On the outskirts of the imperial capital, a secret night raid headquarters.

As the boss of the night attack, Naje Shitan hurried back in a special dangerous species called "Elmonda".

As a former imperial general, she is not only the boss of the night attack, but also one of the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army.

This side of the imperial capital is also the area she is responsible for.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that she just went back to the headquarters of the revolutionary army to report the situation in the imperial capital, but in just a few days, the political structure of the imperial capital directly ushered in a big reshuffle.

The chief enemy of the revolutionary army, the minister, Ones, was even executed by Ling.

Such changes were too great and too fast, so much so that the revolutionary army directly began to lose people's hearts, and even doubted whether there was still a need to continue the revolution!

As the imperial capital is the area under the responsibility of Najestan, it is naturally necessary to understand the situation before the revolutionary army fights here.

As a result, she rushed back almost immediately.

Now, the entire revolutionary army is also waiting for her answer, which will determine the future direction of the revolutionary army.

"Finally back, BOSS!"

"Red eyes? Finally? Seeing

the red-eyed people sitting in the courtyard of the headquarters, Naje Shitan, who was still a little happy, immediately felt that something was wrong.

For nothing else, like this case, Chitomi should say "welcome back".

Saying "finally", this is obviously the feeling of waiting for her for a long time and something has happened.

"Did something happen, Akatomi, Leonay and them?"

"Brand and Lubbock are dead, and the others are with their owners. Master He has been waiting for you for a long time, BOSS!

"Master? What do you mean, red eyes?

Najeshitan wanted to ask, but immediately noticed a strange smell.

For a while, her spirit was also in a trance, and she squatted directly on the ground, looking extremely tired.

"Is this poison gas? Could it be that the night attack has..."

"Don't worry, BOSS! Night raids still exist, but they no longer belong to the revolutionary army, they are night raids that directly belong to the master!

Akatomi spoke, and then used the Blood Demon Magic Ribbon to pack Najeshitan in...

Najeshitan (early years)

imperial capital, scientific research department.

"Dr. fashion, His Majesty has made the latest appointment. From today onwards, the head of the Imperial Scientific Research Department will be served by this Miss Zhu Shi! As Deputy Minister, you will assist Miss Zhu Se in her research! "


Hearing the soldier's words, Dr. Shi also looked at the accompanying Zhu Shi with a surprised face, and his expression was somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, one of his good ministers, who did not make any mistakes, was suddenly downgraded.

Moreover, it is strange to let a woman climb on her head, and if fashion is happy.

Of course, although it is not happy, fashion is not yet to betray the empire.

And fashion is actually more keen to study than power.

The pursuit of power is simply to make one's own research more convenient.

"First meeting, Mr. Esquire, I'm Sushi. At the order of His Majesty, he came to take over the Ministry of Scientific Research. Of course, I also brought His Majesty's research project, and I hope that you will fully assist me in my research! Zhu

Shi spoke, but his words were somewhat sharp, and he was not so polite.

"So it is, if it is a research project requested by His Majesty, it is indeed not delayed. But...... Miss Zhu Shi doesn't look like an Imperial, huh? Shi

Shi said with interest, and Zhu Shi nodded and did not hide it.

"That kind of thing is not important, what is important is loyalty to His Majesty and loyalty to the empire. What do you say, Esquire?

"Of course! So, what does His Majesty want to study? Fashion

asked, if Ye Feng and Zhu Shi's research project was interesting enough, then he didn't mind fully cooperating.

But if it's too boring, fashion doesn't mind tripping her up and making her suffer a little more.

"Your Majesty's order this time is for us to develop the ultimate artificial weapon!"

"Oh, the ultimate artificial weapon? Sounds interesting! "

Fashion was stunned, and it was indeed interested.

Zhu Shiren also smiled, and a ribbon immediately extended from her back.

In the next second, a demon that had just been transformed by Zhu Shi was directly thrown out by her.

"What is that thing that can fit a person?"

Almost immediately, fashion was attracted by the pearl ribbon.

As the head of the Imperial Scientific Research Department, fashionable brains are naturally not bad, and it can be said that he instantly thought of the magic of the ribbon.

"It's top secret, Esquire. And the point is not on me, but on this subject?

"Is there anything special about this guy?"

"Of course there is!"

As soon as Zhu Shi's words came out, he directly used the ribbon to cut off the evil spirits on the ground.

Subsequently, under the astonished gaze of fashion and others, the wound quickly regenerated and became intact.

"What's going on? This guy, is it the descendants of humans and dangerous species? Or is he some kind of biotype emperor? The

look of fashion gradually became fanatical, and he was an avid fan of human experimentation in his own right.

The special life form of the evil ghost naturally aroused his interest at the first time.

"No, Mr. Fashionista, he is a special life form transformed by humans through the potion I made, with immortal and terrifying regeneration abilities. After transformation, you will lose your mind at first due to extreme hunger, but you can recover by eating people. Moreover, if you can eat a lot of humans, you can even awaken some special powers!

"So it is, immortality, regenerative ability, and even the possibility of awakening special powers, although at the cost of cannibalism." But compared to the benefits, this side effect is nothing at all! Miss Zhu Shi, no, Minister Zhu Shi, I don't know if you still have potions, I also want to study and study! "

The potion can be given to you, Deputy Minister of Fashion." But before that, you have to finish Your Majesty's research first!

"You're right, Minister Zhu Shi, it's me Meng Lang! So, what about His Majesty's request? Fashion

said with a smile, although he didn't know the inside story.

But he had a hunch that that kind of potion was also top secret.

"Your Majesty hopes to be able to completely control the life of this special lifeform. The deputy minister of fashion should also be able to perceive their strength, if they regain their sanity and awaken their powerful powers, with this special physique, they can completely get rid of the control of the empire, which is not conducive to the rule of the empire! Therefore, His Majesty hopes to completely obliterate their wisdom and use them as pure weapons of war.

"Your Majesty's concern is correct, if this monster is not controlled, I am afraid that it will cause terrible consequences." They have grown up completely, and they are afraid that they are stronger than the emperor envoys! Yes...... I can't wait to dissect them! The

fashionable hand trembled with excitement, and Zhu Shi also smiled and did not say anything.

Originally, this research should have been her task.

But since Ye Feng controlled the empire, the manpower and resources of the empire did not need to be used in vain.

And this fashion has a glove-type imperial tool, the God's Imperial Hand, the Perfect One, which can trigger the precise movements of the fingers hundreds of times, which is convenient for various micro-operations.

Whether it is the manufacture of various delicate weapons, or surgery, etc., it has miraculous effects....

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