And for Black Death Mou, who was extremely humiliated by the breath of three days, through his vision, watching the battle without tragedy, his scalp was numb.

As a ghost who has truly and completely learned the breath of the sun from ancient times to the present, Wu Miserable knows better than anyone the restraining power of the breath of the sun on ghosts.

Don't look at his seemingly intact appearance now, but in fact, hundreds of years ago, the injuries left on his body by Ji Guoyuan Yi have not yet recovered, but they have just been hidden without tragedy.

Although it is Ye Feng or the third daughter, in terms of the attainment of the breath of the sun, it is far inferior to the successor of the country.

But...... Black Death Mu is not comparable to him, the boss of the ghost king!

At this time, watching the Black Death Mu with the breath of the moon with one enemy three, and the breath of the three days, for some reason, Wu Miserable actually had some sympathy for the Black Death Mu.

In his opinion, the breath of the moon is not comparable to the breath of the sun.

But now it's good that the moon is going to fight against the three suns.

What, moon, aren't you a little floating!

"Naruto, can you teleport Black Death Mou back to Infinity City?"

Wu Mian asked, he could see that if the characteristics of immortality were excluded, the combat power of Black Death Mu was actually still stronger than Ye Feng and the third daughter.

At least in the solo fight, Black Death Mu definitely has the upper hand.

And Black Death Mu, as the strongest combat power under Wu Miserable, naturally cannot be easily abandoned.

What they lack now is only the intelligence of Ye Feng and the others, and once they figure it out, they may not have the ability to kill them all in the future.

Therefore, until then, Wu Wu must preserve its combat power.

Whether it is against Ye Feng or the Ghost Killing Team, the trump card of Black Death Mu must be protected.

As for the prostitute Taro, it is only a string six, although it is a pity, but in the eyes of Wu Miao, it does not affect the overall situation.

"No, Lord No Misery. They were moving too fast for me to pinpoint them. Of course, if it is a large-scale transmission, it is no problem. However, that 'Mr. Kaede', as well as Yukihime and the others will also be sent in!

"Then forget it! Naruto, teleport Tong Mo, Qiuza, Bantengu, and Jade Kettle over, and let them assist and cover the Black Death Mou to retreat together! That man is too mysterious, and it is not appropriate to start a war with him for the time being until he has a thorough understanding of his abilities! Wu

Miserable opened his mouth and said, although he was very afraid of Ye Feng and the others' breath, he was actually not helpless.

After all, Ye Feng was not a successor to the country, so he couldn't give Wu Miserable such a huge pressure.

What really made Wu Miserable was Ye Feng's weird fusion absorption method and the ability to give the skills of the split.

Wu Miserable didn't want to force Ye Feng into a hurry, when the time came, what if he absorbed himself?

Even if he didn't absorb himself, if he absorbed Naruto, it would be a great loss for Wu Miserable.

At least, for this alien space, Infinite City, Wu Miserable still likes it.

As a last resort, he didn't want to give up the base camp of Infinity City.

"I know, my lord!"

As soon as Naruto answered, the person also began to play the lute.

Unfortunately, what Wu Mian didn't know was that it was precisely because of his cowardice today that he completely missed the opportunity to pinch Ye Feng.

After all, the fusion of symbiotic systems has a cooling time.

Some opportunities are really lost....

At the same time, the bird's mansion was captured.

Because of the battle between Black Death Mou and the three daughters, this mansion and the red flowers planted by the birds in the courtyard have been completely destroyed by countless slashes.

And Ye Feng looked at the battle of Black Death Mou, and people couldn't help but smile.

Even if he is as strong as Black Death Mou, he is a little busy in the face of the attack of the three women.

Even if he knew that Ye Feng was standing on the side stealing the master, in order not to let himself be hacked to death, Black Death Mou could only constantly use the breath of the moon to deal with the attack of the three women.

And with the help of the transparent world, he saw Ye Feng's lungs that constantly adjusted the breathing rate.

Ye Feng's breathing method also began to change, and it had gradually developed in the direction of his moon breath.

"That bastard..." "

Vampire Sorcerer!"

"Destruction Kill, Empty Style!"

"Blood Demon Art, Senbon Needle, Fish Kill!"

Just as Black Death Mou and the three women were fighting fiercely, the ice crystals in the sky roared like clouds, mixed with air fists like air cannons, and countless thousands of needles containing poison.

Seeing this, the third daughter also immediately retreated and protected Ye Feng behind her. With a wave of the Nikkawa knife in his hand, the hot knife qi directly melted the ice crystals.

The continuous punches were also resisted by the three women with blades.

As for those thousand books, they were all blocked by the three women with the blood demon technique silk ribbon.

Not to mention that it touched Ye Feng in the slightest, even their level, these attacks could not break through.

"Ahra, little Ji Ji, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect you to become so strong!"

"Tong Mo!"

Hearing the voice, the fallen Ji people also looked solemn.

When he and the prostitute Taro were persecuted, if not for Tōma giving them ghost blood when they were about to die, the brother and sister would have died a long time ago.

"It's a pity, the timing is not good. Otherwise, I really want to fight that man! The

Qiwo seat looked at Ye Feng behind the three women with a warlike intent, it was not that he looked down on the woman.

On the contrary, these Shangxian who rushed to reinforce had learned everything that was happening here through visual sharing that came from the tragedy.

Although he didn't like Ye Feng's style, he also had to admit that Ye Feng was really strong.

And what Yuwoza wants is to fight with the strong.

It's just that he prefers to find men than women.

For a long time, the dog and the jade pot were silent and did not speak, and even looked at Ye Feng and the third daughter a little nervously.

The two knew very well that the strength of the three men and women they were facing was much stronger than them.

If you really want to go to war with them, the two of them are afraid that they will die here.

Fortunately, tonight's mission is only to assist the Black Death Mou to evacuate, so it is not a big problem, but they still have to be careful.

"It seems that Wu Miserable attaches great importance to you, Black Death Mu." Anyway, I've mastered the rhythm of the Moon Breath, and I've seen all your sword forms! "

You guy..."

Black Death Mou stared at Ye Feng with six eyes, eager to unload him.

"Lord Black Death Mou, please stop your anger, the will of that lord..."

"Shut up, you coward! I don't know what that adult means! Or do you want to teach me to do things for half a day?

"No, don't dare!"

The dog lowered his head for a long time, and the whole person trembled, looking very frightened.


"Don't worry, Ji. They are not here to start a war with us, they really want to fight, and they will not just confront us, but directly surround us. That guy who is miserable should not be ready for war with us!

As soon as Ye Feng's words came out, the third girl was also relieved in her heart.

Although under Ye Feng's skill sharing, they all already had extraordinary combat power.

But they can directly fight with Wu Mi and the ghosts under his command, and they are not ready for the corresponding psychological preparation.

Of course, it was Ye Feng himself, in fact, it was the same.

Regardless of whether the Ghost Killing Team could eliminate Wu Miserable in the future, Ye Feng would definitely kill it, but it was definitely not now.

At least, in Ye Feng's opinion, his current reserves of combat power were not enough!

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