Gito didn't know Shiho Miyano's shock, he was just sitting in the car at this time, thinking about the future development of the family.

Now with the addition of gin, the first stage of the system has been completed.

Gito didn't know what rewards the system would give him, but thinking of what Verdi had just said, he felt that some of the rewards should be related to this aspect.

With the box and the flame of death, it is the basis for the family and other forces to compete.

As for the rest, Gito is a bit unexpected.

Gito has taken into account the development of the family. There are too few people in the family, and the organizational department has not been fully established.

But if you want to build it completely, you need people, but what the family lacks most now is people.

"In terms of people, part of it can be solved by Gin, and part of it needs to be solved by me. So, where can I find those people? 35

Just as Gito was contemplating, the car also drove towards Gito's house quickly.

25" arrived? 55

Gito felt the car stop and asked aloud.

While speaking, he opened his eyes and saw his own house.

"Mamon, control them to move the equipment in, and then you can handle it yourself. 39

Gito said to Mamon.

As for what Gito said to be dealt with, it was to deal with the car and the two men in black.

"I see."

Mamon nodded, and then controlled the two to start moving things.

Gito, on the other hand, walked with gin and Sydney thinking of his home.

In the room, Yuni, Miyano Akemi, Violet, Thor, and Miku Kuriyama were all present.

They only knew that Gito took Reborn and the others out to deal with some things, but they didn't know what to deal with.

"Gito, you are back!

Thor jumped first when Gito entered the room.

"Gin! 35

Miyano Akemi also wanted to talk to Gito, but when she saw the man behind Gito, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"elder sister!

And Miyano Shiho couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Miyano Akimi, and then quickly ran to Miyano Akimi's side.

"Sister, is it really you? You are not dead?"

Miyano Shiho looked up at Miyano Akimi and asked aloud.

While speaking, the tears could not be stopped.

"Are you? Sister?

Miyano Akemi looked at this little girl who looked very much like her younger sister when she was a child, and couldn't help asking aloud.

"Yeah, sister, it's me. Is it really you? I thought you..."

Miyano Shiho looked at Miyano Akimi in front of him, and couldn't help but choked up, unable to speak completely.

"Are you really Shiho?"

Miyano Akemi looked at the little girl in front of her. Although she was very similar to her younger sister, she still couldn't believe that she was her younger sister.

'Isn't it a child who looks like a sister?'

Miyano Akemi thought to herself.

"Sister, it's really me.""

Miyano Shiho directly hugged Miyano Akemi's thigh and cried.


Miyano Akemi also confirmed that the little girl in front of him was his younger sister, so he couldn't help but hug her and cried.

" did you become like this?"

"This, it's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later, how about you? Why are you here? Didn't Gin say, are you... dead?'

Miyano Shiho still can't believe that the person in front of him is really his sister.

'Is this a dream? If so, I hope it never wakes up. ’

"Clap clap clap! 35"

Gito clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask, but don't worry, these questions will be answered for you one by one later.

But now, you need to sit down and have a good talk. ""

Gito looked at several people in the room and said.

Several people sat down again after hearing Gito's words.

And Miyano Shiho was embraced by Miyano Akemi.

She suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing for her sister to become smaller, at least she could hold her in her arms.

Thinking of this, Miyano Akemi's hands couldn't help clenching tightly, and at the same time she looked at her sister kindly, that kind of eyes, full of motherly love.

As for Miyano Shiho, she didn't know the change in her sister's mentality. She just felt that her sister's eyes had changed. Although she still had that kind of affection, there seemed to be something else in it.

"Ginjiu, come and sit too."

Gito pointed to a sofa and said.

Gin didn't speak, but walked over directly and sat down.

"Thor, please make everyone a cup of tea.

Gito looked at Thor.

"It's okay, leave it to me.

Thor stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Now, let me say one thing first, that is, Gin has joined our Vongola Family, and everyone will be a family in the future. I hope that there will be no hatred between everyone."

When Gito said this, he was looking at Miyano Akemi.

In fact, in the final analysis, Gin has never personally killed anyone in the Miyano sisters' family, except for Zhuxingda.

The two sisters, 977, were afraid of gin because of their actions, which made them feel scared.

"Don't be afraid that gin will harm you or something in the future."

"What family? What family?"

Miyano Shiho is a little confused, who am I? Where am I? What happened?

And Shiho Miyano knew what Gito was talking about.

She looked at Gin, looked at Gito, and after a moment of silence, looked at Gito and said

"I see. 99

Now my sister has returned to her side, and the two can live together in the future. Isn't this what she has been pursuing.

Now that she has it, what more can she ask for?

And she also knew that Jin Jiu would serve as the guardian of the family's cloud.

Since they will work together in the future, there is no need to make the situation between each other so embarrassing.

"Sister, you..."

Miyano Shiho looked up at his sister with a puzzled face. I wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Miyano Akemi.

"Shibao, wait a minute, I'll explain it to you."

Miyano Akemi stroked her sister's hair, looking at her cute and puzzled expression, she couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"Shiho is even cuter as a child!"

Miyano Shiho looked at his sister, but in the end he didn't speak.

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