Comprehensive Manga: I Am A Member Of The Discipline Committee At Juwang Academy

Chapter 27 Have you heard of the transformation of style?

Lina Li's intuition for maliciousness is still very accurate.

At this moment, Nangong Shuo really didn't have much intention to kill her.

Hearing what the other party said, he waved his hand slightly.

In an instant, the lock of the sky burst out like lightning.


Unexpectedly, the other party would suddenly do something, and the wings behind Linali shook quickly.

But she is such a small demon, how can she have the fast speed of the lock of the sky.

Before he moved a few centimeters, the dark chains entangled like a spider.

She was immediately tied up and sturdy.

Let alone break free, struggle is hard to manage.

The wings of the fallen angel clung to the back.

Her figure in the air crooked and hit the ground with a bang.

"it hurts--!"

Her face twisted a bit, Lina Li gave Nangong Shuo angrily.

"It's a terrible man who is so rude to girls!"

While speaking, she was also trying to mobilize magic power.

But the next second, a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

The magic cannot be mobilized!

How could there be such a thing!


Feeling the almost stagnant magical aura in her body, Lina Li was stunned.

She has seen many weird artifacts.

But like this, from the root cause, it stops the magic from running.

It's really the first time!

For a while, even the thought of resisting was shocked.

He was working desperately all over his body, trying to mobilize even a trace of magic.

But no matter what method she uses, the magic is motionless.

What kind of artifact is this in the end!

Can actually suppress the flow of magic...

Could it be that the person in front of me is also the owner of the Goddess?

Perceiving something wrong with her body, Lina Li looked at Nangong Shuo in a daze.


"If you lose your magic power, whether it is a fallen angel or a demon, it will become almost like an ordinary person."

He said with emotion, and in the next second, Nangong Shuo raised his hand.

Upon seeing this, Lina Li's eyes suddenly became a little frightened.

Is this person intending to deprive her of other things?

Is it perception? life? Still the soul!

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, Nangong Shuo hadn't started yet, Lina Li was already scared with a cold sweat on her face.

In the next second, the lock of the sky trembled slightly, and suddenly tightened the wings behind her.

"You, what are you going to do!"

With a jitter in her heart, Linali struggled subconsciously.

But she who has no magic power is no different from ordinary people who are stronger.

After tossing for a long time, he bounced on the ground twice, but he was even more embarrassed.

"It's better to suggest that you don't move."

Nangong Shuo's clear and pleasant voice fell in his ears.

To Linali, she was even more terrifying than the devil, and she couldn't help shaking.


At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly passed over.


Opening her eyes wide, Lina Li instantly showed an expression of great pain.

Behind her, the lock of the sky penetrated the wings of the dark fallen angel without hesitation.

The chains creaked, pulling back like a tiger.

In an instant, the roots of the wings were torn open by a huge gap!

"Please, no, don't be like this!"

Struggling painfully on the ground, Linali begged for mercy in a series.

"I, I shouldn't kill people indiscriminately!"

"Those things, I...I shouldn't do it!"

"Sorry, I shouldn't be thinking about attacking you, I...Uh!"


Ignoring Lina Li's begging for mercy, Nangong Shuo waved his five fingers again.

The movement of the lock of the sky became a bit fierce and fierce in an instant.


Scarlet blood splashed all over the ground, staining the ground with bright colors.


Immediately afterwards, the heavy wings hit the ground fiercely.

The dark feathers fell like snow.

In the next second, the golden spear shook slightly, and the lock of the sky pulled away from the wings.

Like the hound that had completed the task, it was covered with blood and returned to Nangong Shuo's side ticking.

Along the way, countless blood spots were left, which looked quite terrifying.


The pain of forcibly pulling out the wings is obviously not something ordinary people can bear.

At the moment when the wings fell off, Lina Li's expression instantly distorted to a terrifying appearance.

Her spirit also collapsed somewhat.

"Why, why do you treat me this way?"

She kept stroking her back, she asked hoarsely.

The tearful eyes were also filled with bitter hatred.

"As a fallen angel, I don't even have wings..."

"Me, what else do I need to exist!"

"Why can't you just kill me!"


Hearing what Lina Li said, Nangong Shuo didn't react too much.

For someone else, his methods may not be so extreme.

But the fallen angel in front of him was acting and attacking.

A lot of things have been done in the original work, and the artifact and life of Asia have been taken away.

He really doesn't like this one.

Compared to death, other punishments are more suitable for the opponent.

"Linali, you still have a lot to make up for, right?"

"Let you start with the most basic style transformation."

"From tomorrow, you will go to the street every day to help the elderly cross the road."

"The goal is tentatively set to 10,000 people."


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