Time flies, like a white horse passing through the gap, 400 years have passed.

At this time, the Doragunov Imperial Academy, the sound of radio echoed throughout the academy.

"Notice, notice, invite Lucy Hartfilia from senior class 305 to the principal's room, and Lucy Hartfilia from senior class 305 to the principal's room!"

Lucy ·· Hartfilia

"Lucy, the Academy is summoning you!"

"I said, did you make something wrong?"

"Yes, I heard that Senior Sister Xueno Agulia, who was summoned by the principal's office last time, was ordered to withdraw from school for unknown reasons, and I haven't seen anyone for a long time!"


Xueno Agulia


No, I didn't do anything bad!"

Listening to the discussion of her classmates, Lucy also muttered in her heart, and she seemed quite nervous.

Her family, Hatfilia, is also a famous family, although it is now in the middle of the family, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse.

Coupled with the switch to business halfway, although he now has less power, he is also quite wealthy.

It's just that no matter what kind of family, they must obey the laws of the Doragunov Empire.

This powerful country that has endured more than 500 years completed the feat of unifying the world 350 years ago.

The Empire also issued a law that required all children to receive compulsory education and learn magic when they reached age.

Unless there is really no talent, children cannot easily drop out of school.

In the past six months, the number of summonings by the principal's office has also increased.

jade· E. Fiore

Brantish μ, Timaria Yesta, Emerald S. E. Fiore, Kamika, Kana Arupelona....

all well-known people on campus were

summoned to the principal's office and finally disappeared.

However, no one suspected that something was wrong with them.

This imperial academy is the most important educational center in the entire Doragonov Empire, and outsiders can never easily threaten the students inside.

Therefore, these disappeared female students, the classmates in the academy will only think that they are secretly arranged by the empire, and it is not good to appear in the public eye for the time being.

At this time, Lucy didn't think too much about it, and went directly to the principal's room.

"Here you are, Lucy Hartfilia!"

"You are?"

Seeing that outside the principal, a beautiful senior with blue curly hair and blue eyes was standing in front of her, Lucy couldn't help but look puzzled.

"I am Jubia Rox, and I have come here to greet you at the request of Mr. Headmaster. In the future, you will become one of our sister members of the Student Council! "

Jubia Rox


sister group member? What is that?

"Well, you'll find out later." It's a ritual, but I think you'll love it! Sprinkle, hurry up and get in... Tell you oh, there are your acquaintances waiting for you!

Jubia showed a mysterious look, which made Lucy look puzzled.

However, Jubia did not intend to explain this, but opened the door of the principal's room and pulled Lucy in.

Soon, a beautiful woman with long blond hair and a portrait of Lucy appeared in front of the two.

When Lucy saw her, the whole person was also frozen.

She will never forget this figure in any way, because she is Lucy's mother, Layla Hartfilia.

Layla Hartfilia

" "Mom, is it really you?"

"It's me, Lucy, long time no see!"

Seeing her daughter come out and fall so beautifully, Layla couldn't help but be relieved.

"Mom, where have you been all these years? Do you know that because of your disappearance, Dad has been worried about dying over the years, not only his hair is much whiter, but his whole person has also become very haggard!

Lucy cried and said to Layla, that look, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, and then like her own mother complaining.

"I'm sorry, Lucy, but it doesn't matter anymore. Since I left that home, everything has been a whole new life! Come with me, the master is already waiting for you!

"Master? Isn't it the principal?

Lucy was a little puzzled, but Layla had no intention of explaining.

Soon, the two also arrived in front of Ye Feng.

And Lucy also looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face, all along, the affairs of the academy were handled by the director of the academy, Mebis Viviamilio.

It was a beautiful blonde girl who was said to have been in charge of the affairs of the Imperial Academy for decades, and no one knew how old she really was.

But the teachers and students of the academy knew very well that Director Mebis was an out-and-out super magic guide, and it was rumored that she was only worse than the members of the most secret unit of the empire, the Shenlong Force.

As for the principal, that's even more mysterious.

It is said that he only appeared once when the academy was first founded, and has not been heard from since.

However, the Empire had issued an announcement and personally acknowledged the existence of the academy president.

In addition, he personally gave the principal the honor, calling him "the world's number one magic guide", "demon god", "magic guide king" and so on!

"Master, Lucy is already here!"

"Here, after more than 400 years, everything is finally coming to an end here! Speaking of which, it's a little embarrassing, Layla, not only you, but even your daughter, your ancestor, Anna, has become a member of the sisterhood!

"Master, you are gracious, it is my honor to be part of this big family. Speaking of which, the master can not mind my married wife, it is enough for me to be grateful for zero snot!

Layla said, and at this time, at the side door, Anna also opened the door and walked in.

If Layla and Lucy have eight-nine point likeness, then Anna, and Lucy are also eight points alike.

The three of them stand together, except for the different hairstyles, outsiders may recognize them as triplets.

If nothing else, Lucy looked at Anna a little stunned.

As for what Layla and Ye Feng said, Lucy still hasn't understood it.

"Layla, how about coming with me later, plus Lucy!"

"Yes, Sister Anna!"

Anna winked at Layla, who also immediately agreed and agreed directly.

Even, because he was too excited, there was such a shy blush, which made Ye Feng's heart itch.

"Mom, you guys are..."

Lucy was about to ask something, but Ye Feng suddenly flashed and directly teleported and hugged her.

"I know you're confused, Lucy. But that's okay, right away you'll understand. "

[System, I want to live in symbiosis with Lucy Hartfilia!] System

: [Confirm target: Lucy Hartfilia, meet the requirements of system symbiosis, start symbiosis! ]

As the sound of the system sounded again, the golden lock instantly flew out of Ye Feng's body, binding Lucy into his body.

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