At the same time, in a different space, in an infinite city.

The miserable person who was doing the drug test could not help but be shocked, and an evil smile immediately appeared on his face.

After many years, through the vision of the bird, he finally saw the human who fooled him again, Mr. Kaede.

"Naruto, call me Black Death Mou and the prostitute Taro!"

"Yes, Lord Wu Miserable!"

Naruto who controlled the entire alien space-Infinite City answered, and the person also moved the pipa in his hand.

In the next second, one of the upper strings, Black Death Mou, and the sixth prostitute Taro, were immediately teleported to Infinity City by Naruto...

At the same time, in the old mansion, Gu Yuniao was looking at Ye Feng with a confused expression, and his brain was a little unable to turn.

"Why did you come here, shouldn't you go there?"

Seeing that Gu Yu Bird said this, Ye Feng was also a little unclear.

Gu Yu Bird's words gave him a feeling that he should be in the car and should not be under the car.

"Aren't you here, why should I go there?"

"Impossible, you should have smelled my incense, why didn't you hit my vampire technique?"

Gu Yu Bird shook his head repeatedly, a little incredulous.

This old house has been completely enveloped by her incense, as long as you smell that fragrance, you will be trapped in a fantasy and cannot get out.

And in the fantasy world, the bird is an invincible existence.

All the people who have illusions are nothing more than fish to be slaughtered in her eyes.

However, now, Ye Feng actually failed to win her Blood Demon Technique, which really made Gu Yu Bird a little unbelievable.

She had already cast a labyrinth illusion on this room, waiting for Ye Feng to get lost in it and circle here in order to consume his physical strength.

Just wait for Wu Mian to send someone over, and he can take Ye Feng away.

But as a result, Ye Feng didn't have anything to do, and came directly to the exit on her side.

You don't play cards according to the routine!

"Breath of the Sun, One no Type, Round Dance!"


Gu Yu Bird's eyes widened, and for a moment, her blood veins were trembling.

Ye Feng's figure wielding the Nikki Saber instantly coincided with a certain figure.

She knew that this was the blood that had been given to her by the infallible fear, that it was fearing this sun-like force.

Then, Gu Yu Bird saw with his own eyes that his lower body was standing in place.

Her upper body, on the other hand, detached directly from her body and fell to the floor.

She, one of the lower strings, was cut off by Ye Feng in an instant.

[Too fast, this guy, is it a monster?] The

brain of the bird was blank, and the fear of Ji Gu Yuanichi seemed to be infected with the bird at this moment.

For Ye Feng, who cut himself in half in an instant, Gu Yu Bird was also extremely afraid at this time.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand why Ye Feng didn't cut her neck, but cut her waist.

Gu Yu Bird could be sure that if Ye Feng wanted to kill her, it would definitely be a breeze.


, you..." "Well, beauty, who made you look so beautiful! I just don't know if you meet the conditions for symbiosis with me! Ye

Feng groped in the upper body of the Gu Yu Bird, and had to say that the breath of the sun was really strong for the demons' ability to restrain the devil.

A lower string like her, the regenerative ability should be very strong.

However, after several seconds, the captured bird showed no signs of regeneration.

On the contrary, this huge old house, in addition to the incense of the captured bird, there is also an extra smell of meat at this time.

[System, I want to live in symbiosis with Gu Yu Bird! ] 】

System: [Confirm the goal: Capture the bird, meet the requirements of system symbiosis, and start symbiosis! ] The

voice of the system sounded in Ye Feng's mind, which also made Ye Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Although the system's requirement for symbiosis goals is plot characters, Ye Feng is not sure whether plot characters like Gu Yuniao, who is from the light novel "The Way of the Wind", can also be integrated into symbiosis.

Now it seems that not only the plot characters of anime and manga, but even the plot characters of orthodox gaiden novels, there is no problem.

If this didn't work, then Ye Feng would have to cut off this beauty with tears.

No way, the bird is really beautiful.

Although she was married to a human being and even had a daughter, there was no problem with this.

It is well known that island girls can get married and have children in their teens, and even in the modern 21st century, 16-year-old girls have reached the legal age.

Not to mention, it is the late Meiji era at the beginning of the 20th century, and the age at which the bird got married will only be lower.

With her conditions, Cao Thief has to give a thumbs up when he comes, not to mention Ye Feng, who inherited Wei Wu's legacy and was still a single dog in his previous life.

It can be said that the bird is like this, it is very fragrant!

It was also at this moment that the golden chain immediately flew out of Ye Feng's body, binding the Gu Yu Bird and pulling it into his body.

At this point, Ye Feng finally surpassed the sound pillar of the future ghost killing team and began to become the envy of all men!

Host: Ye Feng

Gender: Male

Age: 21 years old

Height: 172M

System: Symbiotic System Symbiotic

Characters: Fallen Ji, Divine Official Tianyin, Zhu Shi, Gu Yu Bird

Physique: Ordinary Human Constitution, Ghost Body

Skill: Breath of the Sun, Blood Demon Art - Silk, Ten Fold Belt Slash, Through the World, Blood Magic - Blood Confusion, Blood Confusion Visual Dream Incense, Blood Confusion - Magic Incense of Day, Blood Charm, Accommodating Incense, Blood Demon Art, Incense...

Looking at his attribute version, Ye Feng also laughed.

As for Zhu Shi and Gu Yu Bird's blood demon technique, Ye Feng also had some ideas.

These two people's blood ghost techniques are both from the perspective of aroma, by letting the opponent smell the aroma, and then exerting the power of the blood ghost technique.

Although one is the blood fragrance emitted by relying on its own blood, and the other is the incense that is used by itself, it is also considered to be similar, and if these two olfactory types of blood demon techniques can be used together, it may be able to play an unimaginable role.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Feng felt more and more feasible.

But at this moment, Ye Feng didn't have the mind to let the two join forces to develop the Blood Demon Art for the time being.

Because, he had already felt two powerful auras appear outside the old mansion...

In Infinite City, the miserable brain at this time is directly blank.

Although he can no longer feel the existence of the bird now, from the last visual sharing of the bird, he sees the breath of the sun, the figure of the man who used to be like a nightmare and almost gave him the final blow.

"Damn, why is it the breath of the sun? Why was this 'Mr. Kaede' able to use that man's breathing method? "

[Black Death Mou, that man is able to use the breath of the sun. There is no need to capture him alive, just kill him for me and bring his corpse!" Almost

immediately, Wu Mi gave instructions to Black Death Mou.

He believed that Black Death Mu would definitely do his best to wipe out Ye Feng.

Because the breath of the sun is also a nightmare-like existence for Black Death Mou!

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