feng, he didn't mean to ask Xingshi about sin...

And just when Ape Fei was thinking about how to whitewash himself, on the other side, the country of wind, the village of Shayin, and the three generations of wind shadows were also anxious.

Although they launched a war against Kawanokuni and Yuyin Village, and they also gained a lot, but now, the three generations of Kazekage are not happy at all.

Just now, he also received the news that the daimyo of the Land of Wind wanted to visit the village of Sunahi.

The thought of that dead fat daimyo coming soon, the three generations of wind shadows had a headache.

He knew that he would soon be scolded by the daimyo of the Land of Wind.

If they can't handle Ye Feng's problem well, maybe their military expenses in Shayin Village will not be guaranteed!

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