Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 124 The dragon-level monster appeared.

J city.

It's almost half past one in the night now, and most people have already fallen asleep at this time.

But today, very few people can fall asleep.

They don't want to sleep, they dare not sleep.

No one knows if he is asleep now and whether he will be able to wake up tomorrow.

At this time, they are all paying attention to the dynamics around the spacequake from the TV and mobile phones.

Once they find that the situation has uncontrollable signs, they will leave J City immediately.

Some people have already packed their things and can leave at any time.

Some people have even left J City.

"Hey? Gin, have you arrived? You've already been in contact with Saitama and the others, so you should save people now.

You save a few more people today, and later, when you quit the winery and walk to the bright side, there won't be so many people looking for trouble for you.

Even Zhuxingda, who wanted to kill you in his dreams, would not dare to touch you when you stood in front of him.

All right, that's it, you do it first.

By the way, study the usage of the flame of death and the usage of the box weapon, and don't waste this opportunity. "

Gito hung up the phone and stood on the roof of a building, watching the battle below.

Now here, the layers have been gradually separated.

The entire 990 belt, centered on the space passage in the middle, to where Gito is now, is the center circle.

In this, the lowest level monsters have the strength of the tiger level.

On the first floor, there are monsters with the strength of the superior wolf level and the strength of the middle and lower tiger level. This is also the place where the battle is most intense.

It is also the place where the main activities of the heroes take place.

The outermost layer is the middle and lower wolf level monsters.

Now these monsters are handed over to the police to deal with.

No way, the heroes can't estimate these lower-strength monsters now, they need to knock down the more powerful monsters.

Outside, it is outside the cordon drawn by the police. At this time, it is safe and there is no fighting.

Those who stayed here were all residents who had just been pulled out of the cordon, as well as some injured people.

One thing to say is that the location of the cordon is now more outward than when Gito came.

The location of the cordon has been changed twice.

Draw a circle with the position of the space channel as the center.

The radius of the circle was two kilometers before, then three kilometers, and now (cfde) it is five kilometers.

No one knows if the cordon needs to be moved again.

At this time, many of the residents outside the cordon were crying, because some of their relatives and friends would never be able to stand with them again.

They are crying for their relatives and friends who lost their lives, and crying for their confused future.

At this time, they didn't even dare to think about whether they could see the sun tomorrow and whether they could welcome the dawn.

The residents have time to think about other things, but the heroes inside the cordon have no time to think about it.

There is only one question they think about now, and that is how to kill the monster in front of them.

After killing them, they thought about how to kill more monsters.

Gito met some heroes in the process of searching for buildings before, and had a nod to them.

Met some residents and helped them escape.

Encountered more monsters, and he killed them.

Gito didn't know how many people he had saved in more than half an hour, nor how many monsters he had killed.

One thing we can know is that in the center circle, apart from the heroes, there are no ordinary residents alive.

The middle layer is basically gone.

As for the outermost layer, where people are the first to evacuate.

"Roar! 35



The monsters began to roar loudly.

At first, it was just the roar of the monsters close to the space channel, but it slowly spread to the center circle, then the middle layer, and finally, all the monsters roared.

The changes of the monsters are also seen by everyone in the field.

They all looked towards the position of the space channel.

However, with the blockage of the building, not everyone can see it.

Because Gito was standing on the top of the building and was so close, he could clearly see that there was a monster sticking out a claw from the space passage.

That is, when the claw was stretched out, the monsters began to roar.

With the passage of time, the part behind the claw slowly all exposed from the space channel.

Claws, arms, half body, whole body, tail, wings behind, just like this, a complete monster drilled out of the space channel.

And just after it was drilled out, it maintained a half-small space channel, and there were signs of closure.


After the space channel was closed, the monster fluttered its wings, and slowly, it flew off the ground and flew into the air.

Just after it flew up, everyone saw its face:

The monster is about six meters high, with a sturdy and ferocious physique, with two sharp horns on its head, and its back is covered with blue scales from head to tail.

The two arms, the left arm is red and the right arm is cyan, both have thick barbs, and a pair of red wings broke through the scales on the back, and patted gently in the air.


The monster flying in the air suddenly roared loudly.

And the monsters on the ground, after hearing this roar, also rushed to roar.

After roaring, the monsters moved again.

However, the heroes who fought against the monsters found that compared to before, these monsters have become more violent, and their strength has also increased slightly.

"Could it be the appearance of that monster that boosted their morale?"

A B-rank hero looked at the monster in the distance and said.

It's just that no one has time to answer him.

And just after this last monster appeared, all kinds of news began to be passed in all directions through different channels.

The Hero Association also received news about this.

After that, many people also received ratings for this monster from the Heroes Association.

Unsurprisingly, the Hero Association designated this monster as a dragon-level monster. Because there is no specific data, it is unknown whether this monster's strength is in the upper-middle-level dragon-level or the middle-level in the dragon-level.

However, their rating for the event at this time is: dragon level, middle and upper.

(ps: The monster is that I made some changes based on this, you can take a look at it).

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