The words of judgment came out of his mouth, and civilians, soldiers, and generals clearly heard what he was saying.

“You are imprisoned, you are insulted, you are imprisoned by chains.”

Ignoring the hateful gazes of those around him as if he were going to be swallowed alive, the man spoke unhurriedly and uttered his words as if he had seen it all with his own eyes.

“You were burned at the stake… Until you die, no one came forward to save you…”

“You gibberish lunatic, filthy man!”

An almost hysterical roar came from the side, and Gilderre drew his sword and was about to slash at the man.

The speed is so fast, the attack is so fierce that it can only give Joan of Arc time to shout a “be careful”

But in the next second, Gilderray’s sword swung empty, and the expected scene of blood gushing did not happen.

The long sword pierced the ground just a few centimeters away from the opponent.

It was as if Gilderray himself had miscalculated the distance between the two.

But in fact, many generals present, including Joan of Arc, only knew that this was impossible.

Marshal Gill, who had experienced battles large and small, could not have slashed at a person sitting motionless on the ground.

The eyes under the mask stared coldly at the dull armor marshal in front of him.

“Do you think you can escape the play of fate on your own?”

He spoke again.

“After Joan of Arc dies, you will break down, go crazy, and lock yourself up in the castle without leaving home.”

“You keep killing children and using them to experiment with black magic. Trying to resurrect Joan of Arc. ”

Speaking of this, there was a thick mockery in his voice.

“What a poor fellow, even if you succeed, what will Joan of Arc think of you?”

“Between me and you, who is crazy?”


Beside Joan of Arc, finally a general couldn’t hold back, and his eyes were filled with disgust as he stared at the man on the ground.

“Less demon talk here to confuse the public.”

“That’s right, this man must be a cultist who believes in Satan, and he has gained strength from the devil to persecute us!”

“It is!”

Not only the generals, but also the surrounding civilians and soldiers were all excited.

“Execute him!”

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting first, and in an instant the field was full of hatred and killing intent!

“Execute him!”

“Execute him!”

They shouted slogans in unison, and it seemed that because of this action, they had emboldened themselves and kept approaching him.

In the middle, the man seems to give up motionlessly

But in fact, for him, these people are somewhat useless, and he even let them directly use the sword and sword for a year, there is no problem.


The crisp shouts interrupted the slogans of the crowd, and they looked back in amazement and saw the saintly girl with an unchanged look.

“Killing him won’t solve anything, have you forgotten? That fellow man who is still suffering. ”

After hearing the reprimand, the villagers and soldiers realized that they had forgotten their original purpose.

“It must be this cultist who demagogues people so that we forget the safety of our compatriots!”

They thought in their hearts, but they also stopped and returned to their positions.

Joan of Arc got down from her horse, glanced at the man, and asked.

“What’s your name…”

“Name or something, it’s just a title, it’s meaningless at all…”

Before Joan of Arc’s words fell, he was interrupted, and the man’s move was imprinted on the surrounding group of people to glare angrily.

“I’m just a lonely soul wandering in the world…”


Time returned to the apartment, Ye Xuan remained motionless, and then slowly shivered.

On the side, Mordred was shocked to see this scene, she had known the former for so many years, and for the first time she saw someone who could make Ye Xuan show such a strange posture.

“What the hell is going on…”

Not only Mo cub, but also the three loli in the corner are also full of question marks.

Only Ye Xuan himself knew what was going on.

“It’s so ashamed.”

A long time ago, Night Xuan tried to change the fate of the hero king, and also tried to help King Arthur continue Britain.

But in the end, it all ended in failure.

Discouraged, he knew about the existence of corrective power in this world.

So he no longer had hope for changing his fate, laughed at himself who once wanted to do stupid things, and his mental state became a little abnormal.

Their perception of the world and their own perception have been very different.

To put it simply, it is Secondary Two!

Whether it is words and deeds or dressed up, it is a complete divine stick, and there is no shadow of a businessman at all.

Although the memory is not complete, the existing memory is shameful enough, and he can hardly imagine what it will be like next.

Now as long as he remembers what he did at that time, he can’t wait to kill the middle and second sand sculpture at that time.

That evening, after seeing that the Lion King was the arbiter, Ye Xuan even had a little luck when he went back, not Joan of Arc.

After all, to face his own black history, Ye Xuan was still very uncomfortable in his heart.

But he didn’t know that there was not only one arbiter in this Holy Grail War, and Joan of Arc was still summoned according to the original route.

Well, is this also a manifestation of corrective power?

Sure enough, no matter what time it is, the correction force is a slump.

After a brief period of shame, Ye Xuan regained his composure, and his mind began to spin wildly.

“What to do? Did you raise her? Or did you raise her? Or did you raise her? ”

Ye Xuan subconsciously raised his hand to rub his chin, constantly thinking.

Anyway, the inhibition force was already about to kill him, and this Joan of Arc was summoned as a surrogate of the inhibition force.

If he directly raises it, he can save the time to call other followers to cause him trouble, and he can protect his black history from being discovered by others.

Think of it this way, there is no harm in it.

Sure enough, it still lifted.

Just as Ye Xuan was about to think about whether he should block the space later, and start a sunny day to show his respect or something, on the other side, Joan of Arc suddenly spoke.

“Are there no problems with you, what you are carrying?”

She said very cryptically, not only the three loli, but even Mordred, it was not clear what Joan of Arc was referring to.

Ye Xuan was suddenly stunned, and the sincere concern conveyed in his words made him a little overwhelmed. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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