"Passing the order, ready to charge for the second time.

In the southern army division, Lao Taiwen waved his arms vigorously, "Seize the opportunity, strive to defeat the enemy forward this time, and then let the cavalry double-team from the two wings!"


A group of generals led the order, and only Lannister and his son were left in the tent.

"Jaime, do you think this charge can completely defeat the northern coalition?" Tywin asked with a smile, and the latter shook his head slightly with a serious expression. Didn’t use the same weapon that used to defend our offense."

Tywin laughed when he heard the words, patted his son on the shoulder, and said: "Jaime, you have too many worries. We can actually develop that kind of weapon, but it's only suitable for attacking and defending cities. And in this plain. No matter how useful it is."

Indeed, things like catapults are not effective on the plains. After all, the enemy will not stand there and let you smash them. People will charge directly! When the two soldiers are entangled, the catapult will be completely abandoned. Are you smashing it together?

So I can only smash the back row, but the effect is not very good, and it is not even as effective as Lannister's giant crossbow. At least one row can be pulled out, which can instantly smash the enemy's forward.

However, in this battle, Tai Wen is not used in this way. On the one hand, this thing is not easy to manufacture. The several that he originally owned were all smashed by the catapult when James attacked Hellenberg last time.

On the other hand, Tai Wen also has absolute self-confidence. In the plains battle, he is the king who gallops horizontally, and Ivy is far behind him. In his opinion, it is not worth mentioning and can easily be defeated. .

In fact, almost all the generals think so, thinking that Ivey is crazy to toss about the Northern Allied Forces!

If he stayed honestly in Herrenborg, the Iron Throne would have nothing to do with him in the short term, and he could be a free and easy "king".

Accelerate, accelerate again!

This was the order of Soros, and the soldiers under his leadership also performed supernormally under this kind of whip. They rushed to Kaiyan City a few kilometers away in the evening of the same day.

When he got here, Soros no longer urged. He ordered everyone to jump down and rest, eat all the remaining rations, regain their physical strength, break the boat, and then wait for the next battle to occur.

When they got here, the soldiers also understood where their end point was, and they were all a little unbelievable.

They couldn't think that they were actually here to fight Kaiyan City! Originally thought they were going to the front line to reinforce the patriarch, but now it seems that the truth is obviously more exciting.

After all, this is Kaiyan City, the home of the strongest family in the mainland.

Of course, while excited, many soldiers also expressed worry and fear.

Lannister is famous after all, it is impossible not to be afraid to attack his nest at this time. Especially some people found it difficult to fight, but when asked why, he couldn't tell why, and only said, "This is Kaiyan City!

This shows how indestructible this city is on the mainland.

Of course, both Nangongyu and Soros understand that there is no incapable city in the world. If there is, then double the number of soldiers. If it doesn't work, then double it ten times.

This is the situation now. There are only two thousand defenders in Kaiyan City, while Soros is carrying 15,000 men and some simple siege equipment.

Although the number of people has not reached ten times, it is almost the same. Moreover, Kaiyan City is different from Herrenburg or Eagle's Nest. It has neither a tall city wall nor the natural danger that is almost above the sky.

Soros has the confidence and determination to attack such an ordinary city!

As a result, amidst the expectation and nervousness of the soldiers, night fell quietly.

If you want to successfully seize the city, a surprise attack is an indispensable part. If you attack in broad daylight, it will only allow the enemy to do a complete defense, so that even if a strong attack comes down, the casualties will be unbearable.

Soros couldn't do such a stupid thing, so even if he knew the time was urgent, he still waited until night came.

And today's God is also very cooperative. There are many clouds and fog in the sky, and the moon is very sparse. Although not to the point where you can't see your fingers, the visibility is only about 20 to 30 meters.

This situation is undoubtedly more conducive to a surprise attack, so Thoroston ordered the entire army to move forward quickly. Under the cover of night, 15,000 people rushed towards Kaiyan City.

Ask for flowers...

There is nothing to say. The army rushed to the city and immediately began to attack. The ladder was already ready. Soros ordered nearly fifty ladders to slap on the wall, and then the soldiers climbed directly and rushed up!

This was too sudden, so the defensive soldiers in Kaiyan City only realized that someone was attacking the city after a minute or two.

In fact, compared to other cities, Kaiyan City is already quite strict. There are 40 or 50 guards on the wall. They immediately showed their outstanding combat literacy when they discovered the enemy's attack. Destroyed almost thirty ladders.


This has been done very well, but there are still twenty ladders that have not had time to destroy, and the soldiers of the flagless family have already boarded the city wall, and the fight against each other immediately began!

For things like siege of a city, as long as the leading troops climbed up the city wall and guarded the ladder, it would be easy for the soldiers behind to go up again. Especially now that Kaiyan City soldiers don't have the slightest defense. The soldiers in the barracks are still wearing armor and running towards the city wall, but it is obviously too late.


Soros had already climbed to the city wall through a ladder at this time. He drew out a sharp sword and brushed two swords and stabbed two Lannister soldiers to death. go with!

Ascending the city wall is not the end, you have to wipe out all the viable forces of the enemy in the city! Otherwise, once the enemy reacts and organizes an offensive, then there may still be the possibility of being beaten down.

After all, although the number is dominant, Soros deeply understands that the overall quality of his five thousand people and the two thousand Lannister defenders is incomparable. If they wait for them to pick up the team, then who wins and loses. It's really hard to say.

So after killing the defenders on the wall, he immediately led people to rush into the city, and ordered separate operations to intercept the Lannister soldiers who appeared from various roads!

Ten thousand people beat one thousand people, the winning rate is not necessarily 100%. But if ten people beat one, then basically you won’t lose!

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