The Kingdom of Doragonov declared war on the Kingdom of Gopal, and not long after the news spread, both countries caused an uproar.

It was also at the first time that the people of the Gopal Kingdom were in high spirits and their fighting spirit was raging.

The problem of the Doragunov royal family is no less than that of the people who killed them, and they had to obediently admit their mistakes, this kind of thing is not acceptable to a normal person.

In the Kingdom of Doragunov, on the other hand, anti-war sentiment spread throughout the country.

In itself, it is their own country that is the first to lose, and if they make mistakes, they have to hit others, which is somewhat morally unjustifiable.

If Irene, the queen, stands up and explains to the people, her reputation in the country will not be ruined.

Now, Erin has declared war on other countries, and the people naturally will not recognize it.

However, unless there is social unrest and people rebellion in such a thing as war, it is difficult to influence the decisions of the top.

Moreover, this is only normal.

After Erin became part of Ye Feng's team, she herself actually didn't particularly care about the life or death of the people.

In the kingdom military, Esdes and Nadeshitan also killed all the military leaders of Doragonov and officially took over the power of the military.

Although these human soldiers cannot be seen, the security problems of a country are still indispensable to the intervention of human soldiers.

Unless Ye Feng is ready to carry out a reign of terror, this Doragunov's armed forces must still be in his hands.

And both Esdes and Najeshitan had experience as generals, and this Doragonov was just a small country, and the national soldiers were about 50,000 people, so it was not difficult to control.

Especially at the moment when it is about to enter the war phase, Estes is definitely the most vocal.

And in the understanding of Isugal, Esdes also knew the pattern of war between countries.

Because the kingdom of Ishgar was almost always a country where humans and dragons coexisted, in order to prevent the deterioration of relations between the two races, a covenant was made between the Terrans and dragons.

That is, wars between the same race, in which the other community must not easily intervene.

In other words, if the Terran kingdom fights a war, then the dragon race cannot intervene.

And the war between dragons, humans cannot interfere.

Of course, such a covenant is actually aimed primarily at the former.

The power of the dragon is no less than a highly effective nuclear weapon for sustainable warfare for mankind.

A dragon can easily destroy a human kingdom without the intervention of other external forces.

Therefore, the war of Ishgar is basically man against man and dragon against dragon.

And man to dragon, that is completely suicide.

The dragon's words to people are unilateral slaughter.

Therefore, the royal families of the various countries of Ishgar tacitly acquiesced to this mode of war.

And the dragons of the dragon race, all those who are close to humans, are also somewhat self-aware.

At least, when the human kingdoms are at war with each other, they will directly choose to watch from the sidelines.

Even if the kingdom to which they belong is defeated, they will not intervene, otherwise, it is a taboo.

Once it evolves into a fight within the dragon clan, the outcome will definitely be even more tragic.

Therefore, the main responsibility of these dragons who are close to humans is to guard against dragons who like to slaughter humans.

It's a pity that such a war mode, with the arrival of Ye Feng and his women, will be destined to be broken.

A few days later, just across the border between the two countries, Esders completed a one-sided massacre.

The nearly 100,000 horses of the Gopal Kingdom have all turned into ice chips under her power, which can be described as a place to die.

Instead, she brought tens of thousands of horses and directly became cleaners, specifically used to clean up the battlefield.

And this battle also completely shocked the entire Isugar continent.

However, Ye Feng did not care about this.

At this time, in the Mildian Academy of Magic, which was recognized by all countries on the continent of Isugar and recognized by various countries, Ye Feng, Tianyin, and Selene, two people and a dragon, with a recommendation letter from Queen Irene, officially enrolled.

Although all three are older, this does not matter.

On the one hand, with the endorsement of the queen of a country, the leaders of the magic academy will not be able to kick the three out.

On the other hand...... Queen Irene gave too much!

"Then, please advise me in the future, Professor Ax!"

"You are polite, Duke Ye Feng, and I wish the three of you to be able to learn in the academy!"

Professor Akers said that although he was not optimistic about the three, the politeness on the face could not be less.

Moreover, as long as Ye Feng and the three did not break the rules of the academy and did not disrupt the study of other students, three more older students, in Acks' opinion, it was not a big deal.

"This professor, you can rest assured, after all, you have the strong support of the queen, and if you don't study seriously, you are not sorry for the queen's efforts." And...... The qualifications of the three of us are definitely one top one, born with strong magic, but there is no systematic learning!

Ye Feng said, and then glanced at Selene.

The latter was also immediately aware, and the terrifying magic power surged out instantly.

"No, it can't be, how can this be the magic that humans can have!"

Looking at Selene's terrifying magic comparable to a spiritual vein, Professor Ax's whole person was also stunned, and he sat directly on the ground, his eyes dull.

"That's right, Professor, this is the magic we have, far beyond the magic of ordinary people. Moreover, this is only Selene. If it were me..."

Ye Feng didn't finish his words, but Axe already understood what he meant, and nodded immediately.

"I see, what the three are missing is systematic magic learning. Duke Ye Feng can also rest assured that the Mildian Academy of Magic is the most authoritative magic academy in the world today, and it will definitely be able to meet your needs. If you really have that magic, then... Perhaps the strongest Magi in history will be born. This is also a great honor for our Mildian Academy of Magic!

"Thank you for your support, I'll work on it!"

Ye Feng nodded symbolically, and Professor Akers also excitedly led the three to the academy dormitory.

After all, what teacher or professor would hate a good student!

"By the way, Professor Ax, I heard that there is an excellent student named 'Jelf' in your academy, is it true?"

"Oh, Duke Ye Feng, do you know Jelf too? That kid was indeed very good, whether it was in the academy's studies or in the attainment of magic, no one in the entire academy was unbeatable. It's also a shame to say that although I am a professor in the academy, I may not be as good as that child in terms of magic talent. It's a pity that the child is also ill-fated. At a young age, the family suffered miserably!

Axus sighed, completely unaware that Ye Feng behind him had raised the corners of his mouth.

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