"This, under normal circumstances, naturally has some rules. If you wish to come according to tradition, I will respond to Yazuhime.

"Forget it, no need, just follow what Yazuhime means!"

Ye Feng hurriedly opened his mouth and said, he had a lot of money, but that did not mean that he could waste it casually.

Although he is a crosser, he is not yet to the point where he can spend money casually.

If he really had to follow the traditional rules, he would have to spend at least thousands of yen.

Even if he came here destined to scatter coins, Ye Feng didn't want to be a fool.

If you can save a lot of money, why not save it?

"Then, it's a bother to the boss lady!"

Ye Feng said, and the person also took out tens of yen as a tip to give a tip to the wandering girl who served him.

As for the hostess, it is naturally a few hundred big gives.

Moreover, this money is not yet given.

"Where, please follow me!"

Seeing Ye Feng being polite and close to others, the boss lady was also happy in her heart.

Although she made a lot of money without steps, she was able to please Ji Ji more than anything else.

Soon, Ye Feng, led by the proprietress, appeared outside the door of Yu Ji's boudoir.

"Then, don't disturb your meeting with Yazuhime!"

The proprietress said, Ye Feng also bowed slightly, and she left immediately.

When Ye Feng opened the sliding door, a woman who was so beautiful that she could be called enchanting also met Ye Feng's eyes.

Although Ye Feng had long expected in advance that Ji Ji might be incredibly beautiful, he couldn't help but be a little shocked when he saw it with his own eyes, and he could even be said to be directly dumbfounded.

The wandering girls who served Ye Feng before, although there were also many good looks.

But compared with Yu Ji, it is completely vulgar powder, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a world of difference.

And perhaps because of being a female ghost, Yu Ji also has a temperament that ordinary female humans do not have.

This temperament is very special, even if Ye Feng knows that Yu Ji's own temperament is very bad, it also has an extraordinary attraction to him.

Just like when modern people hear that a female ghost will inhale yang qi, the first reaction may not be fear, but whether this female ghost is beautiful? It will be the same from which part!

"Guest, please over here!"

Yu Ji looked at Ye Feng, and there was also a touch of joy between his expressions.

I couldn't see clearly through the curtain before, but now I observe it up close. At a glance, Yu Ji could see that Ye Feng was a chick.

Don't look at Yu Ji as a flower leader in Youguo, but she has never really been eaten.

On the contrary, the guests who were received by her were all eaten by her.

Eh, the kind that really eats!

Therefore, although Ji Ji does not have that special hobby, and has never experienced male and female love, she can also be regarded as reading countless men.

What was Ye Feng's situation, she could see it through at a glance.

"That, sorry for interrupting!"

"Huh... Guest, what are you talking about? Could it be that you named me Yazuhime just to apologize? Yu

Ji covered her mouth and snickered, feeling more and more interesting Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, blushed shyly, and scolded himself in his heart for not contending.

Of course, he can't be blamed for this.

After all, he really has no experience in communicating between men and women.

If he really knew how to talk to girls, he would not have been a single dog for more than forty years.

Interestingly, in his past college career, those classmates who talked all day long, after leaving society, when they reached middle age, they were basically alone.

And those students who seem to be extremely honest, only know how to study every day, and have a righteous and incomparably serious appearance, end up hugging left and right.

No way, this society is like this, sometimes, Ye Feng is also very helpless.

At the moment, others also took a deep breath and calmed their own mentality and emotions.

Looking at the suitcase in his hand, Ye Feng knew that he had no way back.

Coming to Yu Ji, then today is either he hugged the beauty back, or he became a wine dish, and there is no other choice.

"I don't know what guests are called?"

"Just call me 'Kaede'!"

"So, I wonder where Mr. Kaede is?"

"Me? I didn't go anywhere, that is, my family opened a hospital, many pharmaceutical companies, and there were shares in our family!

Ye Feng opened his mouth and said, it has been almost 50 years since the Meiji Restoration in the island country, and many Western things have already appeared in the island country.

This suit Ye Feng was wearing was like this, as was the shares of various companies.

Although, the so-called opening a hospital and owning shares in a pharmaceutical company are all nonsense.

The purpose....

"I never thought that Mr. Kaede still has such an identity!"

Yu Ji's eyes lit up, and there was more joy in his heart.

In this Paramount House, for the hostess, as long as there is money, there is no problem.

And for Yu Ji, as long as there is delicious food, it is no problem.

It's a pity that Yu Ji can't do whatever she wants, as a senior migrant worker, she must work for the boss behind the scenes.

As ghosts, although they are immortal and can even use the blood demon technique as a magical power, they are not without weaknesses.

One, is sunlight, which is a puzzle that all ghosts cannot overcome.

No matter how powerful the ghost is, as long as it is illuminated by direct sunlight, the body will turn into ashes, and the difference is only the time it takes to turn into ashes.

The second is the Nikkawa knife, which is the weakness of most ghosts.

Its blade is made of sun-absorbing materials - orangutan crimson iron and orangutan crimson ore, and is the only weapon that can deal damage to ghosts.

Of course, it only causes harm.

If you want to be fatal, you still have to cut off the head of the ghost to cause fatal injuries.

It's just that some ghosts have a very deep obsession, even if their heads are cut off, they won't die.

Instead, it will break through the limits and get rid of the weakness of decapitation.

For example, the ghost king of the crumb boss, he is a ghost who is not afraid of beheading.

As for the third, it is wisteria flowers.

For humans, wisteria flowers are just ordinary plants, non-toxic and harmless.

But for ghosts, wisteria flowers are highly toxic, even if it is just the fragrance of wisteria flowers, most ghosts can't stand it.

If you can make wisteria flowers into the corresponding poison, it will have a miraculous effect on most ghosts.

It's just that for a powerful ghost like the Twelve Ghost Moon, the effect of this poison will be much worse.

Especially the winding ghosts, they are so powerful that they can call the regenerative ability and self-healing ability of BUG, and they can completely decompose the toxins in the body before they are poisoned, which is no longer something that wisteria flower poison can handle.

Of course, even if they are not afraid of wisteria flower poison, they will still instinctively dislike and stay away from the fragrance of wisteria flowers, and will not approach casually.

And for Boss Wu Wu, these three weaknesses, only sunlight can really kill him.

Bugs like those of Ji Guoyuan Yi can only be regarded as exceptions and cannot be judged as common sense.

Therefore, the crumb boss only needs to overcome the sun.

And to overcome the sun, he must find a medicinal herb called "Blue Flower".

So far, whether it is ghost making or various latent work, the boss has also carried out around this purpose.

On the contrary, it is a ghost killing team, and the boss just deals with it by the way, and does not particularly care.

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