After a few more days, Ye Fengren also completely settled down in the town.

Although he lacked the service of servants, he was a little unaccustomed to it.

But Ye Feng is not a pretentious person, before crossing over, he was a flat-headed common man who was righteous, and he also experienced the childhood life of cooking rice in an earthen stove.

Therefore, although I moved to this rural town, others adapted a lot.

Besides, he doesn't live alone, isn't there still Yu Ji on the side to help with housework!

By the way, because he has been a flower leader for hundreds of years, Yu Ji has also made a lot of money.

And as a ghost, she never put money in her heart, which was cheaper for Ye Feng.

When she handed over the money to Ye Feng for safekeeping, Ye Feng was surprised to find that this beauty was even richer than him, and a proper rich woman made Ye Feng himself call it all earned.

And with money, even in this country, it will be much easier to get things done.

During this time, Ye Feng had also been secretly observing Tanjuro who came down from the mountain to sell charcoal every day.

The quality of the charcoal made by their family is quite good, in addition to the usual fire cooking, in winter, it can also be used as a heating material for the fireplace.

Of course, ventilation problems must be paid attention to, do not poison carbon monoxide.

In addition to the small town where Ye Feng stayed, Tanjuro would occasionally go to nearby villages and towns to sell charcoal.

Of course, this is in the case of bad business.

If Ye Feng and their town could digest the charcoal he produced every day, Tanjuro would naturally not go out of his way to sell it far away.

However, these days, Ye Feng also found that Tanjuro, who was already thin and weak, had been coughing recently.

Although it was far from the time of death that Ye Feng knew, it must have laid the root cause for future death.

One afternoon.

"Mr. Tanjuro!"

"It's Mr. Kaede, do you want to buy charcoal?"

"No, I don't buy charcoal, I still have it at home last time." I just heard that there seems to be a sacrificial dance in your house, and I am very interested in this traditional thing, can you teach me?

Ye Feng spoke, and Tanjuro was also stunned and nodded directly.

Their family stayed on Yuntou Mountain all year round, except for when they came down to sell charcoal and buy supplies, they did not have any contact with the people in the city, and where would they know what is sinister.

"There is a dance called 'Kagura, the God of Fire' in our family, and if you want to learn it, it's no problem. It's just that I still need to sell charcoal..."

"You can rest assured that I didn't learn this in vain." In this way, as compensation for delaying your charcoal, every month, I will pay you a part of the tuition fee, what do you think? "

This... No need! The ancestors of my family also hope that I can pass on the 'God of Fire Kagura' well, so that more people can learn it, which is a good thing. Tuition fees or something..."

Tanjuro wanted to stop talking, did he need money?

Of course it is needed!

Today, he has three children with his wife, Ryoshi Tanjiro: the eldest son, Tanjiro, the eldest daughter Youdouko, and the second son, Takeo.

This family of five lives on his charcoal selling business.

And he was weak, even if he worked hard every day to cut firewood and make charcoal, and send it to the mountains to sell, he would earn 5 or 6 yen a month, and his living conditions were very poor.

But there is no way, in order to survive, even if he fights hard, he has to work.

Now that Ye Feng offered to pay tuition, Tanjuro was naturally extremely moved.

But with a pure heart, he has a bottom line, this kind of carrying forward the inheritance, taking money can change the nature, Tanjuro is still very resistant.

"You're welcome, Mr. Tanjuro. The situation of your family, I have also heard Uncle San Lang say something. This money should be used to buy some nutritional products for the child and replenish the body.

Ye Feng grabbed Tanjuro's hand and placed a few bills in his palm.

"This... Too much, too much! Although

he didn't count them, with just a glance, Tanjuro found several 5 yuan and 10 yuan bills, which was 50 yen, more than the charcoal he sold for most of the year.

"Just take it, Mr. Tanjuro. Otherwise, in the recent period, your charcoal can sell a little less and take more time to teach me, what do you think?

"This... All right!

Tanjuro carefully accepted the money.

With this money, he can buy new clothes for his wife and children, and he can also buy more meat to help the family improve their food. You can also go to the doctor, buy some medicine, and tone your body.

At this moment, Tanjuro's eyes looking at Ye Feng were full of gratitude.

"Mr. Kaede, then I'll come back tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, today you can take care of your family affairs, tomorrow, I will wait for you at home!"

"Thank you!"

Tanjuro thanked sincerely, and Ye Feng also smiled back, watching him push the charcoal cart away....

The next morning, Tanjuro arrived as promised.

It's just that this time he came, in addition to himself, he also brought his eldest son Tanjiro with him by the way.

Although this fire god Kagura was passed down by their family, it did not belong to their family's inheritance, and there was no family rule that forbade external transmission.

Some people are willing to learn, and Tanjuro is willing to teach.

Of course, if you return to teaching, your own vein must not be broken.

And Tanjiro, as the eldest son, will definitely inherit this mantle in the future.

Although he is only two years old now, it is not a bad thing to know in advance.

And Kotanjiro also showed a gentle and polite character since he was a child, and after seeing Ye Feng and knowing that Ye Feng gave their family a generous tuition fee, he also thanked Ye Feng one after another.

It was this name that made Ye Feng feel a little unhappy in his heart.

Because, Tanjiro called Ye Feng "uncle"!

"Kaede-san, now, let me show you Kagura, the God of Fire!"


As soon as Ye Feng answered, Tanjuro also held a wooden knife and danced in front of him and Tanjiro.

Although Tanjuro is just an ordinary person, when he jumps Kagura, the god of fire, he has a different kind of beauty.

Even Ye Feng couldn't help but be intoxicated by this.

And even Tanjuro can do this, if it is replaced by the creator's succession, I don't know how beautiful it will be.

Soon, Tanjuro finished the Kagura dance and began to disassemble and explain the movements.

Although Tanjuro was not an intellectual and his level of education was low, he tried to explain the main points of Kagura dance in easy-to-understand terms.

Coupled with his own demonstration, even a two-year-old like Tanjiro can understand and see.

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